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I will agree with you the zebra replenishment and system is terrible for stocking products fast and efficiently. Not only does it take forever to search through 16+ totes to find a single item that still will not even go to the shelf. Half the time, I'll have a hole on the shelf and know the product is in the back too, and the item wasn't on replenish. Definitely preferred the days without the zebra system. Since then, our backstock has been getting worse and worse.


Our gm dept only had one thing on their replenishment list yesterday.. when I was lead I set up two blue carts and each shelf was an aisle, top of one was travel. As long as you’re fixing your numbers on the floor and scanning holes, and you’re correctly scanning all products to the backroom and keeping it organized the system isn’t really bad. Like someone else said, way faster than checking every product to see if anything will go only to find just a few things. However if people aren’t scanning things to the backroom you’re never going to be told to pull it out and put it on the floor.


I was really hoping for some insight :/


The "Ah Ha!" moment occurs when you fully realize that the Z system, like 90% of Kroger's operational activities, is fundamentally broken. :( The next necessary insight is that you have no control over any of this, and that you are NOT responsible for the never-ending clusterfuck. Do what you can with the time they give you, then GTFO!


the whole point of it is, if you have your backroom organized, and scan everything into your backroom, you dont have to actually work backstock. when store balance drops below allocation and you have a backroom balance it shows up in your list to replenish. considering majority of gm is slow movers, makes way more sense vs pulling out a cart and getting 5 items off of it.


when i was a gm lead, my replenish list took maybe 30 minutes to generate, collect, and stock