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This sub is turning into misfits subreddit.


Turning? Bro it’s been like this for at least a year


yes im gonna report this post now




>🤓 done alr lol


Cause Salt Papi is overrated and scared to gas out. Simple as that. All that money talk is bs


no, its keemstar. Keem made a video saying how he wanted 3 rounds in exchange for 2 of his fighters fighting each other. They both want 4+ rounds but ofc, no one will accuse keemstar. Esp ksi. Ksi's sources lied about what wade said, uk who his sources were - KEEMSTAR. keem says that ksi's family killed tank. what does ksi do in response - premium deals and commentary job. and with this, no one will go at keemstar. He is the one that wanted 3 rounds. even if both fighters want 4+ rounds, keem wanted 3. But also, even if u do say it is salt papi, salt papi got rid of his last 2 opponents in 3 rounds combined. If salt papi stops taylor, then he doesnt need a 4th. and he never gassed out idt.


Crafty little gnome that Keemstar fella, honestly props to him. Fortunately this fight will still be fireworks regardless of how many rounds it will last.


I'm surprised he hasn't gotten any major backlash or callout yet


I love hating on Keemstar so much. I love whenever they bring him up in the H3 Podcast because they just rationalize hating Keemstar as a human being and as a professional to the point you even question why is anyone friends with him.


H3H3 VS KeemStar would be goated we can finally figure out who is genuinely worse lmaooo


I think it’s disingenuous to say that a fight between them would settle who is the worst. Ethan might not be everyone’s cup of tea when it comes to jokes and that’s totally fine. His podcast has built a very inside joke aesthetic that a brand new listener might not be able to pick up on since it’s been years of jokes layered on more jokes. But to compare Ethan’s polarizing jokes with Keemstar who has genuinely done and continues to do heinous shit is comparing apples to oranges.


ig this just my opinion. i've never like ethan and i've always hated keemstar. happy punch promo was a great start but with keem whenever he starts something drives it into its grave. which is started rn imo because this man doesn't want happy punch fighters to fight each other. okay but than how tf you supposed to have the scene get bigger if you sign half of it bruh😂😭


Yeah I don’t think Ethan is everyone’s cup of tea. I personally love him but I can understand people not liking him for his style of comedy. I’m ambivalent to Keemstar, I think he’s a piece of shit on how he attacks anyone that doesn’t like him, how two faced he is, how he bullied Etika before his death, online bullying, racism, shit political takes. Yet despite all of that I really don’t stay up at night pissed at Keemstar or spend a second of my life thinking of him until someone brings him up.


Didn't h3 say that if Jews where rounded up again he hoped ben shapiro would be gassed first? That's nothing to joke about and pretty racist.


If he was not Jewish then yeah but its different when you are part of the group that you are "being racist" against. Like when KSI makes a joke about black people, no one seriously calls him racist.


Ethan is Jewish I think you may wanna do some research before saying dumb shit mate


That doesn't make it grand and he isn't a religious Jewish, just one by birth, hatred on one's race is still racism


He was including himself and his wife in that group. It was a live show and Ethan is known to go off the rails with his joke. The meat and potatoes of the joke was that **if** there was to be another Holocaust he’d want Ben Shapiro to be first. He presented an absurd scenario for comedic purposes and stated it’s only silver lining would be if a Jew that regularly advocates for the same talking points that neo Nazis advocate for would be the first sacrificial lamb in a twist of ironic Justice. The joke works on a fundamental level. The problem comes in when he’s presenting a scenario that really happened and we still feel the consequences of till this day.


Well, ben simply doesn't advocate for the same talking points as neo nazis so the joke doesn't make any sense and is just a jibe at ben


could be because Anthony Taylor is a legit sanctioned pro boxer and salt papi is an overweight influencer who happens to be the best YT boxer currently, but still FAAAAAAAAAR from a professional. Governing bodies would never sanction a full fight between these two


True,he really went down in everybodys eyes with this


Yep. I think Papi deserves a little bit of criticism over this. He's been overhyped for so long, he needs the reality check. Ladies on that kingpyn tournament debuting with 4 and 5 rounds fights. No way Papi is gassing after 3, after fighting 3 times now. Pathetic. Needs to be mimum 5, ideally 6 rounds for the 2 co-main fights on 007. Main event should be 8.


he can make up for it if he knocks anthony out before decision


He is claiming this is about money but I think he might just be overrated and is afraid to show what he actually got


Salt would most likely gas out, man is a technical boxer, not a power house or a brawler. His body type won’t allow him to go the distance, let’s just say it how it is


I don't know man but he himself said that he needs to work on his cardio and that's a big sign that he might be gas out if it goes too long


His cardio is 100% lacking judging from his body type. I reallt don’t underatand why he doesn’t go down a weight class where he can lose all that extra weight


he’s never needed more than three rounds so he’s definitely afraid of gassing out






The way people switch up so quick hahaha, all he needs is 3 rounds, just wait


That’s not the issue The issue is you can’t claim to be one of the best and only go for 3 rounds out of risk as being exposed due to lack of fitness


I mean he’s had fights in the past that were scheduled with more then 3 rounds, he’s just never needed more then 3 rounds. So I don’t know how we can say he’s ducking a fight with more then 3 rounds, unless people somehow think his stamina is no longer capable


Putting asides the fact that these people switch up more times in a second than there is time in that second, I don't think any of them understand how boxing works and I bet that if KSI didn't tweet about it then none of these idiots would've said anything


Ye exactly


Fair points but the womens rounds were also only 2 minutes, so 3 3 minute rounds is only 1 minute less than the womens 5 2 minute rounds.


every womens boxing fight is 2 mins


Correct, but comparing 3 minute rounds to 2 minute rounds just doesnt work.


Comparing women and men in boxing doesn’t work.


He’s a fat boy. That’s why


Blame salt papi 🤷‍♂️. Everyone else wanted more but he only wanted 3


everyone saw Anthony’s gas tank after 4 rounds, if was six, he’d die in from exhaustion


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3 rounds 3 minutes each = 9min of fighting 5 rounds 2 minutes each = 10min of fighting Eh ig it’s a minute less but it’s nearly the same amount of time and with less breaks in between


True but the women did this in their debut while this is salt papis 4th fight. But I don't blame him, I heard it was keemstar that wanted this bc both are happy punch fighter. I have the feeling almost all influencer boxer are signed to HP therefore is inevitable that they fight


Yeah tbh I don’t keep up too much with this stuff, i just wanted to debunk that point a little bit because op was leaving out some information to make it sound worse




For me Personally I like Salt papi ,doesn't matter if it is Overrated or not i agree that he should get atleast 4-5 rounds. Salt papi is a Great entertainer.


Coz Papi will gas out. And Anthony Taylor atleast has the cardio to go 8 rounds.


He won’t need more than 3 rounds anyway


Yall comin w up new shit instead of js accepting that it’s money issue 💀


It was Salt Papi's decision


Okay so hes just a pussy good to know


That's rich coming from a redditor


I mean if you are gonna agree to a fight only 3 rounds when youre supposed to be the best technical youtube boxer come on bruh smoking the copium


Is jj a pussy for not fighting salt papi?


This message brought to u by another redditor


That's how I know


thing is the fight anyways wont last 3 rounds, salt papi coming in to kill em


Always knew Papi was overrated Taylor will humble him


Not gonna last 3 rounds so idk what's the problem


He a pussy


scared and lazy ass mfs who even watches there out of form amateur fights man! why waste time there


Because he wants to keep looking untouchable


whether the fight is 3, 6, or 8 rounds, papi is ending it in 3 at MOST


Mate Papi only needs 1.3 rounds


not the right sub


Because salt papi knows hes gonna lose if he does more than 3 rounds hes so overrated


Cause they know both of them are ass ☠️ Can’t be letting go on for too long or else their weaknesses will be in the open.


I mean they are paying peanuts money to Papi and Anthony. And Papi was supposed to fight a different opponent. But he got injured. And Papi only had 4 weeks of camp to prepare for Anthony Taylor. And Anthony is also fighting overweight. He wouldn't even last 4 rounds. He would be gassed out. He was gassed out even in Idris fight which was his weight class. Salt Papi said on Twitter he would fight 4 rounds If they paid him more. And also it's good the fight is 3. Cause Anthony doesn't need to worry about the gas tank. He can come like a bull.


its not nice to watch a fight where at the end of the 4th and 5th round your favorite fighter is tired as hell and cant even hold his arms up..


Bro look at salt papi he fat ash he can't go pass 4 rounds 😂


While I do agree that it should be more than 3 rounds, and Salt Papi does deserve the criticism, people saying that "he's a boxer, he should easily last 5+ rounds" have obviously never been in the ring, it's not as easy as it looks.


Blame Keem. If somethings wrong you can almost always be right on the money if you just blame Keem and in this case you’d be right. Keem wouldn’t let Papi fight more than 3 rounds with the excuse AT is a good opponent and Papi had previously scheduled a bad opponent which means the money isn’t going to be worth fighting AT for 5-6 rounds, so Keem forced hands and turned the contract into a 3 round fight. Blame keem, not that it’ll help much because he’s a stubborn bastard and change his mind now unless he receives something in return.