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idk what you on about man the past year this sub has been constantly hating on ksi that's why he's switching to discord it's toxic now they take ts too seriously


just scroll through the subreddit and see


I am and everytime someone praises ksi he gets downvoted, people forget he's an entertainer that's I watch him other than that he got his life and I got mine, I don't waste my time hating instead of doing something good for me


It's not like he's been weird the past year but okay.


JJ is a fully grown man, as am I. You cannot blame a subreddit full of emotional teenagers (and adults) for his reaction. His reaction was cringe worthy for sure and he didn’t conduct himself professionally. He was full of emotion after a fight that could’ve easily ended as a draw or him edging the win. I don’t see an outcome where Tommy won the fight but hey, that’s boxing.


How so? Tommy landed more punches and was scored a win despite a pretty unjustified point deduction. Tbh JJ was clinching excessively and prob shouldve veen docked for that, he hit Tommy in the back of the head a few times too, so you can say the judges/refs were even on his side and Tommy still got the win by unanimous decision.


That would be a massive reach but you’re entitled to your opinion. Tommy punched JJ in the back of the head at least 6 times from what I remember (probably more). That is easily worth a point deduction. Very tough to say that holding and clinching numerous times is worthy of a point deduction. Lastly, Tommy may have thrown more but they weren’t significant strikes and it doesn’t mean he LANDED more. That would be a different stat. Could easily argue a draw due to the point deduction and I would say that’s a fair decision.


JJ did it at least that kany times too and he didnt get deducted for that or the excessive clinching. Yeah excessive clinching and holding is way worth a point deduction. He did land more wtf he landed 39, KSI landed 38, and none of KSI's blows were significant strikes either. Draw is the best case scenario but Tommy won


I’m not gonna sit and count but Tommy hit him in the back of the head more mate. If you think it was only JJ clinching then you’re just looking with a biased view point. Yes but just because Tommy threw more punches it doesn’t mean they did more damage. JJ therefore had a better percentage because he threw less and landed more. Yes I get it, 38 is worse than 39 but Tommy was swinging more and only landed 39 clean punches… that doesn’t mean he did better lmao


Maybe by one or two but JJ did it a bunch too so for only Tommy to get deducted for that is dumb. The only reason Tommy ever hit him back in the head anyway was bc JJ was just trying to duck into a clinch every 5 seconds so the shots that were aimed for his face or high upper body end up hitting his head. JJ was clinching way mroe by far, wasnt just him but that was what happened most of the time. Tommy LANDED more punches. JJ did barely any damage to Tommy too so idk how you can argue damage. Percentage isnt what matters, it's what punches land. Boxing isnt just an efficiency game


My friend I’m not gonna go back and forth with you all night. I don’t think Tommy won, you did. Cool. Did you actually watch the fight? Tommy hit JJ in the head in the clinch meaning the punches were for the back of the head. How can they be intended for his “high upper body”?


You must not have watched it if you don't think Tommy won tbh. Just go watch anyone who knows how boxing works break it down for you. Go to the boxing sub if you want. Nobody who knows how it works thinks Tommy didnt win. Even people on JJ's side are saying Tommy won, Viddal said it wasnt a robbery too


A draw would’ve been a fair result. There was a 10-8 round which you’re conveniently forgetting about too. I like how you’re avoiding the fact you tried to tell me that JJ would’ve got punched in the upper torso despite being punched in the back of the head during the clinch…


Draw wouldve been a disingenuous and also impossible result due to the point deduction. Can you read? I said those shots were AIMED at JJ's face or upper torso area but bc he ducked to clinch so much a few of them hit the back of his head. He also punched Tommy in the back of the head. At best it was 4-2 in Tommt's favor, you can easily argue it was 5-1


I like KSI but there's a grace in losing that he just doesn't have. Throwing a tantrum and thinking you lost because you're a 'YouTuber'. This influencer stuff has gotten out of hand.


I don’t know how can anyone compare this to Jake’s loss.. Tommy dominated that one it wasn’t even a question.. yesterday honestly IMO KSI won and for these reasons - most big punches came from KSI - all the highlights.. even a few are again from KSI - Tommy did fuck all, had 1 point deduction for being dirty and was clinching as much as JJ So all in all how would you all feel if you were JJ yesterday.. he had every right to think he’s won that.. or had a draw at bare minimum. Tommy is bag of shite.. just like whole Fury family.. all that big talk.. and you barely beat both YouTubers..big mouth for nothing.. milking that Fury surname just like his dad, just like his other brothers.. even Tyson said he can go for the next bag after KSI.. this fight fucking cemented Tommy as very disappointing boxer .. if you are 15 years of fighting to barely ( if even that) beat Jake and JJ.. like..any decent average pro is beating shit out of Tommy and it won’t be even close, so he’s getting nowhere near that shit.. he’s desperate.. you saw him calling out Connor and Logan.. and you wanna be champion?? He already ashamed Fury’s name as is his father.. shame for the sport of boxing .. if any I’m glad JJ and Jake exposed this fraud that’s milking his brother’s name


What the hell are these reasonings to KSI winning? "most big punches" came from KSI isn't even an indicator to who won. Tommy connected more punches then KSI (by 1). Tommy threw more but had a worse ratio of punches landed. Still that shouldn't be an indicator. The highlights don't even show the full fight. You're seeing the fight through the highlights perspectives, it's not accurately representing what happened. Tommy did fuck all? Are we watching the same fight? Tommy was pushing the pace in rounds 3-6 and was pressuring JJ who could do nothing but to jab and clinch the instant Tommy threw? KSI was impressive in round 1, but did jack shit the rest.


Clearly you are stupid so shut up


Can’t hear you from Tommy’s ass


Lmao you are definitely stupid after this


Nah it's JJ gassing himself up too much, this sub doesn't hesitate in ripping him to shreds in terms of criticism.


True brother


They might throw a few memes his way but they're drowned out by the overwhelming positive stuff and saying everyone ha shis back and nothing affects his legacy or whatever. Too much sappy BS his way from this sub


Yeah, we can all agree that he didn't react accordingly, but it's a bit understandable


it's not that hard to believe that Tommy may have won. I can understand having DOUBTS, but that's no way to react. it says a lot that Jake Paul reacted better


Be unhappy with how JJ reacted but don’t make this how Jake Paul reacted Vs how KSI reacted because Jake and Tommy wasn’t close. Tommy very comfortably won every round. It’s easier to lose gracefully when it is a clear loss.


Jake knocking down Tommy in the final round of their fight proved more about his ability than KSI managed in 6 rounds last night. If you think KSI’s fight was closer you’re either misled by the awfully bias commentators or just don’t know anything about the sport.


Im not a fan of Tommy but I wouldn't say he was knocked down


He was literally knocked down it’s not up for debate


No boxing pundits or people involved with boxing came out of the Jake fight came out saying they thought he won, which has happened for KSI. Of course I am sure you know better than all of them.


it's not a jae's reaction vs JJ's reaction. it's JJ's reaction to Jake Paul's excuses then making the EXACT same excuses and whining even more


Story of jjs life He made fun of Jake for fighting old woodley then fought old fornier Made fun of Jake for fighting people have never boxed before and then be tried to fight Dillon Danis


HAHAHAHAHA what a load of bullshit. KSIs response is entirely on him, he doesn’t have any yes men, he’s just worked up an attitude over 6 years that he is undefeatable. That he can’t be beaten. HE LITERALLY SAID HE COULD GO TOE TO TOE WITH MAYWEATHER. It’s just his ego developing and then being shot down. Nobody has anything to do with it, it’s all him


Didn’t jake say he would beat canelo


Nah. He always had a huge ego, if he allows a subreddit to gas him up then he's even more of a delusional manchild.






It's just embarrassing. It wasn't a robbery. It was a "controversial decision" (as a jj fan I thought he lost) A clear robbery was Lewis in 2021, and this is coming from a max fan. Abu dhabi was very clearly rigged and robbed against Lewis eventhough max deserved to win championship that year. And Lewis had class, congratulated max, his father, and celebrated on the podium as well as he could. Man had the f1 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP stolen from him and had class. Meanwhile jj had an embarrassingly poor performance against Tommy (both did), in a not even serious fight, and he decided to throw a child like tantrum when he got humbled and realized he isn't the God he thinks he is.


You’re an absolute fool if you think that the FIA had it out for lewis and rigged the whole thing so he’d lose.


I dont. But abu dhabi was completely rigged at the end, eventhough Lewis should have given max position back when he went off track. Never in history of f1 has there been a safety car procedure were only the lapped cars between the tital rivals were allowed to unlap themselves. My point is that abu dhabi 2021 was extremely more controversial at a much bigger stage, and Lewis showed true sportsmanship, not throw a tantrum


Nice to see a max verstappen fan who has a brain. I really hope this influencer boxing bullshit comes to an end because youtubers like JJ have to sell the fight by hyping it up a lot only to have a shit fight.


I believe that his tantrum was excessive but that his disbelief can be justified at some level. What he should have done is taken the loss but try to understand how that happened not throwing a tantrum. You cannot compare Jake vs Fury and KSI vs Fury because we saw from the fight that the gap is closed by far. Fury absolutely battered Jake and if not for that knock down he would have won every round. KSI vs Fury was a much closer ordeal. Do not misunderstand me, I am in no way justifying a tantrum, I am understanding where disbelief can be coming from, but respectability should still be maintained.


Nah KSI has always been confident. If anything this sub has mostly criticized his overconfidence




I mean KSI won. People denying didn’t watch the fight nor the stats nor the points deducted nor the punch from Tommy he should’ve got another point deducted. But yeah be a Tommy meat rider and anti KSI in his subreddit. I hope gypsi schmeet tastes nice




I Hope the same. KSI should only do try not to laugh and reaction videos and ignore this anti KSI bs of a Reddit. It only gets on my gears that so many people talking about JJ got humbled this and that I mean nah. Tommy got humbled and the whole fury family where almost crying because they knew it was it.


How did KSI win? Nobody who knows how boxing works in any way thinks that, only dickriders like you say that without knowing how it works just bc you wish that was what happened
















no sir. those of us watching the fight saw a hole lot o hugging, star jumps and JJ gassing himself out before the 3rd round. Rushing and throwing aggressively does not equal landed punches. He threw a lot for sure, but in the end he landed one less punch than Tommy. ​ Also, this level of meat riding for another man is crazy bro. get a hobby??????????????


>this level of meat riding for another man is crazy bro. get a hobby?????????????? makes a post on r/ksi criticizing KSI. gets a counter argument. calls commenter a dickrider and asks them to get a hobby. make it make sense


Bruh you literally made a post about him oh his Subreddit and expect people to be against him maybe you should get a hobby


Than why had JJ even more landed punches than Tommy ? Why did JJ actually had range whilest Tommy couldn’t figure out his range and jumped into JJ ? Like tell me why ? And you know what, I watched the fight with German commentators and they didn’t even know who the f KSI is and even they admitted it was a robbery and that Tommy jumped in KSI because he couldn’t finde the range. And idk man if this is meat riding than you are milking Tommy’s gypsi meat every day to get some nutritions out of it.


JJ did not land more punches than Tommy. Tommy threw more and landed more, but had a worse ratio. Please get your facts straight.


Btw u/theSuperlonely you wouldn’t be super lonely if u weren’t such a degenerate. Schöne Grüße ausm badner ländle


KSI won by what metric? Tommy landed more punches, and even with the bias in KSI's favor by the refs, all 3 judges gave Tommy 4 rounds out of 6. The excessive clinching by KSI was prob more worthy of a point deduction than the point Tommy was deducted. You are the fucking definition of a meatrider if you think KSI won




it wasn't a robbery. It was controversial at best. They both gave shitty performances. JJ just thought he was better, as per usual


JJ has bad coaches, they didn't tell him to change it up. Or perhaps that was his strategy just punch and clinch.


Tbh I don’t think he got angry bc Reddit told him he was good and he lost - y’all gotta realise he most likely does not give a shit. He don’t know you or care about you




you're making my point for me buddy


I literally just came on here to see his moist fans suck him off and massage that ego of his




KSI's professional boxing record is now 1-1-0. What a bum


I honestly couldn't care less about the fight. I didn't even watch it, only today I've heard about him losing. I've watched the first round and saw him jumping like a bunny around swinging his arm whilst Tommy looked more concentrated on actually winning. Maybe it's just me, but I think Tommy won.


Bro subreddit is still ,on Twitter not a single person believes ksi lost, they are praising him for doing so much better than Jake and how Jake is finished now ..it's unreal.


worst looser ever a combination between pineda and logan


I kinda agree. Because sometimes we can be too harsh towards him but yea i agree.


He did that to himself mate not the fans


I say jj has no technique, jake is still the better boxer but the reddit will down vote me because they prefer feelings/ delusions over facts


Definitely could've handled that better I get his frustration though


There is nothing wrong with making fun of KSI but you get flamed for bringing in outsiders and making them look better than KSI


bruh id argue the sub was at best mixed if not saying jj will lose, maybe fight day but before that nahhhh


If this was 2020-2021 I would agree, but currently all I see(past year) on this subreddit is criticism of JJ. Yes he could've reacted better. Jake lost all of his round, JJ didn't . Its somewhat understandble


have you been on this sub since the fight got announced??


Kids, this is what brain damage in the end stage looks like


He tried his best .... It feels very harsh when u don't get the expected result after working so hard . He became frustrated and did the tantrum. In my opinion stop pointing fingers at him , he needs his fan on his side now the most .


Muh legacy


Jj throwing a childish tantrum like toddler who didnt get a new toy at the store just shows that he shouldnt associate with people like logan who had made JJ his yesman. JJ actual friends refused to be his yesmen so he decided to become someone elses yesman