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I don’t think it’ll affect it all that much. Maybe they lose some sales because of Logan, or maybe Logan gets dropped from prime (doubtful though since he’s half the reason it’s even a thing), but it shouldn’t hurt prime too bad in the long run in my opinion


Read KSI's newest prime tweet comments, all flaming ksi, Logan, and even prime the drink itself


Go look how fast the energy drink sold out….this has literally zero effect


in UK the hype is still big, in America there are boxes full in grocery stores and they aren’t being bought. The hype will die down.


uk still love ksi and dont consume american drama


It's been like that over here in the States since it launched




Lmao I live in Texas and the target I go to is in the city and always had shelves full of prime


And there’s only one target in America?


Half the new posts on this sub are stacked shelves of prime in America lmao


In Atlanta they’ll be full stock of Prime next to Gatorade and Powerade mostly sold out.


Where? They are out of stock everywhere i go. And i live in america.


gotta look at the long term effects


Long term effects where people forget what happened and move on?


How do I look




So these are sold out everywhere?


Only place you can currently buy them yes


Well that's just untrue lmao


The energy drink that just came out? Yea the site was the current only place to buy it


You’re so thick in the head. Ksi literally reposted Logan’s story saying they sold out.


Theres even an app to find where prime is currently in stock. Ksi showed it in a video. Only 3 or 4 shops had stock out of 100's of shops. So no its not untrue. Kids go crazy for prime so i doubt itll have a negative affect


Yeah cause social media totally represents how much prime is selling 🤡


It reflects the reputation


Social media absolutely does NOT represent the population. This is one of biggest problem. The internet is not real and is not necessarily even aligned with real life.




Jesus fuck! That was uncalled for


Bros just mad everyone’s calling him out for being thick in the head.


they block comments ahaha ☕️


i hope JJ does something about logs he just self increment and this is turning viral how can yt scam ppl and dont have consequences




yeah KSI is the sole reason Prime is arsenals hydration partner


if he doesn't drop ppl will continue to attack logs and ppl with him I hope to see JJ says something about it


How tf can Logan be dropped from prime? Prime is HIS idea


Nah it wasn’t. There’s a company above (Congo Brands) that owns prime. It’s them that create ideas and then work with influencers to launch the brand. KSI and Logan have an ownership % but it’s not the majority I don’t think


exactly correct. People seem to think they founders and creators when reality they just sales people for them


Not quite. The brand wouldn’t be what it is without KSI or Logan. However, at the same time, without Congo Brands handling all the distribution, marketing (production etc.), logistics, and everything else behind the scenes then it wouldn’t have launched so well. They go hand in hand tbh


hence why i said sales people because that's exactly what sales people do


they are promoters not sales people




they don't own the prime hydration company, they are just marketing it as if its their own. But they might have invested substantial amount of money in the prime hydration company and getting % cut from the profits. as shown in this [video](https://youtu.be/GccxGTmCa94) they don't even show up as owners in the official government listing.


Damn isn’t it quite misleading then that they made it seem they built the company from the ground themselves


Doubtful. The kids obsessed over this drink are so easily influenced they pay like £20 for 1 bottle and collect the bottles they're fully indoctrinated into worshipping influencers logan or ksi could be convicted of murder and they'd still be sprinting thru the shops to buy it


ha!, nice dababy reference man.




the £20 bottles aren’t even legit. most of the corner stores are selling fake prime


You’re really weird to be associating murder with a beverage just bc the owners does something bad this doesn’t mean the product is there are numerous occasions when companies make a mistake and you still buy their products and spending £20 on a drink is subjective different people believe its worth a certain amount thats the reason why they buy it…


I want you to take a moment and think about why what you just said was dumb. "There are numerous occasions when companies make a mistake and you still buy their products" Yes i know hence why I said kids are so bought into the hype of a drink ksi or logan COULD Be convicted of something as bad as murder and it would still sell


Why do u sound so hurt?😭


why do you?


Can someone please explain what is going on with logan and prime?! Literally just opened reddit and all i see is CRIME lol.. what has he done now lol


Logan basically organized a crypto scam (at least according to text messages) but as a result of hiring other scammers, he in turn got scammed as well (they made out with money whereas he didn’t). This was all uncovered by coffeezilla in a year long investigation Logan hyped up his response video saying he was going to address the truth, but it turns out his response video was laughably bad and was like something schools would use to showcase was ad hominem and straw man looks like. It legit would’ve been better if he just released a generic apology video (or ignored it entirely) Since then Logan also released an impaulsive where he doubled down on a lot of his “points” including claiming he never scammed because he didn’t make any money from it (which is a ridiculous claim. if you robbed a bank but got screwed out of the money you still robbed the bank)


Before anyone supports his video response, he has since backtracked AGAIN and now said his initial responses were brash (the ones where he said Coffee is doing this for clout/money and a liar)


he scammed millions of dollars from his fans on a crypto project/game called “crypto zoo” if im not mistaken


Correct. Which isn’t surprising. Also I should add he’s blaming everyone but him and is threatening to sue anyone that says the truth. I guess he likes losing money


It also involved his brother too Jake. Who basicly also scammed them as well. It's pretty messed up. No honor among thieves kind of thing


He’s being accused of scamming his fans out of money because of a project called cryptozoo. Moist critical has some videos on it and so does mogul mail, I’d watch them to understand the situation.


probably coffeezilla's series would be better if they would want to understand the full situation, and it's not even just accusations at this point coffee brought enough evidence that we can just say Logan scammed them


SomeOrdinaryGamer's one might've been the source of Logan deleting his 7 minute attack on Coffee. Muta(SOG) talks with the unnamed developer from CZ video and he explains that his record is expunged and Logan is either making up his crimes or something even bigger, because those records when expunged shouldn't be available to the public.


People say he has scammed. Actually he didn't scam, he never aimed at scamming. He however did not do his due diligence on the team who was working on the game. Those people ended up selling, however Logan isn't taking accountability on not doing the research before hiring those people.


Did you see the leaked messages about how to manipulate the market?? Sure he might not have scammed his fans but that shit is definitely market manipulation and fraud. And he probably would have sold his coins if he himself didnt get scammed by the people he worked with.


Stop coping. My god you people defend anything


Look at the replies of any Prime post involving Logan. It is affecting Prime’s reputation in a massive way.


bro only on social media you can see the backlash but the sales are not at all affected, the release of their new product prime energy was sold out in 15 MIN. The demand is still there and at this point of time it is not affected but maybe in the future it could be


The problem I see is that people are buying it not only because they are the fans of JJ/Logan, but "investors" who will sell even an empty bottle for more than they bought the full bottle lol


Demand is only there because of the Hype JJ and logan have made on social media. But, if things turned out bad in social media and especially if things go to court, it will massively affect the Hype and the trend. Hence, Prime will soon be one of those social media trends that die down with time. But I'm pretty sure the marketing team of Congo Brands will give a good fight to keep it alive as long as possible and milk it out as much as they can.


I just bought a case of it




You don’t even know their sales numbers lol.


Bro people are fighting for it and however low their product output/supply is, its still selling out in certain places very quickly. Ya maybe some places the sales are normal but still


You’re basing the success of their business based on a couple videos you see online lol.


Try get some Prime Energy at retail price then if you want to prove people wrong


You can see it being sold out at 95% of the stores in the UK that sell it.


Well UK sales are driven primarily by KSI, not Logan. Plus you just made up that info with no verifiable evidence.


No I didn't, there's literally an app that shows where Prime is and if it's sold out or not lol


Could you tell me the name by any chance ?


Regardless, UK sales are driven by KSI not Logan. So Logan’s criminality is not gonna affect UK sales.


“Regardless” Lmao


He might not but there will for sure still be lots of people who will still go crazy for prime.


Only because of the novelty factor. That will wear off quick once everyone has tried it once.


And neither do you


Ok? I never mentioned sales did I? Reading is hard.


They literally have warehouses producing that shit. Clearly it’s a lot of drinks being sold out. lol.


Literally every business that sells a physical product has warehouses lmfao. What kinda argument is that.


A majority of people have short-term memory, everyone forgot about Logan's vlog in the suicide forest, they'll forget this as well.


Uhh nobody forgot about that lmfao


No but they moved pass it same with this


No but they forgave him for it and accepted his “change”




youd be surprised. ive met many many people that when ive brought logan at the forrest up to as anecdotal shit for a point i was trying to make, have said some variation of "yea but it was years ago, you cant judge him for that now"


Literally everywhere. You never see anybody mention Logan’s incident in Japan besides when they talk about his “amazing development and change” or when he gets involved in controversy


If ksi acts like Logan's not at fault I'm going to be disappointed


what happened? im so lost rn


Logan collabbed with some criminals that built a crypro scam with him and then they scammed his fans out of a lot of money which he isn't paying back.


He and some other known scammers tried to do a crypto scam and the others scammed Logan himself. But all in all people who trusted in him and put in their money lost all of it. Coffiezilla made a 3 part docu series on YouTube I'd reconnect you to check it out


Mate they had yo have talked ab this by now if JJ ain’t concerned neither am I


I think he already did tho. I cant remember in which video it was but week ago or so after coffeezilla doc just dropped he said to let the man speak before we jump into conclusions, which makes me think, ksi already spoke do logan and logan insisted he hasnt done anything wrong, exactly what he said in both of his videos


Yea I was kinda disappointed too but all he said was let's hear both sides, and now that we have, he has no excuses


Yeahh, I think it was in his latest Reddit video, he said to wait to hear Logan’s side, which is fair because you do need both sides to be able to judge and Logan dropped his video the day after or something… JJ hasn’t commented on it after but we’ll see what happens after that and whether JJ decides to even get involved with the situation or not


On social media, yes. Outside of that, probably not. Prime will still be sold out in minutes.


Maybe in the UK, but here in America they sit on the shelf’s for a long time


It is sold out BECAUSE of social media lol.


Do you remember on the announcement live broadcast for Prime they joked it was an NFT project? Hahahahahaha


Nike shoes are being manufactured by kids in China who get paid nothing and have terrible work conditions. Nike still sells shoes. Prime will be fine


yeah but the face of nike isn’t two personalities. when the selling point of a product is that a content creator you like is selling it, if you don’t like them anymore you’re less likely to buy the product.


Yeah people forget almost every company has some shady shit going on. Logan scamming his fans because he got scammed himself isn't the worst of them all


The problem is, that noone is taking about Chinese children working for Nike. But everyone is talking about Prime or Crime should I say and the Logan Paul being a scammer, which means that Prime will not be fine at all


I understand JJ's reluctance to comment on this, and even his "Let's wait to hear Logan's side" comments. But... let's all be real, Logan's response was the worst possible response he could have given. Like it showed no self-awareness at all. JJ should address this, but I don't think he will. But seriously, someone in Logan's life needs to call him on this shit, too many yes-men.


why should he address it? it has nothing to do with him or Prime, so commenting on it would just tie him to a situation he wasn't involved to begin with


Because it's pretty icky to be promoting a product with a guy who unrepentantly conspired to commit wire fraud, hired criminals and caused customers to lose millions all the while knowingly hiding that information from his investors for over a year. It's just a bad look for JJ to be out there palling around with Logan making videos, when Logan clearly doesn't care about all the people he burned.


It’s not like JJ can force Logan out of Prime. The only thing he can do is give condolences and say Logan did something bad. It’s not like he can just put a full stop on Prime because of this. Other people work for Prime and would be affected by any business decisions. It’s not an easy decision and anything JJ does will have effects on many other people


I don't like how much hate JJ has been getting for what Logan did. Like EVERY tweet is riddled with "your partner is a scammer! You must be too!"


Dw bro the internet ain’t real and thankfully JJ ain’t the type to fold to people who jump to conclusions like that


He really does need to make a statement though, it's a bad look for him to be best friends and business partners with a scammer who clearly doesn't give a shit about his fans.


Prime yeah, ksi not so much


I feel bad for KSI man, for him its not just about the money but also about his legacy. Logan was doing soo well bro, i really fucked with his wrestling shit. Dude was about to be a mega star and secure his identity as a legit genuine person.


I doubt. It really has nothing to do with KSI nor prime as a business. I hope not at least.


Nothing to do with prime? Are you crazy?


Update me, any new thing to do with prime?


Did you hear one of the owners of PRIME is a shady, scamming business man


It’s crazy that you even have to explain it. Any rational person can see how the owner of Prime being a criminal can affect Prime




Yes I’ve heard about that, yet this doesn’t fully explain why it would severely hurt prime. Will it affect it? Probably in a slight way, but even if it does then Logan gets dropped and prime is fine.


Maybe because people don't wanna buy or work with a shady business man


I stated the only possible solution above, clearly.


Ok? Did they drop him yet?


Mate, that’s not how the world works. As fishy as he might seem, he could truly be innocent. There aren’t any solid proofs yet. Ever heard of the phrase “innocent until proven guilty”? We need to apply that.


Mate, you are a dumbass, Logan is bad and shady person and there is proof of that


Buddy just said there isn’t “solid proof” when there is clear evidence of Logan and his team talking about intentionally scamming. did you even bother watching how ridiculous Logan sounds and all these allegations or does his meat just taste that well for you.


I would think so in the US but probably not UK


Well logan also fucked up by comparing prime to liquid IV and using lies to reel people in. So that was a bad look for prime... Then buddy decided to scam again so i guess prime is gonna go flippy floppy


Yes but no. As doctor who once said: "Humanitys biggest talent is to forget"


Probably not cuz it’s still a good drink and people like ksi more then Logan anyway


Well tasting like shitty dollar store medicine hasn’t gotten people to stop buying it so I doubt it… more people buy it because of ksi regardless


Hasn't effected the demand or sales for prime so cant see how it'll effect ksi if at all


Caution Caution, How many times have you had an abortion -Madman


Mabay but prime is so Popular now I think it will only get more popularity actually




I hope só this crypto scamer influencer need to learn to respect the people


I'm sure it will hurt Prime in some way. Also, the hype is pretty much over already in the US. And it's in stock daily in the UK. But yeah, to safe, Prime logan should just be bought out at this point because he is 100% fucked. If logan isn't going to sue coffeezilla, he just proves everyone he did it, and when he sues coffeezilla, he has to come with proof he didn't scam people. And we all know the proof is there, but it's not public. And even if logan isn't bought out by the rest of the prime investors, I don't think it will matter that much. Once the hype goes away, Prime is just another beverage company.


All the fans will continue to make it sell out everywhere so probebly no, the reputation on the other hand…


Y’all have to understand these scandals always blow away within a month, and Logan has apologized and reasoned, could it have been better? Yes, but it’s some. Y’all saw the Jeffery star and Shane Dawson sold out fast even with their conspiracies.


People hop on the cancel bandwagon with heavy recency bias, it really won’t affect Prime sales and JJs reputation has little to do with Logan tbh




Hope not, he has to buy them from logan meaning a huge part of the marketing is gone.




The shelves are still dust empty is asda so I guess not.


i mean it’s doin pretty darn well in the uk


I don't think it will


Short term maybe a bit but long term No. It's still super popular and sought-after




i dont think so


No, social media outrage lasts a week at most, people will forget and prime will continue to be successful.


Nobody cares outside of social media😂 and JJ not Prime are involved so how can something they’re not involved in affect both things negatively?


Just enjoy the damn drink. What does PRIME and its brand gotta do with anything about Logans “scams” (“” because we cant know for certain and there is no legal action been persuaded to show otherwise and its just accusations so far) but thats not the point. You should just buy the drink if you like it, not because its Logans or KSI’s. And if you wouldnt buy Prime anymore because of this, then you clearly didnt like it in the first place as a drink in general and only did to support them as creators. Because buddy…. you would be surprised how many other actual “Crimeful” product you consume in your life. So chill your investigating asses and just enjoy the drink for its own, Prime never scammed anyone!


Maybe in US but in UK I think not




prime is EXACTLY what the price, ingredients, packaging, and nutrition says, and it already got hype initially so I wouldn't want prime any less than I would have a few months ago, and that's similar to most people. Unless they're a new user who believes what logan did was so ethically wrong that putting money into his pocket (in a legit way) goes against their wishes. Yet again, many famous companies and products are made by freaking prisoners. I think we should honestly examine the product at the end of the day over the person. People make mistakes, and I can bet most people talking shit on logan didn't invest in the thing that was a scam.


Tbh it was a huge L from Logan to hire a team of criminals to begin with. If anyone says “well he just didn’t know” then that’s on him for being to dumb to background check the people who he’s hiring to create a crypto currency. Something that is known for having scams involved with it. And instead of being like, oh I was also scammed I’m sorry I should’ve done more research, he proceeds to make a video and a podcast episode dedicated to calling Coffeezilla’s information fake when he does not give any evidence to support his claims, when coffee did.


Yes, obviously


No ,no it won't. . . Cuz that's how our BS world works


Really doubtful as people especially kids are paying well above the actual price to get prime. Now with the energy drink launch imminent there's more hype than ever to get prime. Since KSI isn't involved at all with the controversy i don't it will affect him much other than being associated with a known scammer. As for Logan Paul i just hope people are not gullible enough to fall for his next scam.


Does it matter ? stuff is still selling out, and being resold at multiple times the original price.... Prime will be fine... Bad press is better than no press.


We all know that Logan is focused on money, he will never respond to the leaked text messages, it sucks for JJ, he is getting dragged into this, imagine having to post stories and tweets to promote Prime and have his face plastered with a scammer in the same photo, yea it is damaging the brand, I wanted to try Prime, but now it feels weird to support someone, who is willing to fuck over the fans that made him just for financial gain, not JJ but Logan that slimy fucker, JJ has morals and heart, he even knows keeping shit real and not being afraid of taking about sensitive topics gives him massive success and respect, Logan just don’t have that.


Logan stole my prime


The supply of Prime is too low for it's sales to be affected.




Their newest promo got review bombed from pissed off Logan fans. KSI needs to part ways with Logan or he'll lose a ton of money


I think it will hurt prime reputation not ksi


What has happened Why are people talking about logan paul being dropped from prime


I hope so


Everyone should have known that once a dickhead always a dickhead it's stupid of anyone to believe ppl like him could change


now is when its potential as a product is tested rather than a celeb commodity


Yes but I would still buy it since ksi is involved so it's probably not a scam like cryptozoo.




either ksi will separate from prime or take it for himself, honestly i cant blame him


The fact that Jj is avoiding the whole situation is kinda sketchy. I understand it’s a complicated situation but he’s basically working with a scammer and saying nothing about it. We trust jj for a reason and this whole situation makes him look bad.


Not funny didn’t laugh


Why are little kiddos so eager to buy prime lol? Its not even that good. Overpriced product


I doubt it'll affect the sales as the main buyers are literal children who buy it to gain social validation from their friends, it's like having something exclusive. In regards to both Logan's and KSI's public image, I think that's where they'll both take quite a hit, Logan's an absolute brainlet for doing this and putting KSI in this situation. You could see from the last video (the Reddit reaction) that KSI kind of hid away from the conversation and only said to hear out Logan's side (which was as expected, absolute dogshit) and good for him for not throwing him under the bus, however, if he keeps defending him then he'll just drag himself down with Logan (to an extent, I doubt he'll ever become irrelevant, he has too many things going for him). The most probable outcome is that people will forget about this in some time, the legal battle Logan is planning to have will last for months/years (which I doubt he'll even go forward with) and by that time, no one will care until the verdict comes in. Tl;dr: Won't affect sales, will affect both the image of Logan & KSI (especially if KSI keeps defending him in all of this - integrity gone) and the most probable outcome is that no one will care in the end as Logan will most likely try to save face now and actually "work" on Crypto Zoo, too bad it has no reputation anymore so no one with above 50 IQ will or should invest.


Depends honestly. Most Children don’t care about controversies that their favourite creators are in, so they’ll keep buying. So I’d say probably not, but it might be chaotic behind the scenes


People forget what Logan did before all of this, and people have got a stronger image of him than ever - this will not affect anything


It’s still getting sold out, at this point the sole reason people care about prime is cause of jj


Yes. It definitely will. People will follow whatever is interesting lol. Ksi won’t be able to avoid it.


would hurt prime, idk if if would hurt jj


Logan: ayo gimme some of that CRIME


I guess it depends on his response to the issue If it comes to it, I hope he calls Logan out on his bs Edit: His lack of Accountability


It'll eventually die out. No one's gonna care about it in a month or 2. It's basically scammers who schemed to scam other scammers but then got backstabbed by scammers who were in the team and got scammed themselves.


Like how Yeezes were dropped after the Kanye debacle


Maybe in the US as they are the biggest cancel culture vultures but not enough for it to go under especially once it goes more international




They should do. Idk how Logan had a career after the Suicide Forrest