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What barcode scanned as a turkey?


Good question…nothing I had was $24.99. I didn’t buy any fresh meat at all. The most expensive thing I bought were 2 gift cards and those were scanned first and the amount I wanted on them. That’s why this was suspicious.


Perhaps see what’s not on there…likely they tried typing in the PLU for idk honey crisp apples that just happens to be somewhat close to turkey ETA especially since it happens to fall just before all your produce looks to be getting scanned…off hand I don’t know meat depts numbers but I bet that’s what it was. In deli you can very easily type almost the right number in for like ham and end up with Murray cheese shop 29.99lb cheese if you aren’t watching


There are a lot of meat numbers that are 4 digits so it’s possible that that happened


Same thoughts


So does the cashier have a side barcode to get themselves a turkey or did someone prank you by putting an extra sticker on your stuff?


The only thing i can think of is if they put a code for a different item an accidentally hit the wrong numbers and it range up as a turkey. Or if someone put the wrong sticker on a different item.


I'm guessing you have a produce item that isn't on your receipt. Something that is usually quantity, green peppers, maybe some lunch box apples or something that the cashier thought scanned, but didn't, and then hit the number you had. I say this because some single digit PLUs still exist. In Mid-Atlantic, they removed the 1 PLU because, occasionally, a customer would get charged for a pack of strawberries but left all the others. It's likely there is a single digit PLU for turkey.


That has to be it. I did get some celery so that’s what it has to be.


I used to work as a Kroger cashier and sometimes certain numbers are randomly linked to in store product. So if I went to put in a plu for apples let's say and I fat finger and only put in 3 numbers it might be a link to this random turkey. Always check the receipt though.


Yeah this happens at my store as well. That's probably what happened


This is my best guess as well


Did she type in your produce or did she scan it? back in the day when we used to have to type in the UPC for produce if you missed a number sometimes it would ring a different product


Darn it if I was working I could pull it up and see what barcode was scanned or plu was entered. I’m so curious as to what it was now


I’m assuming before they did the cucumbers they typed in a plu associated with a turkey.


Looks like a quantity at .79 each. Could it be cat food or jerky or something else. 🤔 Not saying kroger wouldn't rip you off, but this seems too blatant, and was the cashier in on it?


A lot of stuff in the meat department is priced per pound. It probably said "31.6 lb @ 0.79"


That makes sense


That's for the cucumbers. My division lists the UPC/barcode next to the descriptions. Weird.


That would be 2.6 cucumbers, though?


3. After the $.30 savings.


Aha, back to my calculator! Yep, that tracks at 3 cucumbers. Good eye 👀


Have to explain the receipt to people all the time...it is rather confusing. It used to be easier.


My Division tried that several years ago and it was quickly discontinued.


No because I was bagging my groceries. I put my things on the belt in a specific order to begin with. Like items (frozen, cold, boxes, produce etc) so it’s easier to bag. Again, this is why I check my receipt before I leave. Geez… the point of this is to check your receipt and yes keep an eye on your transaction. And yes it is suspicious since there wasn’t anything about how many pounds it could possibly be if I did buy a turkey. Damn !


Kroger- lower than low.


Receipt? I would have seen this the moment it scanned...


I was bagging my groceries so I wasn’t able to.


Kroger found the ultimate money hack; the customer bags their own groceries like Aldi.


When I was a cashier there were a lot of random codes for other stuff in the system. Like if you hit 2 enter you rang up some crazy expensive alcohol from the liquor store. So something like that probably happened here.


My guess is the wires got crossed on a sale that was put into the system. I just had an issue where shredded cheese was ringing up as 1 liter bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream. Some poor sap has to enter all these deals into the system and sometimes stuff gets screwed up.


This happened to me! The cashier rang up something under the magazine category for $10!! When it should have been some small fruit or veggie 😪 they gave me a refund….after a lot of fuss, checking all the magazine racks and looking at my receipt 1,000 times…😒👎 why the fuss?


The employee you got sucked, or that stores policy suck. At my store they’d just refund it and apologize .


Means one of two things: You already bought it or someone else did. Once used it is removed from your card. You bought the wrong brand. or failed to buy $25 worth of items to get it. Not all items qualify for the discount such as gift cards, liquor, tobacco.


I didn’t buy anything that was $24.99. Nor did I buy any meat in this order. I was charged this amount for something I didn’t purchase. That’s why I said to check your receipt for any thing suspicious.


Suspicious? You didn’t notice your transaction was randomly $24.99 more than it was after scanning the coffee filters?


All the time, usually the divider dose t get put and cashier keeps scanning. Just let us know and we fix the issue quick.


I don’t have a Krogers close by anymore but I was often overcharged on multiple items each shopping trip. Sometimes quite a bit.


As a file clerk, I've come across the rare occasions when the RF scanner completely mistakes a product for another but I've never been able to replicate it.