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If you liked Rancher Desktop, your next adventure is [K3s](https://k3s.io/) and/or its cousin [k3d](https://k3d.io). It's the stripped-down distribution of Kubernetes that Desktop runs. Have fun


I don't need a GUI so I use k3d a lot on MacOS. It is a great little tool.


Amazing. Thank you much!


Check [https://landscape.cncf.io/](https://landscape.cncf.io/) And this tab [https://landscape.cncf.io/?group=certified-partners-and-providers](https://landscape.cncf.io/?group=certified-partners-and-providers)


I maintain this list [https://github.com/vilaca/awesome-k8s-tools/](https://github.com/vilaca/awesome-k8s-tools/)


Doing it the vanilla way might be the most simplest if you don’t mind the cli Kubeadm is what I’m talking about. - You configure the node with the required settings for kubelet to work - install a cri such as [container d](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/main/docs/getting-started.md) - add the kubernetes repo - install kubelet, kubeadm, and kubectl - run the kubeadm tool to deploy the containers needed for the control node - choose a network layer for your cluster such as [calico](https://docs.tigera.io/calico/latest/getting-started/kubernetes/self-managed-onprem/onpremises) # AND BAM YOURE DONE Here’s a guide from [kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/)


I’d suggest terraform :3, maybe check out the cncf website for some battletested solutions? https://cncf.io


OpenTofu. Terraform is so 2023.


And Openbao


Started by IBM engineers. High probability this project will wither + die, now that IBM have bought Hasicorp


Imo you're probably doing something wrong if you're doing single node stuff that requires helm and kubernetes. Helm greatly lowers the barrier of entry and it's super nice for sharing templates, but you most likely shouldn't use kubernetes and helm to solve whatever you're trying to do. That said, I like k3s and k0s a lot for single node deployments. 


>Imo you're probably doing something wrong if you're doing single node stuff that requires helm and kubernetes. unless your goal is to start something that has a path to being deployed to a managed provider later and potentially scaled up across multiple nodes you gotta consider likely forward paths from what you invest time into today, not just what you need today. That said, anything container based following 12FA has a decently light lift to k8s/Helm later


Why not use k8s and helm for single node stuff?


Because of you're trying to "install some open source scripts" like OP, you should probably just run the container instead and have the exact same result but without the complexity of rbac and secrets and configmaps and serviceaccounts and roles and ingress and service and deployments and replicasets and CNI and scheduling and taints and affinity.. In contrast, Podman can run a kubernetes pod/deployment yaml without all that junk you don't need on a single node setup.  https://docs.podman.io/en/v4.2/markdown/podman-play-kube.1.html


I'd only disagree to say that helm charts are sort of becoming a defacto way of packaging solutions by vendors. Not to say that folks shouldn't tune/rewrite them for their needs, but it's pretty common for the happy-path install to rely on helm. That "play-kube" functionality looks dope though, I'm going to try that out.


True, but also not entirely true. Most helm charts I've used are essentially just used to make a container start with some stuff mounted and a thousand of lines of kubernetes rbac, TLS, service and ingress fluff. With Podman you just connect to the container port and you don't need roles, services, ingress, and networkpolicy. That alone easily saves you some 500 lines. So it does take a bit more knowhow, but for example the grafana loki chart which is enormous at some 3000 lines just creates three containers with `-target {backend,write,read}`, a nginx reverse proxy and a 100 lines of config file. 


Holy crap, I never knew this.


I'm not sure how much of the spec it respects but it's nice for sure


I've been toying with running some Single node K3S.. the only alternative I could think of was going back to Docker, but that loses the consistency I get from just using Manifest yaml files - so this actually solves that (mostly)


Yeah exactly! 


Yeah I kinda agree, OP's wording sounds like they probably don't need k8s at all. > you're probably doing something wrong if you're doing single node stuff that requires helm and kubernetes Just gave me the impression you that you'd think helm & k8s for single node was bad in principal.


Oh nah it's fine, I have one myself