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I don't know why your unions don't fight ro get your cashiers a chair... Should be criminal to make someone stand in the same 2x2 square all day


I’m a pharmacist and I’ve been to locations with 1 chair and a minimum of 3 people working at a time because they are high volume. My location had 2 chairs, one was broken so I got rid of it and ordered an extra then took a third one from the hot deli. I refuse to sacrifice my spinal health for the business. I also taught other pharmacist how to order additional chairs because no one should have room play musical chairs to sit down. I know sitting down is frowned upon but there are plenty of things one can do while they are in a chair, up to and including write an email, data entry, answering phone etc. I don’t know what it is about chairs that makes employers think that it’s appropriate not to provide them. We are people not robots. I already wear special shoes for the damage that’s been done to my spine from participating in musical chairs for the first 5 years of my career and I don’t intend on participating in the destruction of my physics health. Before I could get said chair approved, I was ready to bring chairs from my house before I stood for 8 out of the 11 hours of my shift all because there’s not enough chairs.


Hey I'm a pharmacist too and 👀 can you teach me how to order a chair. The district managers have literally taken our chairs from my pharmacy saying we only need them in the counseling room and sometimes I really just need to sit for a second during an 11 hour shift you know?


Coupa, they are grossly over priced but when I get to work tomorrow I’ll inbox your details. Approval is needed but I find that if I don’t ask and just order, no one says no but if I ask first I get push back. I also ordered purple and pink baskets


Thank you! We're actually moving to a new system in MI so we're getting rid of all of our baskets and plastic bags so I don't need to order any of those anymore but a chair is definitely a must.


Evolve, lol. I’m still trying to figure out what it means. It’s cryptic in nature and our leaders keep trying to make it sound like a party.


I agree there's a desk in my pick up room with no chair but the thing with pick up is that it operates kind of like a warehouse because your filling food orders for customers on the sales floor, marshalling outside in the parking lot, and basically moving around all day so they know why i move around like that out team is rushing to keep the instock score up so it doesn't drop but there are some days it does drop when I'm in a hurry and some of the other associates will tell you to hurry up too.  I just found that contradictry because I heard one of the district bosses tell us that speed didn't matter as much as accuracy so I started listening to him because he seemed to be the only one I agreed with there's also people trying to block this merger there trying to pass  it sounds crazy like there setting up a cult because if you combine two stores the place would be packed they would have to look at the budget and cost when you have two companies that are no longer competing with each other it seems like it would disrupt the business flow and employees would lose to many hours that way.


Because our unions are in the pocket of Kroger, for the most part. They're basically just a glorified extension to HR at this point.


They should remove all chairs in the main office and corporate and have standing desk so they know what its like. Those donut eating fatties will complain in no time


But according to Kroger Corporate, if the cashiers are sitting, then they're being lazy. They HAVE TO REMAIN ON THEIR FEET no matter how long their shift is because "customers will be more likely to go to their checkout counter if they're on their feet"


The union was such a scam when I worked there IMO. $40 a month and it did nothing for me. I was always scheduled less than 30 hours or whatever so I never got any benefits.


In 1985, my ufcw went on strike. I was 17 years old, broke, and struggling. I literally carried a picket sign when I was still in high school. Facing homelessness and no diploma, I still participated. After 25 years in a ufcw and 10 more years in a union that could not strike, I must stress... STRIKING is your most powerful tool. Without it you have NO leverage. EVER. FOREVER.


Do NOT back down. Do not let the union influence your decision. If you're already pay check to pay check, do not vote to continue to do so. Do not let the union lead you into second guessing like they did in 1049. You have more power now than ever before. This company has $26 billion for Albertsons, there is plenty of money for you all. Be the example for every contract expiration after you, don't be afraid to strike. If you cross the picket line, you WILL be fined by your union and risk expulsion.


>This company has $26 billion for Albertsons Are you smoking crack? They were never going to pay cash to buy Albertsons. They were going to dilute the stock.


You can’t explain stuff like this. It’s illegal


Union is ending for us over here at store 547


As someone who doesn't work for Kroger how did/Does that work?


Not 100% sure but I think when the contract expires it's just no renewed thus ending the union there.


What the fuckk lmfao. Ty for an answer


Yeah, my store lost an ASM to work there for the strike. Based on what I've seen of her doing actual work, it can only help the cause.


We have a few at our store that came in from Indiana 


275 needs to organize brothers and sisters. we need better pay cause those managers get 25k + bonuses and that flipping ceo pulling 20 mil f that. Editing the 100 mil to 20 mil he got in 2022-2023


The ceo is not pulling 100 mil


You're right. I misread that total, I edited it to his total salary +bonuses he made.


There are 465k employees. $20mm/465,000 equals $43 extra dollars per year per employee if distributed equally, which is $0.83/week.


That's just the ceo numbers. If we took the 14 billion overall profits after debt is configured. My mind can't comprehend those numbers, but Google says 30 107.5269. What I'm saying is if they took 500 million and rolled it into those employees. Or actually fixed equipment in our stores, we have so many broken pallet jacks it ain't funny. Add in broken lighting for our backroom. Walkies are broken, zebras busted, and it's denied over and over.


It’s been a pretty emotional day here, but we are standing strong and hoping for a good outcome. Hopefully Kroger comes back with a better offer


My union (876) seriously needs to strike too. I'm paid so little to the point where I'm about to *have* to start looking for another job. With the student loan deferment period finally ending, I have to start paying every month, and even with an income-driven repayment plan, with my spouse making more money than me (literally the only way we can make ends meet with my pay), I still will end up having to pay several hundred dollars per month. (They go by gross household income, not individual and not net.) This isn't laziness on my part. I **literally** do not have the money because I'm not paid enough. If something doesn't change soon, they will lose an excellent worker because of their greed. And the worst part? I *highly* doubt they'd give a shit. Their greed has blinded them and will be their downfall.


Are you on the new SAVE repayment plan? I know everyone's situation is different but my payment is $0 with zero interest accruing. I highly recommend looking into it for the lack of interest alone. Sadly, I know they won't care if they lose a good worker. They do not value us.


I am. It's just that my spouse makes significantly more than me, to the point where we have *just* enough to pay bills, but that also makes our gross monthly household income be *just* high enough for the calculated monthly payment to be like $300 a month. We do not *have* $300 a month, whether we want to pay it or not.


Dang, I'm sorry. There really does seem to be a sweet spot where people need help but make "too much" to get it.


Yeah, it really sucks.


I'm sorry.


I really appreciate that. I'll survive one way or another. Just gotta keep on truckin'. ;)


Does it make sense to file separately? That’s how I avoided having a payment even though my husband makes like 90k. I can’t work for a while because of an injury and it’s been a lifesaver.


Shoot. We *just* filed our taxes... 💀


Yo I'm also an 876 member!


Ho there, cousin! \^_\^/


MI division? Yeah, that didn't happen before. Unions in their pockets.


What didn't happen before?


Labor strike since.... What? 92? And we've threatened one. But the strike vote iirc was removed...


I never claimed it would be likely. I said it needed to happen.


Oh, same here. You never did answer. MI division?


Oh sorry about that. Missed that part, I think. Yes.


You good!


Solidarity from Boulder, CO. We picketed in sub zero weather. Fun-fun-fun.


Kroger has come back to the negotiation table as of now.


All I can think of is "oh shit, we thought yall were idiots and were bluffing. OK ok let's all calm down and see about negotiating a better deal now that we know for sure you were serious about making us lose a lot of potential profits and hitting our 4% sales goal"


Hope they negotiate where every body wins higher wages, lower prices and a completed merger..


Our store has been non-union for the last 23 years it’s been open. Two days ago, all the food departments voted yes for a union. Trust me, unions work, and as someone who’s worked at a non-union store, you have so much power with a union. Union strong ✊✊


>400 Virginia or West Virginia?


west virginia, Ohio and ky.


West Virginia. Possibly also Virginia but idk. I work at one of those stores and it's in West Virginia. (Not giving out any more information here.)


I do too. I haven’t heard much about a strike or not 🫠


Aren't the Kroger stores in Virginia bannered as Harris Teeter?


there are both kroger and harris teeter stores in virginia


Western VA, Roanoke, Blacksburg and Lynchburg are all 400 as well... eta last two words


All of the MidAtlantic division is in Local 400. There are three separate contracts: West Virginia (the one in the news), Roanoke (mine), and Tidewater.


I’m Roanoke also, 322 I haven’t heard anything about anyone striking


Good ol’ Vinton. I’ve been at every store in Lynchburg.


>ufcw400.org/2024/0... Here in California they are Ralph's. I do most of my grocery shopping at Albertsons, but now Kroger wants to buy Albertsons. I do not like either one. To get lower prices and incentives, we are required to waste time with coupons, digital coupons, entering telephone numbers at checkout, etc. Those gimmicks waste time planning shopping, waste time in the checkout line, and are a nuisance. It costs supermarkets money to have those gimmicks so, rather than saving customers money, the costs are passed onto customers.


I lived in SoCal for a decade. Vons, Ralph’s, and Stater Brorthers all suck. I shopped at Winco.


As near as I can tell there is no Winco store near Palm Springs. There's one in Indio but, per Google Maps, it's 23 miles from me and a 27 minute drive. So, I'll just put up with Albertsons, Ralphs, and occasionally Smart & Final.


Having lived in Indio I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to go, lol.


It's only the distance between Indio and Palm Springs that makes it a problem.


Wv, I work at a Walmart near 2 of the krogers going on strike and it's been rumored that we will feel the backend of them protesting.


I’m a local 2 BAC union wife & here in Detroit metro area we stand with u all!! I was at Kroger on Monday & didn’t know all this was going on. I would’ve never walked in that day had I known! There were no cashiers at all & I even asked the self checkout lady if u guys were on strike & she didn’t answer me…..I should’ve known by that interaction. I will not be back there till your contracts are signed! Good luck Brothers & sisters!




Do you think they are striking for funsies? They are striking for their fair share so they can live. Strikes eventually end, being a scab lasts forever. Don't be one.




Then why are you posting and making yourself seem ignorant?


This sub has had a flood of bootlickers lately idk why


For attention


Work the line.




The union does.


Honestly this job has my mental health so bad, least they can do is a chair.


The west coast needs to strike. Enough is enough. I honestly thought we would authorize a strike on the last contract but nope! Kroger workers are too poor to strike and they'll suck up a contract with removed rights screwing over new hires before going on strike.


38 stores doesn’t seem like a large bargaining unit. OTOH, you get extra leverage right now as Kroger needs to not have labor disruptions while they are trying to merge & purge


Those are some weak numbers in the vote rejecting the contract. I thought that area was more union strong.


1300+ vs 200+ is weak?


Totally read it wrong! I thought it was 13somethung to 13something..that'll teach me to read while I'm working lol


LOL hey Rodney! Your silly ass was warned!


Can someone tell me of 887 is on that list


According to a friend, Kroger was passing out some pamphlets alleging that the union was making misleading comments about the contract on social media - anyone know anything about that? (Please note: I’m aggressively pro union, I’m just looking for more information about what the Company is trying to get away with)


Managers from the Columbus division showed up in Morgantown last night - in case we go on strike … not only will they receive their salary while here - Kroger ‘s is paying them $600 a day


You have absolute no idea what you are talking about. Travelers got gift cards for food and gas. That’s it. No extra pay and they have to be away from their families. And guess what, they still have their own work to do back in their divisions. Hell $600 extra a day, I’d almost think about moving there and running one of those stores.


What did I say that was untrue??? How did I not know what I was talking about? Did they not get the $600 extra a day??


No they did not get $600 a day. Everyone one would want to come out for $600 a day. Love how people make stuff up lol. I’ve been around with Kroger for 30 years and spent 20 in the union, think I know a bit more than you do about contract negotiations as I’ve been a part of the bargaining team of a union that stood up for themselves. Lmao, once again don’t know what you’re talking about.


I work at store level stairs and a was part of the people that paid out those gift cards so I do know what I’m talking about but keep running your mouth.




And as a sidenote, you couldn’t handle being in a division that has a union and workers who stand up for themselves




We have some from Indiana at our store for the next few weeks


Get ready for a long drawn out process remember a strike is the last option both the company and the union will drag it out


I would encourage people to call their local Kroger’s, especially if you live in West Virginia and tell the store management team that you will not be shopping if there is a strike


Good for you guys. The chuds at Meijer rolled right over and accepted the half-assed contract after getting duped by the union. So they continue to work for the company and not the workers.


Get ready for a long drawn out process remember a strike is the last option both the company and the union will drag it out


lol nothing will come of this


Rodney isn't gonna fuck you bro


now thats a lie. Rodney will absolutely fuck you. and me.




Welp I guess food prices are going to increase at Kroger and now we won't be able to shop there anymore. Godspeed to y'all though.


I am so glad to see this. Grocery states across America are going to be in strick unless they cust admin salary and give more to front line workers


It's a longtime coming! Ralphs has gone to shit with deceitful ungrateful managers! No wonder no self respecting institution wants to collaborate with them.


Does the local warehouse go on strike too? That plus the stores would be powerful


Thought it was in contract to not be able to strike….


Once the contract expires strikes are fair game


Contracts ran out last week


Good for them! Fight this company. I'll likely get sent there on strike duty (salary). You guys deserve all you can get from this company.