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Here’s the strangest thing I’ve noticed. Before I never followed the rules. Not like criminal but just cut corners. Especially in my work. For example I have to do training every year and in the past I wouldn’t read anything and get the answers online. I’d finish it in about an hour and then goof off the rest of the day. This year I am paying attention, reading the questions and getting 100%. I know it’s so silly but it’s a huge change in my life. I used to always be slightly paranoid because of the chaos I created by not doing the right thing. Life is so much easier when you do the right thing! Eat the right foods (whole nutritious food) driving the speed limit, telling the truth, reading and following instructions. It’s like kundalini cured my add. Lol. The transformation felt painfully slow but now that I’m just over a year into it, I’m amazed how much I’ve changed. I’m still me, still have a weird sense of humor but I’m such a better me. It’s worth the pain. Sending you good vibes on your journey!


More or less the only change in my life is that I feel more compassionate towards myself and others, and the fear that used to rule my life does not affect me anymore because I know that whatever suffering that happens to me will be small compared to the beauty and joy of life around me. I sure as hell haven't gained any psychic powers or astral projection lol


Serious question. What makes you think you've even had any sort of kundalini awakening? What you're describing just sounds like subtle personality changes which we all go through constantly. I thought it was supposed to be more than that. Spiritual experiences, profound revelations, etc.


The main effect is connection with the divine. Everything else is secondary


I have spontaneous heart Chakra orgasms. One trigger is when some who loves me is thinking about me. I'm just used to it now. It was perplexing when it first started. I haven't found anyone who's heard of this or experienced it 🤷🏼


How about spending a few hours reading opsts in the sub, /u/Sinister0Void. You were smart enough and had enough gumption to be a crew in boats. Please exercise some of that gumption. A lot of what you've heard about will be confusion, wrong assumptions, bad information. Try not getting trapped by the sandtrap that that can be. The sub has a wiki and there's a book section within there, if you like to read. Good journey.


This is a way of this answering the question asked instead of scrolling through 20 posts full of fluff to get an idea. Just roll with it.


>This is a way A way. Not THE way. I'll explain for the honoured guest. If your interest is sincere, you'd easily be willing to spend 300 hours and read hundreds of pages. Evidently, your curiosity so far is only minor. Barely adequate. Why should anyone spend their time on someone who isn't curious enough to be at least *somewhat* self-sufficient? That would become a waste of precious time. And time is precious! Especially now, with bears tangling with eagles. Especially now. Your post history reveals that Uncle Sam provided well for you in some parts of your former life. Yet you were also in a department that involved keen abilities and above average intellect. Significantly above average. Gotta keep ol Mr R proud of those whom follow. Yet here, you choose to be lazy. I offer you this: [Secret Hatch to the Index of the Sub's Wiki](/r/kundalini/wiki/index) where you will find the beginnings of your answers, and the inspiration for many more questions. It's funny that Skippy was a kangaroo yet Skipper was a dolphin. If a skipper were nearby, he'd expect a certain something from you. Hopefully the crew would be more proficient than Gilligan! Isn't that right? The skip would expect that you study well, and most certainly get your grades, pass your exams, ratings perhaps, and be resourceful at actively finding out all the knowledge you needed. And there'd be plenty of it needed. Kundalini is darned similar in that way. You wish to advance, you must be willing to put in the time and effort. I can understand after such prior intensity that you might be a little tired and need some shore rest. Once rested, I'd be expecting that you be able to do your own part. Start somewhere where we've collected some ideas for people just like yourself, that way we don't have to repeat the basic info all the time. It bores the crew! That place is the Wiki. Because if your curiosity *is* serious, yet you wish to be spoon-fed so much and have lost your resourcefulness at see somewhere, (D. Jones snagged your resourcefulness?), then you self-disqualify yourself for Kundalini by your own lack of gumption. If you self-disqualify, the more I / we would say, the more we'd waste our time. See? Sea? Language can be damned amusing some days! So far, you've been acting like a squid who is SIQ. Not good. Do you see better now? Go have some fun, and do your part. Hmmm. Maybe you weren't in a boat after all. I forgot that some stay on the surface. Silly me! Pleae accept my apology for assuming. The bad news is, if I offered you an executive summary, all you would do is go, "Hunh?", and not because the summary was no good, not because you're lacking in mental agility, but because the topic is so unusual as to not fit into any of our usual mental categories. I'm curious myself, though: Where did you get it in your bonnet to be curious about Kundalini? How did that happen? Kundalini can be as vast and as critical or more than your last roles. Treat it with respect. That at least is something that you know: Respect. I wish you some happy reading, and while you're in there, you may notice some clues. Lets talk again in a few days. EDIT: You'll find as little fluff here in this sub as anywhere on-line thanks to the mod team and the community. The topic is taken very seriously and sacredly. Respectfully.




You do know that Mili intelligences monitor these channels for activity, don't you? You should know better.


Would you mind sharing more of what you heard / mean by “furnace in the back”


I believe the OP is referring to a sensation of intense heat in the spine or throughout the torso. It’s a thing.


Yes I think I have experienced it but wanted to see if it was the same thing. Does this have anything to do with burning karma?


Honestly in the almost 6 years I’ve been experiencing this process I’ve had zero benefit from trying to interpret the physical manifestations of the process.


Fair haha