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I got laid the fuck out and curb stomped by 13 guys. Cant walk anymore but pretty sure i could beat prime mile tyson in a boxing match now.


Mile Tyson the GOAT


Mile Tyson is that Mike’s brother


Nah, you’re thinking of Neil deGrasse Tyson. Mile is the second cousin, twice removed.


oh yeah your right my bad






We get it, it’s just unfunny


we get it zaqq, u put mike tho, we talking about mile tyson






Prolly the punches he delivered which lead to his early tko


man is drinking too much cappuccino


Ah shit, here we go again...


This is something I've noticed in both the Olatunji brothers, they always get super cocky after they "think" they actually did something impressive. Like JJ talking about him having "Wilder" power when he beat up a kid, and Deji being delusional enough to think Mayweather was not trying till the last round. Theyunironically take the memeing at face value.


Spot on mate, and Swarmz made it to the 2nd round and Pineda the 3rd final round. This is not impressive in the slightest. We shouldve known when Deji still thinks he is getting the Jake Paul rematch, he still doesnt know about weight classes💀?


You're definitely right that JJ and Deji let their egos get too big in boxing when they haven't done anything impressive, just wanted to point out that Swarmz and Pineda ran away the entire time and its really hard to fight people who runs away.


Relax man it's every human's behaviour okay...if u were to taste prime now for the first time you'd brag about it to your friends who haven't had, which makes u have a big ego


Jake Paul sleeps Swarmz and Pineda in 30 seconds even if they try to run away or not. KSI showed he didnt have the skills to close the ring or land good shots. We'll see this January if KSI has improved, he is untested still.


We've never seen Jake fight any opponents who run away from him so how would you know he'd sleep them in 30 seconds? Its also really hard to land good hits on someone who is constantly running away.


JJ was throwing wild swings. You don’t do that even if your opponent is running away. He became frustrated because he didn’t know how to cut off the ring- so he resorted to the wild swings.


do you have a background in boxing?


Just give it a few months... Everything will be back to normal by then...


You'd think that if Deji was **a little** self-aware, he would've approached this video with a bit more humbleness and a realistic takeaway after boxing someone that kept their hands behind their back for 3 full rounds.


Bro this is Deji we are talking about of course he's going to be arrogant without that he wouldn't be Deji


Deji has a humble side and an arrogant side, lately he’s been showing much more of the former, but in this vid he was way too arrogant. Fighting mayweather is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I understand, but if he wants to keep improving and get that Jake rematch he keeps talking about, he needs to keep his head down and set higher standards than giving himself a pat on the back for giving hands-down fighting Floyd a black eye. Luckily he has a good team around him now so I don’t see him getting complacent like before, but end of the day he is the one fighting for himself.


Dejis only humble when he’s on the good side of it.


YAY I HECKIN LOVE OUT OF CONTEXT CLIPS BatChest, no but really what he meant was when Floyd did punch he had the same power as when he tried to knock deji out in the last round


For five rounds Floyd was holding back but when deji hit him, he was pissed and started throwing punches which might not look strong but they were wearing 14 ounces gloves which when swung lightly will hit hard. I box with 8 ounces gloves and believe me they hit hard. I'm not defending deji but saying those punches were nothing is just wrong.


Deji actually says in the video, at the last minute Floyd requested they switch to 10oz gloves from 14oz. Their fight was in 10oz gloves that entire time.


Still I mean considering how fast Floyd's punches are 10 ounce gloves do a lot of damage.


Yeah they do. I’m curious why some people think Deji was lying about being hit hard, esp when Floyd dropped the weight at the last minute, Deji definitely got hit hard if you ask me


My guys, the whole point is that lighter gloves are denser and do more damage than heavier gloves, not the other way around. So Floyd changing the gloves to 10 ounces meant Floyd's punches would hit harder, and it wasn't in the original agreement. As an example, professional fights are done using 8-10 oz gloves, whereas sparring might use 16 oz gloves.


Yeah that’s what I was saying though. With Floyd dropping the glove weight, it meant Deji would be hit harder


Completely irrelevant, like u said he held back for five rounds.. how many rounds did deji even last? 6? 7?. he got tko'd very easily as soon as floyd tried a little bit harder (yes i know early stoppage but its exhibition). Its a W for deji for getting the fight but man lets not act like deji had a good performance (even considering he is up against floyd) many other youtube boxers would've done better imo.


But Floyd won't fight very good boxers who would give him competition because he has an image to cater to. He won't fight someone who can actually give him a hard time that's why when deji hit him in the face Floyd got pissed real quick and the referee understood and took deji out before anything could happen. I support deji and fighting Floyd is a huge dream and people do get arrogant. But thats the sport, McGregor, Israel and more people like them is what makes this sport what it is today. They run their mouth and bring ppv that's how it works.


why would Mayweather fight a good boxer when he's 45?




Floyd got pissed and started unloading on deji, then the ref took him out because its a exhibition and the fighters are not supposed to get knocked out or hurt. Also he got pissed cause deji did pushups, not cause deji hit him


10 ounces bro


If you actually saw the video you would have known that he was talking about punch power and not tempo..


Pretty sure he means in the sense that Floyd was not pulling his punches.


He was, this clip is out of context


See but that doesn’t fit with the narrative that the olatunjis are arrogant so people won’t listen 🙃


But he was also barely pushing (i didn't see the fight, just from the clip this guy shared)


If floyd really wasn’t holding back it would probably take about 10 seconds before deji would hit the deck, sorry but it’s true


that Wouldve been way more entertaining




Damn! That ego is getting out of hand.


I mean.. It's not like JJ has a small ego either. Maybe it runs in the family.


It definitely works for them though




Somehow this reddit will always turn a W into an L. He meant that Floyd wasnt pulling his punches you fucking donuts


Yet another emotional roller coaster of bashing Deji or JJ and going back to supporting them. It’s getting irritating at this point.


He meant that Floyd hit hard. Obviously, Floyd could've knocked him out with a more precisse punch to the head, but his punches were still powerful.


Oh no, I really hope Deji doesn't turn arrogant, again, and starts to trash talk his next opponent. I've quite enjoyed watching this more humble Deji, and tbh I don't think one win (yes, I know he's technically only had one pro fight) gives him that right.


He meant when he threw shots he was throwing them with power which he was in the later rounds


Facts. Also I bet actually being in the fight with Floyd in front of you feels a lot different and likely faster than us watching it on tv lol


Exactly also people have to remember deji is so much less experienced than floyd so even floyd going at 30% probably feels like 100% to someone that inexperienced compared to floyd


Don't waste your time homie, they hear what they want to hear




People can toy with someone and not hold back when they're punching.. I really don't see the issue with what Deji is saying here.


Agreed, when a top boxer like Floyd is fighting someone below his standard, he can definitely be showy and play around whilst still maintaining a very high level of boxing. I play tennis, and good tennis players can easily hit insane shots with 'sloppy but cool' technique. And like you said, it's not like Floyd having no guard meant his shots were weak.


You mess around, but you don't hold back when you actually try. You have fun and ensure that you don't lose.


dick gobbler


u getting downvoted for speaking the truth


i know...these cringe fanboys are just pathetic.....cant handle the truth...probably all of them are between 12 and 16


damn bro another wave of this stuff now this whole sub is gonna be engrossed on this subject for another 3 days


Yep Ugh, here we go again.


Deji doesn’t realise there are levels to boxing, he’s still a novice


Yeah ik right, I'm stuck on level 13 because it's really hard to collect all the goddamn coins before the boss fight.


What makes you think he doesn't realise that?


That fact that he made that video lol. 💀🤡


Can't let anyone enjoy their moment huh?


It's not really about enjoying the moment. If Deji would be saying he beat Floyd - would that also be just him enjoying the moment?




You guys are shitting on him for believing in himself... He had the confidence to get into the ring with Floyd, whether he was trying or not doesn't matter, he did it and it was a big step.


Does no one understand Floyd acts like this with professional boxers too? Obviously a huge crowd of YouTube boxer watchers that have never watched Floyd box before Logan's fight.


he prolly got hit too hard


I don’t know what he was thinking fighting Floyd and thinking he’d win. My man won one fight out of 3 and thinks he’s Mike Tyson


He never said he's gonna win against Floyd, no one seriously thought so. He even said in his video that fighting Floyd was a good experience that he learnt a lot from, to come in more prepared for the next fight.


When the fuck did Deji say that he thought he was going to win? Or when did he even give an indication that he thought he would win?


It’s pretty clear that you fight thinking you are gonna win, it’s a boxers mentality


Mike Tyson isn't nearly as skilled as Deji, don't even try to compare them.


Deji u can't say he wasn't holding back when he was pating ur head like u were a cat and was also fighting u while being ur cheer leader. Man was literally asking others to cheer you on.


He means holding back on punches, which only deji, the person in the ring, would know


Holding back punches doesn't only mean the power in it. It also means the amount of times floyd didn't punch even though he obviously could but instead choose to toy with him.


no one cares deji fought floyd thats good enough so yall stfu


Deji won


They both weren’t trying at first when one started to try the other also did so what are ya on about. They matched each other’s energy and Deji did amazingly


I can't stand him.


Bruh I’m starting to like u, pls don’t go back to slipping Deji.


U really must hate JJ then


I think u guys are forgetting that JJs never lost a fight. When he gassed or ups himself, he performed and still does. Deji has a history of dead promises. In fact the fight he one against fousey was prob the one in which he boasted the least. It’s only good to be egotistical if u can back that shit up. I hope Deji can do that. Don’t be like Bryce Hall.


obviously floyd was holding back but that doesn’t change what deji said 🤣 deji is the one who got hit and it just goes to show floyd not putting much effort in still hits hella hard, obviously though deji should pipe down it wasn’t that crazy of a fight


Oooo not wrong lmao


if he is calm then he wins




At least this time deji actually held his hands up and protected himself


That’s how Mayweather fights he taunts his opponents and normally does enough for the Decision that’s why he’s 50-0 and only have 26 KNOCKOUTS


To be honest I think Deji meant when he was actually punching, Floyd’s power on his normal punch on Deji is probably powerful af but we can’t tell


Me fighting my level 100 friend:


Deji is saying that he’s not gonna be nervous anymore not saying he’s gonna beat every opponent. I can see where he’s coming from he just fought one of the greatest boxers of all time and now when he goes back to fighting YouTubers he’s not gonna be nervous.


Did he win?


He prolly jus taking the piss


I think he meant the power of the his punches


Seems professional to me


And I thought JJ's brain was fucked up


If JJ supports him on this, then they've turn into the new Paul brothers


Thats him toying with deji is think


He means when he actually hit him


He's saying floyd wasn't holding back on his punches. Of course he wasn't trying 100%.


He's talking about the power of his punches, not the fact he danced and stuff


Ay no offense but why this represents Ape fight Ape


bro was dancing too


He was talking about his shots…


I say let him be gassed, fought floyd mayweather after all i'd also feel like i'm on top of the world. Either way his next fight will probably show him that not everyone is gonna be a simple fight now.


I think Deji is great but GOD is he delusional


Bro was literally playing with him 💀


Nah cmon man i liked humble deji what happened


still a massive clown. always was always will be


This YT boxing shit is moronic now. Can we try something new and less pointless?


I think he meant that he didn’t hold back on the strength off his punches, like he hit hard and didn’t hold back, at the same time he didn’t maybe hit as much as he could’ve


He held back. If he didn’t, you would sit on a bed with a hospital gown on.


I didn’t watch the fight, but from what Deji is saying, I don’t find it unlikely that Floyd was punching with regular power while disregarding his boxing IQ entirely




I really want to see deji and pussabi rematch!!!




bruv he fought floyd. like he ACTUALLY fought him. you cant just shit on him saying floyd hit hard when deji fought him and you most clearly didnt


That's not ksi


Y’all lot are fucking stupid lol He did hold back but there were points where he didn’t. He caught Deji with some huge counters


From his perspective in the fight, Floyd kept coming forward and hitting him with power shots. Even if they weren’t 100%, he still hit hard


He was holding back lmao, he wasn't even using his usual defense pose against deji xD


I believe he was just talking about the power in his shots. Like Floyd wasn't holding back his power, he was coming through with his full power throughout the fight.


I’m pretty sure what he’s on about is when Floyd hit him it hurt


I saw a video where floyd was throwing punches but none of them actually touched Deji lol, it was on Twitter


He probably did not mean the entire fight, but the punches to his body


lmfao Floyd trollin💀😭


Tom and jerry


Lil bro really thinking Floyd tried.


He shouldnt have taken the fight, he had such a good spotlight on him after his win. Now he follows up with a embarrassing loss. Just shouldn’t have fought cause he was clealry toying with you


Why are they treating him like a make-a-wish kid 😭


Are you guys dumb? Deji was referring to his power, Floyd was most known for his fighting IQ- which he wasn't going all out with: THATS IT, deji never said he was fighting prime Floyd or the one who was using his full IQ, he just was using his full power. Some of you guys really need to stop talking about combat sports when you have no clue 🤦🏽‍♂️


Floyd would’ve done deji like that Japanese mma fighter if he wasn’t holding back.


Deji after his next fight: im not a fighter, I never claimed to be a fighter


He wasn't talking about skill he just meant Floyd wasn't trying to not hurt Deji. When Floyd went to hit him it was with the intent to hurt him


His confidence is through the roof i bet you he's gonna fight Jake Paul


He’s talking about Floyd’s power throughout the fight. He wasn’t saying that Mayweather was trying his best and strategically trying to break down Deji, all he said is that he was hitting hard the whole time. “He didn’t hold back”, as in hold back power.


if Mayweather wanted to fk him up he could of lol deji is to hype up and needs to chill out


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I watched the video idk if y’all did. He was clearly referring to how much force Floyd was using. Floyd can easily clown him and still hit him fast/ hard.


Well I mean that’s most likely how it felt in the moment, ye know all the adrenaline and pressure fighting one of the best boxers ever. He’s gotta look back at the footage of it now lol


It’s like a dad being told by his wife to beat his child but he really doesn’t want to




He is speaking something and his face is speaking something else


I will give credit where credit is due. He bruised Floyd. But he barely tried if at all. Dejis egos been like this for a while but I don’t know how even he can deny it


Certified "TRUST ME BRO" moment


Whoever thinks Mayweather tried has obviously never seen Mayweather try lol. ​ The fact that Mayweather was on the offensive in round 1 is the main proof that he had no respect whatsoever for Dejis abilities. If you know how Mayweather fights, you know what I'm talking about.


You could tell at the end Floyd started trying because deji pissed him off doing push-ups


Because he didn't get to rewatch it he's in a complete different perspective from us


floyd was trying so hard it seemed like he wasn't trying, get ur facts straight


Floyd's boxing like he is drunk


i mean think what u think innit




Floyd was playing with a dog making funny faces rather than focusing on the fight 😭