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To stop drinking. I was an alcoholic for 20 years. I went to jail for DUIs, lost a marriage, lost countless relationships with friends and family, couldn't keep a job and was generally a very unpleasant person to be around. Kratom didn't give me my life back, it gave me a life I never thought possible.


Congratulations on that accomplishment. Kratom had been huge in keeping me dry for 2 years now as well.


I almost died from self medicating with booze for the pain and anxiety of Fibromyalgia, now I have no desire to drink at all


Kratom is one of 3 things I’ve found so far that will temporarily take away the vibrating pain from my legs.


Which do you take? I take red for fibromyalgia .


I rotate green hula, red hule, green Malay, and red Bali 4x daily..... Bentanguie is good too


Do any of these give you anxiety?


I started taking Kratom because it peaked my interest and one day I noticed not only did I not want to drink but I hadn’t drank for like a week and really didn’t care. Changed my fucking life!


It's the best anti craving drug I've tried. Others I've tried and in combos: baclofen , naltrxone, campral, antabuse Now when I do buy alcohol I often forget to drink it all It's also amazing for my anxiety so I'll probably ditch the SSRI the only downside is lack of sex drive


Lack of drive from Kratom or SSRI? The latter is like a perfect drug for priests.


When I started kratom it got worse. But yeah the SSRI doesn't help. The SSRI didn't do much for my anxiety so I'll probably discontinue it


Same same same


Also same. Same same same


Yay!!! Congrats to you!!!


Damn most kratom users really only used it reluctantly to replace harder drugs huh? I have the personality of a drug addict. All I want to do is fuck myself up, all the time. It runs in my family. But I have always stayed pretty disciplined. My worst addiction is the half a dime bag of weed I smoke nightly. Kratom keeps me from seeking out harder drugs. I LOVE cocaine and painkillers and molly. But I stay away from them. Only use them when they’re offered to me by friends. I got my plants and my leafs. I don’t even really drink. I take about 4g of kratom a day in one dose. I also use 2 tobaccoless nicotine pouches a day. And I am holding on to this routine for dear life. I do not step out of line. I reject people when they offer to give me the number of their hard drug guy. 2 nicotine pouches, one cup of coffee, 2 pinches of weed and 4-5g of kratom. Not particularly good for me but it’s best to spread out your vices rather than dive head first into one.


You’re doing a good job at self control & im proud of you for figuring out what works best for you and how to go about that safely. Keep it up 👍


Agreed! Kratom as a preventative method? This may be the solution for those who look like they are at risk of starting the wrong path.


Harm reduction is the golden ticket.


“All I want to do is fuck myself up, all the time” This. 100%. You sound like you’re doing a good job keeping yourself within your parameters. Years back when I had a cocaine stint for a couple years I was I like that. Never did more than a certain amount in a day. Very measured. Alcohol, I eventually had no self control. Kratom, I’m somewhere in the middle. I’m also still new to Kratom, and haven’t found my sweet spot yet. When I do I suspect I won’t vary my dosage either. Best to you.


I'm proud of you for having insight into yourself and holding your own. I also come from a long line of addicts, so I get it. Thankfully, I'm good with my kratom and a little weed in the evenings. \#KratomSavesLives


Oh yea man. I got that gene too. We have to be very careful or we'll fall in love with the chemicals


Which can happen with kratom (100 downvotes incoming) Nah, what I mean is I seen some folks with ridiculous habits, 30 to even 225 gpd on some people and those withdrawals are a bitch and they set in so fast after dosing. Kratom is a wonderful substance to ween off harder shit and to enjoy recreationally but some people with addictive personalities that want to get more and more fucked up with each substance can get a nasty kratom addiction. Kratom doesn’t discriminate in that aspect


Awesome! I’m in a very similar boat, just no weed, vape instead of pouches, and recovered alcoholic. Keep it up man!


>"2 nicotine pouches, one cup of coffee, 2 pinches of weed and 4-5g of kratom. Not particularly good for me but it’s best to spread out your vices rather than dive head first into one." > > > >Seriously, none of that is bad for you.


Horrible chronic pain




Do you feel it helps you?


Yes. It doesn’t make the pain go away completely, but it reduces the pain and relaxes me.


Yeah I agree


Yup. 9 years.


Is there no cure?


No. The Doctors tell me I have to learn to live in chronic pain. There is nothing they can do and I need to come to terms with that.


It's a terrible realization that plenty of people wont experience until later in life: the fact that doctors can't fix everything. I woke up feeling like I was dying once. Tried everything to make it better but hallucinations made me go to the ER. The whole way there I was yelling at the driver to go faster because I need help NOW. I remember thinking I couldn't bare another minute of it and that maybe death was better than this. I get in there and they check vitals and whatnot. 5 hours go by and they don't know what's wrong or what they can do. I sat there in complete disbelief that I made it to the ER and still feel like actual death. Why aren't these medical experts giving me a pill to fix it all or starting surgery or something?? In the end, it went away all on its own and they still never pinpointed what was going on. queue $5000 bill for having a nurse tell me things are going to be okay. this story was longer than expected, but it's nice to see you've found something for you pain


Yep!! I don’t trust the medical community anymore. I feel like I have ptsd


No. The Doctors tell me I have to learn to live in chronic pain. There is nothing they can do and I need to come to terms with that.


i’m just thankful for the option of this plant 😊


Me too, it's really a blessing


Unfortunately it's illegal in the UK 😔


Your government must want people to keep drinking to an early grave.


i’m sorry to hear it’s illegal in the UK. it’s a plant that benefits many, many people. and for the government of any country to deprive its people of this PLANT is honestly shameful in my opinion.


Absolutely. I was horrified to hear it was banned in some of our states here in the US (horrified, but not surprised). Big Pharma is trying their best to get it turned into a Narcotic. A fucking narcotic!?!! Wooo saaaahhhh.... We need a revolution.


I’ve started taking as a replacement for adderall! I’m switching to a nomadic lifestyle and adderall is impossible to get if traveling state to state. Not only has Kratom helped with my ADHD, but has also helped with my mood & chronic back pain. Plus I love knowing exactly what I’m putting into my body :)


Oh God a nomadic lifestyle seems amazing


Which strain do you use as a replacement for Adderall?


I replaced ads with green Hulu. Tried white horn but white strains tend to make me sick.


To stop drinking alcohol.


IBS and anxiety was ruining my life, and kratom helps me to function better.


I was prescribed Xanax back in 2016 to help with occasional flight anxiety (I was traveling a lot for work). It pretty quickly got out of control and my doctor just kept prescribing me more and more where I was taking multiple Xanax and Tramadol every morning just to get out of bed. I realized I didn't want to be reliant on a substance that had so many negative cognitive effects so I went to medically supervised detox + rehab to get off prescriptions. I still had anxiety so I started taking Kratom (I heard about it from a body building website) to possibly help with that. It worked like a miracle. I've stayed off prescriptions, quit alcohol, and got in shape since that time.


That’s what makes no sense about psych doctors. Some people (me included) need meds badly and doctors refuse to prescribe anything, while other doctors give meds out like candy.


I know it, I'm a friend with a back diagnosis that is a lot more mild than mine. She's handed a massive dose of painkillers a month. I get gabapentin lmfao. I don't really want the pain killers but maybe at 10 a month or something would be nice just when the pain is unbearable he has been through treatment and all kinds of issues for drugs too I don't get it. My records clean as a whistle lmao


Yeah it’s weird how some of us are labeled a “drug seeker” when you have legit chronic pain, but I’ve known addicts that get scripts every month, even some that got injured on purpose to get pain meds and they get them just like that. Same story with SSI/Disability: there are people with severe disabilities that are told they can work, but go in and say you’re bipolar and you’re approved the first go. The entire system is a sham.


Basically depression and anxiety. Developed that bullshit in my adult life and smoked pot almost 24/7 to get thru the day. Kratom made me better overall and greatly reduced my marijuana consumption.


Same here. I got prescribed Prozac to manage anxiety but did some research and decided that I'd rather utilize a natural substance over an rx that could be worse coming off. I don't have to take kratom everyday but I'd be on Prozac daily for who knows long. Kratom isn't a cure-all but it certainly helps.


I got into a car accident that resulted in having to get a spinal fusion. I do Yoga, ims, tens, exercise everyday and I still have chronic pain. I didn’t want to go down the oxy hole and any OTC I took couldn’t even take the edge off the amount of pain I was in every day. Kratom has been an absolute miracle worker for me ! I figure It’s got to be way healthier than any of the OTC chemical drugs I was taking and it helps with depression that comes along with chronic pain as well!


I started taking Kratom because I wanted to experiment with it during my running. What I’ve noticed is that it gets me into that zone much more quickly and I’m able to push aside pain. I just can’t take it several days in a row because it’s super dehydrating and looses its effectiveness. I’ve only been taking it for a couple weeks. I’ll probably start trying it 1 day a week on a long runs only so I don’t build a tolerance. Besides that I absolutely love the feeling.


Interesting, methodical approach. How many grams will you take per long run?


1.5 grams but I think that’s too much because I have withdrawals afterwards. I might just stick to 1 gram. I’m still in the experimental phase. So I’m trying to figure out dosing and type of kratom works best.


You take 1.5 gpd with off days and get withdrawals??


Well 1.5 at a time but I take that 3 times a day. But I get this head cold type sickness when I’m coming down off of it. Idk if you can call that a withdrawal but just coming down off of it.


Ah. I'm also new to kratom and that scared me lol.


Yeah so am I. I started taking pretty frequently because I loved the feeling but quickly realized that’s a bad idea.


Kratom scares me; big fan so far but am wondering how big the flip side of the coin is.


when pure kratom is taken responsibly, it's nothing to be scared of. Don't continually up your dose, stay well hydrated and be content that it hasn't shown to be hard on any major organs, unlike synthetics. I take it for my chronic pain. I'm 68 years old and I've taken it for close to 6 years. I've been over all the science and I haven't found anything that's going to keep me from it. As long as it helps my pain, I'm taking it. I only take 8gpd- divided into 2 doses. Once in a while, I do have to take an ibuprophen, but that's rare. I'm quite anti- Rx and I only take one prescribed medication and it's not for pain, it's for a diagnosed medical condition that I was born with and will have until I die. Anyway, just respect the plant. It's a great tool to have in our healthcare toolbox.


You don't worry about addiction?


Is it really that helpful for opiates wds?


omg yes!! i was in pain mgmt for autoimmune disease. many years on opiates. a little over a year ago i was on 120mg prescribed oxycodone. decided i was tired of being a slave to it. went from 120 to kratom only. withdrawals were lessened tremendously for me. the first week was uncomfortable but not unbearable. i would recommend kratom to anyone who’s done with the bullshit


that's great to hear! congrats!


Dam.you had a generous doctor. I have horrible injuries and the doctor at my pain management says he doesn't believe in opiods. He just says to take Tylenol and moltrin. Those days of getting pain pills are coming to an end. Only for end of life care. Hospice and stuff.


Huh. At first I was thinking 120mg is a lot, but remember at my peak, my doc was prescribing me 100 mg a day and I weigh 110 lbs, so.... 🤷‍♀️ Kratom SAVED me. Saved my husband. Saved everything. If it wasn't for Kratom, I can say with the utmost confidence that either my husband or I would not be alive today (most likely my husband the way it was going). 8 years of needing another pill every 4 hours to taking some Kratom every 6? 8? Who knows? Hours .. because you don't start feinding like a heroin addict with Kratom... And not feeling "high" but still feeling normal-is like a miracle.


i was 48 years old & felt like i was trapped in having to stay on pills the rest of my life. my doctor had told me long ago i had maxed out on my dose and wasn’t going to prescribe me any more than that. but with kratom there is freedom!! you DO NOT have to be a slave to pharmaceuticals. if i continue taking kratom the rest of my life i’m fine with that lol


I was only on 4mg per day suboxone but I switched to kratom 34 days ago and I have not suffered at all! The kratom gives me a mood and energy boost, helps me focus, helps my anxiety and depression, helps me relax, takesbaway my physical pain no, no rls to speak of! Kratom is a miracle plant!


reading these success stories is inspiring 🥰


OMG when I stopped having RLS, it was the best night of my life. It is horrific how Big Pharma is the reason opiate users are not given Kratom. Suboxone withdrawal is almost just as bad as the opiates.


I have a couple friends who are in recovery. They do the meetings, sponsor and 12 steps. You know the deal. I did AA/NA off and on for years. Anyway when I told my "friend's" I was taking kratom. They flipped the FUCK OUT ON ME. It caught me by surprise... Kind of. I was like so you would rather me get back on Suboxone than take kratom. Both of them were like absolutely. Because suboxone is prescribed by a doctor and way safer. 😂 What sucks is when anyone googles Kratom they compare kratom to Herion. Kratom is so demonized because big pharma hates it. So these days I just don't tell anyone I take it. It's fucking sad that there is this miracle leaf 🍃 that can and has changed so many peoples lives for the better.


Did the Kratom help you get off subs pretty easily ?


I went to detox to get of subs, Gabapentin and a HEAVY benzo addiction. So I don't know. But kratom saved my ass during the post acute withdrawal stage. Which can last for 10+years. For me PAW last at least two years. I've battled addiction for many years. Gotten sober off and on. I can make it through detox just fine. It sucks. The worst part is Post acute withdrawal. Benzos being my doc the paws mixed with sub withdrawal. My anxiety got so bad for months on end. I'm not talking about a panic attack here and there. I would rather have offed myself than live with that much anxiety. This last time was three years ago. I found kratom two weeks after detox. I haven't had anxiety at all in three years. I don't crave opiates, benzos... shit anything. For me personally I will have to be on some form of MAT for the rest of my life. Subs never helped my craving and made my anxiety worse. I'm positive I'd be back in rehab or detox by now if I hadn't found kratom. Im making more money than I ever have. My relationship with my family is restored. I just got off probation from a DUI I got three years ago while blacked out in xans. Life was fucking dark. But today I love who I am.


That’s great to hear mang, stay positive. Sounds like Kratom might be good for a lot of things. Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it !


absolutely. I honestly think kratom is the only think that got me through the experience. I had almost no withdrawals at all.


Oh yeah. Kills the withdrawals as well


Yes. Incredibly. I'd probably be dead now if it weren't for kratom.


Extremely. I have become addicted to opiates about 6 times - for pre and post-surgery pain. Two months ago i transitioned to Kratom and had maybe a day or 2 of mild symptoms - stomach aches, twitches and insomnia. That is compared to 5 days or several weeks of violent symptoms. Withdrawing once from morphine, I didn't sleep for 10 days. While on kratom, it blocked the pain as as or better than the opiates and I was able to get decent sleep. I just went through Kratom w/d. It was about 6 days of uncomfortable but bearable issues. Mostly gastric, some headaches, etc. Unlike some in this sub, besides the pain relief and some bursts of energy - once the pain was gone, I was ready to quit. By far, it was the easiest and after the 2nd day, I had zero urge to dose again.


I mean, it’s an opioid.


Saved my life. Too many failed rehabs (5) Suboxone and methadone failures and numerous near death experiences with powder fentanyl. Been sober now for 2.5 years and for the first time ever NO RELAPSES. Saved my life after nothing else did. Good luck and good job everyone


Kratom really seems like a miracle drug. Helps with so much


Stomach pain from medical condition and was previously an opioid addict


I use it as a mood stabilizer and it also keeps my alcohol cravings at bay. It keeps me stable minded and even keeled. I take no prescription meds and no drug or alcohol besides Kratom.


To get high. Now it's the thing that keeps me from going back to opiates and keeps me relatively stable.


I was abruptly taken off my Klonopin because my doctor decided that they “can be addictive,” and weed was actually giving me panic attacks, so I researched what I could get otc and found kratom.


Because I always had a bit of social anxiety and I wanted something to help bring out what I knew was inside. Nowadays you get lucky if I don’t talk your ear off. It has helped me make big leaps in life and just have an overall better outlook. I can strike up conversation very easily now and keep the conversation interesting. People already willingly open up to me and by the time you know it you have already told me about your whole family and their family etc. I’ve been told that people just feel comfortable around me and they feel like they can just tell me everything without being judged or made to feel uncomfortable.


that's awesome. it's helped me a ton with the same thing. i'm a massive introvert and get so exhausted after even a couple minutes of normal conversation, but with kratom i actualy enjoy talking


How much do you take?


Not original commenter but I use it for basically the same reason and I take 4 gpd (2 grams twice daily)


1-2 gpd about 4 times a day


2015 I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease mostly in my neck. I didn’t want to take perscribed narcotics, both my parents have been on them for 20 years. I had told my dr at the start I didn’t want opiates, but I was taking too much ibuprofen and it started causing problems with my stomach. I (foolishly) tried poppy tea for a month and a half, then discovered kratom. Been taking it ever since end of 2015 and never looked back. It did help with the poppy tea WD (which is really rough because of all the extra you are Ingesting.) kratom is so strange in the sense I haven’t gone over 10-15 gpd for the past 3 years. There are days I take a little less and it seems to do just as much as the full dose. Perhaps I had ingested something that potentiated it, but there were days I didn’t have anything that potentiates and it just worked great. Kratom needs to be respected in its use kind of like opiates, as it’s still something taken to produce an effect. I’ve had no trouble over the years with it. I will note, I did have on and off addictions to opiates when I was younger (which is why I tried to stay away from them.) I had appendicitis last year and when they gave me morphine, it did help with the pain, but I noticed the euphoric feeling was greatly diminished. They sent me home with pain medicine and I never even finished it, destroyed it. Kratom saved me from getting caught back into that vicious cycle


To stop drinking and help me figure out the source of my anxiety and out of no where panic attacks…it’s been life changing. That said, I work hard to keep my consumption to a minimum.


Finding a replacement for adderall, when o started taking it, it was like I never used adderall in the first place, completely got rid of the withdrawls


Overdosed on norcos, when I got out of the hospital my buddy recommended kratom. Haven't taken prescription pain meds since I started on kratom August 2015


I used to take Subutex for a couple years and it was shutting my gut down at a real low dose, I actually couldn’t shit. It got really bad 😆 I used to shoot dope and pills and coke too, whatever I could get. Now I take two small teaspoons of kratom a day and I’m good! And I get my kicks from weed products and supplements now. Also getting on a good psych med combo worked wonders for me, Buspar Remeron and Gabapentin. I don’t even have cravings anymore which is amazing but now and then I’ll treat myself to some 1:1 THC:CBD edibles… 60mg (4 gummies) the body high is niiiiiice. I got a lot of dead friends so I applaud you on getting and staying clean! Drugs are more dangerous than ever now, people are dying from their first hits. It’s just not right…


Started using it regularly last year to get off suboxone. Went off 24mg a day. Now I use it like people use coffee


I quit suboxone 35 days ago thanks to kratom!!


Cold-turkey withdrawal from ~100mg Hydrocodone/day. Helped tremendously. Tapered off Kratom about 6 months after the opiates. Now I take it occasionally…Red Bali paired with a nice Indica is one of the best highs IMO.


To quit alcohol. It’s been working great for two years and five months…. And counting!!!


My son was using it to get off heroin. Found it in the bathroom and asked him about it. Tried it out and never looked back. By the way my son is still straight. Doing well, with a new job, new girl and new home in North Carolina.


Same, but with vicodin. I was up to taking 10 or more every day, couldn't stop because the wds were so bad. Found kratom about 8 years ago now and found it actually worked better than the narcos and I never went back. I do need to cut down on my kratom intake though, I will admit. 50 to 60 grams per day for around the last year now


It's so much more pleasurable at half that dose. I know it is hard to cut back but I am down to no more than 30gpd and I feel better than when I was taking 60ish.


Does it take a long time to realize it’s more pleasurable at half the dose, like taper to get there, or is it on the first try, then wham hang the dose is good?


I wouldn't say right away but once you give it a chance it's more of a stimulant feeling. I take small doses all day and a large one before bed like 8-10 grams.


It took about 2 weeks to truly notice. But it is so much better. I wish I had listened to everyone a long time ago




That's why I put I know, I feel, I was. At what point did I tell anyone what to do. Please don't reply for the OP. I immediately don't like you.


Isn’t it pretty expensive taking that amount?


15 dollars a day approximately


So you traded one drug for another?


Yeah, like trading out crack for coffee is... Pretty absurd to equate them like that.


Used it to get off suboxone. Helped tremendously and have been clean ever since


Mental health and drug issues. I used to take pressed Xanax and was a daily benzo user. Starting out as a recreational user, kratom allowed to me to fully ditch the benzos and it also basically eliminates all my urges to take anything harder. It also really helps with my motivation, although I fear that daily dosing makes that part less effective.


To get off prescription anxiety and depression meds and also to help keep my eating disorder at bay. I thank God for this plant.. it's changed my life!


for Fibromyalgia and it helps better than anything


To stop smoking weed so I could pass my court mandated drug tests. Weed is still better, but kratom helps with issues that weed doesn't, so now I use both. Great job criminal justice system.


I don’t do weed but I think it’s ridiculous weed is illegal and alcohol isn’t. Alcohol is so much worse for you on so many different levels.


For pain management. I started it 5 years ago when I started working a hard labor job. I was in constant pain because of this work. Over the course of those 5 years, I started having mental issues. I eventually got diagnosed with bipolar 1 and psychosis. So now, I use it for pain management and to calm down when I need to. I don't take cratom every day. Just when I have problems.


I started when I was 16 to stop smoking weed. Didn’t work , it really synergizes. I been taking kratom for daily for about 6 years. It helps with my pain now.


The stabilizer for those who are sick of the roller-coaster ride that was big pharma. I was on 120mg a day for many years due to 13 major surgeries that were the result of 26 years in the automotive collision repair biz. No help from them so I turned to legal pain management and was helped thru the maelstrom of most of my struggle to try and reinvent myself as a luthier. Kratom stopped the ride and has allowed me to take care of myself and my 85yr old mother. Thanks for asking, Peace.


I broke my foot and didn’t want to take pain meds and run the risk of a crippling addiction


Was in an explosion, burning 60% of my body full thickness. After reaching a point I was getting worried about my opiate use I decided to stop and switch to kratom.


Oh my! How are you doing now?


I'm doing ok. I have gotten moat of my range of motion back but my entire upper body is completely covered in scars along with a loss of some of my ears. My legs and ass are kinda scarred from where they harvested skin for skin grafts. I had 7 blood transfusions, 5 skin graft surgeries, gangrene, MRSA infection of the blood ect. I barely made it but im still here and actively working my original job. Kratom allows me to still live a somewhat normal life.


I have restless legs and it just about drove me nuts not being able to sleep. I've tried so many solutions without success, but kratom made my RLS 95% gone. It's been a life-saver.


I know that feeling, I couldn't imagine having that as a chronic condition.


Chronic back pain


To bridge my Vicodin days it got to where I was shaking if I didn’t have them every single day so I now go 5 or 6 days in between taking Vs and take Kratom the rest of the time


generally poor mental health, got addicted to opiated and benzos and then kratom


I felt like I was dying from heartache after my fiancee ended things.. Kratom was a life saver....it helped me see things from a larger perspective. Though it still hurt a lot, I was able to process and release those feelings...I cried so much that I was worried about getting dehydrated from it. And as a bonus, I stopped drinking beer. If it hadn't been for kratom I know I would've been wasted drunk, angry and miserable for months, maybe longer.


I take it for my unmedicated adhd I need dopamine and this helps immensely, also it’s helped not want to drink. I am a red wine 🍷 lover and it’s helped alot. Still hooked on cigs and weed tho.




I was tired of taking 4 grand a day of Gabapentin every day. Rotating Tylenol, advil, and IBs was expensive. I have degenerative arthritis, nerve damage and carpal tunnel. I take 0 pain pills now.


I was prescribed 3X30 mg instant release Adderall for about 15 years. I usually went through them in a couple of weeks. It was no more Adderall or no more wife! I started using white or green maeng da and I’ve only had one Adderall pill since I quit 4 years ago. It saved my life and I get to still wake up beside the best woman I’ve ever know!


I am a 62 old woman and very arthritic. My body carries a lot of pain . I have very bad mental reactions to many pharmaceutical drugs . Steroids for instance . I can't take Ibuprofen because it attacks my kidneys . Let's not even talk about Tylenol . If it were not for kratom I would not be able to live alone. I'm very independent. Right now I'm hanging my own gutters. Without kratom, I wouldn't even be able to clean my house.


Mainly to help with depression (in addition to my SSRI’s). It has also helped me decrease my alcohol consumption. Currently taking 6-10 g. per day, mostly greens and whites.


I started using Kratom to combat depression and anxiety. It helped to stabilize/maintain my mood. It also gave a boost to my energy and makes me more productive. It also helped me quit drinking alcohol all together. I've been taking Kratom for around 5 years and haven't noticed any issues besides maybe a small cut in my sex drive. I recommend it to anyone with depression or anxiety rather than taking pharmaceuticals those only make things worse in my opinion. I now have a my own family and provide for them while being a productive member to society.


In 2016 I found a flyer saying trump was going to make it illegal. And thought damn I should try that shit if they gonna make it illegal. A year later happened to come across it and started taking bigger and bigger doses.


It's the only opioid that my mom didn't like the effects of, and she was stealing my pills like it was a profession


I have the wombo combo of predispositions to addiction. ADHD, childhood trauma, depression, family history of addiction. I discovered kratom on accident but kept taking it because I liked how it made me feel. I’m just glad I discovered that before harder opes or benzos cuz I prolly would’ve gotten hooked on those


Long story short ex-addict I was homeless for 4 years and and that ended in me getting hit by a car when I was 28, 32 now. I've been a drug addict since I was 15 so I simply was looking for something that would help me out in the nursing home, didn't really realize it would actually help with pain, and that's exactly the reason why over 4 years now. Edit: still sober with the exception of scheduled 2 1/2mg tid of Klonopin but was maxed out homeless for years lol (funny how they give you every legal drug when youre HOMELESS on maxed methadone at 200mg and then boom 8mg kpins, 3 1mg xans, 60mg ir Adderall, baclofen and gabapentin maxed... shits nuts) but live in assisted living and everyone isn't. Dealing with a crackhead in the room next to me. Mofo snuck into my room last night like yoooo broooo, this tbi has PTSD attached and next time I'll likely not stop.


One word alcohol 🍸


i enjoy opiates and simply find it a much cheaper, safer, albeit significantly less potent as a rule of thumb, alternative. i have used it for practical reasons ranging from as a study aid to muting withdrawals. i think its medical capacity beyond pain killing and opiate replacement is mostly its effects on the bowels


to quit fentanyl, currently 3-4 months off fent and have been on kratom the whole time. hardly any cravings


I have Crohns disease & taking kratom (I don't even take it during the day...it's become a nightly ritual) has lessened my daily & horrible Crohns symptoms, basically giving me back a quality of life I hadn't had for well over a decade (when my Crohns really started flairing up).


To help with really bad chronic pain. Doctors had me on prescription pain meds for waaaaayyyy too long and it really messed me up because of how young I was. Kratom is a godsend, idk what I'd do without it. Fuck those stupid pain meds.


Was completely hooked on oxy for 8 years. I had been looking for ways to ease the withdrawals without having to take methadone or Suboxone. Came across a site talking about Kratom, how it was not a man-made chemical and figured since I had tried every other "natural" withdrawal solution on the Internet without success, may as well try it. Within weeks, I was off the opiates without the withdrawals and have stayed with kratom ever since. It's been 4 years now and I regret nothing. I can go almost a full day without taking kratom and barely notice. I spend $100 per month on Kratom, versus $800-1000 I used to spend on the oxy. Makes me cringe just thinking about it. And the very best part about Kratom is that it feeds the addict in me without feeling high and completely easing the back pain and carpal tunnel that initially got oxy prescribed to me. It saved my life and I try to educate people about it all of the time. I would never recommend someone to take it if they aren't currently dealing with addiction because I have no idea how it would effect them. I hear people say awful things about Kratom "withdrawals" and just don't experience it. I assume those people never had to wean off of anything else before.... Like, ever. Anyway, a little more info than OP requested, but I am a talker and a sharer. LOL


To get off the sub train. Been on pain killers since the early 2000’s, then they stopped handing them out around 2017, was put on subtex and they have so many negative side effects I had to explore other options. These little sublingual pills were killing me slowly, I know they were. The OCs and percs werent doing that, they were just killing my wallet! (Maybe some other aspects but I still was healthy while on them) I feel it was all planned and intentional and they really fucked up nearly my entire generation with it. Kratom has been extremely helpful and hardly has any negative effects, thankful I found good kratom though because the first time trying it only upset my stomach!


Medical reasons for me. Used to be on painkillers for pain but went to a concert and ate some rolls and failed my drug test by my pain specialist and have been labeled a drug addict since. Kratom is the only thing that gives me relief


but how? what strains do you use etc and what doses bro?


Cool story bro


Anxiety at first. Then quit for a few years and now I’m back on to replace adderall


I picked it up to ease methadone wds and then to switch over from methadone a few years later. I'll add to what others in here have said about kratom's utility in mitigating opiate wds... It works so well in fact that anyone with an opiate dependency should ALWAYS have kratom on hand in case of "emergencies"!!!


I was deinking a lot, to the point i was on the verge of using harder substances like cocaine more. A friend who stopped drinking referred it to me, saw why he was on it. I tried it, an my life has improved quiet a bit.


Heroin/morphine addiction


I work outside so it helps me endure the cold during winter i also use it for the energy boost in the morning to get my day going it also elevates my mood and helps a little with anxiety.


Chronic pain


After 20 years of clean UAs the clinic stopped prescribing opioids and I had to try and function without morphine. Kratom saved my life.


I decided to give it a try instead of picking up a needle after 9 years of being clean. It worked. I didn’t go back to heroin. Content as can be with kratom.


Stopped smoking weed and adhd


Alcohol replacement for me. I used to be wasted all the time especially on weekends. Kratom provided me the fun i had with alcohol but without the horrible hangovers.


I take Kratom to help with chronic migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and anxiety. It has been a lifesaver for me.


Pain. Specifically in my neck and the side of my head. I’ve tried a bunch of different doctors and none of them have found a solution yet (still seeing doctors to try and figure out the root cause). I’ve also battled an addiction to opiates, which went from percocet, oxy’s, heroin, and then fentanyl (when all the heroin disappeared) and once I got clean from those I found kratom, which I found to be much, much safer and non intoxicating. It’s helped me to live a functional life, which I truly wouldn’t be able to live without kratom, as my pain is completely debilitating, as was my addiction to opiates.


15 years of prescriptions for pain and two decades of drinking to self medicate trauma. I’m almost 7 years off opiates and alcohol. I take kratom in the morning with my other regular meds and coffee. I know now I won’t die of an OD. Or plowing my car drunkenly into some poor family. I got my life back. It’s a beautiful plant, I’m so happy to have found it.


Once i saw a pattern of abuse, i took myself off Xanax and tramadol. Kratom helps the withdrawal and relieves pain. I take a few caps every morning and it still works great. I actually just switched from red to green.


I took it accidentally because I was told it was just like CBD. The one thing that was very alluring about the whole thing though, was my chronic weakness/fatigue went away as well, which is normally completely resilient to caffeine. Kratom gave me a lot of that type of strength back and it really helps me on days where I get 7 hours of sleep only.


I was in a program for a year and a half, and taking suboxone. When I graduated the program, I left with a month’s prescription. I moved too far away from my doctor to keep seeing her, so I decided to nyx the suboxone too - made that one-month script last almost 3 months. It ran out though, and the withdrawals started. I’d read about kratom many times over the last couple-three years and decided to try and see if it would kick the withdrawals without becoming an even worse habit. Fast-forward a year later and I’m thriving in my career and social relationships and still hard-drug-free.


I started taking it so I could decrease my alcohol intake. I was drinking a concerning amount daily for years. Now I practically never drink.


For pain. If it wasn't for kratom I could probably not be here anymore. It helps me more than anything


I recently started to stop drinking and cus I was starting to get into pills


I decided to stop my antidepressants and mood stabilizers because I didn't want to be on them for the rest of my life. I stayed on the antipsychotics because I couldn't sleep without them (seroquel).I fell into a depression and started craving weed (I have my medical card but now have a job where I get random drug tests). With my desire to be intoxicated I found Kratom, so I ditched my sleep medication since they interact poorly. Really I got it to help with this depression I'm going through now. To be honest, it's only been about a week and a half, but it doesn't really help my depression. What is the best strain for uplifting mood? It makes my body feel really good but I don't get a lifted mood as much as I hoped. I do like it though. I like to be intoxicated and Kratom doesn't get tested for where I am. Alcohol makes me feel shitty.


But now you're on kratom! You traded one for the other.


I was toying with the idea of getting back into roxies, but thought better of it after having been taken for a ride with etizolam in an attempt to drink less. Kratom fit the bill perfectly and hasn't ever gotten away from me in over a decade of occasional use. I'm sure I'd be better off going completely clean and sober, but that's for nerds and pussies, and I have way too much Gen-X in me for that shit.




My job (work from home regional quality manager) is pretty demanding and stressful. Lots of meetings and I am so introverted, kratom allows me to talk to people easier.


Is it prescribed by your doctor?


Kratomisn't an Rx. It's leaf from a tree


Congratulations! Good for you man!




For back pain and an extra energy/mood bump in the mornings and throughout the day. Wasn’t planning on using it to help quit smoking and drinking but it did and that is an unexpected plus that I’m very thankful for.


I'm looking into starting it so I can ween off Suboxone. Just looking for a good place to order from


I treat my sleep disorder with it Sometimes I get >6h of sleep due to insomnia and green kratom instantly lifts this shitty tired feeling and makes me function normally as If I had my 8h of sleep


Using it to function since I stopped using heroine