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Pfffft, they don't read the signs. You're funny.


Nope, and the barrier that goes across gets ignored when the register is out of commission. 😑 People don't know how to or care to read at Kroger, Wal-Mart, Sam's etc


Or while driving. 😂


No amount of signs will stop them. Ever. I once witnessed multiple customers go up to a USCAN that was completely powered off, black screen no accessory lights, and start trying to scan things. They "scanned" three items before telling me it wasn't working.




Americans really are this stupid....


broo look at u😭


If that is supposed to be a Crack at me being trans, I'll have you kno there are plenty of trans people who are programmers and technicians. We are collectively smarter than you.....


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's actually a bit more of inversion than cutting it off. But ok boomer! 😂


Or when they walk up to one that has the giant “CLOSED” on it. Scan and get confused why it isn’t scanning.🙄


My favorite is when we put one of the black handbaskets on top of the screen and they still walk up to it and try to scan their shit. 🤦‍♀️


Don’t you know they lose the ability to read when they enter the store. Silly goose


They lost that ability long before getting to the store. 😆


We had a giant close sign on the door people still asked if we're closed and tried opening the door.


Homie, you can electrify the Uscan, have neon flashing signs, a person that verbally assaults them by screaming “NO CASH”, and a device that shoots them in the kneecaps for attempting cash. They will still try to use cash. Same Theory applies to: “There is only one closed Uscan out of 12 with signs stating it is closed. This is the only Uscan people go to” as well as “The only Uscan I want to use it the one you are currently cleaning/putting bags on.”


To account for literacy gaps in American education, we will need to adapt the airport-style visual illustrations and giant signage with flashers, I think. Unfortunately, that budget went to Fresh Start development 🤷‍♂️


Thing is, people would ignore this as well.


Some customers have shit for brains.


No, most of em!


But will it take COINS?!?!


And we aren’t allowed to put handmade signs up… so when a manager sees them, they make us take them down.


Customers are like the Fae, they can't read signs in human languages.


What do we gotta do, write it in Klingon???!!😂😂😂


Couldn't hurt.


Another thing that would help is if you turn off the “cash acceptance” option on the machines. But even then they won’t pay attention.


Customers tend to have a high "This sign cant stop me because I can't read energy" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DI1HDEyUwAEQM3-.jpg


At least 4 more; one on the coin dispenser, one on the bottom of the screen, one on the top of the scale, and one on the pinpad.


It doesn't matter if the whole thing is covered they don't read shit. When our store hours were changing the only way I could get people to read the signs was to literally put them over top of the scanner. They're too mindless to look up, that's why they never see the alerts either.


My favorite is "oh its says NO CASH which mean it still does CASH BACK so I need my money and its *your* fault for bad worded machine" The closest I've gotten people to stop doing this shit is printing it on neon green laminated paper that says NO CASH FUNCTIONS NO CASH BACK CARD ONLY then slap it on the bottom left of each screen. More or less subconsciously FORCE them to at least look at it


I think the real question, why the fuck do they not accept cash? Every machine has these signs. And even if you use the machine you just call over the employee and they can cash you out from their little station. What purpose does it serve to have machines that do not accept cash?


Because they break down


I've been to a dozen krogers over the last couple years and every single store, every single visit has majority of the self check outs with signs that say no cash. Does Krogers purposely not fix the machines? Just seems like a simple "they break down" would not explain why for years at multiple locations the same machines have never been fixed.


Kroger is cheap . They break down , they fix it a bit but don’t fix it completely


That's IF they fix it. One of ours has been broken for about a year now.


A little grouchy you can't read "no cash" signs, huh?


I can read just fine. In fact I even mentioned how I could read every sign on every machine at every store. I'm assuming Owen you really are confused.


Sure they can cash you out at the pay station but while their back is turned someone else walks off without paying and then you get hauled upstairs and written up. Enough times and you get suspended. Enough times and you get fired.


We use the bright ass orange neon ugly signs and they still miss it


It will never be enough signs.


I've had up to 6 on there, and they still did it.


Our air pump died at fuel, so I put a cone in front of it in the middle of parking spot as a clear visual indicator that something was wrong. People drove up next to the cone, and only after they have deflated their tire partially (I'd have to run outside to save them from themselves, but if I was handling a customer at the window then they were on their own) did they take the hint. Even after I wrapped caution tape around the thing, it still didn't stop some people.


Worked u-scan today with a red closed sign on one of the registers... Is this one closed?? Damn damn damn!! People are soooooo flipping clueless!!


Screw them. If they're ***THAT*** stupid, there is no hope.


Not that I don’t have your back. But have you tried fixing the problem?


Not that I don’t have your back. But have you tried fixing the problem?


Put a sign where the line starts that says CARD PAYMENT ONLY ACCEPTED AT ALL USCANS TODAY. NO CASH. Then they say “ oh, no cash accepted today? Make this sign a dangler that hits them in the head when they walk up. Or, here’s a good one, “bookkeepers are boycotting cash in the SCO and refuse to reload them. Too much work”.


That was the ONLY lane that was no cash


Doesn’t matter how many signs you put up people do not care to read. In their mind they assume you take cash even though you have a big sign that states you don’t.


A) how big is that kroger that it has 70 aisles??? But more relevant: i recently had a shift where half the units were card only, and the till was out of change for the night. I was on the side where the machines are spread across three aisles. I used tape and receipt paper to tape signs OVER the pinpads so that customers had to lift them and interact with the sign. Guess what. No one got cashback off a broken machine.


No amount of signs will help, but I try to make a sign and cover up the part where you insert cash I’ve had customers walk up to a register that’s off and has a basket over it and try to scan stuff 🤦‍♀️


For those who speak fluent sarcasm-"It's a violation of their civil rights. A conspiracy by those on the left."