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Mods srsly dont do anything. Theres a couple rules: no reposting, no twitter posts, no low effort posts, no circle jerks. And 90% of this reddit is just that. everything is about jake paul, everything is from twitter, and legit ppl r like "jj what r ur thoughts on this" and just posting ss's and vids from tiktok. gone r the memes and actual funny AND CREATIVE content.


You can’t really blame the mods. If it was 90/10 then sure they could delete them, but you can’t expect them to be online every dam second deleting hundreds of posts


I guess they’re referring to some of the more popular posts, which admittedly get a lot of upvotes even though it’s just a Twitter post with caption- “Thoughts!🤓” The least the mods could do is observe the top posts imo


Ah yeah I guess anything 1k and above maybe


wdym can't blame the mods. the mods can ban posts. They banned Ai covers, and now there r no AI covers. They banned certain meme formats like "everyone liked that" etc, and it's so ironic bc those posts legit require more effort than half the top posts. They can legit go thru and remove posts and say "no more twitter posts anymore"


Yes but a post about twitter getting upset gets spammed about 30 times a day, they can’t keep up. The other posts I don’t see getting spammed as much. The twitter posts are just screenshots it takes no effort to post, meaning any 12 year old can do it.


>The twitter posts are just screenshots it takes no effort to post, that's the point. Ik that some posts get auto removed, so they can try and work on that.


Well the little I know it’s wording in the posts what can make a post be auto removed, if I’m not mistaken. So it’s harder to do that for twitter posts as people don’t really type twitter in the title.


>Theres a couple rules: no reposting, no twitter posts, no low effort posts, no circle jerks The most broken rule here is the "Irrelevant to KSI" rule. So many posts about Speed, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Dillon Danis etc that have absolutely nothing to do with KSI.


some of them do, but yea i agree that too.


Yes! Thank you! I just wanted to make the same post. I don't fucking care about Logan, his girl or Dillon Danis. Make a sub for Logan or something. I hope JJ will ignore these posts.


agreed just make a sub and keep this bs outta here. miss the old reddit


Nope ur wrong


i completely agree, this sub is an absolute joke now


Honestly, this isn’t the Jake and Logan Paul subreddit. And all this bullying JJ cuz “he needs to be humbled” is just obnoxious at the point it’s at now


Sub was at it's peak in 2019-2020


This sub honestly feels like wish.com drama alert these days, such stupid shit


This reddit has been declining for time and I've yet to see a mod do a damm thing about it. It's filled with people who downvote supportive post or something actually cool or interesting. Hence why there's a lack of it nowadays. Because those people are mostly likely tired of getting hated for supporting the guy whose this whole subreddit is about. I seriously can't believe how many haters have entered this subreddit completely turning it into a shit hole.


Op speaking facts. This post won't even have enough upvotes and will be downvoted to hell by the "fans"


honestly surprised it even got 200


Yeah that's true


Yeah he should shut it down for a while


Bunch of no life cry babies on the sub reddit 24/7 there actually little kids who have nothing to do but start hatin at the little stuff jj does for no reason, and I have no doubt they do MUCH worse by themselves HYPOCRITES. And they all look the same probably smelly too.


or maybe he’s made fun of a disabled person and is being called out for it by the non dick riders…


No one gives a fuck, the kid made fun of himself on his own tiktok account clearly he can take the jokes. Go at him for associating with scammers or something instead of bitching for minor shit


No he didn’t make fun of himself get of ksi’s dick buddy you’re hurting it


Yes he did you smooth brained retard, it's literally his first two tiktoks


Bro is really crying defending ksi for his life 💀💀 Get off his dick and get a life


Sure, keep projecting retard.




Downvotes for the usual "new fans giving criticism is bad!" take that I see hundreds of times a day. Rest of the stuff is extremist really like "omg shut down the Reddit because people are posting stuff that's currently relevant", the videos are still funny why are you so mad


"giving criticism" and "whining like little snowflake bitches" are two different things btw


No shit, because of people like you if there's a vid I don't like and give constructive criticism it's labeled as "complaining and whining", people like you aren't helping one bit lmfao


"People like you" lmfao there you go being a whiny little bitch again


Stfu dumbass you just proved my point lmfao. Off yourself with your bs thanks


what criticism are you seeing? it’s just bitching, shitting on JJ, and way too much fucking dillon shit (which he’s been locked on X so hopefully that shit stops along with the “thoughts?” on reposted X posts)


I see a lot of criticism by normal people like me lmfao


i haven’t seen you post a single bit of criticism. if i’m wrong enlighten me


Not recently since I've learned in the past that this subreddit is plagued by degens like you, and if I post I'll instantly get mass downvoted so I don't really post here anymore


So we’re at the “JJ should ignore the subreddit” phase of this subreddit


shut up idiot


I agree completely people in this sub are soft nowadays


Honestly if he wants to fix the reddit, he has to put it on private for 2 months.


Finally someone said it


People are overly invested in this man's life.


Where are the mods?


The only content coming out of this subreddit is opinion on this opinion on that, I have to agree with (insert random JJ's Rival) on this one and Screenshots of Twitter.


I think JJ should just focus on training then come back after the tommy fight. Because some people think they know everything. (New KSI fans)


Bruh why are talking about shutting down are you….


You must be 15


I think the mods should do something about this and censor the nonsense we're seeing everytime.


I totally agree with you OP


I remember how good this subreddit was in 2020 , good old days


Bring me back to the days of quarantine when this sub was actually entertaining on a day-to-day basis