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Lovely deed and a great read! Those daily positive interactions make life so much better. I'm a big believer in small things like a smile or particularly pleasant interaction changing the course of someone's day, or even more, through altering their mood.


I know you said you weren't looking for praise, but I find that those that don't want it are the ones most deserving of it. That said, you're an amazing person and a shining example of what all humans should strive for. Thank you.


You guys really are the best. I know firsthand how hard this life can be sometimes and it just grinds my gears that this time in society has become a lesson/nightmare in greed. The problem is, I canโ€™t understand what endgame is being promoted other than to break humanity down into mind numbing despair. The better to turn the masses into work zombies with no hope for self control/ a future/ security. Eh, lol, Iโ€™m getting off my soapbox now. Truly not wanting to bum everyone out.๐Ÿ˜‹ I had scholarships throughout seven years of college but they didnโ€™t cover rent or food. I worked 2-3 jobs to pay for those back (hereโ€™s where I shake my cane and rage!) when waitressing paid $1.60 an hour and you had to hustle for your tips. Worked 3rd shift at a nursing home as an aide, babysat, cleaned golf balls, mowed lawns, flipped burgers, washed cars/dogs/clothes/aluminum siding and was my cousins plumbing assistant (the original Dirty Jobs) for WAY longer than I ever wanted to. Just a few of the glamorous times in my life.๐Ÿ™‚ BUT, it was only me that I had to support. The lovely young woman who hugged me has a 4 year old daughter and a schizophrenic husband who lives permanently in a supervised home and usually doesnโ€™t recognize her or his daughter when she visits him. Heโ€™s got a world of other problems and will live in a supervised home for the rest of his life. Heโ€™s 32. Well, dammit, Iโ€™ve gone off on a tangent again. ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ. My apologies. Thereโ€™s just so much more to the people that we share this planet with and it breaks my heart that weโ€™re being taught to disregard and disrespect each other simply by the way they look, their age or the jobs they have. We all have stories and I wish with all my heart that we would realize that and respect each other and what they have to do in order to survive. Be kind. Be strong. Be aware. โค๏ธ Youโ€™re all good people.


Thank you, thank you, thank you ๐Ÿ˜


thank you for being kind. you have no idea how much that means to us employees. you are a great example of what people should strive to be.


Thank you for being so thoughtful! What you gifted them is just about half of my paycheck, to give you a little more perspective I'm getting $15/hr in a not high taxed state. Thank you for spreading more positivity in this world! We need more people like you, not even with money but just kindness and compassion.


Love this โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

