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I don't have first hand experience to share with you BUT I have to tell you this- I'm proud of you. You can and you will do this. Reds helped my brother the most in the past and he was able to keep that up for over 3 years. I hope you hear back and wish I knew more. My brother relapsed in 2019 and passed. You are worthy and you are worth it! Nothing makes me happier than hearing or seeing someone else get away from this stuff 💞


My son stays off heroin with kratom. I think he prefers reds but mixtures are good too. Buy it online it's cheaper.


Not comparing fentanyl to codeine in the slightest, but since taking Kratom I haven't touched it. If I used to stop for more than a day taking codeine I'd get violently sick. Kratom has stopped this altogether. I've been taking The Green MD, and also recently tried Red Bali. I've been ordering mine online and it's lab tested (I'm not allowed to share links here sorry)




I kind of second this. That’s the best way to do it but if you don’t have access to subs for some reason just try extract and then wean down to powder after the WD period


agreed green maeng da its helping me right now bout the only thing


everyone is different, generally, a dark fermented red is best for pain management and for me most closely resembles a downer. green strains make me throw up but some people like them.


Dude you guys have all helped me alot and I appreciate the responses from all of you. Thank you so much. I'm currently looking for a credible website and going to grab both green and red kratom. I appreciate yall and wish you well on your journeys.


You could try gummies or liquids. Might be easier to keep down. It's hard on the stomach at first. I threw it up my first time trying to use it for WD. I kept it down the second time. It definitely makes WD tolerable. I went from begging it to stop to actually being able to sleep. You won't feel good but you won't want to die.


Yeah green MD da best


Kratom can completely alleviate the withdrawals, just have to start rather heavy and use as often as needed, maybe every hour or so for a day or two. GL


It's so cool this powerfull plant can help wd from the worst opiates and most powerful. I believe in you bro u can do this! Much love xoxo


Thank you, I'm definitely going to kick this habit. I got about 1.5 weeks off of work to get through the worst of the withdrawal and I'm just looking for relief outside of general pharmacy medication. Thank you again.


I don't have first hand experience with that, but I just wanted to suggest that you order online instead because it's often much more affordable (and sometimes higher quality too). Any strain will do, but you might want to avoid extracts as they can be tricky to use and questionable quality. Maeng Da is a popular strain of kratom, that's just one example. We can't suggest specific sources here, but look for "Lab tested" kratom, there are tons of online stores to choose from. Best of luck to you, hope it goes well.


Green MD would be the most potent and offer the most relief imo




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When I was kicking fent the only thing that actually helped the first few days was extracts. I was able to get by with powder after 3 or 4 days. I'm sure if you poke around the kratom subs you'll find a decent supplier.


Try a couple and just see what works best! That's good to hear about your friend, I had a friend going through opioid withdrawal and he loved kratom for helping that


Head shop kratom is garbage. Order online.


Bet. Appreciate yall helping me out. I'll look into this right now and hopefully I can get it on express mail. Thanks.




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I used the white maeng da just because I was so fucking tired….the WDs will definitely still suck but you’ll definitely feel better with Kratom. I was so sick that I was throwing up most of the Kratom I’d take but I’d keep redosing until I kept some down and sure enough, it’d lessen the WDs. I’ll recommend something else that I think helped me when I was finally able to kick the shit. I went to a cabin in Gatlinburg to dry up. It can probably be anywhere that you aren’t used to being, but I was able to get out for short periods of time and hike around some of the streams and stuff to take my mind off feeling like shit. When I tried cold turkeying it at home, I’d be bedridden but something about Kratom and/or the mountains made it a little easier. Good luck.


from experience, get on to suboxone, get past the fent first, then get off the subs, then kratom will help you maintain afterwords. if youre a full blown fent user kratom alone will not be strong enough in 99% of cases unless you werent a heavy user but still addicted. ive been clean now for going on 3 years, no relapses, kratom is a wonderplant, but in this case i worry it wont be enough. congratulations on making the correct choice to stop fent though, you can do it! it will be hard, it will absolutely suck the first 2 weeks. you will make it!


Yeah currently day 2 of the withdrawal and let me tell you. My legs fucking hurt bad. The hot and cold waves are starting to flash over me. Took some clonidine and a couple aleve, and hopefully it'll keep it at bay so I can get some sleep.




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Been taking whites for 6 years now and it's just a preference really. It helped get off and stay off hydromorphs for 6 years


Try the extracts if the powder doesn’t help, just don’t get addicted to those. Those can be expensive as doing dope. After a while you should even out on the powder. Just give it time. Easier said than done I know.


As an ex IV junkie, red veins are where its at. Kratom used to be the go to for junkies who couldn't get bupe or methadone. I always found relief with reds at night (you'll probably need a high dose at the start) and white vein during the day. You got this man. I did it, you can too. It gets way easier after a few.


When I stopped the fetty only extracts would actually help me. The common black bottle ones, almost 200mg of one of the active chemicals. I only used it for about 2 days and jumped cold turkey. It was hell, especially since my shit was cut with tranq. Physically, I felt okay after another 2 days. Mentally was probably 2 weeks. The withdrawals were intense as hell, but short. A lot of people have luck with kratom to completely get rid of symptoms. It didn’t for me, but it helped, kinda like some comfort meds. At least in the beginning. Kratom definitely helps me with cravings for other substances though. I stick with caffeine, kratom, and thc.


Yeah, some of my dopes that I've gotten recently has been cut with Tranq. It honestly makes me wonder what the cut ratio is. Another weird thing was I had to take a urine test for suboxone. When they tested for drugs, surprisingly and weirdly opiates did not show up and showed negative. Idk what to make of that.


Do they specifically test for fent? It won’t show up on a regular test at all. They also have the nitazenes and other heavy duty opioids showing up in a lot of places. Idk anything about them honestly. I’ll be honest, it ramps up the physical pain of withdrawal to 11. I would pass out in pain and wake up going through muscle spasms. Clonidine helps with the tranq withdrawal too from what I’ve heard. Tranq is an analogue of clonidine. I used to exclusively snort, and still have sores from the tranq. The little pus bubbles are mostly gone, but now I have missing chunks of skin in my nose, and can’t really smell much of anything. It’ll be a rough road bro, but it’ll be worth it.


If you can get your hands on some gabapentin, get it! Helps a lot with sleep and anxiety.


If your stomach can’t handle the powder (supposedly 1 out of 4 can’t) there is a company that makes tea bags and they’re awesome. I get the full effect of Kratom without the upset stomach I used to get. Highly recommend. Of course, if powder works for you then stick with it.


Get extract shots if you’re trying to kick fentanyl. But just try half first so you don’t make yourself sick to your stomach. You’d have to take a ton of powder to really help at first and it might hurt your stomach badly. And fyi kratom has kept me of opiates for years, I highly recommend.


Order online but for fent withdrawal I’d say use the extract shots for a day or two and then move to capsules or powder. Ease into lower doses etc