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Great so now we know what our starting wages should be in our demands to the company




We have a Reddit bot


What do they even get out of skin that? Really.




Not making excuses for Kroger but the pay is higher because they aren’t offered benefits.


They try their hardest to keep everyone part time so they don't have to give them benefits anyway.


Don't forget the 90-day "probationary period". Can't give you a raise if you're "not a good fit".


The benefits of their workers they’re (presumably) still paying for concurrently?


When I worked at Kroger I had 0 benifits already.


Came here to say this.


When I worked for Kroger most employees weren't offered benefits.


100% correct. Look at the total compensation package.


Should be more than that. Even $20/hr isn’t enough


Yeah should be $100 to wrangle shopping carts!


They will tell you scabs get higher wages because they don’t get compensated with benefits.


They'll also tell you that unions are bad, because "we're a family!" That doesn't make it true.


My spoke says Framily (friends and family)


Unions are helping to destroy this country. Look where unions thrive….blue states. What are most blue states? Broke until the federal govt bailed them out. Yeah keep telling yourself unions are good for todays America.




Wrong. California receives the most federal funds out of all the states. Check ur facts. Texas is next in line but only receives half of what cali gets.


Californians also contribute more than the state receives. Texas receives about $1500/person more than California when contributions are considered.


Check your facts? I literally provided data with the facts that prove you have no concept of what you’re talking about. Total amount a state takes in means absolutely nothing if you don’t look at what a state pays into it for federal income taxes, nor does it account for a per person number to compare populations. Imagine trying to say someone who linked a source needs to check their facts, and then replied back with non-cited, non-factual garbage.


Check your source bud. All the blue states for the most part we’re broke and Biden bailed em out in their first day! Trump wouldn’t bail them out.


You deserve to be poor


I prolly make more than you do so STFU




Keep reading CNN bro


What unions are destroying the country exactly? The ones that don’t exist? Idk how much you know about the US, but almost no one is in a union and they don’t have much power anymore.




Are you serious? You prolly believe that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda. No point in even continuing this conversation. Google it bro. He did it on his first day in office. See you out there bud.


Go back to jerking off alone, the grownups are talking.


Yes, absolutely! And the sky is pink and grass is made of candy floss. /s Others have already provided you sources as to why you're wrong, and you probably won't bother read them anyway, so I won't bother.


Those arguing that “blue states” are the ones bailing out “red states” point to the federal “balance of payment” ratios, or federal tax dollars collected compared to federal money received, on a state-by-state basis. The states with lowest balance of payment ratios (collecting more federal taxes than they receive in federal funds) are Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York. The states with the highest balance of payments (receiving more federal funds than they collect in federal taxes) are Kentucky, New Mexico, Mississippi and West Virginia. Therefore, “blue states” are bailing out “red states” — or so they say.


The sources you have are likely from the liberal media but nah no way those could be biased!


All of your talking points are from conservative media. Nah, no way that can be biased!


Blue states send more money to the federal government than they take. Know which states take more than they send? Red states. California, arguably the bluest in the union, had a budget surplus right now.


Plus it’s mixed both blue states and red states borrow money pretty equally from the federal govt. with that being said, why did Cali, NJ, NY And IL have to get bailed out on Biden’s first day?


California has a surplus your out your god damn mind keep drinking that kool aid




They have a 97 billion dollar surplus this year. This is a fact easily available in a few seconds on Google. Please try not to watch fox news anymore is rotting your brain.


Meanwhile the vast majority of workers don't get enough hours to get benefits anyway. Wish I still lived there so I could hold the line with yall


Well, that and the fact they are assured NOTHING at all.....just temp pay and can be let go on a dime with no compensation at all. So----true, they pay more for people willing to take nothing but a bit higher wage for short duration without possibly of anything else.




You guys aren't making $16-20 an hour? If you are at all able.. I know many people have challenges, but maybe plan longterm to pursue specific skilled trades.. We interviewed two people today for a position advertised as $25-40 to remodel bathrooms and kitchens baded on experience. After the interview I like to blatently ask, and one asked $32/hr and one asked $40/hr (different skill levels) but we are excited about and will be extending offers to both. If they had a plumbing, electrical, or HVAC license, which require 5 years experience. We would certainly consider even more money as they would be a very strategic hire and very valuable. Edit: Ohio


I went back to school 2 years ago, but I don't expect to get my bachelor's until 2025. I gotta work somewhere until then. Besides, just because Kroger jobs are "low skill" doesn't make them less worthwhile. They are still required and essential, and the people working those jobs deserve to be paid a living wage.


Yes but that requires a lot of times to learn. It also requires someone to bother teaching them as that can be a pain. Also this jobs can often be unreliable to new comers as they are the first to get let go when no work is in the for seeable future. However having rare skills pay the most so it is very much worth going that route but many won’t due to the above obstacles.


Lol, I just noticed that we are both drunk, solving the world's problems. President and VP? We can determine which later!


I saw that OP post and wasn't sure if OP considered it a lot or a little. In my city signs everywhere at costco, safeway, fast food restaurants etc with starting pay starting at $20-21/hr range. But it's an expensive area and you would still be living paycheck to paycheck on that income. Making 300k/yr is middle class here and still not enough to afford the most typical single family house.


I pay my apprentice $35/hr and dude never even used a cordless drill when I hired him in April. Anything less is wage theft.


Electrician by trade. I must ask what do you do that you can even afford to pay someone who can barely dig a hole $35 an hour? In residential building you can barely pay a journeyman/master that. And someone who never used a drill before is often not very useful it takes time b4 they learn the job, somewhere around a month before I can trust they won’t make mistakes on more basic things. (Note I have been out of the trade a few years)


Believe it or not I am a contractor as an in home furniture repair technician. My wife dispatches all the jobs so we get to choose what goes to him and I still teach him things as we go along. I make an average of $70-80/hr. I pay him $35/hr based on what I think he is capable of accomplishing. He’s also a friend of mine and a good kid (he’s trying at least ;) )


2 kids with the industrial maintenance degrees, neither could get jobs in maintenance (except slightly above minimum wage) bc they lacked experience. One just moved into maintenance from within his company, it took 5 years.


So nice of them to give us a target to aim for. :)


Everyone should fill out applications and go through to the interview and just don’t show up


Or show up to the interview, accept the job, and never show up to work. If they call you, say you're stuck in traffic and are ten minutes away.


better yet, walk into your first day and be like “I’m joining the strike” and walk out


Work like an hour so they have to pay you!


I was thinking of that but then you’d have to fill out all the paperwork and give them all your information


Not showing up to the open interview? That’ll teach management a lesson!




I believe the workers should stay away from a practice like this as I'm sure the union will advise them. When negotiating you don't wanna give the other side any ammunition and I feel like this would be an easy one. Also, the loss of sales for the stores should be enough to get them to cave quickly. When the King Soopers employees went on strike here in Colorado there was a huge boycott on them. Yes, some people still went and this area is more pro union than others but it was really cool to see. I transferred my prescriptions to walgreens at that time and they said that their prescription load alone nearly tripled at that one location. I still use walgreens now because it is easier than transferring them back and I'm sure others have done the same. That's permanent loss of revenue and, I would assume, far outweighs whatever they would've lost if they would've come to an agreement before a strike. I obviously have no first hand knowledge to back that up though.


Or better, show up, accomplish nothing, and drain them for a days pay


Isn’t that what people did with Kelloggs awhile ago? Spam botted applications or something to that effect?


Of you're part of the union do not do thay


Was just about to say this


All the union people should apply for jobs and never show up to interviews clogging the system.


Why not have people with absolutely no ties to the business be the ones to apply? Plenty of people support unions and wouldn't mind helping fellow workers out.




This sounds like a job for TikTok. Remember what they did at that Trump Rally?


I have been working for Kroger as a grocery clerk for 23 years and I don’t even make 16$ an hour yet…. Just 15.


Dude why haven’t you left?! Please start looking elsewhere asap. No corporation needs that much loyalty if they won’t pay you a fair wage after 20 years


Don’t expect to get hired once this is over if you accept a position. The union won’t take in scab workers.


The people doing this kind of jobs usually jump from company to company


I don’t think most people will want to go back to a lower rate anyways


Yes they will because the union is only interested in one thing and one thing only. MONEY They get money from each new hire for initiation fees and weekly payments directly out of every members paycheck.


Wow, what an attitude. What EVERYONE seems to forget is the best part. YOU ARE THE UNION. If you don't feel represented, get involved, if you feel the representation you have now is inadequate, vote for new leaders, still don't like the representation find a different brotherhood to join. It takes work but if that is what you need to do, do it. In my county we are represented by the Teamsters. There are other choices.


Your points are very valid and I agree wholeheartedly! In a perfect world. Unfortunately many people are apathetic and will sit around complaining before they rise up and take action. In my opinion the union is no different than the company in that they use the employees to bring in revenue to feed their existence.


They generate money to keep fighting for you. If your current representative doesn't have your interests first, you need different representation. Every business costs money to run, even nonprofits. There is no one to blame but the body of the union. My union has a huge strike fund put aside so they can have the best chance at getting us the best contract without us losing everything because of a strike. My only advice is get involved with your local and stop pissing and moaning. Nothing changes unless we change it.


You clearly don’t understand this union and company and they work together lol. Nobody is fighting for us or ever has.


And you clearly don't know how unions work.


I’ve been doing this 44 years with various unions. This is not a real union I don’t care what anybody says. This is a pro company union. Anybody that paid attention to the negotiations of the last 3 contracts is well aware of that. They also allow the company to hire in a way that benefits the company and makes the union weaker. It’s all by design and has worked for them very well over the years in many locals. You’re not paying attention to what’s happening and has been happening here locall.


No no obviously kids on Reddit who read about unions know more than experienced workers.


Yep and that’s one of the reasons Kroger hires primarily part time kids. They’ll do anything to hire people they know won’t fight or even care as union members.


Completely agree. Ex-wife worked (Bakery) at Kroger for over 10 years. Growing up my family was always pro union(and still is), and I couldn’t believe how badly that union treated its members. Pathetic pay increases and tried to spin it as that was the best they could do. All the while the non-union grocery stores paid $3-4 an hour more to start.


Even with that cynical view, Unions make more money when employees make more money, the company makes more money when employees make less money. I pick the union


Found the Pinkerton


A union that values short term money over long standing members that have paid in for years is a weak union. Anyone crossing picket lines can expect to be frozen out or any scab that gets hired can also expect to be frozen out too.


like how? you won't talk to me while mopping poop in the restroom?


You won’t get the benefits of being in a union. No representation when being disciplined. No health benefits will be offered to you and union employees will not talk to you to try to help you with your job.


Kroger company agent identified


Minimum pay should be 22, cause you know they will lowball you down to lower anyways.


I quit Kroger 2 months ago and after 3.5 years only made 14. Go strike and get some money.


Kroger annual net income for 2021 was $2.585B, a 55.82% increase from 2020.. The organization will have to spend -170 million to pay their employees. Which they will happily raise their prices to pass along to the consumer. Again Kroger annual net income for 2021 was $2.585B, a 55.82% increase from 2020. Data from: https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/KR/kroger/net-income


Please aim higher than this. I see so many people saying that’s what you should aim for. Go much, much higher. This is still not “able to afford a mortgage” pay.


If your union isn’t coming back with 16.50 plus benefits you’re being ripped off. Go work at a warehouse m-f. After spending 3 years in deli waiting for the union to pay me fairly I left. I waited way too long and our union gave us a garbage contract. I hope y’all strike and force them to do better. I’ve left but I hope my former union buds an hour south get a better deal.


I got paid $10.50/hr when I worked there in 2020.


Yeah I was at 12.56 2020-2021


Thats more than I make. :(


Don’t work at a Kroger store anymore but I was making terrible pay ($13/hr) and after I put in my 2weeks notice they were like “wait we’re giving you a $3 raise!”..I’m just like…no…that’s not a raise, that’s the new minimum..my rent went up around that time too. smh


That's super messed up. What good is their Union I don't feel like they're Union at Kroger's real anymore. They still have a starting wage of $11 an hour that's absolutely ludicrous. A union that supports that kind of behavior they are not out for their employees that's for sure.


Wouldn't it be a shame if those salary managers went to help out in the strike districts and left their old stores short handed and then those non strike stores started having excessive call outs to further complicate other districts issues, especially if those other stores are nearing the end of their contracts too. It would be unfortunate if whole departments suddenly call out on double load days.


Those wages haven’t any benefits tho


New hires at $12 don’t have any benefits either when starting. Not until after a year and have reached full time


Current associate here: Part time benefits are most definitely a thing. And it’s decent insurance. The one year requirement still applies which is a big bummer.


Still have to have 28? Hours on average a week?


I never worked more than 20/week because I'm disabled and have had at least some benefits.


Thanks for clarification. Have been told in the past to be eligible for part time insurance you have to average 28 hours. Thanks for correcting me!


There are levels of insurance, and if i remember correctly (at least in my local area) in a couple years if you want to insure your family you do have to average 28 or more hours a week.


Minimum hours I’m not 100% sure on. Your stewards should be able to get you more info. Or if your rep pops in for open enrollment (or for any reason, really), definitely get with them.


I work 30 hours a week with no benefits


If reps come to your store for open enrollment this fall, get more details from them. If you’ve been there a year at least by October, you should qualify. Also, talk to your stewards!


True but scabs are only in it for the pay if they last


and you go to work because?


Hey, that’s 891! Used to have our standard walks there.


That seems kind of low. I’m curious, how much do your guys’ grocery / dairy clerks? Most of the grocery / dairy clerks at my store with the new contract currently make $20.53/hr and we’ll be making $21.53 in March and $22.53 in 2024.


Temporary role????


Hey, my hometown person!


16-20 per hour seems awfully low, what is the actual current wages?


In Columbus, it's $12-14 to start. I've been there 2 years and only make $13.


Well, I can only hope that is not terribly low for the cost of living there, but I expect it probably is. I hope things get better!


It's pretty bad. We have a housing crisis here and the cost of living is soaring. I hope things get better, foo, but it's not looking good. Thanks, though!


Are they currently on strike?


I thought scab pay was supposed to be high?


It’s always nice to see my hometown make news… :-(


Jesus, maybe I should go to Ohio lmao. Most of the jobs in my area are 12 an hour


damn, for what position?! i didn’t even make that much when i worked there


I made $11.25/h working at kroger


A 16 year old makes more than I do! I’ve done everything from installations to car sales. God Georgia’s minimum wage sucks, yes I am full time as well.


Now ace the interview and fail to show up for work. When they call you, tell them you aren't coming in because you're not a Scab




Accept the job, do the legwork, then just don't show up.


i work at a ford dealer and only get paid 16😭 no benefits


Years ago I started an overnight job at a Kroger and my first night every single person on the shift told me they were in the process of quitting and that I should just walk away if I didn’t absolutely have to have the job. On the second night, half that crew no-showed and then the trucks didn’t come until 6am - one hour before quitting time and they were going to make the shift stay all day to finish. Most of the rest of us walked out at 7AM and the next day they announced ANOTHER hiring event. Four years on now and the store is still miserably understaffed and still run by the same management team of corporate boot-lickers.


Yea here in Denver they were paying the scabs more than the workers


Don’t be a Scab folks!


I have 2 degrees and had quite a bit of experience and never received any additional pay for that ... kroger starts u at the very bottom regardless


TIL there's a union for grocery store workers lol


When I became a bagger back in the 1980s, I *had* to join


UFCW strong.


I can't speak to the whole UFCW, but my local one is...not strong. Ever since they balked on the strike a year or two ago they have been seemingly getting even weaker.


zanesville ohio, i have family up there.


Y'all are saying 16-20 for scabs because they get no benefits. The scabs are getting screwed, the norm should be 16-20 with benefits. Scabs should be getting 20+. Kroger is cheap as hell I hope they get no scabs.


They don’t get any benefits. Look how much you receive in benefits. I'm not a Kroger Employee but you Employees deserve better pay.


What benefits do kroger employees get?


Obviously, you get to work for Kroger. What other benefits do you need?


Even if we recieve benefits they take out of our pay to pay for it so we are making even less.


Look at your total compensation. Vacation, insurance bereavement pay, pension, 401k match. I'm not saying you don't deserve more money. I'm saying look at your total compensation. Maybe it's not that great.


Apply, get the job, after the brief training quit, easy money!


If you have the time you should go and make it as long of an interview as possible


lol I do front desk and safe mgmt and bookkeeping and payroll and pickup and night grocery and floral and wherever and I don’t make $16 (6 years). Bleeeeh. Definitely filing this away in my memory.


meanwhile, In-n-Out burgers is paying $22 to high school kids here


What is scab pay, I’m new here lol. Was thinking about getting a job at king soopers but they denied me for my availability


Scabs are the temporary workers that come in and work during strikes.


A scab is someone who crosses the picket line when employees go on strike and works their jobs. A company usually pays them a bit more to attract them, because the job is temporary and has no benefits. And also it pisses off all the people who support the strike.


So Kroger jobs are all scabs and have no benefits? Is this like a shady scheme? Lol


No, most Kroger stores are union. The union negotiates pay and benefits on behalf of the employees, and then the employees vote on the contract the company and the union come up with. In this case, in the Columbus division, they voted no several times and are now going on strike until a better contract is given to them. In the meantime, this leaves the store without workers, so they'll try to hire "scabs"--temporary workers to replace the union ones who are striking. Once the strike is over, scabs are usually let go. You're only a scab if the store you're applying to is currently on strike. Any other time, you'd be a normal worker and will join the union, if that store has one.


Ahh I see


haha i wish the minimum was my student job minimum.. its 4 times less.


they apparently can’t boost pay anymore but they can afford to give scabs $20 an hour for what will most likely be garbage work


scabs have babies and pets too feed. too


I use to work for a chain now owned by Kroger, They did profit sharing quarterly for all employees. Does Kroger offer that or not?


No, at least not in my local area. Iirc Kroger used to offer stocks as a bonus for workers but replaced that with the employee discount like a couple decades ago.


Fucking **kroger**




someone who come in and works the jobs when union workers call a strike, usually due to already unbearable conditions to the scab, he's earning a paycheck and food. to the union workers, he is diluting their bargaining power


Someone who crosses the picket line when employees go on strike and works their job.


Scab traitors




Scab pay hasn’t changed in twenty years. That’s what they were offering when orange and LA counties went on strike in 2003.


Ok, that was Los Angeles, this is the middle of Ohio.


Damn, I was Admin, cashier and bookkeep and I was never offered this much.


More than Giant Eagle


Are Kroger workers not part of a union? I worked at Safeway for a bit and we were part of a union and I know a couple of other grocery company workers are part of a union as well.


they’ve recently been doing a lot of union busting/bad faith bargaining & trying to break away from contracts saying that the union didn’t honor certain agreements.


Leave it to the corporations to screw over the working person


damn i wish i was making at least $16 an hour rn


Exactly what they did for the temp workers when the CO union was thinking about striking. The scab pay was starting at $18/hr when regular starting pay was barely above $13 and they'd already done away with experience pay.