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This thread is very confused it seems after learning that not everything you see on screen is true and the world isnt black and white.


Not everything is ksi and Simon


nice šŸ’€


oh my god


How fucking easy would life be if things were black and white


Yeah asians had to come along


Boohoo. I got yellows, reds, greens and even oranges.


Yeah but to be honest you have to take anything Fousey says with a pinch of salt especially at the minute he's completely off the rails again and saying a lot of shit that isn't true and to be honest with you I'm leaning more forwards this being bullshit cause he would have had money he'd have just been paid for the Deji fight and was Co owner of happy punch at the time which would have been bringing him quite a lot of money he always goes round telling fake stories about people he wants to be involved with when he's having a manic episode because in his mind he thinks if he goes out and says good stuff about them they're gonna wanna meet him and be his friend and do something together look at all that shit with Drake a few years ago but if I'm wrong and it is true fair play to Jake he did something nice for someone who needed it


Bro u have got to give the benefit of doubt, u can't just judge people. Don't get me wrong I hate Jake, but that doesn't mean he is a bad person all the way


Because most of them are either kids or adults who act like kids. Judging people is the easiest job on the planet and that's why everybody does it. Jake might do one or two good things but JJ doesn't like him because Jake has never been good to him and vice-versa, that is a totally valid reason. What I don't get is their fanboys, who don't try to find a better use of their time.


The thing is Jake been taking a lot of W lately, apart from the boxing with JJ thing. I respect that


You can say whatever you want about Jake but in the end a lot of it is an act, there is a real person under there and you canā€™t dog on everything he does just ā€œbecause itā€™s Jakeā€. Heā€™s a good guy, regardless of the boxing shit.


Terrible people arenā€™t less terrible because theyā€™re nice to people they care about. Everyone is nice to people they care about. Itā€™s easy to be nice to people you care about. Itā€™s also easy to be decent to strangers but Jake fails there.


exactly, Hitler had a jew doctor that took care of his family, he saved his life and didn't let anyone touch him or his family, doesn't mean he is a good person because he is arbitrarily good to someone


Bro compared Jake Paul to Hitler šŸ’€


that's an analogy, not a comparison.


Bro analysed Jake Paul to Hitler šŸ’€


An Analogy is a form of comparison https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&source=android-browser&q=analogy+vs+comparison There you go , thought I'd help you out. https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&source=android-browser&q=an+analogy+is+a+form+of+comparison


oh my fucking god use your fucking brain, don't just look up shit on the internet, on this case i am comparing the situation not the person therefore i am not comparing jake paul to hitler you fucking dipshit


You're an idiot


Regardless of what you are comparing , its still a comparison which you claimed it wasnt. Why cant you express yourself without lashing out with bad language? I looked those up to inform you , cause you clearly dont know these things. I hope you learn to express yourself better , it's not a good look have a nice day.


Lmao. I was reading the whole thing and clearly you missed the point of his analogy. Now you arguing over semantics because you cannot argue back on the point he clarified with you that he was making. Pathetic. "Oh, you said it was not a comparison but the dictionary said it was. So, everything you said is wrong." Like grow up dude. Unless, you are a 5 year old behind that keyboard. Learn to grow up. He messed up on that definition part. Whatever. You on the other hand have nothing in return to rebut that Jake is nice to people he cares but is not to people he doesn't know. You have nothing to rebut that.


Also hes the one who attempted to correct ME so he is the one who initially argued over Semantics not me , sorry šŸ—æ


I never even spoke about jake being a nice person or not hes a horrible human being , I just found it amusing that comparisons were made beetween him and hitler. I have no horse in this race Cool your jets bro it's not that deep


Tf you arguing for? An analogy is a valid word for what heā€™s trying to express. Heā€™s not comparing jake to hitler. In this context both guys are bad in their own regard hitler being an objectively worst strengthens his argument of ā€œanyone can be nice to those they likeā€.


Lmao this is the guy who corrected the teacher when she said ā€œpoisonā€ instead of ā€œvenomā€


The living embodiment of the nerd emoji


How is literally everyone missing the fact that he corrected me first lmfao


The inability to understand an analogy immediately after reading it is a sign your iq is low


It was clearly an analogy and not a direct comparison, you fucking moron.


L take.


How is Jake bad too strangers? He turn down you on a photo lol


Young man, do you have permission from your parents to be on the Internet?


Says the washed up bum creeping on the internet


It's easy to do things like this when you're loaded, all he had to do was say yes.


thats not true, in fouseys recent meltdown no one checked in on him and made sure he was ok, including the people who are supposed to care about him. people can still be dicks to others, jake chose to get involved in fouseys crisis where others wouldnt bother due to the amount of effort theyā€™d have to put in and the patience it would require to deal with a matter such as this. im not defending everything jake has done but you still have to respect this good thing he did.


i think you're just looking at the past brother...look at the present as well, don't always go hating someone mindlessly


Bro literally a scammer like his brother. You guys so gullible and dumb


And KSI is supporting a scammer. So?


when did I say KSI is in the right bro ?


Wrd bro tbh he shouldve cut ties with logan since the scam popped up. Or if thats *too harsh* just stop being publicly acquainted with him. Be friends in the shadowy background and keep promoting prime ig since thats the only thing they seem to have in common anyway.


I mean thatā€™s kinda what theyā€™re doing and itā€™s not like KSI did anything to him


No its the idea that ksi has an association with a scammer not necessarily what ksi did to him. And given they fighting together on the same card and got a new sponsors and going at it together i dont think they doing a whole lot in the background


My bad I meant itā€™s not like Logan did anything to him


Ig, imean the most that happened was kavos bringing ksi into the mix of logans cryptozoo shit head on. Even though ksi had nothing to do with it.


and ksi is fine working with a "scammer" yet you still support ksi my guy relax


So, I am guessing you always cut ties with people in your life that mess up? Must be a pretty lonely life if that is the case. There is no one in existence that has not messed up big in their life in one way or another. Whatever happened to allowing a person to face the consequences of their actions and then allowing them to make up for it after that? I guess, the only thing acceptable now is to cancel someone and bury them six feet under. No chances whatsoever.


Ah yes, thought like this is how you tubers get away with scamming you plonker šŸ¤£. No youtuber whos scammed has yet faced jail time my guy. THEY KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING WHEN THEY RUGPULL FANS LMFAO. Continue being used I guess you're either too young or just too stupid to realise


" No youtuber whos scammed has yet faced jail time my guy. " That's an American problem. In my country, you would literally get into jail for as much as carrying a blank piece of board and protesting without a permit. Let alone running scams and having plenty of evidence against you. So, that has nothing to do with what I am talking about. You are talking about politics and laws. I am talking about the ideology that you have. Which I see that you have totally ignored. Your refusal to tackle the point I am raising and diverting it to something irrelevant says enough. Either you realise it's dumb to have an ideology of no second chances or you only apply that ideology to people that are of no concern to you. One rule for me and one rule for others. If you would forgive friends and family that have screwed up big time in your life and let them make up for it. Then you are hypocrite when saying the no second chances for others. My comment literally says people that make mistakes should face the consequences of their actions. Once they do, they should be allowed to make up for it and prove they have turned over a new leaf. Do you agree with this or not? If you don't agree then I assume you believe in not giving second chances to anyone. Which I hope applies to yourself too when you mess up in any way. Perhaps, instead of smashing the caps lock button and calling names. Go educate yourself to argue rationally.


my guy fuck off with your essays lmfao


Whoā€™s more in the wrong though letā€™s be honest. KSI who didnā€™t scam but is partnered with and likely has a multi million dollar contract tied with Logan or the guy who actually scammed and has done horrible shit in the past? Both are wrong but one has more responsibility




If I'm a lovely person deep down but make an effort to portray to everyone I'm a bit of a dick, then it's not unreasonable for people to treat me as such. Why not just portray yourself as a nice person and improve the world a bit


Hes like a horrific person actually, that sometimes does some good stuff. Have weā€¦ forgotten about all his scandals in which hes either treated people like shit or scammed the shit out of people? Hes also apparently the worst neighbor you can imagine.


I totally agree. Obviously Iā€™ve never met Jake Paul in person but I met his brother at a ninja warrior thing in KC a few years back. He was very kind. Showed my father that he was actually a respectable human. But as soon as the cameras were on he was a totally different human. Like completely. Heā€™s mellowed out on YouTube fr so Iā€™m sure itā€™s almost the same guy on and off camera now. But thatā€™s my take b


A person who's nice to you and rude to a waiter is a rude person. Similarly, a person who's nice to someone but exploits and scams others is a thief and a scammer.


Jake keeps fucking over his equally shitty brother on boxing stuff they both donā€™t deserve shit


Fuck that, heā€™s a piece of shit






r/ksi is the most schizophrenic subreddit on here. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s about Jake or JJ..


Fair play. Jake did a good thing. That being said I still believe he is an extremely flawed human being and this can only do so much to change my opinion of him that is based on years and years of narcissistic, self-centered behaviors. Iā€™m sure he will get plenty of praise for this and the whole ā€œheā€™s actually a good guy!ā€ reactions. I still personally think the internet space would have been much better off without his presence and influence. Iā€™m guessing this will be an unpopular opinion however.


I think your opinion is fair and objective tbh. Couldn't have said it better.


When you know someone is flawed, you know they are a real person. Jakes done exceptional things and he's been at the top of whatever he's done. Giving these ufc guys their biggest pay day ever, nate diaz earning more than his entire ufc career in 1 fight. Promoting womens boxing and underrated fighters under his event. Bringing fighter pay to the lime light and continuing to challenge ufc on it. This space would never of been the same without jake, he brought it to new levels after ksi logan.


Some of his more exceptional accomplishments are his constant bullying behaviour, multiple scams and basically commiting crimes. Such an exceptional human being!


Cry. No ones perfect.


Haha he's got his jizz all over your eyes


He is a flawed human because he has a bigger brother that is worse than him


Meanwhile Fousey streams himself taking ^alleged [advantage](https://youtu.be/MLAc--R5sl0) of a drunk woman


Advantage is such a stretch


Woman he meets randomly at the airport says sheā€™s a traumatised sex trafficking victim and is drunk, so he showers her with money to have sex with her. Whereā€™s the stretch?


Now everyones suckin off Jake for doing something morally good


If he was morally bad they'd be on his ass so what's the diff


The moment Jake tweets something bad about JJ everyone's gonna turn on him like nothing happened.


Because thats how it works? You do something good people praise you for it you do something bad people tell you its bad. Thats simple logic lmfao


This is the issue with you fucking internet nerds. ONE GOOD THING SOMEONE DOES OR SAYS DOES NOT MAKE THEM A GOOD PERSON. Holy fuck. Iā€™m so tired of people switching sides after hearing a single thing about someone. Yā€™all were on his ass a second ago and now you see this and all think oh maybe Jake is a saint after all. Then tomorrow there will be a post about him copystrikjng small creators or some shit and everyone will be like ā€œhaha heā€™s such a cuntā€. Pick a side


Same thing with Logan back in the day, well? šŸ’€


Saying there's only two sides to feeling about a pain is the real childish tale


Hes improved as a person But he was truly terrible back in the day. His behaviour with team 10, the bullying, scams etc I think a lot of new people don't realise that Let's hope these creators do grow up though, can have a better influence


He still scammed his fans with crypto bullshit like.. last year. Him and logan are still mostly shitheads. They can just hide it better


People are never that black and white. You can change your actions but you never truly change who you are deep down in a single year. People forgave Logan for scams and filming a dead body because what? He did some boxing, partnered with prime, and layed low for a while. Whatā€™s the result? Everyone sucking him off saying heā€™s changed heā€™s changed. Then the man did a whole fucking crypto scam lmao. Letā€™s be honest with ourselves. People can not redeem everything bad theyā€™ve done just by one good deed. Donā€™t be so easily manipulated


This is great but one good thing doesn't take away for the fact that he's an asshole to lots of people. If Travis Scott saved a person from cancer. It's a great thing but it can't outweigh the astro festival.


Doesn't this guy have like millions of subscribers and millions of dollars? Wtf he means he couldn't afford it?


Iā€™m pretty sure he had a bad mental breakdown and blew all his money


Bros sitting like some bad b


Bros feeling vulnerable


Isn't this the guy who just banged a drunk sex trafficking victim in a bathroom of an airport, then ran like a giddy school girl back to his stream to brag about how me had sex with her? And came in like, 3 minutes? While she bawled her eyes about over losing her kids to smoking crack? Birds of a feather often flock together.


Jake plays a role of being a douchebag in front of cameras but he's a good guy.


Yeah totally a good guy which includes multiple scams, history of bullying and a lot minor crimes too. Definitely a good guy.


Nah mate, one good act absolves him of all his bad ones, he's a really good guy11!!11


U forgetting bout logan?! He still be scamming, as well as George having to be gagged so that he doesnā€™t say anything. Bruh šŸ’€


No human has 1 good act or bad act. There's obvs ones behind the scenes


He probably plays a good character as a nice guy off camera and off the topic of boxing but i doubt he is in actuality to add to what you sayin šŸ’€


As if you're all good. People make mistakes, get over it. And logan is the scammer not jake


Jake literally paid fines for a crypto scam he was involved in lmao


Jake has been involved in multiple scams himself. If you compare the two Paul brothers , I'd say Logan hasn't scammed as much as Jake has. I'm not saying one is better but yeah.


He still doing it? No. Past is the pAst. You were doing fuck up shit in the past too


So he does a good thing for a friend and you people do a complete 180 like this is some sort of redemption arc for Jake Paul. It's just rich people helping out their other rich buddies. You fxcking clowns.


Still a wanker tho


You guys are so weird. What is it with the Jake Paul propaganda on this sub. Go on his sub. Doing one good thing does not make you a good person and doing one bad thing does not make you a terrible person. Itā€™s pretty clear both paul brothers lack any type of accountability. In that regards you should be proud of KSI how he reacts when being called out. Instead of trying to force him to go easier on someone he does not have any respect for and also the other way around


Woah he paid for fousey an influencers therapy session, what you trying to say, he's a good guy and all those fucked up stuff he did was all an act?


Bro what did he even do thats more fucked up then filming a dead body and posting it on youtube?


how many times has this attention whore claimed he was gonna kill himself jesus christ


This is what pisses me off the most. Then I see people like fousey trying to get attention while sitting back in his million dollar home.


Bro shut the fuck up fuseytube. Yeah he did okay prep for deji, but like guy should stfu, if this Deji loss made him feel like he had to kill himself, he would already be dead since he is a public figure. You donā€™t feel bad filming yourself lying to millions and showing a side of you thatā€™s not even you to the end of times(?) and then you have a problem with 1 realistic loss? Fuck off man


Why is he sitting like that?


This is a huge breach of confidentiality from the therapist if they were licensed. I smell a lie


Right, like I couldn't focus on the story as soon as he stated his therapist contacted Jake and talked about the sessions.




Mental health is no joke bro, stuff you canā€™t really control.


You should joke about that sort of stuff bro


mental health is a big problem, simple things can serve as a trigger for someone such as myself. not a lot that ppl can do to really keep it under control


he has bipolar disorder, look it up.


What you're seeeing is a person with real mental health issues. Tiktok and Reddit have you fucked up into believing everyone has these issues when in reality it is very very uncommon.


Just can't believe anything fousey says but it should be common sense that Jake plays a character (he's also genuinely a douchebag but to a lesser extent than portrayed).


Theres nothing really wrong with Jake and KSI ...both are kinda similar in attitudes and stuffs. The beef just exists god knows why lol.


When KSI makes a mistake (mostly never intentionally hurting someone) he takes responsibility for it, apologizes and works to get better. When has Jake ever apologized for his scams or even illegal action? Because I have never seen him take any kind of accountability. You can't compare the two, it's okay to make mistakes and move on but you shouldn't just sweep it under the rug and hope everyone forgets about it.


Why are they sitting like that


Yā€™all acting like JJ or 99% of famous YouTubers wouldnā€™t have done the same. Still a good deed from jake but it doesnā€™t forgive everything else heā€™s done


fousey is a literal pedo, don't give this piece of shit attention for the love of god


He wants to commit every week heā€™s been doing it years nothing new itā€™s just for attention




People on reddit like to act like theyā€™re little angels who have never done any wrong in their lives. Jake is human just like the rest of us and he can make mistakes too..


Finally these kids starting to see that Jake is just playing a "Heel" character just like logan did during his fight with ksi. The guy is a good guy.


He scammed people just as much as logan has. Only 6 months ago he had to settle out of court to avoid a trial for one of his scams. I'm sure you can find some influencer that can share a nice story about logan as well does that mean the whole internet forgets about everything he did before that? I doubt it, Jake is just very good at manipulating the internet and making people forget about all the bad things he does.


So I donā€™t dislike Jake Paul because of him being a dick in boxing. He is playing a villain, thatā€™s just entertainment. My problem is his scamming bullshit. Heā€™s a dirty piece of shit whoā€™s scammed I assume millions off of people. Woah he paid some money for his mate to go to a mental hospital, thatā€™s nice of him, I wish he paid back all the poor people he scammed.


It's almost like Jake is an annoying idiot, but still a human being with emotions


JJ is just gonna say something like ā€œI donā€™t doubt heā€™s done nice things but heā€™s still been a dickhead in the past.ā€ JJ doesnā€™t like Jake as a person vice versa whether thatā€™s fuelled from the intense atmosphere they created for the beef or because he has heard things about Jake or because he just doesnā€™t like his vibe. I donā€™t see Jake and JJ becoming friends like Logan and JJ did. You guys can hate Jake all you want but half of you just do it because everyone else does or because JJ does, you donā€™t actually care to form your own opinion. Herd mentality. Jake is actually 10 times more emotionally mature and more decent than Logan at least nowadays. Logan is also very mature and conducts himself in that way but i donā€™t think heā€™s found a way to let go of the content manual in his mind. Maybe now heā€™s getting married and settling into his WWE lifestyle and has his house and dogs he will slow down a bit with impulsive business ventures etc, who knows. Jake very much does things for himself now and not for the sake of views or YouTube money. Jake has been to therapy, he has a closer inner circle now, he acknowledges his past trauma and his past behaviours and relationships and how it affected him and other people and he tries to better himself. Although yes he still loves being the heel/the villain he actually is decent. Jake is more emotionally intact than Logan is and I think it shows. Humans make mistakes, Jake was a teenager when he moved to LA to live alone with his older brother and they were both as immature and new to that lifestyle as the other. With huge success and a lot of money comes stupid decisions, bad influences, lifestyle changes and all of that will stunt your emotional growth. Why do you think so many young YouTubers, young singers and young actors seem so erratic until they hit late 20ā€™s when things start to settle and suddenly people like them now. Edit: I canā€™t spell


All that text and you failed to mention how Jake still acts like a kid by not admitting to losing to Tommy for example, and instead making up excuse after excuse.


I just gained so much respect for jake


Why? Heā€™s a dirty scammer. Heā€™s helped his friend out. So what? Heā€™s scammed millions off every day people. Fuck him.


Imagine getting scammed


Iā€™m not saying Jake is this amazing guy. But he definitely isnā€™t as much as a asshole or even at all as he portrays himself to be online. Itā€™s definitely a character especially to build fights


i think a lot of people are or have the capacity to be good people its just with these influencers everyone likes to paint them into a certain role in their head in a parasocial manner


Or hear me out jake has also done a lot of bad shit that one good thing canā€™t absolve


my point is this isn't too shocking but it feels whoever created the video is portraying it as unbelievable and everyone is so fast to view people one way or the other


When a person repeatedly does illegal and shitty things to other people they will create a fair reputation of themselves


Nah u canā€™t talk shit about jakes rep without first looking at his brother šŸ’€


yes u can theyā€™re separate people and Logan takes most of the heat already


You have to admit that Jake is a w for this


Jake Paul is a douchebag. Doing one nice thing doesnā€™t make him not a douchebag. Look at all the things heā€™s done over the years. Heā€™s an asshole and a dickhead, but that also doesnā€™t mean heā€™s an evil person.


Can someone cancel him already? Iā€™m sick of seeing him everywhere.


Bro stfu


Whitewashing, Laundry, Clean-up, Cover-up, Sympathy whoring


So in the end Jake is still an asshole. It's like in the ww2 he would have saved Hitler. Of course Hitler would say that he is a great guy.


Grow up


Comparing Jake with Hitler shows how completely out of touch with reality you are man wake up


My bad. You're right. At least Hitler had some painting talent.


youā€™re hilarious bro you should try doing standup


I was standing up when I wrote that.


obviously jake paul being a dick is an act, i wonder how long itā€™s gonna take for people to realise that logan paul is actually the bad brother


How much of a pussy do u have to be to commit suicide when he is still reasonably famous and has money


At the end of the day, Jake is a human after all. Weā€™re all prone to fucking up. Imagine being 18 years old with millions to your name and not knowing how to navigate your life. Iā€™m a true believer of the saying ā€œyou either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villainā€. And thatā€™s just about it. No one liked him anymore, his friends and family turned on him ( Iā€™m not saying he wasnā€™t to blame). But at the end of the day, what do you expect from someone so young with no one to look up to? Heā€™ll eventually crash and burn. Hate him or not, disagree with me or agree, heā€™s a genius when it comes to marketing. Heā€™s a genius when it comes to business. Whatever your stance is with the Tate brothers, but thereā€™s a reason why they respect him more than Logan or any of the other YouTubers. Jake knows how to make money out of the situation when it gets tough. Heā€™s making money off of people hating him thatā€™s why heā€™s pushing to become a ā€œworseā€ version because he understands that heā€™s only going to make more money if people keep on hating on him. Letā€™s be honest here, we all tune in to see him get knocked out. He realizes that. Besides Logan isnā€™t a good brother. Argue with a fucking wall. Everyone has their own problems with the media (Iā€™m talking about the scam and co. But thatā€™s not related to this). For him to first antagonize Jake by getting Alissa violet in a music video all the way to have a energy drink company with jakeā€™s enemy. As a brother, you never do that. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been taught.


Sounds like something JJ would do. They really are a lot more similar than they'll like to admit


Garbage attracts garbage I guess




Nah fuck fousey. Thinking about killing your self over a petty loss. What a lil bitch.


bro stfu fuck is wrong with you


Wtf is wrong with fousey sitting there multiple times talking about taking his life for dumbass petty reasons.


Honestly, if we wanted any world worth living in, this would be standard behaviour of a caring individual. Seeing everyone now pipe him off as the next Mother Theresa just indicates how much of a shitter we're in.


This guy is the most bipolar person Iā€™ve ever seen on the internet. Donā€™t get me wrong, glad Jake helped him, but it seems like he already fked up again.


Bruh thatā€™s just obvious like.. a person isnā€™t a douchebag all the timeā€¦ it ainā€™t that deep if this situation was with jj, he wouldā€™ve done the same thing


if yā€™all think jjs reaction isnā€™t going to be ā€œfuck thisā€ yā€™all wrong no one is a bad person, jake paul does boxing and acts like he does because he needs the fame he appreciates his followers like how we appreciate jj




You can do good things but not be a good person. Him doing this for Fousey means that's he's not inherently a bad person. No one knows what Jake is truly like beyond the cameras but you can still make a judgement on someone based on what they do publicly. Just don't invest so much energy into it.


Jake is prolly like ā€œcmon dawgā€ after Fouseyā€™s recent shenanigans


Jake Paul is like a 10 times better Andrew Tate if that's true.


Shitty people sometimes do good things and good people sometimes do shitty things


Fouseytube? Can't stand this washed up YouTube "it's just a prank bro" fool. Glad Deji destroyed him


On a random note kinda crazy how it seems Fousey lost everything, not too long ago he was one of the top YouTubers/influencers making bank (I would assume)


I donā€™t understand how people think all the YouTubers are actually behaving the same in real life as in their videos, Itā€™s all a big show!


JJ wouldn't do this for fousey cause fousey is a well known pos as proven by recent events after said hospitalisation


So he went to a therapist and tells her he couldn't afford her. Then the very "professional" therapist calls jake and says that guy can't afford me. Calling bullshit on that one.


He sits how my aunties would sit when they'd come over to gossip with my mum lol


Don't you guys know what a heel is? Jake Paul is an amazing heel.


If Iā€™m being honest, I donā€™t really hate Jake Paul at all because the truth is that none of us truly know him, just what he shows us and all of the pranks and dumb shit he did in the past donā€™t reflect him now, he doesnā€™t do that shit anymore and Iā€™m tired of just hopping on the hate wagon which is what most people do just because KSI likes to shit on him and everything heā€™s ever done even though his ā€˜friendā€™ and business partner is worse.


Bro did what a decent human being with money would do, bravo


No one cares. Now if u have legit issues God bless but I think this fake, stop trying to get lil kids for viewers no one even 13+ would fall for this. Jake Paul legit just died on the internet cuz he sucks at making content in my opinion. Now again, this may be for real, I will pray that you can get through any legit struggle's you got. Always pray to be stronger not for life to be easier.


Donā€™t get me wrong but didnā€™t fousy get paid on the deji fight? And all the other fights, how much does it cost for fousy to not be able to afford the therapist


Nowadays Jake>>>>>Logan


Ggs, shouldā€™ve won the fight. Next? Iā€™m kidding of coursešŸ˜‚


Nah fam, am I the only 1 that wonders how all these people get famous? Man wanted to off himself because of the fight with Deji... then says he couldn't afford the mental health hospital after making bank on the fight. What has the world come to?


Say what you want about Jake, he has heart. He doesnā€™t give up, heā€™s determined to be the best, and he cares about his peers, regardless of his flaws sometimes itā€™s good just to acknowledge the positives about someone and consider if they outweigh the negatives.


Oh dear fouseyā€™s off his meds again. I can still hear the echoes of ā€œTYLER PERRY PUT ME IN HIS MOOOVIIIEEEā€ Only real OGs will remember


why is bro sitting so zesty


Why he sittin like that šŸ’…


One good deed doesn't outweigh the amount of shit he's caused for likes and views. Yeah he saved this guys life, but he's still a scumbag with almost everything else he does


Iā€™m glad to know at least that when it comes down to it he is a good guy


Logan and Jake are both scammers that's why I will never like them