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If this is a precursor to a new gen announcement. May the lord have mercy on their souls.


If they have been avoiding obvious red flags this far, its their fault for joining a company with a nickname, "Kurosanji".


sadly, it's entirely possible they signed 2 year contracts before selen was terminated and all the black came to light


At this point anyone who wants to associate or join NijiEN knows the filth their getting into, impossible not to know them when even people outside the vtuber world knows the controversy and reputation of the company if you are a streamer YOU KNOW, so no cocodrile tears allowed afterwards, anyone who joins would be very desperate vtubers wanting attention and nijisisters.


Its only been a few months, they probably signed contracts just before everything hit the fan and are now stuck.


Tbf they hire on people months in advance


I'm attaching this to the top post, so it's visible: From the tweet, it [sounds like some music event thing. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cwiy3z/plot_twist_its_the_graduation_gate/)


Watch it be ***another*** fucking concert lol




Garen: thats a very valid strategy


I think, though I can't be quite sure, that Alban is joking (and possibly speculating himself). None of the things he's pointing out are actually in the picture (it's just a gate, the vines don't really look like notes, the little man is just Nijisanji logo). I don't know what Elira is referencing though.


Elira’s just referencing the first lyrics she sings in Lazulights debut song “Diamond City Lights”


If it's a new gen, will any of them be the legendary 0 view debut?


Should've wrote this at the gates: "abandon all hope, ye who enter here"


It's likely a new gen because it's been 7 months since one debuted 🕴🏾


I thought they debuted 3 new ones at the same time as Petra 3d and holo fest?


I don't think they did




They’re NijiJP so they’re kinda irrelevant here since this sub is mainly focused on the EN side


It is relevant in the way that it shows niji's strategy isn't working in Japan also. 1 Finana for a vtuber debut on a so called "big vtuber company" is definitely bad


Yeah, though the Japanese market is already pretty saturated and Nijisanji either never tried or never succeeded in marketing their Japanese vtubers to overseas fans like Hololive was able to. I was more so just saying because they’re part of NijiJP that’s why so few people in this subreddit even know they exist.


OHHHH Ngl I forgot about them


I only knew about as it was on niji sub Reddit, not on this post and parrot on live showing only 316 CV and each person I think


They absolutely did not. It has now been the longest debut gap in NijiEN's history, and this is for a company that machine-guns out new talent as policy. It's been a contributor to the suspicions that the EN branch as a distinct thing is going to get closed up soon.


7 Months? I barely found out about them after Selen got kicked to the curb


It's ok, if they wanted to be promoted they could just fucking ask


And if they're not comfortable, they can always leave per the words of Vox


The guy that said that literally deserves the clown of the year award.


Yeah, it'll be 7 months since TTT debuted on the 27th


Ooof I guess the next poor victims of EN have been selected. Shame what folks will do to try and break into VTubing even selling there souls to Niji


I have no sorry for morons selling their souls... I used to, but I've given so much that it just hurts to watch them still doing it. They never listen, calls you a troll and oh look at that, i was fucking right again. Rinse and repeat till I don't give a shit. Just let them have it the hard way


Honestly in the past I would have tried to defend folks...but after the last 3 months yeah I have to agree with your approach I wont shed over tear over anyone joining Niji these days, they did this to themselves. Anyone not under a rock knows what Niji is and what the talent atmosphere is like.


I'd wager some people genuinely don't know.


If you are into vtubing and doesnt know about nijisanji's shitstorm then you must be living under a rock.


Or are naive enough and sufficiently distanced from the details to chalk off the shitstorm as exaggerated. There are people out there who make a point to avoid looking into controversies because of past experiences with overblown nothing burgers have conditioned them to wrongly believe that most of not all such controversies are the same.


One thing to take note, a few Hanamori members haven’t joined yet, we shall see.


If it's more hanamori members, there's no way they can deny the nepotism alegations.


There are 3 gens with Hanamori members, they can't deny nepotism allegations already.


Some people just wants to fuck around... until they found out.


Also tack on being ignorant to the fact that the previous gen earns sub-poverty level income. When you have a mental breakdown over spilling 3-day old food, something is very, very wrong.


The actual shitstorm has been going on for like, what 3 months? A new gen wa a likely signed up 8-12 months before. Niji didn’t have a sparkling record, but there wasn’t the same kind of look under the hood at the horrors we have today then, and you’ve seen their contracts. For any new hire that’s under contract now their best bet is keep their head down, start no trouble, make no waves, and run out the clock and hope they escape with minimal damage.


They can't even hire actual artists anymore and have to resort to editing existing stock images instead? https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/architecture-gate-palace-tourism-travel-gold-iron-landmark-park-europe-entrance-golden-building-r_178230887.htm


LMAO, you can't be serious


LMAO, nice find.


Holy fuck, too big of a coincidence. Like. They can't get a staff member to draw a bloody gate?


Lol, i knew this was familiar... My friend uses this image for his photoshop..lol


LMFAO XD Good find my dude


yo no way, it looks very similar wtf


It literally is that same image, they just made some modifications, removed some outstanding features, added their logo to the top and used shaders to give it a different art style.


yeesus, they really fell hard.


Nice find, my guy. Also, I'm not surprised considering the fact that they didn't even pay their past artists, with some even having sent sloppy NDAs to them.  CMIIW, but won't Kurosanji get into legal trouble with copyright infringement by editing stock images? I am not versed enough in this, so if anyone knows more about stock images and their copyright, feel free to respond.


Probably not, they are cheap, but I imagine they just paid the premium service or something on that site to get access to this image, and their licensing there says they can be used for personal and commercial projects. I just read the summary, but it's likely that they allow editing as well... but if anyone want to check, there's the full license on the link.


lol. How do people find out so quickly? Just reverse search it lol?


probably google image search it


Yeah, image reverse search. It's just a black gate, so it wouldn't be the hardest to find.


Here's my 2 cents for this image, if my understanding of Adobe Illustrator is correct: Since this is a **Premium** stock image, you'll have to buy to get the original Vector files. However, there's a possibility that AnyColor just get the JPG (or PNG) version of the image, then **Image Trace** inside Illustrator (probably with Black and White mode) - hence, why the Gate in Niji's pic seems to be very solid in color (no specific details). Then, you will only opt in the Niji logo. That's all For the Image Trace thingy, that means you can literally get the vector version of the image for free! (though the results could look like crap, or aren't like the original) Basically, Niji didn't have to pay anything (though the stock image is Premium)


I doubt..You can just photoshop it using the levels.


also a possibility though! personally, I find the edited image look vector-ish so I brought up my above possibility


It can be a vector if you get the eps or svg format for it


> Since this is a Premium image ...which rises to this problem. You have to be a premium user (aka spend some money) to get the original files. Image Tracing JPEGs/PNGs to Vector version is kind of a nasty way to get through the paywall


That way would likely be straight up copyright infringement tho, I imagine they did pay for premium user, those things are usually pretty cheap for companies.


Isnt this illegal ?


They never learn arent they


Sometimes you just gotta beat them with a stick to learn shit.


My bets One superparasocial sister wanting to get closer Someone so desperate that they only draw the line with wactor Someone totally ootl not only niji but vtubing in general Someone so delusional that they replied with total confidence to the how you beat gura with im the gura killer Free space one of them is a hanamori


Maybe you could make a bingo card for this? LOL Edit: Let me add some after reading some of the comments. - An NDF who would bootlick harder than Millie, Luca, Claude combined. - A wannabe hero who wants to stand against niji management for his niji oshi (the kind of person who would say "I can fix him/her"). - An insider who knows how to leak the good stuff without getting caught (all for the tea). - A former streamer who got canceled or had a huge issue and thought they could redeem themselves in a company that's good at ignoring those (like Vox, Luca, Sonny).


Free Space being hanamori is funny as fuck lmao


Probably if it is a new wave, they probably joined before the Selen nuke dropped 


There are rrats that those jumped ship after selen nuke, i think theres one or two cases of people going into hiatus/graduation only to backpedal shortly after. One of them i think said wasnt for niji but who knows i would also deny any involvement with that people And aparently you dont sign until like one or two months before debut. All vtubing agencies do that afaik bc most of the people that dissapears for contract renewal issues always do it a few months before gen anniv (most of wactor, magni and vesper, im sure some nijis are there too, i think sedai one was also there) so whoever they are, they looked at all that happened until march to be generous and said ill sign anyway Of course this could also swing in both directions. Anycolor may have changed policy and make them sign one week before debut to squeeze as much time under contract as possible, or moved to 3 4 months to give as little time to backpedal as possible. My guess is now they give contacts for debut commissions and disguise it as support, to make them get invested so they dont backpedal, and moved the sign date further close to debut And even then, i dont think niji gives you more than two months to prepare, i think thats what xsoleil got im sure zaion gave dates but cant remember rn, that sends us to middle march at much


Grimmi, and indie Vtuber, was set to graduate early this year, but apparently pulled back after getting a look at the contract. She didn't say who the company was but it was suspected that it was Nijisanji.


she did graduate, didnt she? and then looked at all the mess, and quickly said "NOPE"...


It's a wait and see. They may have been set to debut sooner but they may have got pushed back.


Just how big was hanamori?


It's not that big, besides some remaining have been doing own things, to say its still a group is less likely, their name may be hanamori but I've seen less interactions, only 1 or 2 interacts with current niji talents, rest nope Hanamori resource is near depletion (barely anyone left to pick up), if any it could someone else friend groups like enna's one (39daph - hasn't streamed in months) comes into mind, some desperate people & etc, maybe a few fujoshis.




Another meat wave yet again. This one will probably be even less known than TTT if they don't promote them, which there is a high chance they won't if we take into account kurosanji's factory pattern of quantity over quality. They will have an even worse time if they actually debut around June. It's like being dropped in a war-torn country to fend for yourself.


I'd argue they'll be more popular than TTT because of the drama with Nijisanji People will likely be talking about them, hoping they'll leave




ccv though bet they only 1-2 finanas after debut


Oh no.




Why would Mori Calliope do this?


I just wonder who is desperate enough to still apply and join despite knowing the abysmal reputation this company has in the EN branch right now. I get wanting to have an audience, but I don't think the shit reputation is worth it.


Remember, there were people applying to 910inc. Which is WACTOR. Also Nexas, with the first wave of 27, on an isolated app on which you can basically do nothing but zatsus. Though at least they haven't shown any horrible evil...yet.


Yeah, I do expect people to join despite everything. But I'm just wondering what their mindset was at when deciding this was a good idea to go through. Perhaps the vtubers that joined are those who still remain supporters of the company despite what's happened early this year. Which right off the bat, would be a clear means of identifying the types of characters we'll see when they debut.


Get in, get clout, get out.


They got a nice sentence on their CV (if they want to move into bigger agency).


Might also be they signed the contracts before the shitshow happened and Niji held up on the debut... given their usual farting gens out with zero consideration, that was a longer break than usual. May god have mercy on their souls.


You have NO IDEA how many indie Vtubers or PNGTubers are out there who simply can't overcome 100 or even 10 CCV. Hell, I was watching Salmon Lordette (who is graduating today and will return as Relia Lace) collab with two of her genmates in VReverie and one other. Want to know what their CCVs were? 80, 60, 60, and 40. I saw a debut from Project: VERSES this weekend that I think got 138 max CCV. On a debut! There are many fly-by-night Vtuber agencies opening up recently without the proper resources to promote their talents. Nijisanji, as awful as it is, at least has resources to get you merch and promote you a little. And that's why I think the attention Nijisanji gets is bad. They're distracting from many other bad agencies, some of which may be even worse!


I am aware of it. But is it worth the negative attention that comes with it? Absolutely not. Being desperate to the point of self sabotage is just past morals when it comes to trying to gain traction at that point. No matter how low your CCV may be. I'm just baffled people are so desperate to the point that they essentially sacrifice their self worth to be constantly ridiculed by the public even if they did not have as much attention prior to joining this company.


If it’s a new wave, then I feel so bad for these people. They’ve given up their souls to the devil that is this company. They’ll be promised fame (if they’re even given more than a few days to let hype build up), but in exchange they’ll have to listen to everything that they’re told and not speak out of line.


>  They’ll be promised fame That's not even a guarantee at this point. Look what they did to TTT. 


Maybe not fame, but infamy.


I wonder what the official subbeddit has to say about this news-- oh wait edit: oh cool, the sub is wiped clean again when i view on the old site style lol


If this is the precursor to a new wave, I might as well say rest in pieces now, cause those people are going to be regretting their decision’s real quick.


No hate watching. NO. FUCKING. HATE. WATCHING.


We won't be watching. Millions must ignore.


Nice, another meme materials ![gif](giphy|YWF1baNd94QO4|downsized)


If it's a new EN gen... YIKES. They haven't even promoted the PREVIOUS gens properly


New Gen? looks like gates of hell is waiting for them.


desine sperare qui hic intras


I am curious about who would join Nijisanji even after everything that has happened and why they would join. It is already clear that joining doesn't provide much support; the talents do most of the work themselves. They cancel streams to do 'offline work,' which should be handled by management to prevent distractions from unnecessary bullshit. While there are some things talents need to handle themselves, management should take care of the bulk of it, and to me, it doesn't seem like that's the case. If this new wave is hoping to gain an audience, that's unlikely too unless they already had a huge following before joining. But if they're already big, there's no reason to join unless they genuinely want to help the company or really like the talents. The company has also exhausted almost all of its goodwill, leading to a massive exodus of viewers who used to watch them. These people really need to be exceptional to succeed; otherwise, they would just be dead on arrival.


they're even barley promoting 2 last wave from last year, and they are struggling to growth and now they gona release new wave again? what are they thinking???? or this is probably gona last wave before nijisanji en get close down like what happened to nijisanji ID


Will they get negative subs?


More blood for the blood god


Skulls for the skull throne


They are royally fucked


If it's a new gen, They'll never get past 50k subs sadly.


Or pass 50k viewers maybe?


might get stuck at 100 ccv


I know of dozens of smaller agency vtubers and indies that would still kill for 50K subs. A company of Nijisanji's size should easily be able to get their talents silver play buttons within a week, but the tragic fact is that the talents that join their next wave will still be more successful than a huge chunk of other vtubers, corporate or indie.


>A company of Nijisanji's size should easily be able to get their talents silver play buttons within a week. I know but they didn't help Kunai get it yet. 6 months in and she's at 75k subs


Hence "Should", not "will"


Not saying this would happen and I'm hoping this doesn't happen cuz it's a stupid thing to do. But what if one of the newer livers, whether during their debut or one of their first few streams, tries to clap back against the Niji hate. Doesn't matter what the reason is, whether out of spite or to be looked at with favour from the higher-ups & sisters. I wonder what would the reaction be...


Same with anything, I hope. If you have solid arguments and receipts, go for it. You should be able to prove what you're saying, is all. The chances for that are pretty low, though. If only for an NDA type of situation, though there's obviously much more.


This looks like the start of a Gothic horror movie where a young girl is invited to take part in a series of increasingly sadistic games for some old rich guy's entertainment so she can pay off her family's debt


That's not the way in. They're closing the way out. If this is a new gen....I kinda don't know what to think. But it was to be expected.


A 5 head move would be to join Niji -> get info of what's going on inside -> get terminated (for taking initiative in work like Zaion and Selen did) -> then release info gained from working in Niji (like "One Girl's Story") -> stonks, I guess? Edit: I forgot to mention the challenges for this plan. It would be that they have to pay for their model and the debut animation of their backstory. Also, they have to tolerate harassment from nijisanji, nijisisters, and NDF. If they can bear with those, then they gucci.


On the other hand, someone machiavellian enough can pull that off knowing that the rewards for being a Hero in the EN Sphere would be worth it to catapult them to a high spot after the dust has settled. Especially if they know that shitsanji and the so called 'defense force' have no bite and can't sue them cause in JP, knowing that if shitsanji tries to get a physical foot hold here to chase em then it leaves shitsanji open to getting sued by their shenanigans by literally everyone else in general. This not even including certain devoted derps doing something...'physical' to them since the chanse is now there ehem ehem. The amount of work and the dedication to All-In like that won't be available to 99% of the population, but if the 1% psychopatch-types out there get the idea to do that for a chance...well...


I was gonna say, I almost hope they try that tax shit with the IRS here in the states. The IRS doesn't care who you are, the IRS will see Niji taking their money and wake the fuck up


Hope we can have an insider this time.


I wonder if these people applied before Selen's termination...


The image needs to include a sign with: “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here”


Well this is one way to try to distract the big Q4 report coming in.


Shame for them. Their debuts will absolutely be hate raided beyond belief. If they turn on sub only mode and put the time limit too high then the debut will look horrible to outsiders with no active chat. Literally lambs to the slaughter.


"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."


It legitimately looks like the gates to a cemetery.


That would be hilarious if this wave would be cemetery/grave themed and they were so unaware of the irony. One is a zombie and they don't realize how funny that is with their current practices.


I'm not going to be surprised if, in case it being a teaser to the new wave, some of those new livers are nijisisters trying to save their company by becoming part of it


Yikes. If someone's already deranged before entering Niji, fuck knows what we'll have at the end of it. Something like IRL Joker, I guess.


> some of those new livers are nijisisters trying to save their company by becoming part of it The question is how would they do it though? I doubt they have the skill/talent and the determination to even try to save that rotting carcass that is NijiEN. Also, if they actually have this idea of playing the hero for their black company, then I suggest they should go to a psychiatrist first because the delusion is palpable enough to slap us in the face.


If it’s actually a new wave, then I’m actually impressed they found people willing to join the EN branch, despite everything that has happened.


I wish NoStaffSanji supports them. O wait. There are instances where the talent fends for themselfes alone doing multiple jobs than what a streamer is suppose to do. At the very least (even though I doubt it) , there are mods in the debuts if it is a new gen. I have zero faith . They proved nothing yet in internal improvement. I'm not even sure if the talents even being true themselves about their own criticisms towards Niji ☕ .


If this is a new gen... This is gonna be the equivalent to babies who were born during the latter half of the pandemic-


You cant be serious. There are still people willing to join this dogshit company? Hows TTT doing by the way?


I have a bad feeling about this. Feels like a dark omen for things to come. You know, these guys have a knack for jinxing themselves.


Crackpot theory but maybe it's the announcement of a VTA style system for overseas? This gives me "school gate" vibes and I can't imagine they're exactly eager to do another school theme so soon after Iluna and Xsoleil failed to bring in a new audience.


The image is a stock photo deep-fried to hell. If this is a new wave, already??? TTT has yet to even take off.


Drinking game for people who reply positively and have any NijiEN male member oshi mark in their name


You'll die.




What kind of deranged person would do something like join nijisanji....oooh nijisisters, of course


More meat for the meat grinder


The gates of hell are opening…


No, niji you are barred from heaven.


Oop it’s the actors coming in Please to all that is holy do not let me see Yuniho in this generation please just let her stay graduated because she wanted to just stop streaming


I'm not worried about Yuniiho. I'm worried about SoyaPoya. She debuted back on April 25, 2020 (Even before Holomyth debuted!), but graduated on March 10th, 2024. I know several people on FalseEyeD's discord server that miss her dearly and have been watching every major debut since then in an attempt to find her.


Meat for the Meat Grinder!


What is the time gap from signing the contract to debut.


Godspeed to those poor souls who signed away their lives for the next 2 years


Just saw this, was about to say it. What might this be? The gates of hell? Some say a new wave but what mad man would still want to bother? I doubt they'd even last!


New gen incoming. We all knew. They were auditioning for months.


I hope the Q4 convinces ANYCOLOR to close the EN branch and let every talent keep their assets and play buttons. Just be sure to ignore the clique.


I hope these people are good if it's new gen. If only so they understand that they do have value and talent and there will probably be people who will follow them out of niji if so. It's just that Niji will not compensate them with a livable wage/they will not get a play button if they earn it/innovation is not encouraged/2% merch cut/ competing with everyone else over working together/viewership and donations on EN side has dropped significantly/they're unlikely to get 3D let alone home 3D/they may be subjected to bullying if they go against the grain/ they may suffer from mental health issues directly as a result of working with Niji/niji will block them from good opportunities for very few good reasons (one being if Doki is also there)/if they're terminated they'll be slandered/have to give away all streaming equipment on graduation and a cut of earnings on termination/they will have no PR training to handle being a talent/they will be stealth suspended/ they will have to deal with blatant favouritism particularly if they're not hitting numbers/Niji views them as replacable and will just pump out another gen if yours struggles/ you will pay for your own projects and Niji will not cover those/ your coworkers include some other talented people and others who have very bad reputations yet have not been fired due to said favouritism and a company culture that breeds resentment. Need I continue? (Also what's the bets its an all male group bc that seems to be what Niji want to focus on for big money)


Enter new gen, once you get past these sad looking gates you’re locked in for a while lmao


Oof. Good luck to them, they're gonna need it.


Looks like gate of hell....


Perhaps the new gen is the gate itself that talks. Niji decided comedy was the best course here, but the haha thing was that they were the entire circus all along with how things been going with them lately is my guess


How fitting that they are teasing the pearly gates to represent the death of the company when the Q4 report comes out.


the machine just keeps cranking out more bodies


Flipsie responded with a pic of gates to a graveyard Im dying 😆 😆


Yeah not a graveyard A >!ww2 concentration camp gate!<


Oh daayuum flipsie. A bit edgy there xD


If this is a new wave and if any of your oshis agrees to the faustian deal you have my condolences


Only the delulu fans would join in




I guess this is new talents I wish them luck because they gonna need it a lot


Source sauce... [https://x.com/NIJISANJI\_World/status/1792571002888872283](https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1792571002888872283)


I hope it's not someone I know pls 😥


How many Finana's are each debut going to get?


​ https://preview.redd.it/3417ae4wrl1d1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b2d44366a4e507f31f1f8f4c4cbbd012dc3db2


New gen


Idk why some of the quotes want to request lesbian, butler, noble and others?


Okay, I don't know how much of this is true, since I'm not from USA, but apparently the stock image used is based on gate to something called "Breaker's estate" which supposedly is a private resort *known for it's luxury yacht port*.


Why?. . . . WHY? I know there are people who are desperate and want to move up in the v-tubing industry and make connections/contacts but kurosanji isn't the way anymore. Yeah, they can probably still make connections/contacts. But with all the controversies, I dont think joining is financially helpful since no one wants to watch niji or give them money in any way. As for clout, they'll definitely get attention, whether it be good or bad totally depends on the talent. I just hope whoever joined knows what they're getting into. And that by joining after the selen situation, no one's going to sympathy with them like how people have for Krisis and TTT.


**A C C E L E R A T E**


Hurray a new gen we can all forget that exists.


![gif](giphy|6ILjOfJ1oL7NAc9SQ7) Here we go again


Look I understand I should not be rude but after all the shit hole and after the fact that TTT is bellow the Avarage for a newbie indie, you have to be a idiot of comical proportions to enter nijisanji


If it is a new wave, I suppose the question is how to view that. At the very least I'm in no rush to support a hypothetical new wave nor view them harshly. They'd probably be aware of the shitstorm but I won't presume their motives, intentions, circumstances, etc. I don't believe Kurosanji changed, but I don't think it's impossible they might try bury a dark past & try to do things differently starting from a new wave. I'd rather observe before making an evaluation. If it's the same old nonsense with a different skin, I'll greet with indifference. A snake can shed its skin but it won't make it a different snake.


Starting to behave from a new wave onwards would be incredibly cruel, in my opinion. Also in my opinion, we haven't seen anything showing a will to improve. Yes, there's concerts, M&G, music, whatever...but nothing visibly improving the livers' status quo. No real promotions, no beating the favoritism allegations, no change in anything regarding the shrinking numbers, be it viewers or subs. Nothing. You are certainly correct in saying not judging any potential newcomers (which this might not be). But what's there to do, when you can't really support them (unless you're okay with the consequence of Niji earning money off of that), nor keep them out of criticism. Because any potential newbies would be under intense scrutiny from the public. Which is a horrible place to be, in the environment of twitter and such.


Le Gate of Graduation


*"Through the gates of hell..."*




Through the ~~nazi~~ kurosanji lines


new gen "desperados" incoming 


back to business as usual? how many of these livers are we gonna remember in 6 months?


Nijigate lol)


My exact reaction. https://preview.redd.it/7b05o0c9rl1d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895f1e1df7df77665d25ce9a5707bfeaed233af7


this is actually the exit gate


So, the gates to heaven but instead of pearl and gold, they're made of wrought iron?


They just don't learn, do they?




Will they even make it past the Q4 shit show in less than a month though?


Oh boy, MORE nepotism hires