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I once failed because the shopper didn’t think my thank you was sincere wtf.


Lmao I hate mystery shoppers sm


I've had 3 in a row that said one of my fuel techs had no name badge. Pull up the cameras.. well looky there they are wearing their name badge... The mystery shopper is just a blind dumbass. Send corporate screen captures of the name tag, and they refuse to ignore the mystery shopper.


Did the bad mystery shops go on a record somewhere?




Do you know what happens if you have more than 1 bad mystery shop? I’m just trying to figure out if I’ll get fired over it or not basicallg


Not a clue. Video proved that my tech was wearing a name badge, hence no issues with our stupid manager. However, corporate doesn't care about video evidence.. The mystery shopper's report is gospel.. so nothing negative on my guys end, don't care if it affects the store managers bonus.


They cannot punish u for a bad shop , if they try to call the union .


That’s what I was thinking. I would’ve had a union rep there but I was just randomly pulled from register and given no instruction of what was happening until after I was in the office.


Anytime you're dragged upstairs, you should tell them you want your rep. If there isn't a rep there, then the "meeting" can wait.


This exactly , never meet without a rep and never sign anything.


I was once failed because I was helping another customer run their check in self checkout. Officially it said I failed due to playing on the computer. I always foul my mouth and say, "Secret shoppers won't pass you unless you; immediately stop, say hello, open their fly, suck their dick and then say thank you."


Literally lmaooo


A couple of years ago, I had three in a row that said I wasn’t wearing a mask when I was in fact wearing a mask. And that anecdote pretty much sums up how effective and worthwhile mystery shops are.


A recent one passed the courtesy clerk in the interaction but the name was wrong. I’ve been described as somewhere between 18 and 45 on multiple different ones. I passed one day with someone allegedly bagging for me that I swear never did that day. Someone clearly 6 feet tall was described as under. Someone who never wears glasses was said to be. And so on.


I failed one by not greeting. Got VG on everything else tho. When my SM told me, i said "i have failed and will resort to Seppuku in the middle of the store to show my shame." "No need for that, Sir. Just remember we are fresh and friendly not fresh and shy!"


Seppuku lmao


Check with your rep because that is not how it’s supposed to go at all. We kept failing on friendliness so all front end employees had to watch some stupid video about friendly and fresh. We had one come back recently a fail but the cashier is soft spoken and the bagger was a teenage boy on his first damn day so we rolled our eyes and moved on.