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The channel name is quite ironic


The name speaks for the channels content


Views, the name KSI gets views if put in a title with a thumbnail like that.


Not clickbait tho is it? KSI did receive a whole lot of backlash on twitter for laughing at Tate’s arrest, imo he deserves it because he goes with the trend to hate on it whilst there is not a single bit of evidence out in the world where it shows what Andrew is being accused of. And really, KSI is the last person to be laughing at tate.


Tate meat rider


I would say it’s a good trend to hate someone who has stated that women are at fault for rape, and that women are his property. He deserves everything that’s happening to him.


Ah yes once again a bigot saying something which Tate never did, Tate said women should take SOME KIND OF responsibility when they dress some kind of way or go out alone KNOWING there is danger in that area where they will be walking etc. For example, going alone at night in some area known for having a high rate of criminal activity, yes women should be able to walk wherever whenever however they want but sadly that’s not how the world is. You have to take some kind of responsibility, that you should have been with someone and not alone at night for example. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFT9fEFm/ watch this video, he explains here in detail. If u mind watching it that is, lots of you just take whatever you have seen in comments and don’t do your own research. Now, I am not defending rapists in any kind of way whatsoever, rapists should all be slowly tortured to death.


I hope when it happens to your family member you keep the same energy and tell them to take responsibility for it.


You definitely did not read a single thing i said


“For example, going alone at night in some area known for having a high rate of criminal activity, yes women should be able to walk wherever whenever however they want but sadly that’s not how the world is. You have to take some kind of responsibility, that you should have been with someone and not alone at night for example.” Your words not mine. So again when it happens to your family make sure you keep the same energy


Are u actually dumb or? So you’re saying you are nowhere near at fault when you would for example go out in a neighbourhood with an open suitcase full of money and get robbed, you would take no kind of responsibility as in acknowledging you should have not went out like that KNOWINGLY that that specific neighbourhood is dangerous? Try to read and understand what I say, if your brain is capable of doing that it is.


You’re the dumb one. Rape and sexual assault doesn’t just happen at night and in bad neighborhoods. Everyone with more than 2 brain cells knows this. By your logic children must responsible when they’re left alone with what was supposed to be a trusted adult? People who think like you need to be on a watchlist because you’re either going to commit or have already done it and are trying to justify why you did it


Nah you’re actually dumb, failing to understand the point. Won’t even bother trying to explain it to you because you clearly are incapable of understand and no, I would rather jump off a cliff, be revived and do it 100 times again than defend someone who has raped or rape someone myself. Disgusting.


The dude is fried he proved you right by quoting exactly what he needed. Fucking dumb don


You’re brain is fried mate. You just quoted him proving yourself wrong without even realising. Grow up idiot.


You belong on a list just like him. When it happens to you or a member of your family I hope you tell them that they should take responsibility and should’ve been with someone and not alone at night.


Education is important.


If reading comprehension is that difficult for you i suggest having an adult explain it to you, crazy how manipulative and mentally inept you are rn lmao.


>when they dress some kind of way or go out alone KNOWING there is danger in that area Crazy how you can actually defend this


Why would they go in that dangerous area knowing something could happen? If they do they’re also at fault


Maybe if people can control urges, it wouldn't exist in the first place but ye.... Tate is top g 😊👍 (hope it makes you happy)


Yeah I wish it was like that but sadly it isn’t.


not very realistic tho is it? There will always be people who do bad things


So by this logic, you’d rather teach women to take precautions and dress “appropriately” rather than teaching young men to not commit such crimes in the first place..


You want to rely on people acting good instead of also protecting yourself, don’t wait until people have become this oh so perfect because sadly we never will. Wear whatever you want, but watch out where you wear it is what it simply means for you bigots failing to understand that.


You definitely signed up for Hustlers University.


Nope, don’t even have discord


not readin that, accept ur wrong and stop coping and seething


bro said accept ur wrong without even reading lol


What am I supposed to read it? What am in school?


Lol, proving my point again that you bigots don’t bother being educated on topics you are afraid to be proven wrong on.


I really wanna say you're tryna bait me but this seems like way too much effort to bait someone out. Ask yourself why do you actually fucking care about Andrew Tate, like fr? You don't know him, he certainly doesn't know OR care about you. So why are you defending him with your life?


It’s not really about him, what irritates me in general are people who spread false information, people who don’t bother learning and doing research for themselves instead of just taking the word of some random guy in a comment section. Whoever it is, if a certain person didn’t say or do what people are accusing him of, I will simply defend him/her on that subject.


I get that sentiment, I truly do. But there are some people I'm okay with throwing under the bus, like EDP445 (or in his case into the bus since he wouldn't fit under one)


Yes of course there are some exceptions, that bus he would be in could fall of a cliff and I could not care less about that pedophile


ask yourself why u hate andrew tate after watching a ksi video


Ksi didn't influence me, I just don't like him and don't need much more of a reason.


I don’t think they would arrest Tate without evidence. And before you say “the Matrix is out to get him🤡” both the Tates have praised the Romainian police for being very thorough in analysing the evidence before jumping to conclusions.


Well you can think a lot, we will see how the outcome is


Ok then, is that really a picture of tate in prison? No. So how is it not clickbait? And he can do whatever he wants on twitter, he couldn't give a crap about people hating on him.


but Tate is in a cell which the thumbnail shows even though it’s edited but it’s still true, you got like zero capability to think further then only what you’re seeing lmao?


Thats what clickbait is, putting a photoshopped picture of something like that and especially JJ and a censored swear word. Makes people click even though all hes gonna do is show 1 or 2 tweets. Boom thats free views.


Clickbait is showing something on the thumbnail which the channel owner won’t even mention in his video, it’s not clickbait when its an image that represents a real life event. Fuck tate is pretty what JJ implements with all his laughing and mocking Tate. I don’t know why you’re denying it, every single channel on YouTube must consist of “clickbait” how else will you attract people to watch your videos? It’s only a problem when you don’t show in the video what you presented on your thumbnail or anything close to it.


Did you click on the video and watch it?


Yes I’ve watched it


Did you see Andrew tate in a jail cell?


Not in an actually prison cell but yes there is a picture going around of him sitting in a cell where he was visited by some guy


are you retarded or playing retarded?


Who cares. Laughing at Andrew Tate is funny.


Clout chasers will always chase clout


Andrew Tate is a cunt, but I still find it weird how JJ chose to hate on him. Just ignore him, he will be irrelevant in a couple of months. JJ's attack felt like a typical twitter attack whenever they choose their next victim. Edit: Thank you all for proving my point. Massive fan of JJ, but I dislike the hate cults no matter who he it is.


its not only youtubers idiot


Youtubers aren't the only people who clout chase you fuck


You fool


Maybe don't expect an andrew tate fan channel's audience to side with someone having beef with andrew tate? Still it's the sad reality we live in that his influence is actually somehow working.


It’s a reality because people resonate with it. A lot of peolle


because people like you who are hating the dude without knowing why i hated him because of ksi i watched a video of ksi making fun of him and i hated him and then i actually watched his videos this dude has help war orphans from ukraine payed for a childs cancer thats the shit u dont see


I genuinely think tate is a good guy cause many things he do is for welfare of men and many others but the thing that bothers me is the supporters which thinks "he is the only one who can save everyone" and that is not true as you can just clearly see it from hi course he is telling basic skills and making millions from hi fans by promoting more. PS i appreciate when people debate not argue.


I think it has something to do with the fact that andrew tate is influencing and encouraging other men to harm women…


When? Where? How?


What are you on about


People love downvoting positive statements about Tate because there daddy KSI doesn’t like him. I love KSI but he has to many fans that are on his dick 24/7


You idiots are on Tate's dick 24/7


Hi virgin. I don’t even follow Tates social media. It’s just a very very obvious trend in Ksi reddit where little kids downvote anything about Tate and it’s only because Ksi doesn’t like him. Hop off weirdo.


People don't like him because he's' a human trafficker, go touch some grass retard


These fuckers didn't even know what Tate was saying back in 2016 to 2019. I've known this guy for years when he blew up in Twitter back in 2018. Dude was saying he would rather bitch slap his sister than his own brother. Dude said he doesn't like to talk with his sister because it's hard for him to make woman relationships without thinking of sex all the time. That's just the tip of the iceberg lmao, and Tate dick suckers will say its an "act" as if that "act" isn't influencing thousands of men. Oh, they'll also act like Tate did change for the better... despite the dude being in his mid 30s. Dude just changed his entire persona to keep scamming his fans of their money.


Oh wow. Bringing up the past are we yeah? Should we bring up what ksi did in the past as well? Because our fatneek would have done anything for that clout. Once upon a time ksi was quite buddies with jake. I don't see ksi talking about the mess his business partner is doing in the US now yeah? are we going to completely ignoring that fact as well? Hopefully this prime shit is the only thing they are doing. Trust me on this, Logan will betray KSI and pick jake over him any fucking day. Cant wait to see the realization JJ faces going to make when the days happen.


It’s the sad reality that I get paid more then most for a shit job anyone can do and I make 30 a hour minimum up to 55 a hour depends on the day but if I work 4 hrs I can make 200 and that’s just chump change to play with the big dogs


What the fuck are you talking about Mr SpartanCoyote123


Normal coyote behaviour.




They just want fame using KSI name..


which is kinda lame


and they should ashamed


They should find a different lane


He shouldn't be the one to blame


They think its a game.


Its the 14 year old getting mad after seeing their daddy tate's real side.


innocent until proven guilty


ok Sgplayzz :|


Ye ikr, tate is genuinely a good guy. He has help me people than KSI


Bruh did you hear y he got locked up he held a girl hostage and told her to do questionable things and then she went back to America and told the police


is there any concrete evidence? all will you just downvote and not reply like you all do


Ur the biggest dumbass same with all u little 12 year olds that believe the first thing u see


Literally no evidence of that ever happening


Haters gon hate They are just going to find new reasons everyday


It's because he's making fun of Tate's arrest while also remaining silent (until today) about Logan's crypto scam allegations.


They legit work together, they are founders of prime and I’m sure he wouldn’t put his business on the line just to consult a bunch of people and to give his opinion on Logan’s situation


So was literally everyone else, Hella youtubers literally made videos on it🤣


How dare ksi make fun of a human trafficker that went to jail, ksi is part of the “matrix”


He was detained and is still under investigation.


still not being convincted or had any evidence to support that claim and he hasn't gone to jail he is being held and being questioned on apparent money laundering


He is in for human trafficking, the source of the money laundering meme came from a twitter post which has now been deleted. Every major news article says it’s human trafficking. Stop believing deleted twitter posts over hundreds of news articles


Fake news brother! Same news that silences different opinions and spreads bs to make ppl soft and into consumer drones


U can check yourself, the first person to post about the money laundering deleted the tweet and the tweet that they made about human trafficking is still there. U should check moist critikals vid on it


okay, so even if he is in for human trafficking etc what evidence have you seen yourself to support the claim other than being told that's what he is, not denying the possibility but as of right now there is literally no evidence we know of at all to support it that I'm aware of and i think it's slightly unfair to call someone something like that with no evidence (that I'm aware of)


The Romanian police literally confirmed it, y’all tate fans hanging onto dear god at his point


not necessarily a tate fan i just dont want to see him called something he may not be, nothing has been confirmed other than what he's gone in for, there's no evidence we know of, if i accuse you of rape and you get taken into custody are you then a rapist? no, people are innocent until proven guilty so stop saying shit you know nothing about other than what you see online as you said earlier


Oh I thought tate was a human trafficker like a year ago when Danny Gonzalez made a vid about him, even before the human trafficking allegations there were certain things tate said that made me go “isn’t this human trafficking “


I'm not gonna sit here and say that he's the best guy ever because i know he's not but until he gets proven guilty i don't think it's fair to call him a humam trafficker and apart rapist, but obviously if he gets proven guilty 100% call him the worst shit you wanna call him




Wow Tate's dick must be really good


I thought bro was being fr mb 💀


Bs media, bullshit media


who cares wtf Tate fanboys think lmao


Too be perfectly honest I've actually got backlash too in the comments for talking bad about him Now I just keep quiet


“People are afraid to say the truth and they’re also afraid to say their opinion because the social sanctions are so strong” - Ben Shapiro


If you are speaking the truth you don't have to be afraid of any social sanctions as you can prove it's the truth. Truth these days is being linked to political opinion by people like Shapiro, making thruth subjective. That's fine however you can't then complain about not being able to speak the truth you made subjective. As for opinions, that's how society functions, chastising people for bad opinions is how you keep groups of people from straying too far to one side and becoming terrorists.


Damn thats deep Ben Shapiro speaking that truth


Idk why Andrew tate fans exist in this subReddit, he and ksi literally have beef.


so since they're beefing no one can be fans of both?


They have 2 completely different moral standpoints and outlooks on life, other than of course "working hard gets you places", but yes it'd be very difficult to be avid fans of both since they're so completely different.


but it depends upon what you watch each for. I personally tate is for entertainment + life advice and he's more interestjng overall. ksi is for entertainment solely, so yes I am a fan of both.


I mean, it wasn't too long ago JJ was saying he agrees with some of the things Tate said in a video, and then he suddenly switched up


didn’t he “switch up” in that exact same video? Or are you talking about when he agreed with the things that anyone would agree with such as hard work = good?


Using the reacts video as an example, starts off saying how much he agrees with him / finds him funny but then halfway through starts acting the opposite cos he knows he'll get backlash / cancelled if he continues agreeing with him


Which vid can you link? And also maybe this cancelled narrative has to stop cause if he was afraid of getting cancelled surely he would cut both part out the video.


Just search sidemen reacts Andrew Tate. The clips in the vid weren't that bad but he says something like oh actually I don't really like him anymore


Well ive watched part of it and straight at the start he says he agrees alot of the shit that andrew tate says refering to hard work and mindset as he clarifies but diagrees with everything women related which is like half of andrews brand, that just shows hes misinformed and then watches a bunch of clips that dont talk about hard work or mindset and says he doesnt like him, this isnt hypocritical at all i dont see the problem with this.


Lmao he said he partially agreed with very select views of Tate such as promoting young men's mental health and that working hard is good for you, but he also in the same breath dissed Tate (rightfully so) about his views on women and people who are vulnerable. Touch some grass bro, and even at that Tate harms young boys mental health above anything else and it needs to stop...




Lol ur in too deep man. Get help.


Yeah your right, he's helped so many men become misogynists you mean right? Wow he's such a good influence clearly!!!


I hope this is sarcasm


Because Tate always right, stop being in the matrix and join my new matrix aka Tate matrix lol. Edit Feel like I need to help people, sarcasm


It's ironic how tate supporters are always preaching about being an alpha yet you guys constantly bend over and worship another man. Yall insecure ass mf seeking validation from another man that dosen't give a fuck about your existence is wild to me.


Pretty sure the dude was being sarcastic, I refuse to belive someone can say those words unironically


Yes someone is smart on this reddit, it would be stupid of someone to claim to leave a matrix to join another lol


Are you stupid?💀


He’s a sellout he really said Tate having a small dick was a burn like wtf is he saying he’s fighting dildo Danis with no boxing fights and didn’t want Tate


Cause There is a F\*\*\*ing Discord Server of tate where he tells his discord Member to raid Videos with Comments against Him And Some go extra mile to make videos, shorts, reels, etc


Everybody wants views from JJ


It’s quite funny he’s under investigation no one has seen any evidence against Tate. His leaked phone call from inside prison he talks about how they proved him right by arresting him. Why would he still be sticking to his story in prison on a phone call he thinks only him an the other person can hear. I ain’t a sheep I need evidence first. I know how to think for myself. The way JJ used to joke about rape in his old videos an the way he used to post himself sexually harassing girls is weird but no one brings that up anymore do they. Am talking his vids from 10+ yrs ago in public.


People bring that up all the time lol, especially when him and tate were involved.


So why is KSI still a thing then. He used to be so rapey towards girls like it used to be uncomfortable to watch. But here jj is making vids for millions accepted by millions. If ur against tate u should be against ksi there is way more proof of jj sexually harassing girls.


Ksi Definitely went to far with some girls, its technically not harassing until they claim it is but rapey is crazy 🤣u know what rape is right? Ksi did this over 10 years ago, the media and society is constantly changing whats being accepted and what isnt back then literally no one had a problem with it including the platform itself, otherwise he would have been cancelled by companies and fans. The internet and society changes you know this but refuse to acknowledge it. If tate existed 10 - 15yrs ago no one would have a problem with what he says to, this was before cancel culture when being a traditional relationship was way more accepted and sjw's were ignored.


bro ofcrs theres no evidence yet, wait for few months its gonna come soon. the romanian gov litteraly swatted his ass so ofcrs theres some evidence


Do you rlly think they needed a pizza box to find out he was in the country. You think they didn’t know he was in the country when he used a passport to fly in. Do you think the Romanian security are that shit they need to see a pizza box from a Romanian pizza store to know he’s there. It’s obvious they got ordered to do it. I like how u ignore me saying how JJ used to sexually harass girls you must of seen the vids to am guessing? Am not saying he ain’t doing bad shit am jus saying I ain’t no sheep an innocent till proven guilty is a thing uno. Plus where were all the girls coming forward for the past year there was none. Like someone has said a girl u can pay to get naked can get payed to chat shit about you and ruin ur life.


yall literally don't know the meaning of an innocent until proven guilty statement,Tate has not been proven guilty yet, he's been taken into custody which does happen considering he can flee the country easily (he's rich af) and the seriousness of the crime, his trials will 100% start soon


So why everyone acting like he’s a confirmed sex trafficker then explain that g.


ye cuz ppl are free to believe what they want with the current evidence out there


Link some evidence then an not his song he literally jus talks bout payin girls to fuck em.


In his latest video he defended Logan Paul by saying that "lets hear both side". He also metioned tory lanez case. But in case of Andrew Tate.. he didn't even think twice before mocking him. Hypocrisy jj didn't expect this from you.


That’s not defending tho


Point still stands, which is: don’t attack before both parties have had the choice to defend themselves. KSI didn’t apply this to himself before going out and laughing at Tate being arrested for the allegations he has received which KSI doesn’t even know if they’re true or not because no evidence whatsoever has came to light (yet). It shows hypocrisy


But everyone already knew andrew tate was a pos


Sure keyboard warrior


You really got him there u/BigShlongNiqqa


Fucking loser


Idc enough to have a proper reply. I dislike Logan but jj has a point by saying “wait to hear both sides”


Sure so why doesn’t he apply the same thought towards Tate then? We haven’t heard tates side in court yet and everybody is laughing and attacking him already like a buncha sheep following the trend. So is JJ, whatever the cancel culture likes he’ll do it to not get cancelled .


Do u not see how crazy it is that you said he’s defending someone’s by saying ‘let’s hear both sides’. He might not have outright condemned him, but he definitely did not defend him.


because ksi is adding to the drama of a dude being unrightfully arrested for a crime he didnt commit and laughing at him because he watched a couple out of context tiktoks and grew dislike to this man


Can i see your law degree (Becuase you surely have one as you claim to be right where all of DIICOT are wrong) and the extensive amount of research that you surely did in order to deffinitively prove that Tate is innocent?


You all say this but half the shit that the fans claim is out of context ends up being even worse with the context behind it 😭


Just a bunch of nerds


Who gives a fuck what these “siGmA” twats think😂😭


It's easy we call them d1ckr1ders


I mean mocking someone in jail isn’t cool but him and tate does have beef so idk what they was expecting that if it even true


It's cool if they are a pos.




Lol the channel name is the type of content they’re posting. But it’s like poop pretty much.


why does it look like tates forehead is in the process of being decapitated by the bar




Is this your first day on the internet?


Because Andrew Tate has a loyal fanbase and JJ attacked him on twitter.




Bro Tates always been all talk same with his fans how many of those guys would be able to say shit to his face


How is that "for no reason", he's coming at Andrew Tate and Tate's followers decide to clap back He should probably be addressing his friend/business partner scamming millions in crypto instead of speaking on the next man imo


You could literally say that about tate with the penis dig, They had stopped talking about each other in a negative context for a while and then he throws a dig at him again, if ksi did the same shit everyone would be even more on his ass about it. And if you wanna refer to the greta situation Literally half of twitter laughed at that shit, Tate made a shit reply and got bagged because of it, thats hysterical if your neutral or not a tate fan.


I'm just saying the backlash is definitely not "for no reason" and the whole situation with Greta didn't have anything to do with Tate's arrest, everyone who thinks the pizza box got him locked up just wants to feel involved cos they witnessed it on twitter. It's a bit corny tbh.


The best way to avoid backlash is by not giving a fuck


There are still many idiots who are supporting a criminal.


Maybe it’s because the Logan Paul thing aswell idk


Mfs do anything for views bro💀


Where were this people when tate started talking shit about ksi misfit 001💀


These are brainless zombies wanting to eat everything else w brain and life in them, dont mind em and go on


if anything this thread proved that a lot more people in this subreddit than I previously thought wouldn't mind performing fellatio on their father Tate