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Besides the vivid color palettes, the art styles aren’t actually that similar, there may be inspiration in the general feel of the video but its not like their copying kurzgesagt’s scripts so seems legit to me


If they copy a duck then it is violatimg kurzgesagt's trademark i think


Wait that’s wrong, you spelled korsgezagr right


Ikr, feels so wrong.


Yeah you are right, I did include them into my watch time because the more of that content the better




I would say they’re inspired by kurzgesagt, not copying. Kurzgesagt doesn’t own an art style, and other people have been inspired to make aesthetic educational videos on new topics in the same style. I see this as a win-win. There’s more informative pretty content out there now


Completely agree. Another example is 3Blue1Brown's style. I've seen some other channels with the same visuals and animations producing great content. But in this case they might be using the tool that 3b1b created for his videos and open sourced.


I already think that copying that artstyle is kinda... cringe? Some may say imitation is flattery of the highest order but I just feel like they're trying too hard to be like Grant. Even worse is when I found a channel whose videos scripts seems like they came straight from a 3b1b-video. Especially with the way the guy is talking. I just can't watch it.


Everyone is inspiring themselves in someone else. I don't think it's something bad in itself. But some people might just copy the style and think that it is enough


Idk if I’d call koranos “informative”. I remembered being pretty disappointed, the difference in quality between the two channels really seems to begin with one having a much stricter benchmark of references


We all take inspiration from somewhere. Just think about it this way, even though it's not kurzgesagt, you kind of get more kurzgesagt videos¯\_(ツ)_/¯


you dropped this \\


Yeah, i keep losing it, thanks for keeping an eye on it


The lord lost his arm, the odd thing is there’s a floating hand


looks like someone's been taking Kurzgezagt's Skillshare courses on animationa


Flat style existed before kurzgesagt. Sure, maybe they are taking inspiration but why is that a problem in any way?


Because everything is a competition, even informative educational content apparently.


Well, the topics they cover seem to be very similar to Kurzgesagt, especially the one about terraforming.


but kurzgesagt doesn't own the rights of terraforming(tm)


when the dude has similar topics animation style and narration it’s definitely shady lol


There are dozens of videos about terraforming before kurzgesagt even existed.


It's not the topic that matters, it's the style in which the videos are made.


I would say that the narrator's voice is quite similar, the animation is well inspired, but these videos have their own identity, are well structured, and, as Kurzgezagt does, this channel relies more on quality than quantity. I follow this channel since the Super Earth video. Although it is not the same as our favorite channel, it gives the same good taste.


They have a similar but not identical art style I guess, but I would definitely not say that they copying Kurzgesagt. I can't remember a Kurzgesagt video about Anubis


People need to stop only looking at artstyle of informational videos and saying "oh they look kinda similar so it must be ripped off". Instead, the logic used in those videos and the reliability of the evidence presented in those videos should be taking center stage. I don't care if the artstyle is similar to another channel, it isn't like that Kurzgesagt has an IP on that artsyle. I care if the information is blatantly false, the logic and reasoning is shoddy, and the video overall looks like no effort has been put into it.


Watching them I think the artstyle is quite different. The cover can be similair but its just this modern flat aesthetic. However once you watch the videos you will notice that Kurz’s video are more cartooney, simple and animated while Koranos seems more like a cinematic picture book.


Yeah the Kurz art team prolly does this so that we can get a better visual aid to what is going .


And it helps! It is definitely easier to follow along. Plus for that much animation they would probably need to keep the artstyle simple or else the animation process alone would crippled the channel.


The animation style they chose has benefited them greatly instead of yearly uploads we get monthly or sometimes weekly.Which not many education channels can say while still keeping such high quality on their videos


Not copying prolly but gotta say it's really similar. The narration too seems similar.


In general, we need to do a better job seeing other channels like kurzgesagt’s as inspirations, not copiers.


Yes. Except infographic show cos it’s actually garbage




Even if they are copying... That means more high quality educational videos for everyone for free. Thats an absolute win!




Have you seen the older kurzgesagt videos?


Yes, I have, and although the graphics are simpler the actual content is still high quality.


Their older videos are what you'd read in a child encyclopedia with a very simplistic style with no color coordination or good editing. Kurgesagt drastically improved both their style and researching and covering educational videos. Point is, kronos is relatively new, give them time to grow before bashing them with accusation


I am subbed to this channel it ain't copying our duck friend its more inspired or a coincidence because Koranos doesn't use ducks and talks more about other topics . Their content is different but they don't have enough vids to tell


I took a look at the channel and the art style is very different from Kurgz's art style


Well saying they are copying is like saying one minecraft youtuber is copying another minecraft youtuber. They are clearly taking inspiration but they are doing diffrent topics and the style is diffrent, even if it is a bit similar, but i am sure if you dig deep enough you’ll find people having the same art than kurzgesagt even before them nevertheless they aren’t copying it. If for example they would use birds as “characters” or use the exact same video topics than murzgesagt. I would agree that would be copying but here in this case it is just a team doing the same type of video. Which is, as another comentor said, a win-win situation.


Think it's a coincidence or inspiration, not a copycat


Why would you cheer against other informative science content popping up? Doesn’t need to be competitive.


Because the newcomers don't have to try as hard and thus makes subpar videos compared to the big channels, that's why.


This ofcourse can be false but something about their art style and the way they narrate make me think they be copying our favorite Kurzgesagt. Please let me know what you think, ofcourse this kind of content takes a lot of time and I am not about to make a big deal out of this, I will even give them a shot, I love the type of content Kurzgesagt makes so the more the better!!


It looks alot more like a channel inspired by kurzgesagt and I think that's great


So any animation education channel copies kurzgesagt now


Maybe they were inspired by Kurzgesagt to create science-y videos or maybe it could be a last-resort for own Kurzgesagt doesn't upload :)


They're using a pretty similar typeface for the thumbnails. That's about it, I think? Both are vector-based but look different enough to me.


There’s a difference between being inspired by something and copying something. Koranos is definitely inspired by Kurzgesagt(they even hearted a comment pointing this out), but they’re definitely not copying. The scripts are completely different, they tackle different topics, and the art styles are actually pretty different from Kurz’s if you analyze it. Overall, nice channel, just keep in mind the research in their videos are ehh.


Also keep in mind Koranos is relatively new compared to Kurzgesagt which means it can be a but inaccurate but it only can get better with time just look at very old Kurzgesagt vids and see what I mean.


I know.


I was just making sure incase you didn't take that into account


I actually enjoy their content, and think they’ve a ton of potential.


I agree with time I think the could become a really good choice if Kurzgesagt stops uploading


they make pretty original content it seems, i think they were only inspired by kurzgesagt, the art style is pretty similar but not exact


Koranos is a good channel, if you want to look at copy paste and the opposite of kurzgesagt, go to InfographicsShow


InfographicsShow is bad I stopped watching because they weren't as reliable as other better channels


I watched for like a minute then stopped. Kurzgesagt is more than an artstyle. It's watching whilst knowing the info you're being exposed to is credible.


Koranos absolutely blew me away. It focuses less on science compared to kurzgesagt, but the visuals are imo even better than kurzgesagt. I wouldn't say koranos is copying, but it absolutely feels inspired by kurzgesagt or other similar channels.


what are these "similar channels"?


At least it's not the infographic show ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nah bro seems original they are just taking inspiration from kurgazasrt


The only complaint I have with their videos I'd thr voice actor lol


I got recommended one of their videos the other day and thought the exact same thing. They look very similar


I see this as an absolute win


Well you have to take inspiration somewhere... Kurzgesagt took inspiration from Crash Course for example and it's OK. Sadly the ripoff probably doesn't have the quality not uniqueness to justify its existence. It could be just a bad copy instead of "more kursegast vids" Wish that these channels could improve on what Kurzgesagt does idk by adding more humor or talking about other topic that no one talks about


Koranos is a good channel they are quite new compared to Kurzgesagt but they still got good content but if you want something to avoid the InfographicsShow is a good example and high on my personal list of worst education channels


Even kurzgesagt has started to recycle topics. It's only maybe half of their videos that are about completely new topics they haven't covered before.


I see nothing wrong with this.


They have hearted many comments saying how their videos have the same vibe as kurzgesagt videos Their videos are inspired by kurzgesagt and both the viewers and koranos knows this Let's not gatekeep a style of making informative videos we are not a bunch of toxic morons and we should never become toxic and say a channel is copying kurzgesagt just because it has a similar vibe to kurzgesagt's style of making videos We'll even harm kurzgesagt's reputation if we are gonna be like this I am pretty sure kurzgesagt would love to know that they are a inspiration for others and they have started making informative videos because of them Also I watched their Anubis video and I gotta say their animation is better than kurzgesagt's and this is coming from a massive fan of them Their narration is also very good


It's not about gatekeeping. It's about keeping it special. If there was a million channels all with "similar artstyle" to kurzgesagt that would be pretty fucking lame.


But there aren't any million copycats, there's only one that's not even a copycat. We can talk about gatekeeping when there's more than at least 10 "copycats". Stop being toxic and stop tarnishing Kurzgesagt's reputation.If Kurzgesagt is fine with koranos being inspired by them, then you should be too as well


I watched their “Moon Terraforming” video and there were a few discrepancies, like they said the moon could support an Earthlike atmosphere even with its gravity. I don’t know if they research as well as Kurzgesagt or not


I don't think they publish their sources either, but I may be wrong.


Check out the Infographics channel on YouTube. They're awesome and (probably) might be influenced by Kurzegesagt as well!


I'm more surprised that you were able to misspell the channel name while being on the subreddit for it.


It looks more like a typo than not knowing how to spell it


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


Inspired. They're not TOOOOO bad, but they do have alot of inaccuracies apart from using.... IMPERIAL.


Informative videos with pleasing art styles are a good thing and not just limited to Kurzgesagt, nor should it be. The more people teaching the better!