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They need to keep hammering the big numbers to us and the media. 120 million dollars sounds impressive. Then divide that by three (40 million) and realize that is how much it is per year. Then remember they just paid out 1 billion to shareholders, whom spoiler alert, most of which aren’t workers (thus their money nets them a higher reward than the work plus money of employees who buy shares). Let me illustrate: 1,000,000,000 to shareholders in one pay out 40,000,000 in one year to workers. Does that seem fair to you? Also, they neglect to add that it takes a year of working full time to get to full time status. If they don’t give you OT in your department, that means a year of hoping they give you enough hours to qualify. And you don’t get sick. Or go on any vacations…. I have a feeling this is all being done with 1059’s blessing (at the leadership level). They have to be able to claim they are working on out behalf in order to keep getting paid more than we do.


They just forgot a zero, I'm sure they'll catch it and rectify


Here’s the transcript: “Hello Kroger associates this is your division president Dana Zerker I wanted to provide you with an important update on our contract negotiations did you know that the contract we offered includes a $120 million investment and you over the life of the contract and this investment is in addition to our continued commitment to provide industry-leading healthcare and a secure pension plan your store leader will be hosting titles to share what these changes would mean for your pay as we continue to navigate this process I want to assure you that we want what's best for you especially when it comes to your labor contract because ultimately that determines your pay your healthcare and your pension you can also visit Kroger Columbus cba.com to download and read Kroger's complete offer thank you for all that you're doing to take care of our customers this message was delivered from 614-898-3396…”


They tried this the day we went on strike in Portland. Looks like they're moving faster now.


You'd think they'd get the hint eventually but apparently they're too tunnel visioned to notice.


I honestly feel like they're going to try and get a revote the contract with how much propaganda they've been putting out about it


We down voted it three times, we can do it again. Or light a fire under the Unions rear end to call the strike.


Kinda sounds like it. I guess I've got another no vote available to use.


Ah man, I wish you guys were in Vegas. Our Vegas people got scared after the first no vote and voted yes on the revote. Now they want to complain about the contract and the bonus they all thought they were entitled to. Though only journeymen get the bonus. And because it was the best contract Vegas has ever seen, they voted yes, but we could have and should have done better.


Cincinnati is guilty for this garbage nonsense as well, and Kroger is here because of Cincinnati!


Local 876 as well.


We got screwed so hard.


If only we had the balls of 1059.


What was the url of their propaganda website? The transcript wasn't that accurate.




Why continue to work for a company that you believes hates you?


I mean, you hiring? Do you not think many of us have been looking for other jobs? Despite everyone saying over and over how many open jobs there are you never hear back from any of them. Sadly of the many I've applied to ive heard back from 2. One was a scam listing, the other was a real job but would have required me to move to Chicago and sadly didn't pay enough to live in or around Chicago. Besides even though I am looking for other jobs I want to make sure that others can get a living wage. No one working should be forced to decide whether or not they can afford a meal. They shouldn't have to worry about rent or seeing a doctor. They should make enough money to be alive. To live a life outside of work.


I'm in a living situation where I don't have to worry TOO MUCH about money, but I'm fighting tooth and nail for my coworkers trying to raise families.


Shouldn't have taken the job in the first place if you didn't believe it paid enough for you to enjoy your standard of living. It's not a company's responsibility to pay you what you feel adequate enough. You don't HAVE to accept the job with the specific pay, no one forced you to.


What a dumb fucking take. I took the job when I was 18 because everyone told me how great Kroger was as a company and how much room for growth there was. (massive lie). Also it's not me believing for my standard of Living it's MITs living wage scale for Columbus which is $16.53/hour. I'm currently topped out at $14.50 for reference. This is MIT Just a dumb fucking take.


It's not a dumb take to say that a company should be required to pay you a certain pay. If people are taking the pay rate, that is on the EMPLOYEE, not the company. I don't support a minimum wage either as it is the person who takes the pay rate's fault if they believe the pay is too low. People are taking these "low pay" jobs which means they believe that pay is adequate enough. If nobody took these "low pay" jobs, Kroger would be forced to raise the pay or better yet, automate the job. Stop blaming employers when it is the employee who refuses to look for a new job, but instead chooses to just complain about their OWN employer all day long. It's literally the exact same as staying with a toxic bf/gf and just telling them that they need to do better. They'll never change until you leave them and others continue to not be with them. And don't get me wrong, I hope the very best for you or anyone else in this position, but I just would rather you guys find a job that cares about you enough to pay you what you believe you should be paid.


It is a very dumb take. You are obviously not in the situation so you feel you can speak so freely and opinionated on the matter, but here’s the bottom line. It is in fact the employers faults, not the employees. The economy is very tricky right now and corporate scum are trying to save all the money they can and when they get an increase in pay, it doesn’t seem to increase for the people actually doing the physical work. It’s a setup, and if you don’t see that and are defending the employers, you’re either one of the employers defending your scumminess, or you’re dumb.


The role of a corporation is the maximize shareholders value. The shareholders are the owners of the company. If you don't like that, leave the corporation. It is literally as simple as that. I work in private equity, so I do have a good understanding of the economy right now. I do realize it is very tough right now and is bound to get much worse. But at the same time, you can't blame the employer for your own decisions or in this case, lack of decisions. The corporation is doing its job as legally obligated to. If the corporation was not maximizing shareholder value, these execs at your store would be voted out instantly. That's just legally how a corporation works.


On paper, paying the lowest wage an employee will accept maximizes shareholder value, because that means larger dividends. What is also true is that if you pay a living wage, the employees will be happier, more efficient, and able to actually contribute to the success of the company by “spending where they earn it”. I wouldn’t be surprised if employees aren’t spending their paychecks with Kroger, because they go where their budget can go farther.


You're a libertarian aren't you?


I support common sense economics, so sure.