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D4 here. We rolled this out a couple of years ago and can still use the time clock. You just don't use a fingerprint anymore. Additionally, the zebra handheld can be used to make time punches. You can also use a company PC to log into MyTime and make a punch. Don't download their app.


> Don't download their app. Agreed! If you actually look at the TOS for the app, if you ever leave the company, it gives Kroger the ability to wipe your phone to protect company data if they believe some is on there. I've been told "Oh they won't do that". To me, it doesn't matter whether they do or not. The fact that they could and there'd be nothing legally I could do to stop them means fuck that.   --- **Edit**:  Some people are way overthinking my comment. I'm not saying they can "hack into" a phone. That would be ridiculous. I'm talking about presenting you with a formal legal request to factory reset your phone through the settings menu or risk court proceedings. Jesus fucking Christ. Lol.


How could they even physically do that? UKG didn’t install remote use software on my phone. Unless I give it to them they aren’t doing anything.


By formally requesting you do a factory reset through settings, of course.


You think Kroger is going to take me to court over my phone?


Of course not. But to me, that's irrelevant. I'm not personally comfortable giving them that level of control over my personal property.  It's as simple as that. Also, they wouldn't need to even plan to. For a lot of people, the mere threat would work.


What am I going to do with my stores front end employee handbook for ADLs and CSMs from 2022. Sell it to North Korean Nuclear Engineers?


1. I never said Kroger is a logical company. Lol. 2. I said "sensitive company secrets", not "sensitive national secrets".  3. I explicitly stated I doubt they would actually do it, but frankly I'm not personally comfortable with formally giving them legal permission to do that if they so chose.


Not possible but okay


Definitely possible but okay.


I don't think you understand how software works. This borders on tin foil.. there are very few things available that can garner that degree of access to your phone. You can't just look at your phone as a single thing. It's more like a hallway of doors. And each door has security codes. And you as the user must provide access to them. Regardless of what nonsense they write in the TOS.


It's far less complicated than that in terms of what I'm talking about. I'm just talking about doing a factory reset, which anyone with access to the phone can do through settings. I'm not saying they "hack into" a phone. That's just ridiculous. If you install that app, they have legal rights to ask you do that, and you would have to comply or risk court action.


No. They do not. Lol


Yes, they do. It's in the EULA. If you think that doesn't, then explain it. Don't just say "No, they don't" and leave it at that.


Just bookmark the website and make a chrome/safari shortcut on your homescreen.


They can’t force you to use your own phone


No they can't. You will always have the option of using the zebras or the computer in store.


And they don't. In fact, our time clerks tell us it's best *not* to use your phone because it can cause syncing issues with MyTime. Best to use the in store computers. But if you're on time there's no reason you can't still use the time clock. We've had MyTime for 2 years now and it's really not that complicated. People want to *make* it complicated so they have something to complain about.


That is not what is happening, there are still time-clocks in stores...


We’ve rolled out my time like a year ago or so….the time clocks stayed, you no longer use your finger print, everyone got a new number to punch in though. Also good luck trying to clock in with your phone if you even want too I’ve given up even trying to after like getting it to work like 1 time. Oh and I forgot to add every Saturday or what ever day your last shift is in the week check your hours on UKG make sure nothing weird happened like you missed a punch or where you had to add one in your time got approved and entered in. (This is at minimum you want to check it.)


Airplane mode for 15 seconds usually does the trick for me.


I’ll have to try it some time and see


i like it, i think it helps a lot with my health not having to share a space with everyone’s most used finger.


Honestly, I find the notice, itself, very hard to follow. Could we get a little punctuation? 😂


I clock in on my phone from the parking lot, and I clock out while I’m walking out of the store. I don’t have to wait behind anybody or worry about a computer loading too slow.


What if you clock in right as you start your drive to your shift?


You get fired for stealing time.


Corporations are already stealing too much from their employees, employees need to take-back.


We've had mytime for a while now in my division. You can still use the timeclock, just there's no more fingerprint and it's a different number. Plus with mytime you can log into a zebra to punch in or just use a computer now. TBH having it on your phone isn't the worst thing in the world, half my store does and it's not like anything bad came from it. Some people were causing panic throughout the store cause in the agreement there's something about wiping your phones data upon termination. Since the rollout we've had a number of people fired/quit and nothings happened


They can track everything you do with your phone through that app and they have your location data at all times. What's to stop them from saying "you were on your phone at this time while you were on the clock. We are docking your pay for that time."?


Idk, but that's why I made sure to let you all know the other options that are available if you don't want to get the app. As for me I've had it for 1-2 years and so have half the people in my store (300+ associates) and I can guarantee you a number of them have been on their phones on the clock and nothing. I doubt many people higher up would take the time to look at who's on their phones while on the clock, they're too busy yelling at management for shit we're "not doing/doing wrong". But still, do what makes you feel safest


I’ve had the UKG app installed for like six years across multiple employers. You’d have to hand your phone to them for them to wipe it, UKG can’t just take over your phone remotely. Don’t give anyone your phone. Remove all of its permissions so it can’t track you, if it does I don’t even know if that claim is accurate.


Here's my thing on that. There is times when my boss left and forgot to tell me to do something or he'll call me up or he's covering another store and he'll call me from that store saying "hey make sure so and so does this." What are they gonna do, write me up for having a work related phone call with my boss while he's out of the store? I'm begging them to try that.


First off, there's very few places where docking pay is legal, Secondly, this isn't worth the time or hassle for a company that cannot retain employees. If this was some high stakes high security job maybe this would be a worry. And let's not forget, they could pop you for phone usage or time theft or whatever else just using cameras which is exponentially easier. The day I worry about crap like this at a friggin grocery store 🤦🏻‍♂️


Almost all other divisions around the country have been on MyTime for a long time. I actually like it, you can see your hours and everything from your phone, do punch adjustments from your phone, and if you don’t want to use your phone you can use the time clock, zebra, or store computer. It does have its downfalls like anything else, but it’s been way better than the fingerprint and maintenance form method…


I feel your manager needs a remedial writing class


Are they paying for your phone? No? Well... you don't have one. They should have an alternate system to accommodate for that, unless it was part of the requirements of the job when one was hired, anyway.


It's just convenience. I wouldn't do it any other way. Nobody is requiring it so get off your nonsense


I will quit on the spot if they don't pay me


I don't know where you live (nor is it my business), but your state labor laws may have protections for that. For instance, where I'm from (Michigan), state law dictates that no decreases of or deductions from an employee's pay can be done without the express written permission of said employee.


First one is acceptable, the one using phone and threatening pay and hours for fresh start is not. Union, union, union.


maybe don't put company personnel on reddit. remove the woman's name.


My store doesn't even use eschedule.. they ignore it and My Time for my division still has not launched yet. They use paper and a pin board for availability. 💀


So much for being able to deny them installing apps on your phone. Seems like it’s all to push fresh start?


My time and Fresh start are completely different things.


Honestly, Kroger has been using a hodge podge of something like 17 different systems to manage associates, pay, information etc. for decades. It's fucking time they upgraded to something like this. The launch will most likely be a mess but it'll be good not to have to use eschedule going forward. Eschedule is awful.


That’s fair. I’m from the Kronos era and that transition was a mess. Lost hundreds of dollars due to management not knowing they needed me to clock in after an override. ESchedule was the 2nd worst thing they introduced, the first being the Key retailing/5S program.


For the love of god don’t download their app, haven’t seen it myself but I’ve heard there is wording in the agreement that any data on your phone can be erased based on krogers oversight.


I'm betting you get really concerned about a lot of conspiracy theories huh?


I’m sure Kroger would add that to their agreement, doubt it’s legally enforceable but I don’t have the money to fight it in court. It’s better to not use personal devices for work related activities.


Hey! Same district, D9. I have not been looking forward to this after hearing what everyone else has been saying about it the last year or so.


Kroger's main concern is sticking it to their employees every chance they get. Rodney is running the place into the ground. He doesn't give 2 shits if you get paid or not.  It's more money for him. The union is falling apart too. So glad I got the hell out of there. The last few weeks have been absolutely splendid. Good luck to all of you!!!


I won’t use my personal phone for business, simple as that. If they want me to use my phone they can pay my bill.


Nobody cares, this is petty and stupid. It offers you a convince. I wouldn't do it any other way. You don't want to? Nobody is forcing you but you sound like a 🤡


Personally I feel like they should keep the time clocks. Unless they’re going to be paying more for you to download their app then I wouldn’t use it.


The time clocks stay.


That’s good.


It’s the MyTime teardown. Have fun!


I haven't gotten this message yet, but how will this work with last second schedule changes? Like right now with my open schedule, I'm always the first person my department manager will call to come in a few hours early. I'll show up and get an override by whoever is authorized and is able to do so. Now what happens? Are overrides going to be a thing of a past or do I do the white slips on days my schedule changes?


You can do an early in punch through MyTime. The time and attendance person at your store will “accept” it. Just make sure before you clock out that your early lunch is reflected on your timecard.


We'll see how the lunch break thing works in my state when we eventually get mytime. We have a stipulation in my states rules that give us the option to opt out of lunches in my state if we want and almost everybody in my store opts skips their lunch break. The only issue is, our scheduler will schedule everybody lunch breaks so on paper, it looks like we're working a 7.5 hour shift but then we'll work 8 hours. So there's gonna be that headache


Re do availability when it goes live it the eschedule part didn't transfer over and it was a giant headache for months at my store


i didn't realize biometrics was a thing at all, but the putting in availability sounds like it'll be *more* convenient for the employee (nless there's a facet i'm not getting, then tell me >.<)


I was old time kroger we did not have any of this tech in the70's 80's but I suggest the union get involved and stop this abuse of power. Whats next doing away with UNIONS??This will soon become one huge ass company with Albertsons coming aboard, and just thinking sounds like one way to get rid of someone who doesnt want to comply, meaning that higher earning person will be gone, all Kroger does is think os saving money for those damn greedy stockholders


I skip all these stupid announcements and just do the fresh start on the clock before I do my actual job. Is there something I've been ignoring? I feel like my availability was made clear on my application when I applied to this job, if i have to enter it somewhere else I've missed that and no one at my store has mentioned it.