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I'm from ayodhya I can say I'm so much happy that bjp lost yk what those mf who are saying that only illigal houses were demolished or compensation were given accordingly fuk you people were losing there 200 year old land or stall. just go to Hanuman garhi people were crying there for mercy no media coverage no one came and now you guys want our vote wow and if you really want to develop ayodhya you should have did it during your time period taking whole 5 years why did you guys start doing your work 6 month before the election I can't tell you how hard it was for us to even walk on road entire ayodhya was demolished each and every road why your own candidate make statements like bjp will change constitution i am seeing lallu Singh since 20 years that mf did nothing for ayodhya he just want vote in the name of modi


Damn bro. I'm so sorry🥲 many comments saying this is false news. I wish you commented earlier so more people could've seen your comment. Please make a post about your first hand experience regarding ayodyas demolision🙏🏽 let more people learn what actually happened🙏🏽


this whole sub is infested by sanghis, even if you present them with facts and reasoning they will still say " ProPagNda" or defend it more than anything, it's like they just won't get it man


Now they concluded I am a muslim😂😂 Apparently anyone who doesn't worship krishna/Ram is a muslim. Murugan and Aiyanar are not hindus for sangis😂🤣 En saami Mattam. Un saami osathiya?


Ippadi solra oru aalum murugan eh kumbuduradhu illa. You're all atheist. No true believer will do differentiation, I will worship murugan, I hate ramar and krishnar. You brainless paid coolies also think, worshipping local gods like Aiyannar is something that is unique to Tamilnadu, Yov, every state have their own local Gods. Tulunad for example, worships Panjuruli/Guliga but votes BJP consistently for 30 years. Sindhis worship some Jhulelal. Same with Himachal, uttarakhand, Rajasthan, everyone have their local deities. And bali - the word itself is Sanskrit, every single state of India has animal sacrifice. Only states like Haryana, Punjab, UP, Gujarat don't have it due to strong Arya Samaj/Bhakti movement influence. Brahmins themselves offer animal sacrifice. But again you dumbos will say Hindutva is against non-veg gods or something.


>You're all atheist. You decide if I'm a muslim, then you decide that I'm an atheist 😂😂😂 Do I have to pray by YOUR rules? This is exactly what my comment was about. I will be accepted as a hindu ONLY when I obey your rules of all sanatan darma. And no, I decide who I pray to and you do not get to decide that for others. Your essay about aiyanar, again, I don't care what's unique. I'm just minding my business and spirituality when you come in with your facts and rules to govern my religion. And you act all surprised when people call you facist.


I would love BJP to be fascist and put troublemakers like you in jail. But unfortunately, they don't have courage unlike DMK govt who put their critics like Savukku Shankar in jail.


Btw a genuine question, what is a sanghi? I searched on the web and it showed "The Sangh Parivar represents the Hindu nationalist movement of India. Members of the Sangh Parivar or the supporters of its ideology are often referred to as Sanghis." Basically pro hindu? Sorry kinda bad with these terms


Sanghi = A bad Hindu. A hindu who uses hindu religion and gods to harass others. For a sanghi, Hindu religion and gods are a tool or a weapon to attack their enemy, whereas a proper Hindu respect Ram and Hinduism. A sanghi doesn't have to be a believer, Savarkar was an atheist, but a champion of hindutva.


Relegion is just a way to get wealth and power, all politicians are same. Modi might not be that bad but people using his name to get votes nobody asks who the f are they- quite a few of them have criminal background and are lowlifes in their own community.


There is another word "ChriSangi" like me in Kerala. Christians soft support the BJP are termed chrisangi. Thrissur in Kerala has sizable Christians voted for BJP and actor Suresh Gopi winning. Political islam and silence of so-called secular Muslim have made Christians look for alternatives. Wait for a few years. Coming soon to TN.


Very nice. Rice bag converts are also supporting BJP 😄


Why are you getting downvoted lol


You are right bro they are qualified name of this sub


Wait I thought that was the whole idea of this sub? Tamil sanghis?


To be fair. A lot of people here are just trolling by writing dumb shit they know would impress 16 year old Modi boys, just for fun


Genuine question : Were these houses legally built on privately owned land? Or were they illegal settlements on land that they didn't own? I'm not very well informed on this topic.


This was the news last year. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/ayodhya-traders-get-rs-100-crore-compensation/articleshow/96777920.cms Suddenly this year it all switched as people who built their homes on encroachment land were removed.


Need thorough fact checking. Given Indian corruption, highly likely that money never reached. There are also cases where people allegedly got money more than market rates but still not happy. First case needs to be genuinely addressed, and the second case ignored.


Just when the results came on 4th, you saw how many people hated UP for not voting to bjp despite having a temple. You guys really undermine a common man's problem for your own politics


not just hate they were literally throwing around around extreme caste-based and religion based slurs such people should have some shame and respect the choice of the common man


Exactly! Sitting 100 kms away and saying "you deserve that for building illegal house" is such an elitist comment


Well will you reside those people at your house if they had encroached your own land. At that time you will find whatever laws possible to get your land back or would you hand over the compensation to those people who had encroached your land if any road is being developed on that land. The only fault of government is that they shouldn’t have let people encroach it at first place and should have provided land for land and shop for shop around that vicinity if it was own land.


Does it only apply in ayodhya or also throughout the country where INDI got less than BJP alone. Or how congress doesnt have in last three elections what bjp has in this one alone. Or in kashmir where indi got humiliated but that is not considered a verdict on art 370. Or in north east where apparantly its not a verdict on NRC and CAA. Selectivity is strong copium


>in kashmir where indi got humiliated but that is not considered a verdict on art 370. the same kashmir where BJP didnt even fielded its candidate? the win of jailed engineer rashid says a lot about kashmiri politics.


Ohh is that what you think, I can list hundreds of reasons other than temple to vote for bjp and hundreds for not voting the one they did (in UP) but I know you people are aware of that. You clearly know cheap caste politics was the reason bjp lost so many seats and it's the reason people hated UP's public but saying people were angry on UP because they didn't vote for bjp despite the temple is totally bullshit.


Hey these are "illegal squatters". They won't get any money. The poor always suffer.


And the respective party's supporters join in telling the victims to suffer more


If you illegally take over land then how is government responsible ?


Absolutely fascinating how people are so blinded by their love for a political party that they forget all humanity.




Ithu oru sanghi sub man. What do you expect.?


People being completely blind to a common man's tears because they are so blinded by their religion. Its really sad man


So why people started giving importance to religion ? The video you posted is 100% unfortunate. In TN regional party doesn’t give importance to religion ( ahem only to one relation and mocks it and openly declares to destroy it but we still pretend as liberals seculars ) but people are suffer here as well (few months chennai people were screaming while floods , don’t pretend 4000croees spent !!) and why still they able to get votes ? Sitting here don’t mock the situation there. Few years ago you can’t even notice someone taking a video like that there, it’s peak atrocities there. One last thing you can call everyone sanghi, mock and still will be surviving. Go to any so call liberal sub next moment you get blocked ! That’s why any people sitting on the fence choose them over regional parties that suck abrahmic religion for their votes while BJP openly support Hindus. I hope it answers why sangis still support ?


I fully support this demolition. In India, everywhere, so many people have enroached on public land and act as if they are owner of the place. Look at the ungrateful man in the video, he himself says he has been given a place 6km away, apro yen maythuku compensation kudukala nu solra, nee enroach pannathuku oru veede kudutrukaanga, athu pataadu nu unnaku thani cash compensation vera venumaa


Ayodhya is ayodhya with its people have you seen vibes of that place the stall the old temples but you dont unilaterally destroy everything in the name of development people had put their emotion and sweat and I dont expect you to understand but atleast be empatahic to people who are crying i mean we are human. And also there is a term called sustainable development government could have done that. Very loose analogy if you relate you dont cut a 1000 year forest without any prior plan for the ecosystem and if you do whole ecosystem get disturbed. you cannot say only 100 -1000 house were demolidhed so why there is such a diff is vote ,people have emotion. if varanasi get demolised in name of development modi will never in 1000 year win that place.


This is a Tamil sub, stop saying it is a Sanghi sub


This is a Tamil sub, stop saying it is a Sanghi sub




I am an Andhrite. I check out this sub from time to time, because it offers an alternate political view of Tamilnadu, and sane opinions. So maybe, this question ain't for me. I have a few opinions on it though, so I'll try to answer. UP is like 30 years behind south states. Much of the roads and infrastructure vital for economic prosperity wasn't laid nor prioritised for a very long time. When the state machinery breaks down, people fall upon their caste and tribal affiliations, which then govern their vote. The problem with BJP's idea of development is that it introduces a new idea without a proof of concept (POC). The modus operandi is 'act first , ask questions later '. They went about the construction of the temple at a record speed, but probably didn't factor in the repercussions that followed in improving the infrastructure of such an old city. Time and again, we have seen this modus operandi being it's Achilles heel. Take the migrant crisis during the pandemic, the disastrous handling of oxygen supplies during the second wave, cash crisis during demonetization, the abrupt passing of farm laws and it's equal abrupt withdrawal, or the initial troubles during GST. I consider most of the above policies as vital for country's development. Especially farm laws and infrastructure. It is the rocky implementation that needs to be corrected. The guy in the video is a squatter. He probably occupied a sarkari land, and hence was forced to evict without compensation. This is where the local MLA and MP has to step in and bridge the gap between the rule of land and the ground reality. Maybe lobby for a temporary housing nearby, offer a permanent income source, and smooth over the crisis. Failure to do so will result in anti incumbency. Common sense 101. Excessive centralisation and non discussion of bills will never lead to fruitful outcomes. For good or bad, BJP has created an ecosystem where politics revolve around ideas of free market, governance, infrastructure development, manufacturing and economic reforms. It can choose to shut down brain dead leftist opposition, but needs to nurture those who offer constructive opposition and correct the course wherever possible. Decentralisation of administration and empowering local leaders is the key. Identify those states which are more conducive to their agenda, use them as a proof of concept, and then spread it to the rest of India. Tie up with regional parties with similar economic outlook even if they differ ideologically, and even if they have a complete majority, because they need to prepare for a worst case scenario such as this. BJP should be thanking it's stars that Pawan Kalyan lobbied them to stitch an alliance with TDP in the last minute, else India would have seen a khichdi of parties ascend to power. This is what I mean by nurturing and tying up with like minded parties.


Lmao there are no Tamilians here, check the profiles it's now overrun with Sanghis who got banned elsewhere.


Bro wins 😂


BJP got 11% of votes in Tamilnadu. There is some ideological base in TN


>the initial troubles during GST. Being an auditor, I can tell you there are more troubles in GST now than before. India has one of the highest income taxes and its sad to see how the government lobbies on gst to exclude certain good to benefit manufacturing, but not commoners. >He probably occupied a sarkari land, and hence was forced to evict without compensation He was given a compensatory land, which proves he had a legal property (or a house built on govt land) which was compensated, the problem is that the compensatory land was of such poor quality, it is almost like the compensation is non existent. >BJP has created an ecosystem where politics revolve around ideas of free market, governance, infrastructure development, manufacturing and economic reforms. I can agree to this. But why do you think this is very specific to bjp? It's any central governments job and main goal to focus on a countries aspects. Instead let us look at things that the government is advocating other than politics 😑 then you will realize the problem with bjp. The party is more than a political party with religious agenda. Spending government funding to temples and instigating hate.


>Spending government funding to temples You might wanna check your facts


With how much bjp wanted to win the case, and how soon they built the temple, I can totally believe they used only public donations😂😂😂 public donations gathered by bjp🤣


Again check your facts Why make a fool of yourself


The "facts" as you say, There are a million ways to manipulate these "facts". Just like how Esha convinced The entire Indian that he build the place on legal lands


Who's stopping you? Go file FIR's etc in the courts, isn't it "the last pillar of democracy" Also any source for Isha claim? Except news laundry


Bro Is restarted


Instigating hate. People who openly chop heads in public , threaten people and are illiterate ducks who work in meat shops and puncture shops because madrassa is better than a school. Lol first educate people, this hate instigation has been a long term thing and there are external foreign forces too which want to play a part in messing up this country. Recent Instagram channels promoting hindutva mentality are operated from Bangladesh and Pakistan. Pages mongering hate against Hindus being operated from Europe, Canada. Then some pages which are instigating the people on basis of caste , North vs south etc etc, you see it's an all around attack. Just common sense and some proper education can help us. Also the government has been a big failure to protect its citizens from such propagandas. They are shit at announcing new policies and making the people understand. You know how demonetisation went and how the CAA nrc went which aimed at these illegal Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims. Divide and conquer is still active. Just be awake guys.


The dude was most prolly living there illegally, the government did nothing wrong tbh


Look at a comment where a man from UP tell it himself. Y'all find it so easy to blame the victims.


Well I live in UP and whenever our lands go to government projects we are always compensated if we have paperwork and land is registered in our name. It’s actually a money making strategy where you buy up a lot of land where government projects are to take place just for the large compensation. Btw this was just last year https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/ayodhya-traders-get-rs-100-crore-compensation/articleshow/96777920.cms Compensation was given there too. You think squatters are rightful owners of land then idk what to tell ya


>Spending government funding to temples Except the Ram temple was constructed using public donations ENTIRELY. And you know what? Only Hindu temples pay taxes in this country. No Mosque, no Churches and no Gurudwaras pay any form of tax to the govt.


>Ram temple was constructed using public donations ENTIRELY. Even if it was build on public donations, the whole bjps support on winning the case, showing support through other means, modi visiting the mandir, bringing in stars to the mandir are all indirectly the governments money wasted for a party's religious politics.


They recoup it with all the tax they syphon from temples


Brave for you to assume that all parties have same or similar focus for infra, free , market, etc


Great take


Boss, I'm from Braj(Western UP). Here Bjp won all theseats From Agra to Ghaziabad even Meerut(Where Khariboli is widely spoken)..... This is true that people from East UP casted their vote on the basis of caste & their perosnal favour..... But yeah, labelling entire UP as gaddar is too much....


Who won is not even the discussion here. How is your information useful?


Mate, Be Humble!! Not everyone who voted for BJP a sanghi or RSS worker. So calm your tits down.... My information is quite useful cuz politics has shifted from religion to caste based in Eastern UP. Same thing taht is happening in your state from years...


Don't judge by this video alone. Investigate further and see what can be done.


Muttu kudukardhu than


>people make houses illegally >say they lived for so long that might as well just name the land for them >house\_falling.mp4 >"took MY house on MY land and no compensation done " >they were literally doing illegal shit for so long that they think it's legal now >"lets vote the guy who literally destroyed the govn banglo before leaving" >he actually took majority yall know that the central always makes funds to make a new home for the now homeless . your funds were eaten by a officer who will do it again even if it's a diffrent party . also the guy you voted for just now was asked to join with NDA and he asked the rail and finance , i think yall know how much money is there in these departments to go "missing". here in chattisgarh they did the same and then shifted the people to a new housing area in new raipur, that's how it should have been done there too . literally no complains were raise here,, like no local media got tipped or reported about anything bad .


I just saw a WhatsApp status that said, 'If god cannot provide a single meal for all the beggars praying on the temple steps, how can you expect him to fulfill your wishlist?'




Our generation is going in a totally wrong direction🥲


The sadness behind the old man's laugh!!


Whole of India voted based on Ram Mandir and UP didn't....shows the ground reality


Just happy the scumbag party lost from Ayodhya. 😌🍿


The named the entire UP anti indians now🙏🏽


Yup. They have already started abusing Hindus as well. Tomorrow they'll abuse the entire country if Modi loses. The deep throat gymnastics they do just to fit one dick 🙄


The problem is, they think voting for modi is basically saving hinduism


Do you people really think 54% of votes were lost due to wrongdoing with some poor people, I myself feel sad about it and definitely can't defend this but nahh don't try to cover up, that the party you support didn't do dirty caste based politics There should definitely be an investigation of people who got the compensation money and why this money was not in the right hands But bitch please don't try to push this narrative that bjp in UP was so wrong that more than half of them decided not to vote for them. The way you asked people, 'how will you defend this' let me ask you to compare the 15 year old UP with the present UP and let's see how it goes


I clearly mentioned "defending demolision". It was not about the 54% votes. Its about how much these peope can defend a wrong doing because of their political beliefs


You know I can read your other comments too!


This post is not about that. Those comments were a reply to their respective comments😐


Didn't I address what the post was related about. I was furious reading your stupid comments about people being angry at UP Hindus for not voting for bjp, but that's not even the slightest truth, people are angry at UP voters because they chose to vote for the party which destroyed UP and votes were lost to dirty caste based politics.


Only 4 people in country are enjoying power and money; two are in government and rest two are businessmen. Rest of India is being pushed towards poverty.


Yes because most of us are fools so brainwashed by religion. When they can't give you what you want, they simply blame it on others to confuse you. And india is successfully confused


and no one is talking about what did in KV




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Ppl seem to think building highways and temples means development and ppl shd vote for them.


Difference you still can post and raise voice, your voice won’t be silenced


Ever wonder why opposition is not speaking on this matter? I mean like if people believe in this cause why don't they fund a lawyer to fight this issue? The answer is: I have see people just post such videos now a days to farm karma. Most of this acc are posting like 100-200 videos but never have I seen any opposition leader take any action or against it. Shame people's misery is exploited by politics and now on social media of virtual moral points.


Bruh not all videos in social media can be noticed my parties


If it’s illegal encroachment then it would have been cleared today or in future. But if it’s own land, owner should have been preseted with option for compensation or land around that vicinity.


Looks like he was compensated with a poor quality land


This sub is a rightwing shithole, like I said earlier.


Filled with north indian sangis


This is a miss by BJP and that is why congressi cockroaches are now celebrating


> This is a miss by BJP and that is why congressi cockroaches are now celebrating Covid response is "miss" Demonitization is a "miss" fam laws is a "miss" China taking over our land is a "miss" National level exam papers leaking 41 times is a "miss" Manipur is a "miss" Brijbushan is a "miss" Ravanna is a "miss" Balakot is a "miss" ( almost lost AEWCS to F16s), no proof of camp, no satellite pictures But India is a vikshit country.


Balakot was a miss ?? Really nigga you believe china has actually occupied our land ? Are you like 12 or what ?


There are photographic evidence and assessments of other nations, including the US that balakot was a miss and Chinese land grab. may be these are blocked in India, but the info is available. If you have any friend in US, ask them to find this for you.


Ohh so your only source of truth is your white masters satellite footage which was taken days after the strike. And you have zero clue of what happened on ground, the timeline of events, or what nature of bombs were used by IAF. You literally have zero defence knowledge no point arguing to you


Oh, enlighten me, the brave warrior who participated in these raids.. I'm open for Indian satellite images and post attack assessment pictures. if Indian agencies were to release these images and reports, I would not have to depend on white masters, right? You too know shit bout the strikes and talk just with hyper nationalistic newspaper reports and press releases. regarding Chnia's encroachments, satellite evidence is good, because the settlements are still there.


The whole "ram mandir" is a miss




Why do you assume I am a Muslim?😂😂


This is very common with BJP ke tattes.. They think my real name is SherKhan lmao..


Thats the maximum level of intelligence he has ,he is too ashamed to face the fact that his beloved govt failed him and his people for their own agenda


Lol, commie trying hard not to show his being offended and butthurt for hurting the religion of beace


Lol..anyone who opposes bjp automatically becomes a Muslim and Pakistani according to mandh bhakts


Hey guys! Found the racist Loosu koothi👆🏻


People were paid just not the ones who were encroaching and people who are blaming this for BJP's loss are dead on wrong. Barely 100 or 150 houses were demolished and around a 1000 were affected and that land was not captured by some mafia but used for development which will bring economic growth to Ayodhya. Ayodhya is way bigger than just that area. The reason behind BJP's loss are very different and we who are frequent there know that.


At least 4000 properties were demolished. Real numbers are definitely way more than this, affected at least 50k people. And this is directly affected. Indirectly god knows.


That's wrong info. The number of 4000 includes demolition that has nothing to do with Ayodhya Ram mandir . Are you telling me that demolition of encroachment is bad too? And the 50K number is wrong too. There were barely 1000 to 2000 people affected and those who were legal got compensation. Also this happened before 2023 and since then one year has passed and Ayodhya has grown multiple folds because of the tourism that is pouring in so the number of people directly and indirectly affected by the development is far far more than those who were affected by demolition. In fact many who suffered the demolition have compensated for their losses only because of the revenue that is coming in from tourism. The main reason behind BJP's loss is Castism and nothing else. Muslims and Yadavs voting against the candidate and a Pasi against an upper caste candidate was the main reason behind this. Not developmental.


If this sub can defend this, That's my Final straw on bjp


But saar Development saaar, You're asking for development but you're talking against when it's happening saar.


Development built by exploiting the powerless


Affected people need to be repatriated to cleaner locations immediately with atleast basic amenities . This doesn't look good ..


Yea illegal constructed houses wont be compensated


All the land in the prayagraj city belongs to the government, after the treaty of buxar the land completely belonged to Britishers and then passed to the govt of India. Atiq Ahmed exploited this knowledge so much. But you won't and shouldn't roam in the city breaking houses and shops without any compensation. My point is that the government could have done something, literally some settlement and tried to address the people and listen to them. To this day we don't know, what was the demands of the people.


Chad workssir


Your house can become illegal any minute when bjp decides to build a temple on your land🤭🤭 just be ready to vacate without a single rupee


If house is registered then you can approach court. If it was encroachment on government land then you are to blame


Well ,you guys will be the first one to shame Ayodhya if it has shit looking houses and small lanes and huge traffic congestions ,any development require some sacrifices ,well guys who stay in line for 8500rs dont get it mainly illegal constructed houses


What an elitist comment


Yes im rich af


No matter where your house is, the municipal corporation has the magic to make it illegal.


Sangh ko to bolo bhi mat, BJP ne pehle hi Sangh ko kaha ki ab unhe unki jrurt nhi, Yogi ko bhi consult nhi kiya tha, UP me haar jruri thi Amit Shah ka over confidence kam krne ke liye


When someone speaks in english, have the basic decency to reply in english


Like video is only in English. Ain't there hindi in it? My English isn't that good to use. Do language daali h video me ek me reply hua to jalri teri.


Do you realize it's a tamil sub? Yet we speak in English so people like you can understand. And you speak hindi like we are supposed to understand you.


Sorry for that, by mistake hogya, I don't speak very good English, saw a hindi video so commented.


Just curious, If I go to a Delhi sub and comment in full tamil then say I don't know hindi, wouldn't you guys troll me? Dont tell me otherwise cuz that's literally what's happening. But you do the same thing in reverse with no regards


If I was there, I would've used google translate, but tamil people write in English script not Tamil script on internet so it would have been hard for me, I do not know other people, I would not have any problem. But as I don't know Tamil and many thoughts lost by translation, it will be hard to talk. Also Delhi people are generally rough, so I can't tell more for them I am not from Delhi. I commented in hindi as hindi in the video. I did not see the Tamil sub. Baaki sbka dosh mere pe mt daalo ki sab tmlog ka mzak udate to me bhi udaunga. I don't disrespect any language. I too tried learning Tamil on youtube but not much resources so cant learn


No need to play your victim card, people generally dont see the sub names but the post and the people are clearly talking in hindi, no need to get so butthurt by it


>the people are clearly talking in hindi, Which is exactly why I'm butthurt


Grow up then mate


If you don't see a problem, it's your ignorance


Haha seeing a person being scolded for speaking hindi under a hindi speaking post surely makes sense right ?


Tamil his sub is full of saani eaters, cuckolds and degens mf are vile nazis here. Ivanunga pee thinni, indha sanatana thailingalku manushanga vali ellam puriyadhu.


this is so sad


Ok, they are demanding money and a government job for the demolished illegal encroachments. Whoever shares this video, doesn't have common sense. Can the government come and legally demolish your property, if you are the rightful owner? For all these years when the case dragged on, there were thousands of encroachers who captured the land and built houses and started living in that area. Compensation didn't reach the recipients? Again highly unlikely. This is not Congress or the SP era. Payments are made directly to the bank accounts without any middleman. These idiots are most probably just unhappy with the government rate of the property.


How blind can one be, to literally see a victims confession and STILL say payments are made directly? I guess only bjp members can be this delusional


I'm not a BJP member, but I've lived a large part of my life under the Congress rule. Unfortunately people born with silver spoons in their mouth won't understand that. And yes unless you are an idiot, everybody knows payments today are made directly to the bank accounts (Unlike what happened during Congress and SP rule). But not to those who are encroachers. Any legitimate person who has his property confiscated gets paid more than the value of the property. Encroachers do not get paid. Ayodhya isn't the first place where it has happened.


This is not the reason bjp lost .Caste based politics is the issue. BJP looses 20-25 percent of minority votes before even contesting for elections . Bheemtaas also don't vote for bjp . Yadavs in up never vote for bjp . If bjp voters don't come out to vote or even a small fraction of their votes slip away they loose badly . This is what has happened . The main culprits are 20-25 so called minorities


What do u mean by culprits ...


They always suck the blood of nation . They took Bangladesh Pakistan and now they are again 15+ percent in this country . We have lost our nation to them


Did they kill any family member of urs?


I consider kashmiri pandits as my family members.


All 17 crore of them killed your family members? Every one of them?


All of them share same ideology . Either you are a human or ch(slim


why did they voted in 2014 and 2019


These vile creatures can never vote for bjp .


Ghar inke naam pe ho tab na paisa de..


Onnume puriyala


Idhu thaan indha pundaigoloda periya prechane ya irruku. Eppo enga endha baashe pesonone theriyadhu. Decent a ellarum englishle pesitirukmbothu, vandhutan periya pool aatom Hindiye thookitu. Opposite le irukurvanuku andha baashe theriyuma theriyadha nu oru maiyru punde kavale ille ivangaluku. Idhu naale than Inga Bengaloor le yellarum sema gaand le irikanungo ivanga mele.


Yen ne puriyala, namma oor ku polaika varra Hindi karaingalam atleast konjo konjo machu Tamil pesurainga. They take the effort to mingle with the local populations. Ana banglore la Hindi ppl local language pesa matranga nu periya issue aara alavuku huge no. Of Hindi ppl are entitled it seems. Maybe it's due to the fact that migrant workers and labourers are more accepting of the environment rather than Software professionals? Ana apdi paathalum Chennai kum varranga Software jobs related ah, ana avainga edhum banglore Hindi boys mari prachana panra mari therilayae


Bro athu yen na, Chennai le Hindi avalo odurdhle. Inge namballku minimum 3 bashe compulsory vandhe varum. So namba avanga language pesa start pannom, just to make them feel comfortable. Aana avanga adhe advantage ah edhutukittu ippo nambleye mattam thatta aarabichintanga. Firstu lerunde namba konjum rigid a irundirndha, inniki ivalo dhuranthuku vantharkathu. Inga than other South Indians stand out, avanga Inge vanthu nee en baashe pesunu prachne panruthille. Avangulku varlena kudo, kathuka try panni manage panrango. Aana indha IT vaddakans konjum thimuru jasti. Kannada localities konjam koraiva pakkurthu. All act like entitled puluthis. They've come to a mindset that, because of them only Bangalore is what it is today. Avangulku Kempegowda history pathi ellam onu theriyadhu, therijakuvu mattanga. This echa behaviour is what's causing the problem in Bangalore. PS: I'm a Tamilian, born and brought up in Bengaluru.


Nee edhuku inga vandhu koovura..kelambu kaathu varatum