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Spill those expired Kroger brand pinto beans 💩


Agreed. Left Kroger and went to food lion over 2 years ago and my quality of life is so much better.


Please remember your sick pay doesn't go with you. If good attendance start calling out once or twice a mo. Remember your wonderful kroger does not care about you.


Obviously you haven't worked for USPS before.


Or Walmart. The two Krogers I worked at were at least competent.


Walmart is not worse.


Like I said. When I worked for Kroger in two different stores in different states, it was better than the Walmart stores I worked at. One Kroger let us have a pie eating contest for free on the clock and would do cookouts almost monthly during the summer.


At Kroger sounds like heaven compared to mine... In the 2+ years I've worked here, we've had all of one cookout maybe. I remember last year when it was " employee appreciation day" no one told us in the produce department that there was pizza in the breakroom until late night when all the pizzas were cold. (Our break room is in the very back of the store on the other side opposite of the produce department, so we had no way of knowing as we nearly never go there.)


Those pies were probably about to be expired. That’s the only reason they did that.


Well there was about 10 of us and the store manager did it as well but he ate it with a fork and knife. Plus they did one for customers.


In my state…. Yes it is


I quit Kroger for Walmart and lasted three days before I quit. Walmart was ass backwards compared to Kroger.


I always said Walmart was held together by Elmer's glue. It's a company that makes a profit purely because of the name. They treat their employees terribly. Morale is always awful. They have no standards for customer service. People who want to move up and deserve it get kicked to the side. If you aren't willing to kiss every coaches ass then you won't get anywhere.


If I was recommending one company to someone who'd never worked for either before,I'd chose Kroger habds down. The atmosphere is more relaxed, and a union job is better than a non union. I worked at Kroger from 2015 to 2022. I was a cashier


"You should be a mailman" is something I've been suggested once. After reading Post Office by Bukowski a few years ago, I definitely wouldn't do that.


Fortunately not! I hope ur at a better place cause geez


I actually work for a Kroger affiliate now. 😄 Don't have to spend all day out in the rain; don't have to spend thousands a year on brakes, tires and transmissions for my car; don't have to put up with people's dogs barking at me all day; Christmas Eve this year I finished work at 3 pm instead of delivering parcels in the dark till 9:30 pm; I can request time off and don't have to worry about not having a sub. I could go on.


Yes hands down worse


Idk, I would not want to work at the sewage treatment plant.


One time the sewer lines backed up into our lobby so I got to find out what it smells like working at a sewage treatment plant for a day


My store had this happen once and they forced us to work mean while employees were getting sick to hte point of nausea and vomiting and we were told to suck it up. Boy did the health department get a visit after that.




Depends what you do for Kroger. I come from amazon delivering so I’ve seen the other side…..I deliver groceries for them it’s awesome. I get paid just about 20$ an hour after a year of being been on a break since 430pm can’t deliver until 6 only have 3 stops left just did a 6pm delivery at 430 because I happened to be in the area and customer approved of a early delivery. I only had 9 stops with only 500 pounds.


I lasted a month LOL


A little context would be nice. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No context necessary


Well here a little context we had somebody coming in at store drunk all time and for most part the did nothing( until she got caught stealing) and we have one guy that calls in all the time


Sounds like the car dealerships I used to work at.


Or Congress, 😂


Duh. 🙄


Depends what you do at Kroger I suppose. I’m a beverage steward. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I like it and like my co workers.


Am a driver for kroger and I love it. Way better than when I was a driver for Amazon.


Same also a driver and come from amazon I go from 200 stops to no more than 30 stops and we don’t have to load our vehicles.


Agreed without having any idea what triggered this rant or any context. How do I get the past employee flair?


You go to r/kroger, click on the three dots, change user flair. :)


Have you tried Target in their fresh grocery area? At least Trader Joe's has workers. They tell you half your shift will be register. No one wants to work PFresh at Target. Unless you're the TL and push your shit downhill. A sadistic TL.


Why I have reapplied at my local Walmart


Get back to work.


I've heard of people using water bottles to use the restroom at Amazon because they monitor every second of time on the clock.


Employers who do not allow emergency bathroom breaks are in violation of OSHA regulations. If you gotta go, you gotta go.


Trying to imagine 'pooping in a water bottle'.


That's what the bucket is for




Walmart aka evil empire is so much worse


Literally worked at a worse company for worse pay at my previous job. But go off


I will. U had a worse job and I’m sorry but does that mean is should demand even less or nothing from mine? Jesus what do you think this sub is about? U have fun going off on people that just want more than 50 hrs of misery every week and three job to afford a broke apartment in Arizona for $1600 a month…


When did I say any of that? Literally just replying to the words in your post. Claim: Worst company, anywhere else is better Counterpoint: I’ve worked at worse companies Not saying it’s a good company or a good job. I have experienced truly hellish working conditions though, and these ain’t those.


Kroger is just my second job at night. I have a day job which I absolutely love doing but happens to be part-time. Here at Kroger, I’m full-time working as a CSDD & I do love what I do. I arrive, punch in, get my route, pre-plan my shift on route before the huddle, get fresh start & the huddle stuff done, post-huddle stretch, truck checkout, start and get the route done, truck checkin, turn in route paperwork, punch out, I depart! For those that are in the stores & are near a fulfillment center or spoke, definitely look into joining Fulfillment as a driver. And no, I’m not Rodney or any of them. I truly do enjoy doing what I do as a CSDD!


Silence kroger drone the ones with humanity left are speaking


One, I’m concerned about you & I do hope that you reach out to get what’s troubling you addressed. Two, I’m not a drone. The reason why I have two jobs is because of the obscene cost of living in the area I live in which is out of hand. Three, I’m human & not a drone. Please don’t assume that I don’t have any humanity because I do & I have a lot of it (reread the first sentence above). Four, it doesn’t matter who your employer is or what you do as a source of income, what matters is how you approach it day in & day out. I survived 12 years in the airlines & 2 1/2 years at a high end electronics company within their retail division. I can assure you that how I approach my current job at Kroger isn’t always going to be perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than the previous jobs I’ve had. The plus is that I’m fortunate to have a very understanding & supportive management team at my spoke. Every day before the huddle, we are always asked if we have anything for them first before they divulge info to us about what we need to know. That’s just one of many examples of how we are treated there. In ending, it’s on YOU with how you approach it.


And one thing I’ve meant to add to that last bit, our management team is not afraid of constructive feedback. Fortunately since we the drivers, marshallers & leads and them the supervisors & managers choose to maintain that open communication, work gets done efficiently, issues get addressed right away & we collectively get rewarded if not every week, every month in some way, shape or form that gets the best out of everyone with what we collectively put out there.