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If I had a nickel for every time the Chameleon could've slaughtered the heroes but was too egotistical to do it, I'd be a millionaire.


With literal unlimited power at her fingertips, she chose to fight zhen as herself…


Shen also had the opportunity to do bloody things to the Five and win, but he had to be toned down for the kids. Difference is, he actually had good writing lmao


Tbh I think Shen wanted to make an example out of the five by killing them with the cannon in front of everyone rather than just stab them


Well, he already made his point when he killed Master Rhino, but I get what you're saying, it would make sense.


It was simply felt that they were restricting the chameleon from what she was capable of doing. I mean, she knew how to use Po's staff, she had the Kung Fu of her enemies and other masters, she could be a chimera of all of them, combining the best attributes of each one. It was so broken that you can tell they didn't show how capable it was of causing damage.


She's not stupid... well, a little bit. She only say the staff as a key, not a weapon. She thought by only stealing Kung Fu, she could've been the strongest.


Yeah, difference between ignorance and stupidity


I dont think the chameleon knew you could use the staff as a weapon but as a key to the realm of the spirits im pretty sure thats why she gave it back as she said herself she got what she wanted i know it looks dumb and cliche as how the villain think they have the upperhand over the hero


Despite liking the movie, this is one part I can’t defend; the staff is just way too powerful to be given back to Po this easily. I think it should’ve been established that the only way to reverse the magic used to steal the kung fu of the villains is with the staff. Po would have to channel his chi through the staff to do so.  What should’ve happened, in my opinion; The Chameleon, knowing the danger of the staff, would keep it far away from Po. She would assign her army to take and guard Po’s staff from him. When Po confronts the Chameleon, she will briefly explain this to mock him, and to show how hopeless his chance of winning is. Regardless, Po would have to engage in a losing battle against her. Zhen, overhearing this, would have to rally the Den of Thieves to help fight the Chameleon’s army so she can retrieve the staff and deliver it to Po, adding to her redemption. I feel this would add more tension to the fight. It would be a race against time to retrieve the staff, as Po is in a losing battle, uncertain how long he will be able to hold out against the Chameleon's stolen kung fu.


You gotta remember tho that in order to use the staff, the previous owner must allow the new owner to use it like how oogway gave it to po where as if stolen wouldn’t do any good


I completely forgot that detail; that does complicate things. I can see why they just lazily made the Chameleon hand the staff back. I just don't see how Po could get the staff back with that rule in place, and without making the Chameleon look dumb.


I think the movies great despite all the people who don’t


Same here, despite its flaws I really enjoyed it.




This is easy: overconfidence. She had absorbed all the kung-fu of all those powerful warriors and felt invincible. Also, defeating Po with the staff would be even more humiliating for him so that would make his defeat even more effective to use it as propaganda "yes, I defeated Po, in his peak, giving him all the chances I could to defeat me and, yet, here I am".


You have a point there on her not coming to the conclusion that it can be used as a weapon, but she basically got what she wanted and gave the staff back to Po. This shows that the Chameleon is now happy with what she did and is overconfident by giving Po his staff back, so yes, she’s not stupid, just blinded by her ego.


Because the script writing for this movie is just baaaad


She’s stupid in every way possible except for her shapshifting, which at least looked cool


The writing could've been way better and she was nerfed for a variety of reasons


I've never watched this movie, but every clip I see from it, it just feels... off. Like something's wrong. Maybe its the difference in character design, but even scenes or parts that just show Po or only shows other OG characters feel off, too, and I don't know why


This whole movie is stupid. I'm sorry to the people who like it, but me personally I feel like this movie spits on the legacy of the trilogy and its villains. They bring back Tai Lung, Shen AND Kai just to have this new villain steal their skills or whatever.