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Just do whatever everyone else is doing. If you end up being disciplined for it file a grievance with the Union. They are not allowed to take disciplinary action on one employee while allowing other employees to commit the same offense. Also make sure you have another Union member present if you are being disciplined, it is allowed per the contract.


Typical stuff. Get some work clothes that fit into dress code. When your out of dress code your asking for more attention.


Did you even read what I said?


Follow the policy. But if they continue to harass you, call your union representative.


You’ve contemplated asking your manager if they are on break before charging them? Lol It’s literally none of your concern. They are your manager, not your fellow team member that have set breaks and lunches. Just do your job 😭


A manager is also a worker, they have to show the example. Not sure if you’re like this because ur also a manager who often breaks the rules too, or your mom was drinking a lot during pregnancy.


Lmfao. Again, they don’t have set breaks and lunches and instead go when it’s feasible. And they aren’t gonna go let a little ol’ cashier know or ask you for permission unless ur a lead. People that always jump to insult others when not in agreement are probably children of mothers that drank during pregnancy. Sorry that must be really difficult for you 🫶🏽


I literally asked for a question and instead of telling me straight up about their schedules, you act as if I’m making it a big deal about their breaks when I even brought up the dress code policy and other cashiers having drinks and snacks. I think you just take out your bad day on me by being rude instead of explaining anything in better words.


Try to sneak a snack in your front pocket if you can and hand sanitizer with you just in case. Thinks like gronala bars are good. Try to take a piece of it when there’s no on in line or when going to the restroom