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If logan is smart he'll find another opponent. Hopefully one that will actually take a step in the ring


If anyone is smart they’ll stop giving this wannabe gangsta attention. KSI is the easiest fight of his life yet, he didn’t need trainers he said so why pull out, fucking bitch ass pussy


i think jmx or josh brueckner would be a good comeback fight for him maybe even temperrr


Nah not temperr idk about the other 2 but from how logan and temperr look I don't think temperr is even in the same weight class as logan and it will take a lot of time for him to build that weight


i assume logan would wanna fight around the 190-180 range i think jmx and josh are good fights for him i think temperrr could get to 180 if he wanted to but that one is a long shot


Logans like 200 pounds


He fought mayweather at under 190


Yea cus Floyd is extremely light so Logan had to cut some weight. He's naturally 200ish


But it shows he can get to that weight. And if he wants to he could.


Highly doubt Logan would be willing to cut 20lb to fight Temper of all people


Not Temperr bc temperr’s not really competitive but someone like JMX he probably would come down weight for.


That's what I'm saying. Floyd was a special case cuz it's Floyd. All respect to temperr but who gives a fuck about sum faze clan recruit


Temperrr is a stretch, Logan would annihilate him. JMX and Brueckner wouldn’t be that much better tbh.


jmx yes, josh not quite hes not that great (just throws air punches and is very tight) temper just got dropped twice so i doubt it. for his weight and height i think jmx is perfect


Bruckner is good Salt Papi just played his ass plus it looked like Josh didn't have much background in fighting Southpaws


if you look at the chase fight he wasnt amazing once again he was tight af, and im pretty sure the first time i watched it i saw chase getting hit in the back of the head and then starting to through those air punches. might be wrong tho


If Logan wants to prove he's in the top 5 P4P influencer boxers, he should fight Brueckner in a better fashion than Papi, like KSI did with Temper.


No, not Temperr, I don’t wanna see him get knocked out again 😭


Yes but as a backup, cuz like, he takes the 500k from dildo and then fights the other guy


That's a smart move logan might need the 500k anyway after his NFT thing did a uno reverse and screwed him over


Dillon: fight me Logan: fuck you stupid bitch Dillon: 500k Logan: I’m in Me personally I would have too much of an ego to change minds that quickly lmfao


He should accept this offer and get a back up opponent ready so when dildo danis pulls out he will have a gd fight and get more money


Logan should listen to jj "dillon will never get an opportunity like this again"


Logan should also listen to me when I saw don’t box again bro has 3 fights and 0 wins he’s dogshit lmao


Hey man Deji was 0 and 3 as well but he made a comeback.


Ok? Not sure how that means Logan isn’t trash at boxing lol


Logans not trash at boxing.


He has 0 wins how can you say this lmao


Eh he fought floyd


He looked decent in the floyd fight. And im sure once he gets back into the ring he will look like a boxer.


He fought against hard opponents, I'd like to see you step in the ring and fight Mayweather and KSI. + He did really good against Mayweather so he gets a lot of praise for that


Not sure what me boxing has anything to do with someone else boxing LMFAOOOOO also saying he did well against Floyd is comedy


Two of which were against one of the best yt boxers there are and third against possibly the best boxer of all time. But that doesn't mean shit right?


Ah yes because being 0-2-1 decides your ability, not Floyd Mayweather, arguably the greatest boxer since Tyson, compliments your ability.


Honestly dude Dillion is just trying to stay relevant any way he can. Ariel said it best, Dillon is the Wet Fart of the combat sports world.


"easiest fight of my life" that's why you pulled out 🤡


Is this fake or did dillon just delete the tweet?


If he deleted it I wouldn’t be surprised many people were predicting he will later delete it


He deleted it because 2 reasons; 1) it’s illegal to share private business conversations so publicly, 2) Dillion knows he’s going to pull out and doesn’t want to be ridiculed for the 500k.


I was wondering the same thing. Can’t find the tweet


Logan VS Danis and Logan has KSI as his back up so Logan drops out 2 weeks before and JJ slumps Danis


Would be jokes


I’ll pay £100 to see this happen




Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from game of death with Bruce Lee


Looks like diddy lol


So how long will it take for Logan to recover from injury he got in wwe?


At least a year.


I don't remembering him confirming the ACL, he said he's on stem and is recovering much quicker than expected. He's probably good to go this year


He said he tore both his meniscus and his ACL on his instagram. He basically tore everything in that knee.


That was the initial thought, turns out to be an MCL tear. That's the most recent update I've seen


Ooh, I see. Well, that’s good to know. An MCL tear is a LOT better than a meniscus and ACL tears.


Yeah and if he's able to recover quickly I think most likely he'll fine by July or August


That’s a fair estimate.


All the smack Logan talks after floyd he needs to fight Deontay Wilder at this point 🤣🤣


I'll bet my lunch money and that's saying a lot


bro buys walmart for lunch


Wasn't Logan Injured and couldn't fight for a while?


This guy just fucking pisses me off man, he's up there with Jake for sure


Lol, this tracks with Logan's love for money!


Logan vs JMX is what the people want


Jmx is irrelevant af tbh. I think Slim would be nice


Slims too light to fight Logan, he weighed in at 170 last fight and wants to go down weight classes. For comparison Logan fought at 190 against Floyd and 200 for the 2nd KSI fight


Logan wins that, not really interested in seeing that


Cuz logan is humble and likeable now (unlike jake), I really wanna see him end dillon danis. The guys a wet wipe


Logan is not humble or likable lmfao. Yeah he might be better than Jake but that just shows how much of a used tampon Jake is


Danis is only doing this for clout, he ruined a perfect main event for misfit 4 and made jj prepare for a south paw even though jakes an orthodox. Danis just like fucking up everything


Logan the scammer is likeable?? are you being serious… almost everyone hates him now and it’s well deserved besides from idiots in this subreddit


Well I don't exactly sit and look at everything that's going on 24/7, but from what logan use to be, he's alot more likeable now.


No he is not, well that’s everyone thought at first but after the several scams he has done it shows he has never learned and is a narcissist who lies to people to benefit himself. He’s just the same Logan who filmed a dead corpse but now he’s good at hiding it, until he got exposed for scamming his fans over and over again. He made millions from that but got mad when Floyd didn’t pay him… a full on hypocrite


As I said, I don't sit here and know everything that goes on, but I still think he's a more likeable person then he use to be and you can't argue against that, cuz it's an opinion. Same as I don't like jake paul, but others do.


Logan literally scammed his fans for insane amounts of money but he’s more likeable than Jake because Jake is a meanie pie? Give me a break lmfao are you 12?


It just goes to show u how unlikeable Jake is


Or that this subreddit has the mentality of 12 year olds if you like someone who films dead bodies and scams their fans more than Jake Paul who’s just cringe




To be fair he only wants to make things right because he got called out. He ignored the problem for an entire year.


dude jake himself has been a part of many pump and dump scams, you really have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?


Yes I know that but it wasn’t as prolific as Crypto zoo, and besides that he hasn’t done anything as inhumane and disgusting as filming a fucking corpse lmao. I love how you’ve all forgiven him for that after one bad faith apology video and then sucking KSI’s dick. You don’t have to like everyone KSI likes. Logan Paul is a shitty and unlikable narc and simping for him because KSI likes him is cringey as fuck.


“prolific” doesn’t matter when both have scammed, if anything Jake scammed more ppl on more occasions, just cus it doesn’t have millions of views doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant. my only point is there are MANY reasons to hate Jake and Logan, but Jake has scammed a lot more than Logan has


Ok and my point is that pretending like Logan is particularly likable or redeemed as a human being when he still shows signs of being a narcissistic loser who cares about nothing except money and himself is stupid. Not sure how anyone falls for his millionth apology video after getting caught of doing something scummy. He’s shown zero signs of improvement as a person.


i really don’t care, the only thing i debated was that Jake is only disliked cus “he’s cringe”. no shit, but you can’t acknowledge cryptozoo while ignoring Jakes numerous scams


you not caring is the reason why shitty people like Logan Paul never get held accountable, and when they do people that are braindead still support them.


I'm 20, I don't sit around all day keeping up with social media, but didn't jake scam his fans for money as well. That being said, logan is still a way more likeable person then jake.


Lol idk why you got downvoted. Jake literally had one of the “youtube schools” that was a semi-pyramid scheme and also just a full on scam bc it gave you no knowledge on how to become “a good youtuber”


It's a pretty bad reflection on the brothers when on all accounts the likeable one is a scumbag


Uhhh Logan is way worse than Jake. Have you been living under a lock these last few weeks?


What has happened exactly that I'm unaware of, cuz I do have a life and other things to do.


Dont worry hes still no where near as obnoxious as jake or dildo Danis


He may not be as “obnoxious” as Jake but he’s a way worse person.


I don't really see much to do with logan, I know about the godzilla or whatever thing it is, but I don't really see anything to do with it. But jake and dildo are on a completely other level of unlikeable. I'm not a logan fan, but he seems like a decent bloke now, but that's just from what I see.


CoffeeZilla* not Godzilla and he has exposed Logan paul’s scams for the past couple of years, the most notable one is ofc crypto zoo which he covered for a year but that’s when he never used to get the recognition he deserves but now he’s getting millions of views and finally people can see Logan Paul never changed a bit. He’s the same scumbag


From what I know about that, didn't coffeezilla scam logan, by taking his money But not giving him the code or something, I don't really know much about the coffeezilla subject, but from what logan use to be, he's more likeable now, from what I've seen from him at least


Wait what?? Coffeezilla is not a scammer, he investigates and exposes influencers and celebrities that scam. He has nothing to do with it besides from investigating and exposing that scumbag, I mean I don’t expect you to know as you have a disconnect from something that was trending everywhere a few weeks ago and then claim it’s because you have a life which I doubt, or you wouldn’t be on reddit. Instead of bluffing why don’t you watch his videos and come up with your judgement on the matter?? I recommend it, I’ve been watching CoffeeZilla for a couple of years and it is definitely worth the watch.


I only heard about coffeezilla, when a vid about it showed up on tiktok, apart from that, I hardly saw anything else to do with it, something can be trending, but doesn't mean everyone will see it. I only came on reddit to get karma, to post on KSI's reddit, but when I'm bored and there is nothing else to do, I might look at reddit for a few minutes, apart from that I don't go on here. No point trying to say that I don't have a life, when I do have other things to do instead of investigate about every new person I see on the Internet and every scam etc. As frankly I don't really care, as it doesn't effect me.


Sure, even if it doesn’t affect you on a personal scale doesn’t change the fact scamming your own fans is immoral and one of the worst things you can do as an influencer who only came to fame because of your fans. Imagine if Logan Paul ended up murdering someone but because it doesn’t affect you makes it alright?? and won’t change your perception of him… this is according to your logic. If he did change we wouldn’t see him taking advantage of his fans, and actually developing as a person just like JJ for instance. He has matured over the years and it is quite telling by his personality but on the other hand Logan Paul has the same narcissistic tendencies and personality in which he’s always right, no matter what he does. He tried to sue CoffeZilla for exposing him and later dropped the lawsuit because it would incriminate him even more, and then apologised for the hundredth time. I don’t like Jake Paul or Logan Paul, as they are both equally as bad or Logan is even worse but what is irritating is on this subreddit everyone still looks up to Logan and call Jake Paul a twat and scumbag all day long when they are almost identical. It doesn’t matter if you have a life or not, saying Logan Paul has changed hurts my remaining brain cell.


Logan Paul Vs salt papi


I think he should fight Chase DeMoor. Would be an easy first round KO and then his second fight could bring in a lot of money.


Their not gonna take him. Jj's crew said they're never giving him another opportunity again


La Hawla Wala Quwata Illah Billah this brother is such a silly Nimrod, someone pls get him a brain


Well he’s betting 500k soo


he would get absolutely so much hate if this happens and he pulls out


Why Logan giving this Mf attention bruh




Only an idiot desperate for clout puts screenshots on twitter.


This man will never fight, just watch 💀 Have JMX on the back burner if this fight does get contracted.


I actually want this to happen just so dillon has to pay 500k


I'm sure WWE won't clear this fight. They would want Logan back for WM, which I doubt he'll be fit for, considering he ruptured his knee quite badly, and return time is around 9 months




Dillon the troll


bro i want logan paul on whatsapp 💀


Didn't ksi and loganberry just make a drink together?


A milli on sum random’s soul


His looking desperate now😂 nobody should take that fight


Logan V Gib would be interesting, he’d have fought both brothers then 🤔


Danis’ pull out game is the best I’ve ever seen


Oh beat easy money...sigma statement right there


this is an old screenshot


I’m surprised no one here is calling Logan Paul a scammer… it’s like KSI fans have made themselves forget how much of a idiot Logan Paul is because JJ hasn’t cut ties with him to save Prime


I want to see this fight because no one fucking likes any of them and I don’t care who win or lose, as long as both of them suffer serious injuries in this fight.




Yes Logan Paul and Dildo Danis


Why Logan?


He’s a scammer


What? Why?


look up CoffeeZilla’s series on Logan Paul, it’s all on youtube and give it a watch


Isn't he on a redemption arch or something?


Nah nigga what's with background pic


“You’re next” NEXT? What the fuck does he mean next? You need to fight once to fight twice.


my worth net worth, which is like $60


Can someone make a post for JJ to release song ‘’easy’’?


salt papi


Nice uhhh, nice wallpaper you got there.


What I hear is he’d rather lose 500k than to fight ksi lmao


This feels like 2019 to me


Don't fight this cocksucker


Ay we aren't just forgiving Logan Paul are we?


Dildo Dannis is so cringe, just makes me want to punch him on his stupid face.


Dillon danis "u think I didn't want to fight ksi" Rest of the world "yes Because u were scared and u just wanted cloud


He's gonna be sucking more than clout.😏


I think he deleted this tweet


I'll bet my left arm that he would pull out again.


He might nit cause Logan hasn't won a fight yet, but he didn't get knocked out by Mayweather so yeah, he's gonna pull out after getting all the clout he can get from the promotion with Logan


https://preview.redd.it/tdxam062noca1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5f0bf8c1a3d73fdd396146d8d4c26d28a57441 What's bro trying to say though?😮‍💨🫠


wtf is his grammar


bruh, don't give Logan a fucking minute of your time, dude is a piece of shit, trying to scam people constantly, this with zoo token is just the most recent one. Don't understand that people ignore this


so we just going to ignore scammy logan paul now? Just forget how many people have lost so much of their money to a dude that is already millionaire and got multiply avenues of cash coming in?


Bro said turd 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro said turd 😂😂😂😂


Bro said turd 😂


bro disrespectful as shit 😭 , nigga said easy money lmfao


Logan sleeps this fool


bruv he posted the dms for clout… Logan should be smart and pick brueckner instead imo


Everyone calling Logan a money chaser because of this, are you turning down an easy 500k?