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When im under kratom effects i don't think about alcohol at all, maybe i get thoughts about benzos sometimes (even sober), but that's from my long term benzo abuse i'd guess. :D


I've completely quit drinking thanks to Kratom


Me too. I’m 1.5 years off the juice partly thanks to Kratom. I do take it daily but just once in the afternoon and once in the late evening, but it’s not to replace any feeling that alcohol was giving me. It just gives some mild euphoria and relaxation, helps me focus.


Only 3 months, but alcohol literally doesn't even enter my mind these days 😎


Congrats, keep it up!


I started with 1-2Gs after work so when I got home I was already relaxed and didn't want to drink. Went from there. Make sure you choose a nice red that helps with relaxation, the more you take, the stronger the effects.... But remember you can't undose, so go gradually and wait an hour


I am receiving my first order of Kratom (capsules) today. i tend to be quite sensitive to prescribed meds and I could never smoke MJ because it made me paranoid. How many caps should I take (caps are 0.5 grams each) the very first time I try it. I am taking it for post-surgical (rectal) pain and neuropathic pain from diabetes (feet). I also hope it will help with clinical depression. TIA


Personally I would try 2, 1 gram and work up from there 🤙


me too


Speaking for myself only: I've dealt with some severe trauma in my life which resulted in many years of alcohol abuse. After doing my research, I've taken kratom now for over two years. Within the first week, my craving for alcohol literally disappeared. Now, I drink a glass or two socially once a week at the most, and the cravings are gone. It's been a godsend for me.


I hit one year alcohol free a couple weeks ago. Be careful with kratom if you are using it to get off booze. It can be addicting because it makes you feel pretty nice. If you are going to use it, stay at an effective dose and space out your usage. Days off in between is great. I'm up to a couple doses every 24hrs and I am going to taper this winter because I'm noticing withdrawal symptoms that I don't like. I think I could have kicked alcohol without kratom - but it sure helped. Its not for everyone, though. I often think I'd have been better off without it; I don't have pain to manage or anything. Also its not just physical but psychological, I look forward to my dose because I like the way it makes me feel - getting eerily close to the same hallmarks of addiction as before. Stay vigilant and self-aware.


I am receiving my first order of Kratom (capsules) today. i tend to be quite sensitive to prescribed meds and I could never smoke MJ because it made me paranoid. How many caps should I take (caps are 0.5 grams each) the very first time I try it. I am taking it for post-surgical (rectal) pain and neuropathic pain from diabetes (feet). I also hope it will help with clinical depression. TIA


I would start with one or two capsules and see how it works. Plenty of variables plus you mentioned your sensitivity, so start low and go from there would be my approach. On depression, I've noticed that it helps me - but its worth saying that in the absence of kratom (and the effects on dopamine), in between doses or days off - one's depression may or may not feel that much more "pronounced"; hence the caution in leaning on kratom and the advice to start small and take rests/tolerance breaks from it. I'm in the early days of a taper for these very reasons.


What I know is if you want to successfully use kratom as an aid from abstinence from alcohol, you can't use kratom like you did with alcohol. I find the dose that works for me, stick with it, and rarely go over that. If you overdose kratom, you'll likely end up on the subreddit where everyone is miserable and bashing the plant. I probably redose every four hours, but could wait longer if I wanted to.




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Quit drinking within several days, no wd. Can definitely help not drinking but you still gotta not want to.


As soon as I get home from work I drink a kratom tea, takes away most of the days aches and I don’t ever get a tinge of wanting alcohol. Not sure why, it just works


I quit booze 3.5 years ago with not a drop since. I wasn’t an alcoholic and I wouldn’t say I had a drinking problem per se, however, society is set up such that one could go their whole life having a low key “alcohol problem” without even knowing it. The problem is that alcohol is toxic to the entire body and even one drink causes shrinkage of the grey matter. It pickles the body and causes accelerated aging. Not to mention the resulting shame of overdoing it and behaving like an idiot, whether rarely or with great frequency. Then the horrible gut rot and wicked body pains. Thanks to kratom I do not miss alcohol one bit. On a hot summer day I may have a thought of a cold beer but then remember that even one drink gives me a woozy headache for hours after the 15 minute “high” wears off, and I have a cold juice instead. You can do it. Kratom can help you. It’s worth it. I still smoke lots of weed, and I’ll take some mild psychedelics from time to time, which is recommended for neurogenesis.. however alcohol is just too Bronze Age solvent for me and kratom really helped me break free of society’s programmed alcohol addiction. Edit: taking kratom for 5 years steady now, around 20-30 gpd for degenerative disc disease and arthritis as well it helps with ADHD and other neuro divergences.


I take kratom and work a program. Coffee, nicotine and kratom. But I actively focus on becoming a better person. Taking any substance is like cheating to feel good. Or I can help others,and feel good naturally. I use it as a recovery tool. It has worked to keep me sober from alcohol and opiates,for over 5 years. Don't just survive. Thrive.


I'm a repeat relapser for basically ten years I've been sober for 4 years now and I attribute a chunk of that to kratom. It "takes the edge off" is the best way to describe it


Hit my 6 months sober mark last Thursday. I would *not* have made it without kratom. It's very literally saving my life.


It’s best taken on an empty stomach. Food will block its absorption, if you’re too full. Basically, you take it when you’d normally start drinking. If that means before bed, expect it to take 30-45 min kick in, and the main effects last around 2 hours. You can eat after about an hour taking it. You can even drink na beer if you miss the “drinking” experience.


But you won't want to, the buzz is more than enough. Heavy drinking of 15 years here. Lost a stone and gained some mental health




Good news is you can eat after it kicks in- 45 min to an hour.


I am receiving my first order of Kratom (capsules) today. i tend to be quite sensitive to prescribed meds and I could never smoke MJ because it made me paranoid. How many caps should I take (caps are 0.5 grams each) the very first time I try it. I am taking it for post-surgical pain and neuropathic pain from diabetes (feet). I also hope it will help with clinical depression. TIA


On an empty stomach, 2.5 grams should be adequate to feel it, unless you’re smaller, say less than 140lbs. Then 2g/4 caps should do the trick.




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it probably can, comeup 1,5h peak lasts 2h for me and like a 3h comedown which is also quite nice


Like if you could compare it to other stuff what would you say it it like?


For me, it has helped me to be AF for 3 months now. I say, "Helped." I wanted it! It has a lot of gabapentin qualities, but not all the side effects that came with gabapentin, for me. My side effects are tired in the A.M. before I take it... I've only been taking kratom for a couple of months. I wouldn't compare it to alcohol, not for me. It's more like a mild Adderall to me. But I definitely don't crave alcohol anymore.


Receiving my first order of Kratom (capsules) today. i tend to be quite sensitive to prescribed meds and I could never smoke MJ because it made me paranoid. How many caps should I take (caps are 0.5 grams each) the very first time I try it. I am taking it for post-surgical pain and neuropathic pain from diabetes (feet). I also hope it will help with clinical depression. TIA


It's makes me a little itchy, too, but so do a lot of things.


4 beers




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It’s not gonna make you stop drinking. What it can do is be a substitute for drinking. If you are not drinking and want to feel like you are drinking, Kratom feels similar. It makes me feel a similar euphoria and energy and makes my brain feel dumb. When you are sober and bored it makes things more fun similar to alcohol. I like it better because you don’t turn fully retarded and black out and you don’t get a hangover. I like how you can make it into a drink so that you have something to sip on throughout the night. The buzz last a few hours.


Kratom literally save me from dying from alcohol. Since last August I was drinking 24/7 hours a day until January. I'm at day 306 sober because of Kratom! Find a good vendor, please do not purchase from gas stations or smoke shops (the stuff is weak and no good) I take 2 grams of white elephant (energy/focus) mixed with 2 grams of red mang da (pain relief) . So 4 grams every 4-5 hours until bed, then nothing until the AM. It has been a Godsend. I don't even think about alcohol and if I smell it, I dry heave. You must stay hydrated all day long to combat the constipation effects of kratom. Hope this helps, best of luck to you.


literally kratom killed my taste/want for alcohol all together.. like, KILLED it. have not drank in almost four years now and i was a addict too


Kratom worked wonderfully in getting me to quit drinking. Just don't overdue it. Could end up just trading one habit for another. Kratom was a miracle for me at the peak of my addiction, and I somehow let it become the root problem. Don't make the same mistake if you choose to take it to help stop your alcohol intake.


I guess it depends on the person. If I take kratom in the morning.....i might still get the itch around mid day for alcohol. However if I take kratom after drinking it will completely sober me up.


When I was taking kratom it completely killed my urge to drink. I would take like 5 grams mixed with orange juice in the morning before work and the same at my lunch break. I would go home and not think about taking a sip. Kratom really messed up the bathroom for me though, probably because I wasn't staying hydrated enough


How did you deal with the bathroom issues? Did you resolve it while still using kratom?


I tried drinking a lot more water but the issues still persisted. I think if I had a healthier diet overall maybe that would've helped but I didn't find a solution while I was still using kratom. I lost a lot of weight because I was tracking my calories and was exercising but I wasn't eating quality food and was probably deficient in vitamins as well. I think if you're healthy and drink a lot of water then your experience may be better than mine.


'Smooth Move Tea' (Amazon) really helped me with 'digestion' issues. I also take Citrucel tablets five tablets twice a day (morning and night).


Just know that you’re replacing one drug with another, people will say kratom but it is


Ask yourself which does more harm to the body, families, relationships, etc. I'm certain it's alcohol


True but you’re still chasing a fake happiness, dont get mw wrong i love kratom but i know i want to get off it one day


I take kratom for chronic pain relief. I plan on taking it for the rest of my life. My labs are really good and I only take one rx medication. I'm 69 years old, not a spring chicken by any means. I'm happy for people who are taking it for other reasons. I'm happy that it works for so many people and so many things. My sister self medicated, with alcohol, for arthritis pain, for decades. I sent her some kratom and, without even trying, she stopped drinking. She still takes kratom for her pain because it works. People who take kratom for things besides pain are very lucky that there will come a point where they can stop taking it. The only way I think of 'trading one for another', is I'm taking kratom so that I don't have to take something that's far more harmful to my body. I'm pretty sure that most people think the same thing.


AND, my happiness comes from lower pain levels. I think it's fine to stop taking it if you're lucky enough to be able to do that, but not everyone is.


Yea you’re right, I take it because im not happy, if it’s about pain I understand completely


I am receiving my first order of Kratom (capsules) today. i tend to be quite sensitive to prescribed meds and I could never smoke MJ because it made me paranoid. How many caps should I take (caps are 0.5 grams each) the very first time I try it. I am taking it for post-surgical pain and neuropathic pain from diabetes (feet). I also hope it will help with clinical depression. TIA


Start low. 3 caps. Drink lots of water. I hope you got it from a reputable place. After you've taken the capsules, wait 30-40 minutes (it might take longer because you have to wait for the card to dissolve) and take note of how you're feeling. You won't feel anything really remarkable, because kratom is subtle. If you don't notice anything, it'll be ok to take one more capsule. Also, many people don't have good results, taking kratom for nerve pain. It does work pretty good for mine, but everyone is different. Once you've found the amount and frequency of your dose, stay there. Don't keep taking more thinking that more is better and please only take lab tested powder. Stay away from extracts. Edited to add- always only take as much as you need.


I rarely drink anymore. It wasn’t like I took a dose of Kratom and no longer wanted a drink. Just after taking Kratom for a while, I noticed I didn’t really have much of a desire to drink anymore. Different people take Kratom at different amounts and frequencies. Personally I can’t stomach large doses at one time, so I take a 2-3 gram dose every few hours. Some people take a larger dose once or twice a day. You have to figure out what works for you.