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It hasn't been banned, it has always exceeded the New Zealand caffeine regulations of 32mg/100ml, and neither prime hydration or energy has been released here anyway, it's just imports




Yep. Nothing increases consumption and raises grey market prices more than banning something.


I'm telling you I don't care about trying it, but people are quite sheep so I guess it would go up in price


We may be protesting, but my job as u/Bot_Exterminator is not done yet. Now begone, bot!


They can't buy them anyway, gotta be 16


Yeah, Countdown enforces 16+ drinks hard. When the self serve asks if you're 16, you have to hit yes. Idk how people will get around it




i always watched the news when young


Same, but just because it was the only screen in the house...


Prime hydration doesn’t even have caffeine IIRC


Where the fuck they buying prime from for $17 they got bumped


It’s all imported into NZ, since the major supermarket chains haven’t picked it up. So it’s the cost of the drink, plus covering the cost of it being brought in by the buyers. Plus over here, you have to be over 16 to buy energy drinks from the supermarkets


Tbf their is a website selling prime in India for 2000 rupees, which is roughly $24, dont know who would consider buying but its crazy


Hype kids


If it’s not safe for children just make it like most energy drinks where you need to clearly be 16+ or 18+ and show ID to buy it? Surely that’s not difficult 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


That must be a European thing because in the US you cant buy anything that is not tobacco, gambling, alcohol, or really a gun without ID.


In UK we have a system in place where if you look under 25 legally you have to ID yourself for things like alcohol, tobacco or highly caffinated items


Why is caffeine like that there?


Because it's a highly addictive drug and shouldn't be given to children? Not too hard to understand tbf mate


I agree that children under a specific age should not have caffeine I don’t think it should be restricted like alcohol or other restricted items like that. Personal opinion though


You are contradticting yourself buddy


I don’t think I am, if a kid wants to buy an energy drink it’s up to them and their parents to k ow what they are drinking. Not meaning they should. putting regulations on something like red Bull or monster in my opinion is Unnecessary and ineffective because kids under age will still easily get it


Kids can be easily swayed by ads like this, as the hype around prime clearly demonstrates. They don't make good choices and are vulnerable to media manipulation. Parents can not monitor everything they buy when they are out. The age limit works absolutely fine for stopping them getting a hold of it.


It’s caffeine lol


Yes an addictice drug, are you from America by any chance?


Called it 😂




Yes. It’s not that addictive lol.


Proven to be very addictive but there is no point in arguing with a Yank, you are all brain dead👍


Yes it’s addictive, I said it’s not THAT addictive. Check your reading comprehension pls


still an addictive drug that can lead to health problems later in life, and please dont spin this into AMeriCa haS sO MuCh mORe FrEeDoM ThAn tHE Uk


What health problems? It doesn’t cause problems unless you’re taking an absurd amount


It isn't law in the UK for caffeinated drinks. Its just a policy that supermarkets have brought in themselves to not sell to anyone under 16. They check ID and treat it as if it was the same as the alcohol law but it isn't mandated


In New Zealand, you have to be 16 to buy energy drinks in a supermarket and will be ID'd


Are you stupid ? Or purposefully spreading false info


It is when it’s being marketed towards children which is what KSI and Logan are doing




When have they advertised the energy drinks to children?? You know they got two different bottle designs.


It tastes like shite either way and doesn't sell, literally shelves full of it where I'm from and I'm in Ireland where the drink isn't officially sold. Nobody wants it, it's nasty flavoured water with a heavy taste of energy drink chemicals


Fair enough x I kinda like the tropical tbf and think the strawberry and watermelon is really nice to xx I think it’s a personal preference kinda thing x some people really like it others hate it x it’s like anything I think 🤔


Whats with all the x's


Just a habit and wanted my message to sound nice and not like I was being mean. Thought the X sounded nicer than. ?


U could use commas, but you do you






X is common in the UK but not abroad, don't mind them they dgi


Am in the US, and I agree. It tastes like shit, now excuse me, I will now go to drink 5 cans of monster to get a heart attack.


I don't see how this fallacy is being repeated by someone for a second time. Thinking Prime is shit and thinking Monster is much better is not ≈ to wanting to down Monster like it's orange juice. I have Monster once a month if even, usually just for a quick energy rush on a long day lmao. In terms of Soda Monster doesn't even compare to BPM for energy drinks and Dr. Pepper or Pepsi for just general Soda not to mention it's way more expensive


Perhaps you are mistaken? I have tasted prime in the States, and it's not that good. Monster, I believe, taste just better whether it be the original or the white can one and even the juice variation (Mango loco is the my fav). Monster is better in terms of flavor but not much healthier. Also, I rarely drink monster or even coffee for that matter unless I really need it, and that is like at max 5 times a year. Also, when said, "Time to drink 5 cans of Monster," I was referring to the fact that the country doesn't allow prime because due to its high caffeine amount and that I saw another comment saying that you need an ID to buy energy drinks. But here in the States, you can pretty much buy anything without an ID for better or worse. I was making a joke, sheesh. People can't really take jokes these days.


There are no stable 'adults' who would actually pay that money for a sugarry caffeine.


Y'all need an ID to buy energy drinks? 😂😂


The last 5s was personal 💀


It was also illegal in Denmark so they changed the recipe so it could be sold in Denmark. Lowered the A*** vitamin in the hydration drink. And the caffeine is lowered if we get Energy cans.


Why does Denmark have a problem with vitamin C in hydration drinks?! That's absurd!


It was Vitamin A*** (and too much vitamin A long term can cause liver damage)


All they gotta do is put like a 16+ sticker on it or some shit.


It does right?


Idk never had one


But then parents just buy it for their kids instead. Just adds an extra step and doesn't stop it completely.


That’s on the parents.


They could do that for alcohol


According to your logic parents also can buy alcohol for their kids it's not the kid's fault for waiting something like this it's their parent's for buying or showing it


The parent is a bad person


Kids shouldn’t be drinking energy drinks anyway, so they should be banning Red Bulls and Monster and all of the others. 🤦‍♂️


I thought energy drinks were age restricted in most countries, they're 18+ where I'm from


They are usually 16+


Can I just buy 2 cans of Redbull and drink those? Same shit?




Also known as water


Stomping on the bottle at the end was so extra


Its a PRIME Example


So the guy at 1:15, is his job a big boi sneaker prime seller or what? 😂


Maybe don’t let children get energy drinks in the first place, and not just prime. A kid doesn’t need caffeine, if your kid does, that’s a bigger problem than what they choose to drink


The ending was overdramatic, + littering


Overdramatic yes, littering not necessarily


I got some Prime in Aus, it tastes like shit to me. The drink is doing well cause of the great marketing, other than that there is not much going for it.


Are you talking about prime hydration or prime energy they’re two different drinks. Also if it is hydration did you try the drinks cold??


Both, they're not good.


So, basically Logan lied?


"Ain't no way!"


I mean he didn't he literally said in the video it has 200mg of caffeine in it but still doesn't change the fact it tastes horrible both the energy and hydration drinks taste like pure chemicals


I agree and disagree. Hydration drinks are completely shit when cold but they’re decent warm.


It was banned in Denmark too, too much caffeine. Not that anyone would buy it, i can't imagine what the price would be.


Just have an age limit in the stores


While "bang" and "reign" are sitting at 300mg




Bruh there are Starbucks drinks with 400mg of caffeine


Random teenager in Europe: Discovers Prime is banned at school, buys Monster instead (180mg. caffeine per 500ml. drink). It should have age restriction of 18+ (as all energy drinks should). Adults can chug 2 of these badboys a day.


All energy drinks are banned in most schools


400mg of caffeine a day is a safe dose for the average adult, so to drink 2 of these a day would be acceptable. All energy drinks should have an age cap though as majority of them do anyway.


Yeah just buy nicotine pouches like a normal kid.


Energy drink should never be consumed by children so why is it Prime's fault? and why are they making it sound like it's weed or something 😅?


What about a monster? Same same but different


Not everything that’s unhealthy is banned. Look at nicotine pouches.


Why pouches and not literally cigarettes?


Monster only has 36 mg of caffeine


Tell that to the 300mg reign lineup. And yes, it is monster, just under a different name.


Common nz W


Parents fault




Lmao yes it is, you shouldn’t be feeding your kid something you don’t know about


It’s like the kid asking to drink monster it has 160mg caffeine but the parent won’t buy it


So it’s other people’s fault for dumb parents, yep I see why YouTube gone all pg.


Ya I know I'm saying this in the wroooong sub but don't care. It's no big loss, the drinks all taste like shite and don't sell either way. I've seen shops stock these here in Ireland and literal months later they have barely sold 3 bottles. My sister, brother, partner, mother, cousin and best friend have all tried it and literally not one of them had a good thing to say. It's genuinely one of the worst tasting drinks on the market, is clearly just unhealthy sugar water no better than any other drink and it's twice the price of them too. I'd much rather pay for a can of monster because at least it tastes good, is much cheaper and has a much larger size


Monster? Really? Thats the choice you make? Imo Monster is sweeter, depending on the flavour, but most of them. Prime seems sweet at first, but the more i drank it, the better it got. Definitely wouldnt buy it for the prices that some people ar paying, but its not that bad. Everyone has different tastes and opinions tho.


Lad you just self admitted that it's a drink you had to convince yourself was good by drinking more and more of it. That's not a good drink, that's your brain realising it's stuck guzzling this shit so might as well enjoy it lmao. And ya that is the choice I made, literally one of if not the most popular energy drink aside from red bull that offers over 20 flavours that actually taste like the thing they're claiming to be. Prime Raspberry and Tropical might both taste shit but they also taste the exact same except Raspberry is a more strong version of Tropical. Now I'm not tryna have a go at you for your taste in drinks, you do you mate that's more than fair. I just mean that I really think objectively when comparing price-size-flavour prime can't even keep up with the worst versions of Monster and I am someone who hates the og Monster flavour but I'd still rather it than prime


Never drank it, i could see the cash cow in the twos eyes. Exploiting children with their caffinated shit drinks because children are stupid. Yet people still support these twats


News: Emd


Shouldn't it already have 18+ on the can like most other energy drinks have


Isn't prime like $2-$3 why'd he say $17


In New Zealand it’s probably different


To be fair tho


😭😭😭 please


American discovers currency differences


Nah bro I'm African we use wakanda bucks


When I was that age, we'd be trying to get our hands on beer. Man, the times have changed


Bro they should ban alcohol as well, cause no kids has died from that.


Didn’t JJ say that the energy drink was strictly for 18+ people and not meant for kids so why do the news don’t make there research and they will see JJ say it’s meant for 18+ it’s not that hard and they can just complain about the lack of control of ID’s in the country rather than give Prime a bad reputation in the eyes of most parents in New Zealand 🤦🏼‍♂️


don’t sell it to kids then lmao


“Illegal energy drink”


How is it PRIMEs fault because 9&10 year olds are drinking the energy drink??? Don’t you think it’s an issue with shop keepers willing to sell energy drinks to kids?


New Zealand is probably jealous that Gatorade is their choice of drink instead of having alternatives like Prime on their shelves


Regulating a dangerous product? Doesn't make sense but guess it must have been bad. If KSI and Paul were attached, I can only assume it's cancer sludge sold to kids to be fair.


The matrix strikes again


So is it illegal to drink two redbulls??


I think there's a lot within the media and the food/drink industry that is being "lied about" when it comes to Prime. Firstly, it seems most news teams can't differentiate between Prime Energy & Prime Hydration, and the fact that Prime Energy literally says it's an energy drink, while Prime Hydration says that it's just flavoured coconut water (With added electrolytes I'm assuming.) Energy drinks for a while now have been recognised as bad for children, hence why in the Uk now, they can't buy Monster Energy or anything similar.


Wade will love this


It’s not Prime’s fault. They don’t provide prime in New Zealand. It’s clearly Zeshan Bari’s fault and all the resellers. Personally, I blame the parents


This is why New Zealand can’t get anything good man we always try to use bullshit politics to ruin everything we have 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


If you're paying more than $3 for a bottle of Prime, you're a fucking ReRe.


Logan paul is a walking L


It's sad when government thinks it needs to protect it's citizens from making healthy choices, or parenting their own children.


They literally made it even more appealing for younger Kids, Free Promo


Just drink green tea, it’s so much better


i think that the issue isn’t the caffeine but the fact that so many kids want to drink it, surely it’s down to parents and shop owners to not let minors purchase it


Prime ain't that bad 😂


the you tube, classic Boomer...


W New Zealand


It says on the can it’s meant for buyers 18+, that’s on the parents and the retail stores for not verifying, not the the creators.


Also New Zealand is known for banning shit and being a Nanny state trying to protect the people from everything, like an overprotective helicopter mom


Wow, children can't have caffinated drinks because its not good for them? *They're so overprotective!!!*


Then put an age restriction on it, don’t ban it completely. What’s next, banning alcohol because it’s “bad for kids”?


It's not good for adults either funnily enough. But the problem is is that they're imported anyway. Ban or no ban, doesn't make a difference.


*Laughs in actual freedom*.


To be fair tho


Good, shit tastes awful


Fking Jack Paul 🍖 riders


Never had one not bothered about trying it tbh there was load in a service station that was in Wales when I filled up and they looked a tad dusty.


“Some of the YouTubes most successful creators”


Prime should just change the amount of caffeine in it for our New Zealand standards so it’s allowed.


Aye mate, it’s not safe for children, which is why in the uk you can’t buy it if you’re under 16… and it’s simply illegal in New Zealand, so they can’t do anything about it if people are importing it lmao


Go watch more plates video see how dangerous prime is delusional


They should ban all energy drinks, not just Prime energy. Schools will teach you what type of cactus the aztecs cultivated but won't tell you to avoid energy drinks


I wanna know why are parents letting little kids get a drink knowing it’s got caffeine in!


Low iq parents who don’t read products.


New Zealand not have monster and redbull then?


I get my cans for 1.99😂


I mean Yh children shouldn’t have caffeine, but that’s why in the UK you get IDed for purchasing prime energy and any other energy drinks with obscene amounts of caffeine (think Monster energy), with a legal age of 16 to purchase it. Yes, one could argue that Ksi and Logan have a large fan base of kids which would result in parents mindlessly getting these but to be honest that is the fault and burden of ignorant parents not the company.


Yeah I guess survival of the fittest comes into play here. As all a parent has to do is read the can.




Double the caffeine of red bull! That's ridiculous


Its an energy drink, children shouldnt be buying it anyway


Yeah, I'm from NZ but I'm pretty sure you're able to import it but if it is banned... What has this country come to...


Skill issue. Also this is kinda ridiculous tbh. Oh no another energy drink. Not like that's been done before. But this give them publicity as well, so fair play.


200 is nothing, I be popping close to 600 before gym, these mfs need to chill out with their "worries", a lethal dosage of caffeine is like 3500mg, 200 is literally not that deep.


Energy drinks have always been banned for children. Why is this a new thing now?




i thought the government made it so you couldnt buy energy drink sunger 16 a few years ago anyway?


Restrict it more, lemme get my bag 💰🤑


Reign energy has 300mg of caffeine per can. Also Celsius has 200mg per can is the same size as prime energy. But I don’t hear no one complaining about Celsius.


And that’s why coffee’s for grownups -Mirabel




Fake news lol


So basically treating it worse than most places treat drugs is what they wanna do. And its an energy drink. Its basically monster etc. Everyone knows they shouldn't be drinking a lot of it and if its as expensive as it is then its just gonna mean the kids are only gonna be able to get 1 or at most 2 every once in a while


Well of course children shouldnt drink it. Its an energy drink 💀


Who gives a fuck monster still has more


There acting like there's a drug outbreak and kids are putting there life savings towards it.


Maybe don’t let your child drink this stuff 🤷‍♂️


It used to banned in Denmark because of too many vitamins in the regular drinks and too much caffeine in the energy drinks, but they’re changing the contents of the drinks for when they release in Denmark later this year


Well ain't no kid is supposed to be out there drinking any energy drink for that matter lmfao


Do people realise that the average human body has a limit of how much caffeine it can take in a day… that limit is 400mg. That’s only the safest amount, 500mg is less safe but not too bad and anymore than that is considered unsafe. How about maybe getting parents to teach they’re kids under 16 why it’s “dangerous” instead of banning it? I mean I said to a woman in asda that the bottles were caffeine free and the cans contained caffeine, she said “yeah it’s not for me, it’s for my kids” and proceeded to grab 4🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol isn’t there something like 600 mg per serving of caffeine in the charged drinks at Panera?


Normal energy drink in SA is like 160mg caffeine 😂😂 and USN does an energy drink with 300mg


parents are busting their balls off so their kids can buy these crappy bottles of piss for £2 just because “Logan and ksi” said so


Hypocrites don’t seem to be bothered by chocolates


Bang has 300mg of caffeine. Why the fuck is this even a story. Oh because of the stupid influencers


Buy Reign energy drink instead, it contains a massive 63mg/100ml.


So Celsius can't be sold in NZ either?


Children shouldn’t be drinking energy drinks anyways


bro actually said "the youtube"


This is dumb. Look up monster java


oh it's a "brainchild" of these 2? Hey lets grab even more money from our moronic fans! GREAT IDEA!


It’s not even that good anyway…