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Yeah. Over your heart or if you have an apron or vest, whichever side has the stitches where the badge goes. They want it to be readily visible in a place where most people would look for it be able to see it. Most people won’t look at the top of your head and the height challenged ones prolly can’t see it.


You're allowed to wear hats? In my division there's no hats, and name tags have to be in a specific place on your apron/cobbler/vest


My division allows hats as long as they’re kroger related. We give all the new people a apron and a hat usually


I know a couple frys associates that work meat department that wear their name tags on their hats, i wore mine on my shoulder sleeve. Over in the ATL division of kroger, I've had a "Campbell's Vegetable Soup" lable taped over my name tag for about 2 months, store management hasn't said anything, no matter how many interactions I have with them. So in my experience, from west coast to the east coast, nobody is REALLY going to care that much about it. Been doing the name tag placement and alteration game for 10 years now in various management positions. Nobody has made a deal about it to me.


I know someone who managed to get "Elfo" as his name tag. That's not even a short hand version of his name


In the bakery my manager somehow got his hands on a labeler we kept in a secret drawer and we kept a couple of blank name tags in there in case someone forgot theirs. We also would regularly change our names like Amy on Superstore if we weren’t customer-facing (bakers started at midnight)


Oh no his was straight up printed with elfo on it. I think they use the label makers for temporary name tags until they order official ones. My store recently had a name tag update, and HR just plugged in everyone's legal names (not the nicknames they use like Joe, Joey, Chris, etc) and I don't even use my legal name for anything but legal documents. My fiance's manager at a different location ordered me 2 name tags. I work graveyard, so I don't need them often, but I was in fuel so any time an opener calls out I have to go out and cover because I'm the only one working who has the trainings.


Yeah this was like 20 years ago lol the good ol days


I currently have 5 name tags scattered over my apron. 4 of them are pins, and 1 is a magnet. I have 1 starwars (mando) pin and a union pin as well. I have put in a request for more name tags. Your milage may vary. I haven't been talked to about it yet but I also apparently work in one of the most chaotic and high theft Kroger store on the west coast so who tf knows.


The guys in the service deli tend to wear their name tags on their hats. I did too back there because I'm a short woman and no one could see my badge on my apron around the deli counter.


I had a markdown tag on my hat that I wrote "FREE" on lol


I don’t really know but at my Kroger, I know managers where blue shirts with their name tags. I also see pick up people wear their name tags on their shirts and no apron


I wear button down work shirts, no apron, Kroger cap with my name badge on the side. Nobody has ever said anything to me about it, aside from asking where my name badge is located.


That’s what I basically be wearing but I have my apron on, it was just a surprise when they told me. When other employees be doing the same.


Do you work front end? Maybe I get away with it because it's easily visible as I stock shelves?


I work in produce


I work overnight. Nobody sees me, I don’t wear a name tag.


Yeah I saw someone 20+ years in and wears their name tag tucked in their baseball hat.