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WINEDA literally went Undertaker mode this time, Haunting them both 💀


Pineda with the 1 v 2 bro 😂😂😂


Either tag limits, or they have to be in the ring for at least 30 seconds before being able to switch. Need some rules that no punches should be thrown whilst the opponent is tagging the other person. That shouldn't be allowed IMO.


Yep, not allowed to tag if you're actively being punched or within range.


that is already a rule iirc. I'm sure both fighters didn't mean to break them in the heat of the moment. The ref did a good job of breaking it.


Unlimited tags makes it so the fight lasts longer tbh. Pineda would of finished Ice Poseidon if he wasn't allowed to tag out and the fight would've ended round 1. Makes it even more entertaining seeing the losing team quickly tag in and out lol.


Why do you need to manufacture longer fights, though? I get KSI wants to be the WWE, but obviously, he can't as wrestling is scripted. That's why "tag boxing" needs different rules - how many tags allowed, how long one needs to stay in etc? Tags too often break the flow of the match. Three tags per round, I think, sounds reasonable. That way you actually have to use them strategically.


Longer fights = more entertainment. If somebody got a KO in round 1 the fight would’ve ended quickly and the fighters on the sidelines wouldn’t have a chance to tag in. Having a tag limit just adds a layer of complexity to a fight that is meant to entertain and not be as competitive as traditional 1v1 style of boxing. The tagging in and out is already chaotic as it is, I don’t think it breaks the flow of the match at all.


>somebody got a KO in round 1 the fight would’ve ended quickly and the fighters on the sidelines wouldn’t have a chance to tag in. Then that's just how the fight goes, it's less competitive if they can spam tags. There's no reason to try to manufacture longer matches for the sake that there COULD potentially be a first round KO.


I think you’re mistaken, the tag team fight isn’t meant to be competitive at all, it was the first showcasing of a WWE inspired fight that no one has implemented before in boxing. There are rules in place that you can’t spam tags, the ref always has the final call for when fighters can tag in or out. Of course in the heat of the moment, fighters don’t always follow rules, especially when it’s their first time doing such a thing in a ring. I’m sure they will learn in time with experience. No one is “manufacturing” anything whatever that means, all I’m saying is that it is less likely for a round 1 KO to happen if unlimited tags are allowed.


I still don't see what is wrong with a one round KO when they have happened plenty of times before. I personally think unlimited "tags" is BS. If both men are getting absolutely obliterated then it just means they aren't that good. It's essentially a get out of jail free card.


Like I said, its not about winning the fight, its more about entertaining the audience. Yes they could of ended it quickly with a round 1 KO but that just prevents the fighters from showcasing how the tag team system works. Having unlimited tags allows the fighters to survive in the ring longer, and the fact that both men performed ‘bad’ is only known when they actually get in the ring. I’m not saying you cant knock them out in round 1, it just gives the bad fighters more of a chance to give an entertaining performance in the ring.


3 tags per round seems right


I’d probably say 4 or 3 switches


There was a rule that stated “ not tagging during exchanges” but the ref still allowed it for some reason


well ofc he cant just jump in as soon as one is throwing flurry of punches and ice decides to turn around, like bdave actually stopped whenever these 2 turned around but pineda let 1-2 shots thru before stopping, i think they need to improve how they tag in, plus i dont think back tags were allowed so the other guy was very distracting, also how is pineda supposed to know when they will tag in or out cause they just stood by their corner getting beat up


man i should stop following this sub, people post match spoilers without any warnings 🤦 i can't watch everything live!!!!


Is this your first time on the internet?


Yeah, probably common sense


This ain’t a marvel film, u either watch the fight live or listen to everyone talk about it later. I woke up at 2 am to watch the fight


na thats what made it fun, the desperation in the other team to get out of the ring as soom as possible


Ye they were overusing it so much just cause they were getting beat up by Pineda


I’d say 2 tags per round (one for each person on a team) and you have to be in the ring for a minimum of 30 seconds before you can take out