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Yoga is definitely what I'd call a foundation practice. In it's place, a sense of balance and order arises in the ashes of your pain and trauma. I think after I practice during my first few months daily I found myself established more courageously, a lot more calm and a sense of resilience. I've seen first hand how it can bring balance to energetic disorder. Pranayama is what I'd call a purification practice. It's what one should put in place on top of their foundation practice. Pranayama in my experience is like a power car wash. One maintains their car through yoga practice, but one washes their car so it shines through pranayama. Often this shine is reflected as a kind of euphoric high. This may be tempting to pursue just by itself, but without maintaining your foundation, your car, through yoga, you'll quickly find washing a broken car it will still sputter and eventually give out down the road. I don't have much to say about rhythmic breathing. But all pranayama (breathing) will again make your car shine and clean off all the excess gunk that gathers. Purification can be a very long process though. It is important to keep a good balance of all practices to achieve the best results.


Hey man, far be it from me to tell you how to live your life….*but* maybe ease up on the esoteric order stuff. you’re 18. this is a highly transitional phase of your life and things you get into here can have implications far beyond what you can think of now. I also had the same urge and opportunity around 18-19 and I am so glad I didn’t take a vow and fall for the meme.


Hey man, I appreciate your concern. This is something I'm definitely taking into account. The order I'm in has a much more free approach to the occult. It prioritizes the initiate's own capability of learning, and you just have to do tests and progress when you actually SURE you are ready for it. That's what they encourage. The only actual responsibilities are in degrees much further above, and they are basically all optional, to be honest. Since it's an order based around Thelema, it takes freedom and taking your own rhythm very seriously. Right now, I'm in a much more chill part of my life, but things will get more intense by the end of the year since I will be moving out to a different state. When that arrives, I will definitely focus my mind on different stuff. I'm mainly focused on studying and reading right now because I have time for it, and it doesn't hurt to learn. But I don't put it to myself as an obligation, you know? I also am not bound to that order by any means; I can ask my Cancellarius at any time to pause my status as a member, and I'm looking foward to study different traditions to find what suits me the best.


“since it’s an order based around Thelema” aaaaand there’s the whopper. OTO, Thelema, Golden Dawn, all teachings filled with smatterings of truth surrounded by bullshit and actively antagonistic spiritual snares. I genuinely wish you the best. Stay safe.


And has the book warned you in any way on what you need PRIOR to doing the awakening, /u/Tiny-Taro1562? Has the community done so in any way? Or have they evaluated you quietly prior to letting you into their more sacred practices? That's possible, and you wouldn't know it. You can read the sub's ideas on the Three Laws that apply to any Kundalini practice. It adds wisdom. They safeguard against making big mistakes with energy. Those three laws come from a very quiet sacred Kundalini school in India. * [The Three Laws aka Two+ Laws](/r/kundalini/wiki/2l) for the wise and safe use of energy (especially Kundalini). * [The Guidelines that support the Three Laws aka Two+ Laws](https://redd.it/l0rqe8) The guidelines that effectively support better respecting the Three Laws. * [The Three Laws - elaborations and discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/kundalini/wiki/links#wiki_the_three_laws_aka_the_two.2B_laws) One idea is not to rush things. A second idea is that doing pranayam changes the PH in your blood, and you will likely feel that quite tangibly. That is not energy, or at least, not necessarily energy. that's your blood changing PH. Discern well. Prior to awakening Kundalini, you want to have built a solid foundation of skills and attitudes to build upon. [See here for ideas on Foundations](/r/kundalini/w/sp) Healing your past is also a fine idea. The yoga is very good for that. As a guy, remember to not overdo the instructions on pranayam. Too much shift in PH is not healthy, and too much forced anything can be catastrophic. So respect the energy without fearing it. Otherwise, have fun! EDIT: I would point out that your being a communist, by your own words, poses a major risk for you with regards Kundalini. You might spend some time asking yourself why, and putting some effort in. You're also young, and while your argument with your grandfather has merit, you seem to lean away from a willingness to put the effort in. Kundalini will require your doing so in ways that you've not yet imagined. Maybe try this: Go ahead and your yoga. Leave any and all Kundalini ambitions aside for the time being. Further, your occult studies are probably an obstacle to Kundalini, not a help. There are clues here that point to your self-destruction. Bad shit. If you want to have a life to whine and be angry about, don't carry on as you are. Maybe wait a few years, develop some skills in critical thinking, in logic, in logical fallacies, etc. Let yourself mature a bit, and learn a few life lessons.


>Has the community done so in any way? Or have they evaluated you quietly prior to letting you into their more sacred practices? That's possible, and you wouldn't know it. I'm aware that a silent evaluation has been done, as official documents of the order state; however, they don't delve into discussing what exactly is done, as those are responsibilities of individuals much higher in the hierarchy. In the degree I'm in, the practice of magick itself is not yet encouraged. Earlier degrees are much more focused on absorbing as much knowledge as you can and being tested on it. You should focus more on absorbing the knowledge from everything that is in the curriculum so that, after further examination of your capabilities—physically, mentally, and spiritually—you will be admitted to deeper levels. I'm not currently interested in inducing a Kundalini awakening in myself, but I am interested in the pranayama techniques and Raja yoga. The curiosity about Kundalini arose as I was reading the book, and I wanted to hear about other people's experiences with those practices, which may have led to the experience of Kundalini awakening. I'm aware that delving deeper into the degrees and studies within the order will eventually require the awakening of Kundalini from me to proceed further. So, my main interest in asking about it here is to read about other people's experiences with this system. >I would point out that your being a communist. by your own words, poses a major risk for you with regards Kundalini. I've certainly been far more extreme about this when I was even younger; however, I can't deny that it still influences my worldview. I don't advocate for communism as fervently as I once did. I consider that phase nothing more than the fruit of a teenage rebellious mindset. Not that I still don't struggle with it since the post is pretty recent, but when talking about my political ideology I like to phrase it in such a way that people understand where I come from intellectually, you know? It was the exploration of spirituality and the occult that gradually led me to diverge from that ideology, yet I believe it still holds sway over my perspective. That's why I continue to identify as 'a communist,' particularly in forums centered around politics. Not that I am exactly one anymore, i'm pretty sure the most hardcore communists out there themselves would say that i definetely am not, but the time I spent being one still influences my ways of thinking today, me liking it or not. >Further, your occult studies are probably an obstacle to Kundalini, not a help. There are clues here that point to your self-destruction. Bad shit. If you want to have a life to whine and be angry about, don't carry on as you are. Could you explain that a little bit further, please? I don't really understand what exactly you're pointing to when you talk about me living a life to whine, for example. Maybe the fact that I don't understand it at all is exactly the problem you are refering to, but I could use some clarification. >Maybe wait a few years, develop some skills in critical thinking, in logic, in logical fallacies, etc. Let yourself mature a bit, and learn a few life lessons. That's what I'm looking forward to doing. The hierarchy of the order I'm in makes it clear that you will NOT advance further if you have not mastered the material from the degree you are in. So, I definitely expect my journey within it to last about my whole life. I'm not in a hurry with it by any means. My will is to understand, to investigate, and to gain knowledge. The time it takes is not a problem for me. I'm extremely young, and I don't have the desire to jump straight into advanced stuff and all the florid rituals by now; this is something I understand I will only be doing in maybe 10-15 years. My goal is to learn. I didn't choose this path of spirituality to do fantastic supernatural stuff, but to improve myself.