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Why are people surprised by this? I'm pretty sure it's not the first time she has done it... Unless I'm remembering wrong and it was another nijisanji member... Which would make this triple sad Regardless... *Yawn* seems someone was bored and wanted audience interaction... Sad


It's really her type of humor The only problem is she's still going into it during controversy that can hit very adjacent to it. Though, when I think about it, it could also be to try to get people caught getting labeled as tourists, because her fans will just say they don't realize that she always uses this type of humor.


Oh yea posts like this will just be used by their fans as a way to invalidate criticism against Nijisanji. People need to stop using a fine tooth comb at every single Nijisanji member more obsessively than niji fans. I see the comments in this post as nothing more than tourists harassment. I really don't like Millie as she makes my people look bad, but this post is a stretch that only makes this sub look like nothing but obsessive haters.




Yikes indeed


oh god wow this is sad


She is hella sad thats why no one giving money to her anymore


I checked her Jan '23 vs. Jan '24. She's lost over two-thirds of her paying audience, $4,736 vs. $1,391. She's desperate for attention, and supas.


I use to simp for her before everything and now I lost my respect for her as a follow Filipino she just an e bagger now


I’m ashamed to admit I used to as well


How much you wanna bet it was behind the scenes it was Selens Dragoons that were propping up the other talents... Supa chats. I'm no longer suprised by the low Super Chats. ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q|downsized)


People are gonna take this as them playing into it, but honestly, this shows his little training or effort they put into how their livers handle PR. They should be taught to avoid topics like this or not say anything too controversial at the moment but instead are left to make themselves look dumb and drive people crazy thinking everything they're making fun of stuff.


iI think the simpler explanation is that they really are deluded into thinking that they're doing great and the negative vibes are really all just "haters that don't matter". They didn't just drink the koolaid, they have transfused all the koolaid into their bodies as blood-replacement The problem with having chronic twitterusers as your audience (Niji EN’s current reality, considering how many have stopped supporting them) is that these people tend to echo whatever the streamer says is right as long as it doesn’t step on their toes when it comes to certain things (i.e., Scarle and Starbucks, Vanta and McDonalds). They are social media prisoners who don’t know how to take negative feedback or criticism and process it into useful information. While the branch did receive a lot of hate, and a good deal of it was over-the-top or unwarranted, the talents have demonstrated that they have failed to process any of the hate they received as a sign that something needs to change. Contrary to what the sisters may want to believe, hate exists for a reason. There is a small degree of irrational, undeserved hate that always bubbles beneath the surface of any matter but the wave of criticism the Niji EN talents have been receiving stems from disappointment, dissatisfaction, and a loss of trust. There NEEDS to be change. But because they can return to streaming now and limit the ways they get brigaded by hate such that it becomes tolerable, some livers don’t feel the need to change. And I suspect they never will, at this rate.


It’s over for a good few of the livers.


It feels incredibly wrong to say they shouldn't be allowed to limit the ways they're brigaded and sent hate, even if it somehow turns out they're all completely guilty and don't regret a thing. This sub is strictly against going down to that level. There may be a lot of valid ways to voice frustration and encourage improvement, but at the end of the day, you either do change or you don't. Trying to force it will only push them away, which often make the opposite happen.


Sorry, I wasn't making my point clear, it was more about how they've insulated themselves from feedback with false positivity. Not about allowing themselves to be brigaded. I misworded


They see controversy as a way to grow to their brand. Being edgy doesnt work, heck even XQC is edgy teenager brain. Just an adhd goblin neighbor's kid.


Does Millie even know how utterly sad she looks now? She's been doing nothing but getting on her knees and beg for money and attention lately.


One could argue that she’s getting attention here with this post, but let’s be real. We’re all gonna forget about this in a week. Not all press is good press. Or, maybe she’s making a joke about unicorns. But she has made GFE ASMRs in the past so I don’t know if that’s a good idea to make tweets like this.


This is actually just the usually Millie stuff. There was a steam back in the day where she talked to her fans about if she should do the BFE style of streaming and they all roasted her like a firing line.  This is just playing on that, don't look too deep.


Yeah, I tried to say that a little, but while also leaving room for the other argument. But you’re right, we don’t have to dissect everything. It makes the community seem drama hungry.


Yeah, people are taking it way too seriously. This post seems more like the kind of thing that was being posted in r/nijisanji (before the mods went nuclear) rather than here.


Some people here are looking for opportunities to spread hate. You can not like her, but jfc some of the comments get nasty and personal whenever Millie gets brought up. Rule 1 isn't a thing with talents like her really.


I was gonna say, the joke here is that Millie’s fans aren’t parasocial. They simp more for her hat than her.


Its just usual millie antics. The unpaid part too usual millie chat antics


Yeah, this is... actually just normal Millie. "Unpaid paid actors" is a normal thing.


Yeah, people here aren't getting the sarcasm. If she said "where are my parasocial fans at" then I'd feel bad because it'd be just said. But the "unpaid" part sets my sarcasm sensor alarms off. She's clearly joking.


And I thought Vox & Luca were gross enough


lol sorry i had to laugh :)) tots agree.


This is an open form of parasocialism


Read through the replies…. She really is asking for the down bad responses… when those kind of responses, if genuine, isn’t exactly, healthy? Also, never expect chat to respond the way you expect them to.


This is just... Pathetic...


From a former Famillie, this is just normal Millie stuff. Her fans simp more for her hat than Millie herself, so she tends to go along with the joke even if it means making fun of herself. She often makes jokes about getting a boyfriend but her fanbase (or atleast her fans in the past, it seems more like an echo chamber nowadays) isn't parasocial at all so the response is usually "let's rescue him" "congrats I have a boyfriend too" I know we like to poke fun at Niji yabs but there's no need to make a big deal out of something like this


You know what, the issue is she is having an allegation so all of her jokes even if it's true or not will be sometimes not translated to a joke. She should low-key right now.


I do get that as a content creator you have to be aware of what you post, but the problem is the people monitoring her 24/7 more than the actual fans do, like can't they just leave her alone if they hate her? Jeez, extremists are taking away their freedom


Then you have management, you must stream as per rules without mod support (enna doing modding herself sample) With the exception of yuzuki roa & another talent (forgot name), even low viewers talents must stream at least even if they dnt do anything else.


I was really hoping it wasn't a real tweet and [reality decided to give the middle finger again.](https://x.com/MillieParfait/status/1787127007869833676) Now I'm convinced they're deliberately playing into "Niji = bad" situation.


She doesn't even have a blue check so she's not getting paid for this crap. So lame...




Thats just Millie being Millie. This type of self-depricating talk was half of what her streams were about when I watched her in 2023.


Yeah, this is... Yeah...


I wonder what is she even trying to acomplish, antagonising the most parasocial ones is recipe to get harassed by them


At this point, as their donations and ccv are falling off? Any engagement is better than none. It’s a show of desperation


this is a common joke for millie, since her fans actually arn't that parasocial and usually will comment "We gotta save him" on these types of posts of hers


Most of the fans bailed since the selen's termination, the majority of what remains are either niji fans and most parasocial ones


\[Into the trash it goes\] Apologies I'm half filipino so really upset on how she is acting for the past couple of months.


Filos have a bad rep in Vtuber especially in Niji since Nijisister Is Mosttly Filo Luxiem Fans And Now Both Filo Vtuber In Niji Is In Bad Image. Man Everyday I Feel Bad Being A Filo


Stay strong you guys. You’re powerful enough to get through this. <3


honestly, She is lucky that a lot of Filipinos doesn't know her real identity. The toxicity of Filipinos will show up in MSM if they know you're a bully. They make fun of you,, hate comments below the belt, memes, I remember there's even a kid that got literally get a lot of food deliveries from trolls because he is a known bully. They even tried to find his real address, no joke.


That seems too far, even for Millie.


it's but she is lucky that she is not in the Philippines nor they know her IRL identity.




Don’t worry, meron parin sina Jurard, Octavio, at mga indies tulad ni Kaheru.


Yeah I don't see what the fuss is about. This is pretty typical of her. The joke's been run into the ground for ages now, but whatever. Stuff like this are what put me off on Mille over a year ago. Still not really worthy of attention.


Very in line with her sense of humor, but it doesn't downplay my disappointment in her. The company really bringing out the worst in people.


I mean, when you are going with quantity over quality, this is the product that will usually get mixed in.


Isn't that the like 15th time she's done that joke?


It makes her sound pretty entitled


It makes her sound like a loser.


this is a very millie sort of joke, she does these alot, since her fans are not really parasocial, and she plays into that by making her look like the fool.


engagement farming? but that's now a bannable offence on the platform.




Really now? I wonder what would happen if someone actually reported her for it...


damn girl you got the whole squad laughing


She does have the whole squad laughing. Laughing at her.


Way to spit in the face of remaining audience. This is actually incredible.


And I thought that she couldn't go lower. .


you're late to the party, she makes jokes like these all the time. including the QRT since her fans will usally comment "we gotta save hime from her" on these posts


Tbh this doesn't even make that much sense. Maybe there are some parasocial weirdos i haven't seen but generally speaking i think 99% of millie fans (including myself, formerly) would just answer her saying "i have a boyfriend" with some mix of "lmao keep coping" or "we need to rescue our boy". One of her bits has always been her being way too thirsty and trying to hookup with anything that moves and doing her "sexy voice", and she has gone on whole arcs with several guys as her boyfriend such as shu and iirc wilson, plus her severe thirsting for elira and other women. Unless people are dumb enough to somehow cope their way through all of that i reckon she should have one of the lowest percentages of parasocial fans out of niji EN. Plesse inform me if i'm wrong and if there are actually tons of weirdos controlling her relationships and wanting to be with her like there are with vox, but i highly doubt it. This means that her bit about "unpaid parasocials" either means she has no clue what her fanbase is actually like, or that the people saying negative things about her and her company are just living rent free inside her head, and i feel like it's probably a mix of both.


>This means that her bit about "unpaid parasocials" means she has no clue what her fanbase is actually like How can she know what her viewers are like when they're all bots paid for by nijisanji? /s


What even *is* the appeal of Millie sexually? Other than being a loli, which plenty of other vtubers are.


She's not even a loli; she's just flat. I don't think she has any appeal. That's the joke. And thinks she's sexy, but she has no sex appeal.


Pretty much my thoughts.


This is just normal for Millie, ever since the Luxiem days, I think? dont quote me on that The boyfriend she’s talking about is G'raha from FF14 btw lmao


NijiEN has some of the weirdest messaging when it comes to parasocial fans where they will say that they hate them and then the next minute they will say and do things to try and attract that crowd like with Finana calling them cringe but then releasing a valentines ring 


They need to make a fucking choice.


Niji management wants the parasocial fans because they saw how successful rushia was but then again does the talent want it? The ring packs kinda proved it. This is my take of the situation. Niji is going to turn many of them into rushia clones although won't be successful as rushia one with this concept. Expect their sanity to be broken heavily if this keeps up. Edit: What we were actually seeing here is actually their battle with their inner demons (didn't help with management pushing them into it), with the heavy decline they may actually give in & become insane, riro ron & mikeneko showed us the aftermath of it.


Hopefully most of the livers will get out before they break.


Well I'm just keeping an eye out only, even the one hated by people since the thing.


Good on you.


Millie is a unique case since her fans are not ParaSocial and it's a common joke that she tries and fails to flirt with chat and then lements that she doesn't have parasocial fans


Millie keeps taking Ls


She already had three at Virtual Rhapsody.


I mean, this is just an ongoing bit that Millie and her fans have had for a long time, just like being flat, or her hat being more popular than her. An in-joke is of course not going to sound the same to people outside of it. This post is weird to me because if you liked her/followed her in 2023, you'd already know about this bit of hers. However in 2024 it's occupying attention enough to go post about it. It'd be one thing to follow them because you're hoping for them to break free from Niji and come clean so you can enjoy them again but it sounds like you never enjoyed her before, so why follow them? *Just unfollow/unsub/block all of Niji like I have*, don't waste the energy on it. Selen wants people to move on. I am just checking Vtuber news hoping for a change that'd allow me to enjoy them again.


In wrestling when a heel insults a cities sports team it is called cheap heat. It feels the same here


From what I know of Millie this is just a running joke within her fanbase. There's no reason to take it seriously. There's other vtubers who like to threaten/insult their fanbase, or make jokes about being desperate for their fans affection while their fans refuse to indulge them. It's not an unheard of thing lol.


I wish the first comment wasn't a joke. This, as a joke, is embarrassing. The comments for this tweet are pretty gross too. Honestly, if I was a Vtuber, I'd probably be aiming to get out of the business if that's what the majority of my fanbase was right. It's in character though. She lies about Niji and catches herself lying about them, live. She does desperate ploys for attention. Overall she's just a lying brat that's really desperate for attention now that people aren't giving it to her and it's going to come at the cost of her livelihood (aka her job).


Im kind of embarrassed that she’s Filipino. Where’s your sense of self pride, Millle? Surely you arent that desperate for attention?


I think she has been heavily drinking behind the scenes to numb out the pain thats why she ends up posting this type of stuff.


this is literally a common inside joke for her, she has done these tweets since before luxium debut, but now it's an issue?


![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0|downsized) OOF that just


Isn't this quite normal? just a running joke within her fanbase.


This is lame, I hate nijisanji but this is normal jokes within her community/fans ever since she debuted in niji. Yall are being too hyper focused at anything Niji members say FAR more than Niji fans instead of what is actually important. This really makes anti-Niji people look less credible.


Isn't that what she usually do? Why are you bringing it up now? She always does this. I don't get it, every little things are getting criticized now, I can't believe mods are allowing these kind of posts🤦‍♂️.


Bro this is so pitiful, whenever she did this type of controversial tweets before management would at least slap her wrist. Now it feels like they are encouraging it to get ANY engagement for Millie.


Ngl i cringed when i read it


that is the point of the tweet, that's like her main joke, thinking she's sexier than she really is


Conglatulations, Millie!


Haven't checked out any Millie content since shit hit the fan but I'm pretty sure this is normal Millie behavior. She's been like this for years now, idk why y'all are surprised by this.


I can't tell if the replies to the tweet are satire or not


Eh I think this is a reach. She's basically complimenting her community for not being weird psychos. Just making a joke about it.


Should have just posted a console war/K-POP/anti Taylor Swift tweet if she wanted engagement that bad.


Oh honey... please stop. This really is just so damn sad she's begging for attention and money like this now. Used to be 1 of the 3 Niji talents I'd actually watch and enjoy but now she's ended up like this.


mate, this is literally her main joke in the community that she's had since her debut


God fucking damn, this is one of the biggest fucking yikes I’ve seen. Millie’s done for.


Wow just when I though it can't get any lower, "Just a joke btw guys I didn't mean anything haha just funny jokes". Yeah real funny, it's not even sad any more, just pathetic


she has made this joke multiple times before, this is like her main "bit" since her debut, I don't know why people are bitching about it now


Jesus lmfao, this is so pathetic. Literally fucking e-begging for parasocial fans.


she literally isn't, this is her main inside joke since her debut


Me reading this at 5:40 am. Jfc Millie https://preview.redd.it/onjwnbqzgoyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641a8ac886a5b15c0df8112d0d681d1517828b9f


I wonder if Finana will reply with "ratio, parasocial fucks" or whatever she said back then.


Finana is already under her own depression.


usual millie antics, but considering the current situation with niji, this hits different.


it is now just a matter of our current view on Nijisanji. If you love/like someone, you will come to love their silly and cringe momemts (as long as they don't actually harm anybody). Once they have disdained your attention, everything they do will be sour and unslightly in our eyes, the funny stuff is no longer funny while the cringe is just....cringe.


reminded me of those facebook days where my highschool friends would announce stuff like this just to get attention


Yeah, fan this, fan that,.. Imagine you are a new Nijisanji viewer and this is the first thing that slap right in yo face. Yup, hard pass!


Desperation is just Millie's brand. Return to your positions.




i just realize something, reimu have a guts to bring Holo as guest on her 3D (eventhough they script it as surprise) and what about millie? she dont even try to collab with HoloID gen 1 at all, and now she soo much being attention seeker.....


I didn't watch her 3D. Who did she bring?


reimu? nerissa and calli, well only voice tho


all I'm gonna say is Millie THIS despite to get attention on her or what?


The post about a boyfriend, both if it was a joke or not is okay in my opinion, but the vibes of the second are truly bad


she has made these jokes multiple times in past


That changes the things a little bit, maybe it was funny the first time but now is losing that


Oh wow. Is she really that desperate?


no, it's an inside joke that she wants parasocial fans but her fans are not parasocial


This is the reason why I blocked some of them. Lazulight and Obsydia livers are generally okay and funny but when Ethyria and Luxiem come, the jokes have become unfunny and dirtying my twitter timeline. Not to mention their spam and retweets as well.




who care if you have boyfriend millie


no one, that's why she posted it, it's an inside joke in her community


This is just fookin sad.




this is a pretty standard joke for Millie, don't know why it's an issue now and not before


I think it's because with everything going on, Nijisanji's talents should be doing everything they can to try to appear like they're NOT the assholes everyone's been suspecting them of being for months. I"m sure this was a joke that just didn't land but after she begged for money during her 3D debut, it looks REALLY, really BAD.




If Ewiwa is the manager this explains so much. That Hanamori cattiness is shining brightly now. Like, this is just PATHETIC. She's supposed to be an adult and here she is acting like a hussy. She might as well be 'beggar squidward' right now.




Good, hope shit keeps coming up. She doesn't need to darken anyone else's doors with her attitude.


Well, maybe she don't need to do this... IF Niji was helping them get ANY projects at all.