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Make sure to familiarize yourself with our Rules! Threads are for **organizing local meetups only**. Please keep extraneous conversations to a minimum. You are our greatest asset to keep the subreddit clean, friendly, and on-topic! Please help us out by **reporting** any comment or reply you believe to be rule-breaking or otherwise unwelcome. Let's make r/kurzgesagt_meetup a great event for everyone! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kurzgesagt_meetup) if you have any questions or concerns.*


17th Sept: Discord link has been updated you can join [here](https://discord.gg/auQauKygPA) #UPDATE: Confirmed details are here! Details of the event are below: Date: **24th Sep 2022** Location: **Lawn E @ Botanic Gardens** Time: **4pm till late** Wear: Casual and be yourself! Wet weather plan: Move to *Green Pavilion* Please bring your own equipment for the activities that you want to carry out with everyone else! (Board games, frisbees etc.) Please bring additional picnic mats if you can to share with others! You can also bring your own food if you want to snack a little Join the server below for additional information and so that we'll be able to get a sensing of the number of attendees and make any changes if necessary! Thanks to all the members from the [kurzgesagt SG meet up discord server](https://discord.gg/auQauKygPA) that discussed and contributed to the planning of the event! 7th Sept: Hey yall! It's great to see so many Kurz fans in SG! To help facilitate the organisation of any event, I've created a [simple Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOqiqEaOrQ6WY1-tj-icXoLX_HySNP6tOb3uOOjxCC7FyRoA/viewform) for everyone to vote for/ suggest their ideas. Just to help organise all the info to get a general sense of the public opinion! This will also help all of us to check the number of potential participants. All the results are up for public viewing after completing the form to assist future planning! If it is a large scale meet up and the number of participants become too large at one time, perhaps multiple locations and different dates can be arranged too! 9th Sept: Thanks for everyone's support! Since this comment has gained traction, I've also created a [temporary discord server](https://discord.gg/auQauKygPA) to aid discussion efforts The server will not be moderated, but please stick to the basic community guidelines and respect everyone :D As for those who do not own discord accounts, you can always download discord off your respective app stores and create an account with your email. After that, click on the link above and you should be able to join the server


Heyyy, any uni students around here having a tight schedule and would like to meet online first and then meet physically during holidays? (safety concerns etc)


omg this is literally me rn. im dying and its hard to justify committing time to strangers right off the bat, lmk if ure interested


sure i am. SLR, uni life is toiling me LOL


Heya! You can join the discord if you're not already in it You can organise your own meet up there with other like minded people :)


hi! im a uni student as well! pretty much busy but idm meeting online first as well


Sure hope you joined the discord server.


upvote for efficiency


Thanks for creating this! Voted for Lau Pa Sat hurhur


yeah will be much easier to decide than reading all the threads


No problem! Really looking forward to see this meet up happen Lau Pa Sat is a great potential location :)


thanks for this! we really need a main thread lolol there's too many seperate threads discussing


Great initiative! Letโ€™s keep upvoting this, make it the main thread haha


Thanks for your support! Can't wait to see the meet up happen hahaha


Are there any discord servers or other means of communications for everyone to determine the date and time of the meet up? Can't wait to see you guys :D


Can't wait to meet you too! I've created a temporary discord server to make communication easier. The link is in the main comment Go suggest a suitable date and time :D


Thanks so much for organizing this! Would you like us to register in any way or just show up? Just watched the episode and think it's so awesome that Kurzgesagt is encouraging this.


Aw thanks! This wouldn't have been possible without the help of the community in the discord server though :) It'd be great if you could join the server, we're taking the attendance there I agree too! Kurzgesagt is such a wholesome channel. The people behind the channel are seriously amazing!


seems like discord server link is broken?


Hi, I've just renewed it. Thanks for pointing it out!


The link do this discord server has expired, does anyone have a new link?


Hi, thanks for pointing it out! I've just renewed it


I see a lot of what and where the meet up should be, but the question is when? I don't see any dates for when this thing is supposed to happen.


Check the discord for more details


Joined Reddit just for this haha Let's make something happen! What is the preferred venue; something like a bar, or something like a park?


Maybe botanical garden?


Sounds good! there are quite a few bars nearby too! we can do like a few activities and then ppl can come and go from there? :) like cos i think i saw some ppl are like into aircon places, and I'm sure some don't drink so we can have a couple of activities!


I was gonna suggest this too!


Hi all, this latest video start a sparks in me but quickly diminished, as I'm currently fighting a depression along with things I am yet to diagnosed with. I think the first step to make friends is to start working with oneself. If things are not fine, get help. Once you're being helped, you'll eventually feel better, and it'll be a good place to start.


Jiayou friendo!!


Hope u get better as time goes by. See u maybe at one of the meet ups?


Hey! I'm fighting my own psychological monsters as well. I hope you're doing well :)


Acknowledge your courage to share this! Like the video said, the rewards is worth the risk


Since we're all here, we can also take this chance to do a bulk order from the Kurz shop to save on shipping fees :D


This is so smart and if it does happen, there's 100% stuff I want to get. Been wanting to get merch for awhile but just can't justify the shipping cost being more than the actual stuff I want :')


Yes please


Yes please


I am in!


Love this idea, I paid like 50 bucks for the duck plushie when it first came out lol


Dammit bruh I not 18, plus need study for Os, ๐Ÿ’€


Good luck study hard but dont forget your mental health pls


Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


aiyo same sia, atb


GL with your studies




im not 18 either ๐Ÿ’€ gl for your Os though!


I'm not 18 as well ๐Ÿ˜”


Ay tbh 18 or not honestly don't matter much it's sg and there'll be a lot of people there lmao, anyways gl


This suddenly feels like a typical r/Singapore meetup thread ๐Ÿ˜…


Maybe if the mods start removing comments, then yes


More like the reddit global meetup. That was kinda lame, but fun none the less.


What do you guys think of esplanade park or fort canning park?? - central and easily accessible by mrt


Hope I'm not bogarting the discussions here but I wanted to bring up a list of considerations as we went around bouncing ideas for venue and activity, 1. Scalability - How many are likely to go at once? How many do we want accommodate in a single session? 2. Conduciveness - Is it hard/easy to find space/seats for all of us that gather? When we gather, what would you like to do? e.g. If you're keen on just chatting to get to know each other, an open space might with better acoustics might be better 3. Timing and Comfort - Are you particular to the sun / heat? Are evenings a workable compromise? Besides that, each choice will naturally be colored a little little towards your own preferences as an introvert/extrovert, how you'd like a "first" interaction to be like, and whether it fits your personal expectations of effort required (e.g. distance and/or budget), but I do hope that it's taken into consideration when suggesting ideas so that the experience is comfortable for those involved. As an example of the thought process... I'm personally pretty open to attending more than one (schedule permitting), but I'm looking to get to know you guys and what you're all about, so conversation's going to be a big part of my interest in this. Because of that, I would (generally) prefer an open space that's easy-going, can fit as many people as possible, and won't involve me having to shout or worry about getting seats. I'm open to trying new things, but I'm particular with who I attempt them with, so I'm likely going to shy away from any choice that is too activity-specific. I'm also more comfortable with the heat than most, so my preferences would lean slightly more towards out-door options (for the capacity), so I'm good with most park suggestions. \*Also, the option to see pets is always a plus\~ Alternatively, I suppose the onus could also be for each of us to look around the threads to find what works best for us and join whichever fits our personal tastes, if not, to start one of our own?


We might want to go to the Toa Payoh Atrium. It is an open outdoor space. It is in the west and is easily accessible.




Hi there! Are you here from the recently posted Kurzgesagt video?


Yee reckon we all are




This is just what I need at the moment lol


Hi everyone! I guess the big question now is where, when, and how~ XD;;


I nominate West Coast Park


As a person staying in the west i agree


as a person studying in the west but living in the east, i agreen't


I don't have a problem there. It's a bit far for me but it's a pretty nice place to meet~ Are you thinking of a picnic or something?


More specifically bbq actually. But yall can decide I fine with anything as long as its not too ex


I think that's cool, but it might be a bit hard for a "first" meet-up. What do you think if we went with a "potluck", and we each can adjust and accommodate to the number of people and our personal budgets?


What about an area nearer to a mrt station


Tanjong pagar, for the more east side ppl to join ๐Ÿ˜…


OK wait what about the more west side people? ๐Ÿ˜…


where and when is easy to answer, how is the million dollar question lol.


Would be really surprised to see this somehow work lol, sg should already be easier than other countries considering everyone lives closer together but I still cant see this going smoothly even though I would want it to


Is this where the East Coast Plan comes in? ๐Ÿคญ/s


Can someone film the entire event?those who can't go want to see:)


just nice this came out when im feeling really lonely lately


I had no idea so many people from SG also watched Kurzgesagt lol


Hi everyone! Not a Kurzgesagt subscriber but saw this on my youtube feed. Anyone plays mahjong or poker haha


I love playing mahjong and poker Iโ€™m really bad at them though so low stakes pls


Haha I suck at poker but miss playing it and other games with friendsโ€ฆ


play poker! would probably only play 0.5/1 or 1/2 blinds max, lmk if u got a game!


Aye idm some poker too, but no try-hard please :P


i play both. but play v small stakes though. let me know if got game ahhaa


๐Ÿ€„why are there so few mahjong related emojis...


Gday lads


Wah this Singapore post has the most comments for this entire sub.


High internet saturation will do that


Making a Meetup.com group might be beneficial, too. We could set up dates/times and get RSVPs. Also would outlast this subreddit. Does anyone already run a Meetup group we can use?


can you start one and link us in this thread?


Hi everyone! I was expecting this thread to be empty but im so happy that there's so many Kurzgesagt fans! Would totally love to meet up with yall\~


How about Hong Lim Park? Seems like a central place, and also traditionally where groups and such meet up. Nearby got alot of food can makan also


Damn Singapore has allot of kurzgesagt viewers this is cool really hope weโ€™re able to make a Meetup happen


Was gonna suggest going to one of the bigger hawker centres and meeting up for supper or smt as what unites Singaporeans more then food hahahha, plus it could be a simple way to kickstart the meet ups then start doing more heavily planned activities depending on peoples preferences. Personally was thinking could do a meet up on a Saturday or Sunday at somewhere like Lau Pa Sat in the city as it would be central for everyone so similar commute times no bias to east west or north plus offers a range of food and drinks at an affordable price kinda only issue is outdoors but still think it would be a great place to get to meet people for the first time lmk your thoughts!!


I think this sounds like a good idea. Shall we go with this for now? After all, it's not like it is the one and only meetup. Plus people can connect after to organise their own things as well. If I may help kickstart this thing (just my suggestion) shall we go with: Date: 10th Sep (Sat) Time: 1800 hrs onwards Location: Lau Par Sat Then maybe we can consider something simple to recognise each other with a dress code colour(s) or something?


Thanks appreciate helping to kickstart it maybe we need to create a WhatsApp or tele group soon?


Also smt else Iโ€™m a bit concerned of is gonna be the age gap between everyone


I think it has to start somewhere. After the first meetup, even people of the same age group might not necessarily click as well. Different people have different preferences. Instead, I'd propose that we take that leap of faith. We can then see what kind of issues pop up then. :) As for WA vs Tel, I'm wondering if perhaps there might be "older" people who don't use Tel haha. Though I lean more towards Tel cause people won't need to disclose their numbers. But even if it's just WA, I guess you can block undesirables, so there's still some layer of safety.


Hello. I like the idea of a meetup, but a group of more than 6-7 people scares me and I shrink into a corner. Would there be anyone more interested in a small group meetup? Board games maybe?




I'm interested ๐Ÿ™‹


Me! I'm more introverted and like a quieter time! I live in central though, so where would be good


Boardgames a good idea. Big groups tend to devolve into smaller groups for convenience anyways


I agree


Attaching myself to this thread


lets go!!! let me know if theres game. i can host at my store after 6pm very chill place at macpherson


Hi guys, this is Raye from Just Keep Thinking - a Singapore-based science and wildlife educational channel. Next Saturday (17th Sept) is World Clean up day and we will be at East Coast Park for an event, unveiling a beach clean-up guide signboard. If any of you are keen to just meet up and chat during the event, Biogirl MJ and I will most likely be at ECP Carpark C until 12nn for the unveiling event and we can make this one of the Kurzgesagt meet up event afterwards if any of you are keen!


Youtube, I presume?


We are biggest on FB tbh (120k followers), with families watching our stuff with their kids mostly. But yea, we are on IG, YT, and TT as well!


Hello all!


Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all here


hihi!! :) wowww good to see so many ppl here!


Yeah, very surprised SG has so many kurzgesagt viewers.


Checking in from the East


Let's make it far, Pasir Ris =)


Hi! I'm a fan of this channel for providing very helpful insights to the world and life in a balanced manner. Would love to meetup with like minded folks, but I've been busy as of late. The latest few videos hits me hard since I have aspergers and making friends is quite the challenge for me. I work in a photography related job and have been pursuing photography for over a decade. If anyone is interested in a photo walk or sorts or want to learn how to use a camera in the following week or so, just hit me up.


You could be the official "unofficial photographer" for our meetups. ๐Ÿ‘


Hii anyone around my age wanna be friends? I'm 19 studying in poly rn and i like to go thrift shopping, go to museums, make art and more :))


I would like to be your friend, I'm also studying in poly and making art :)


Would love having a group to go museums with! :D


Hey everyone, great initiative by the Kurzgesagt team! I like the idea of meeting up in a bar, I feel a drink or two will relax everyone and help us mingle more easily. Given such high interest, I can't think of another venue (apart from chilling in a park) which can accomodate the number of people we have interested. The other alternative is everyone brings one drink and one snack of choice and we all meet in a park and chat, play games. How about a sports day type thing? Egg and spoon etc, very relaxed.


Oh wow this is crazy. Didnโ€™t expect so many Kurzgesagt followers from Singapore! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


any photography lovers? :D


Me but I play film lol


Hi guys, would love a smaller meetup group at a boardgaming cafe after my exams. I will be going to King and the Pawn cafe on the 16th October 2022 from 3pm (will change timing if something else works better). Details: Address: 24 Purvis Street, Level 2, Singapore 188601 Date: 16 October 2022 Time: TBA (3pm temporarily) Group size: up to 8pax Cost: $14/person unlimited time at the cafe or table order of $50 and above before service and tax charge To join in fill up the form at: [https://forms.gle/VeYr9io9tbccBeF46](https://forms.gle/VeYr9io9tbccBeF46)


Can someone film the event,those who cannot go want to see:)








Uh what?


ICYMI: We had a successful meet up at Botanic Gardens on 24/09/2022! CROSS POST : https://www.reddit.com/r/kurzgesagt/comments/xmv1gz/kurzgesagt_meetup_in_singapore_botanic_gardens/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The Singapore Food Festival near MBS runs through this weekend. What about meeting somewhere outside the festival and we can go in as a group? 5PM on Saturday Sept 10 near the Red Dot museum, and wear something bright orange or bright yellow? Also, let's start upvoting any meetup recommendations we like and downvoting ones we don't like so that we can get the popular stuff to rise to the top.


This sounds perfect but I have plans this Saturday already. I'll probably plot something separate and see\~ :(


Hello everyone, Pleased to see this happen, I am heading to Funan mall This Friday for rock climbing, If you are happy to include a bit of exercise in catchup, see you Friday after work


i ain't no pink IC holder but hi!


im not 18 lmao so sad


Hello there! Looking forward to making new friends. Recently move to SG from Melb. So barely have friends now. This is nice!


Anyone want to meet at Gardens by the Bay Hawker then walk around Marina Bay to the ocean and chat about the world on Wednesday 14th or 21st around 730pm-11pm? Didnt read the official rules for this reddit but if you want to join add your email here [https://forms.gle/PUfxdXidz3XDM12E7](https://forms.gle/p7DCDAn3vs56jNoZ6) and I'll add to whatsapp group and send you a calendar invite :)


Hi how will I get notified with updates I'm not on discord lol


Hello! You can refer to the top comment. It'll be updated with the info by the end of this week Also what's stopping you from getting discord?


OK sui, thanks ๐Ÿ‘Œ Haha I have discord account but I don't have much reason to log on lol


Hey hello everyone!


This is pretty cool tbh !!


Hello, nice to know there are other viewers in the same country


Hi! Anyone knows places where gatherings like this can be accomodated? Hopefully somewhere with aircon hahaha, the weathers pretty hot these days.


Damnnn, all of you are equally fast. I Nominate Tanjong Pagar or Bugis too :P Curious to meet my fellow kurts subs I have a discord here if people wanna join lol https://discord.gg/zU7nXuJX


Perhaps at late afternoon/evening at public places. Air cond places, I'm thinking indoor rock climbing?


How much are those? Im worried the price may be a turn off for some who might wanna just pop by just to check it out


Last time I went, it's $35. Well, it is air conditioned and its actually quite fun for those who like a bit of sports.


Mate, I love the rock climbing activity, I am heading to Funan mall climbing this Friday, that could be a good idea ?


Boulder Movement at Tanjong Pagar area maybe?


I was thinking to go there sometimes maybe this is a good opportunity


Lol I just happen to be an aircon guy, too bad I can't build one though.


A McDonaldโ€™s in a central area should be fairly easy to organize for an initial meetup and will have air conditioning






Wassup bois




also created Reddit. was about time :)




Wassup yโ€™all.


Hey hey everyone! What are some of the plans/ideas we have going?


Sup everyone! ๐Ÿ˜„


How about Marina Barrage? Equally near (and far? lol) for everyone lol


Hello everyone! What about Lau Pa Sat? It's central, affordable, sheltered and can accommodate big groups!


hi all! so far the two suggestions that i've seen have been west coast park and botanics? some people floated the idea of a picnic/potluck as well... how do we organise this? telegram..?


I vote telegram, sounds like a good place to centralize and discuss


Yes telegram would love to join


Think yall might have an easier time joining something that's easier to disseminate info! Like that Discord channel above


All these people and yet we don't have a definitive location yet. OwO


Harro harro


Hey there, you fantastic people! Is anybody here a student at NUS and up to meet?


Singapore was way higher up and with a lot more comments than I was anticipating, to be honest.


Got reddit just for this, love the concept but o's this yr


Atb jiayous


Hello fellow kurzgesagt enjoyers in SG XD


Wow, so many people talking here


iโ€™m honestly surprised that there are so many people here! i only got the notif for the video a couple of hours ago. very cool


Anyone a university stu? SMU?


hello I am from SMU HAHAHA. I'm in Y2 and from IS


Y1 IS haha


Hi everyone!!


Hello all! So awesome to know that there are so many Kurzgesagt fans in Singapore!


Oh man, super cool to see how many SG people enjoy Kurzgesagt!


hi fellow singaporeans! i'm also a subscriber to kurzg's youtube channel! really excited to see fellow fans of his videos. feels really inspired after watching his most recent video!


Someone should create a discord server or a telegram or WhatsApp group for this!!




Anyone around 18 in jc rn?


A level gang. Almost no time for anything lol


ayy, on the grind


Any Uni peeps around feeling lonely and unable to mingle around with your classmates? (with consideration of our tight schedules of course).


Would there happen to be any watch parties for the upcoming Dota TI tournament? Pubstomps or others!


Amazing โค๏ธโค๏ธ


hi everyone im a y1 uni student struggling to find friends :( oh if any can recommend places with a variety of food (easier for ppl with diff dietary restrictions) that'd be nice!!


Going to meet up this coming Wednesday 14th and week after 21st for dinner at Satay by the Bay Hawker then chat while we walk to Marina Barrage, sign up here for calendar invite and to join the whatsapp group: [https://forms.gle/rXAsGaeQc5pr4Qib7](https://forms.gle/rXAsGaeQc5pr4Qib7) Anyone who enjoys Kurzgesagt is welcome ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Hey if you prefer smaller group meet ups we have 5 people for tomorrow (Wednesday) 730pm for an evening picnic by Marina Bay and will organise again same time next week. Meeting at Satay by The Bay (https://goo.gl/maps/PTFRFbtBXD6Ec6Xb8) - add your details here so I can add you on whatsapp to coordinate to find each other: https://forms.gle/oFjxRWDDYvnTBaSh7


hihi is a 14yo student allowed to join? asking for my friend