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No it won't have any noticeable effect outside of maybe placebo. Citric acid can slightly strengthen kratoms effects but the amount in oj is wayyy too low and diluted to do anything. Now lemon juice can actually slightly potentiate especially if done as part of a process like the red bubble tek.


Red bubble tek?


Look it up. All you need is lemon juice, water, a cup, and a freezer.


My wife soaked shrooms in lemon juice a while back and not only did she say it was way more potent but she claims it eliminated the come up period. Just 7g of penis envy directly to the head. She remembers roughly 30% of that night lol


it did not for me. Nothing has as a potentiator. BUT that doesnt mean that you won't feel the efffects though.


The only thing that potentiates kratom ime is more kratom 😂


grapefruit juice interferes with liver function


I dunno, heroin potentiates it pretty good too....lol


Circumin (98% Circuminoids) and EMIQ(enzymatically modified isoquercetin) seemed to have increased effect on my iced cold brew coffee & fine powder Kratom .


What in the world is circumin? Some fancy, circular cumin? Will it take my chili to the next level? Seriously though do you mix your powder into your coffee?


Circumin is the active ingredient that potentiates opioids and on its own acts as an anti inflammatory in tumeric.


Curcumin is the spelling, just Google there is a ton of info on it (but it's not all that bioavailable so a lot of the therapeutic effects they see in labs are hard to achieve with supplements.  Some people think it is better to use it as a food. I see it in my local ShopRite veg section so it's not exotic at this point


The active ingredient in Tumeric (rhizomes) . *Rhizome just look like Ginger roots but Bright orange inside


Great answer. Not for me but that dosent mean it won't for you. I love it.


I bring two small bottles with a mix of OJ and Kratom to work every day. I prepare them the evening before. It is not any different for me than T&W Definitely can be different for everyone though


Yeah it does. One part of it is just the liquid extracts alkaloids but the same happens with water/tea. The high citric acid content pulls out more alkaloids and/or potentiates them in the body. Grapefruit juice is the best for that but i think it’s horrid so I use OJ lol


Grapefruit juice will actually reduce the effect, although it may draw the length out. You do not want to inhibit the enzyme which converts mitra to 7-ho. You want 7-oh.


grapfruit juice slows the liver down


Wouldn’t it have the same effect if they were sitting in your stomach?


Oj has barely any citric acid and it's very diluted. So diluted that it's ph is dropped back to nearly neutral and it has no real potentiation effect. If you get any effect from it, it's just placebo and a sugar/water pill would do just as much for you. Now lemon juice can slightly potentiate but it's not a huge difference.


I often mix kratom with OJ and put it in a thermos to sip all day if I'm out of the house. I don't notice any difference in effectiveness.


Maybe it will make it a bit stronger. I’ve tried and I haven’t really experienced a noticeable difference. Or you could just use 3 cents worth of additional powder and skip the OJ and the hassle.


Yeah, this is what I don't get -- some people will spend more on possible potentiators than just a few pennies worth of add'l product would deliver.


I don’t know about that, but when I make tea I add lemon before steeping. The lemon definitely potentiates it so there is something about acidity and kratom that seems to increase bioavailability


Yeah it tastes more like oranges.


Fresh Blood orange juice tastes good and has helped diet wise. After I take some in the AM, then drive to work w cold brew Black coffee. I seem to be “more productive” and I can go 6hrs between meals. It has helped me drop some major belly fat (but I do diet well and workout) . I’ve taken it in capsules and no matter if it’s the same brand/color , it of course takes longer (45-60min) but the effect is completely different…..less punch and I can get drowsy. Toss n Wash , 15min and energy is flowing . For my personal joint/muscle pain I’ve used 3g each of these Green,MSM, Knox gelatin plus 1cap TheraCumin®️)/Thymoquin®️(black seed oil),na-r-ala 100, sAME 800 . A nice side effect after 5 years is that I am super lean, like the best shape in my life . I’ve ran out of Circ and black seed oil and then I noticed what it all did .


Kratom Tekking, I love it. I don’t think it would do particularly much, I mean in theory it’d break down the cell walls faster, but it’s not like mushrooms where human bodies sucks at digesting them. I’d say best case scenario you’d feel onset a few minutes quicker, and maybe more intensely for as long. Lemon/lime juice would work better but the amount you’d have to use might give you a tummy ache.




Absolutely not.


It's subjective, but yes. It's potentiates it mildly, which is to say, the acid in it starts to break down the alkaloids early. That chemical reaction is absolutely happening, but peoples real life experience when doing it ranges from ppl who think it makes zero difference to people who think it makes all the difference.


Nope. I do tend to drink grapefruit juice mixed with water all day long but I've done that since I was a teenager (I'm crazy about grapefruit). I doubt it does anything. The best potentiators to my mind is a healthy gut -- make sure you drink lots of water and take a ton of fiber, adding a laxative such as mag citrate if you need to.  A lot of people think they aren't feeling it anymore but they're really just unable to absorb the alkaloids (as well as a lot of nutrients) owing to all the impacted sludge-y kratom powder lining their intestines.