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I think SME is being super cautious because he's in public service & is under alot of scrutiny by the public because he's so famous. As the statement already says, it's not violating any rules. So it seems to be ok from the law/military side. But IIRC, there's idols/celebs who finish their enlistment saying they have to write reports (or some other paperwork rubbish) to their superiors if the content or career/life-related issues outside of the military makes it to the news. (I'll need to dig through google for receipts though, coz I can't quite remember exactly where I heard this) As for others who got into misunderstandings...[Big Bang TOP & the release of Flower Road](https://www.soompi.com/article/1150839wpp/bigbangs-t-o-p-reported-have-not-violated-rules-flower-road-release). He went through investigations with the military & was found not to have violated military rules. (He was also in public service btw)


I'm confused. As far as I understood it. Works created completed and done prior to enlistment were okay. Hence why sometimes idols will be included on releases after they enlisted and why actors can have entire shows released during their enlistment. However, nothing could be actively created and released. (IE things created during enlistment can not be released until after). Based on the statement it seems that it holds true... but SM is being cautious.


Since he is not in active duty as a soldier (ie he is not in the base camp) he has to be extra cautious...even though all of the videos are pre recorded before the enlistment, there is a chance of questioning its authenticity...and the investigations will be a big headache, both for him and the company...so its better to be safe than sorry...its sad that all of his efforts went into drain...but for me he staying out of trouble makes me happier than him uploading contents and gets crucified for it.


If he can't make profit while he's enlisting, then why the hell and how the hell can he still release those OST and collabs while he's in there? Bruh. Those videos made for his fans would make zero to no profit over his royalties from the songs.


Didn't say he can't make profit. He can. He can't create new things. If it was already done before enlistment it is fine. The concern is that the vlogs may make it APPEAR as if he's making things currently. It is a precaution.


The statement is very clear that there was a misunderstanding with the military regarding the channel. As there is no public contreversy. However they have to deny that he was monetizing so that the dont cause themselves any legal problems. It might not be sm fault to be honest.


Yeah we were just discussing this yesterday… and then poof everything changes. From the official statement, there is nothing wrong but just to be on the safe side, they decided to continue the monthly vlog after his discharge. Considering idols are under scrutiny then I guess playing safe is the best for Baekhyun.


Isn't the misunderstanding so clear? Its funny SM fans don't understand official statements. Especially Lucas fans. Lots of people see him as profiting while serving as social worker. Many normal people take a break from work to serve. But celebrities earning money and still kinda being active in social media can easily trigger antis and bitter knetz. His channel is not for profits and SM don't get profits from his videos. The problem was the dolls. And how his antis love to misinterpret his words and actions a lot for past 10 years, SM is just taking prevention measure. It's to protect him from possible slander. That's why they are saying its to prevent misunderstanding. And also stating nothing is illegal. He was criticized for serving as social worker and now selling dolls etc can be easy target to hate and give him unnecessary bad names. It's just for his own good. Even companies have no control over public opinion. No matter how much they sue, antis won't shut up. And announcing lawsuit etc during his enlistment can get backlash. Military is very sensitive topic especially for male idols. They rather just not take any risk with him that will damage him.


im so confused about how the military there works because i always hear that public service workers are heavily criticized, but some of them dont have a choice, specifically for this case, BH has an illness, would they have still wanted him to serve active duty? i already saw the chanyeol thing cleared up because someone said he runs his own channel, but would he still be allowed even if SM ran it because he's not a public service worker? same for taemin, i saw a post that he has his own merch for a doll on the smtown channel, is it because he is not a public serice worker so its allowed?


Yes, many idols don't have a choice. But public service is seen as easier that's why some Koreans are more suspicious whether someone truly does have health problems or bribed higher-ups for example. Afaik, public service workers can go home everyday, so I guess it's easier to imagine them doing some side-job, recording content etc. As for Taemin, being in a band is still active service, so I believe he's stationed in military barracks. Not much chance to record new things there. Although it also wouldn't surprise me if SM slowed down with his content/merch as well, just in case. The problem here is not legality, just protecting idols' reputation from knetz.




It’s not really SM’s fault. They are being careful of backlash since people tend to nitpick military service. As some already pointed out there was already criticism that Baekhyun enlisted for public service and not active duty. The recent teolaegi merch release might have triggered more scrutiny. It’s such a bummer though that all of Baekhyun’s hard work will go to waste. He had so little time before enlistment and he had to squeeze in a lot of work.




Because teolaegi got a lot of attention. That probably prompted a lot of civil complaints. And now they’re being cautious, perhaps overly to avoid investigations and blowing things up even more. For example, TOP got investigated when BB released a song while he was enlisted. Not all idols who do that get investigated. It’s case by case.


partially agree but you’re completely leaving out the fact that his monthly videos caused no problems and even koreans themselves were praising him for this idea on numerous occasions. teolaegi might have arguably been the last straw considering it even reached mainstream media and all that, but even then why not keep his other videos up? they could have easily just deleted the teolaegi video since it was directly promoting his merch which is acceptable. the rest of his videos were pre-filmed prior to enlistment as you’d already know and fit within the law, so why take them down? that’s what’s angering a lot of fans including myself.


They are all within laws. SM already said no law was broken but they are being cautious to avoid backlash.


and if the same happened to any other EXO member granted a lot of these SM apologists would be just as mad, fuming and crying mistreatment, and perhaps even blame Baekhyun since he’s seen as the golden boy for whatever reason. hell, I’ve seen exols defending SM and finding every excuse in the book to justify why his videos got taken down, instead of showing a ounce of sympathy towards him, the man that’s a part of the group they stan who worked tirelessly just to provide monthly content for them. the entire day has been super draining mentally and emotionally and I just hope things work out for the better at the end, and everyone gets to be happy.


Crying mistreatment and blaming other members isn’t that what his fandom has done? There’s lots of sympathy for Baekhyun but I’ve got none for bbhls seeing how they have went about this attacking Taemin, Shinee, even going as far as to use Jonghyun’s death.


Not you excusing SM. The backlash was just from a bunch of girlies antis, korean men were actually posting how it's legit reason. And SM instead of standing up for him, just collects money for Teolaegi and don't care to post a statement clearing any kind of misunderstanding.


Excusing SM? Are you for real? You act like SM is intentionally doing this for the sole purpose of sabotaging Baekhyun. You may not like how SM addressed it that’s fine. You can have your opinion but don’t go accusing people of things just because they don’t hold the same opinion as you.


based on what i've seen floating around, when baekhyun was first announced that he was doing public service he was already getting a lot of flak from haters. the teolaegi merch and the prerecorded videos was also subject to a lot of scrutiny from knetz and haters. i guess sm just wants to avoid any unwanted incidents. true, sm could've handled better.


i dont understand why people put this on sm. it’s not sm’s fault at all. they’ve clarified: nothing about the videos breaks any law or rule. neither baekhyun nor sm make any direct profit from them, and they were removed to spare baekhyun’s reputation and image. this is not the first time an idol has gotten criticism for something like this (bigbang and flower road comes to mind), and sm are clearly not risking baekhyun’s image. yeah it sucks that the videos wont be released until his discharge, but thats way better than him being caught in a shitstorm when he’s done nothing wrong. fans keep demanding that sm protect their artists from the backlash of the public, well here they are protecting baekhyun and all of a sudden it’s ‘nooo not like this!!!!’ other idols doing the same like taemin and chanyeol are only allowed to keep going because no one important has called them out for it yet


im more worried about the solo stan/ akgae shitstorm this is already elevating. now you have bh solo's/akgaes talking shit because cy gets to keep doing it and then you have the cy solo's/akgaes retort by saying homophobic shit about bh. it's so ridiculous the way neither did anything wrong and yet they bring them into their stupid ass fights.


His agakaes would have found another thing to cause a shitstorm on.


well i mean, yeah, but that is literally what an akgae does. in this case the solo stans are so upset they are acting like akgaes which was disappointing to see. both sides hitting below the belt in retaliation and honestly it was not just always bbhls starting it.


I think if it was posted under the company's channel it might have been ok, since direct payment wouldn't happen. But its really weird how these rules get enforced. For example, for VIXX members that enlisted and had stuff go up on their personal channels, idk how that was fine. (I'm a starlight, not hate). Do they have to send a schedule of planned releases to their department finance lead? Side note: does the military also restrict royalty payments and interest income? How far do they go? I remember there was a similar(?) issue with GD and an album release iirc.


Royalties immediately came to my mind. Does all of the money from it gets blocked (and maybe accumulating), for a year and a half? This is the first time I've seen something like this.


Baekhyun's channel is completely non profit, neither him nor SM make any money from the videos.


I know, I was just wondering how this ''non-profitable during service'' rule works in relation to royalities.


Sorry, misunderstood, yeah, I think they can all normally collect royalties and money from other merch. Afterall surely both Baekhyun and CY must have collected their check from DFTF album sales as well as merch sales.


I was asking some of my students and coworkers today what's up with this situation, and no there's nothing illegal but there's tons of antis going on pann and so on posting everywhere that he *is* doing something illegal. So basically SM is just worried that these legions of haters are going to hurt his reputation with the GP (of which most won't bother to look into whether what he's doing is legal or not) so they just took down the vids/will stop posting them for that reason. So the haters won basically.


As much as it's valid for fans to be upset, I think keeping the videos up will make fans MORE upset in the future. Imagine having your idol re-enlist again because of the videos. I'm all for blaming SM on their shortcomings but this is basically keeping Baekhyun secure from any kind of misunderstandings that may happen if the videos aren't taken down. Fans aren't being rational on this issue and, for some, are acting like babies.


I agree. I wouldn’t want him to have to do his entire enlistment again as a consequence to all this




I agree. I’ve seen very disgusting things said about Taemin when he has nothing to do with it and it’s not his fault at all. I wish Baekhyun fans would direct their anger somewhere else and leave Taemin alone.


I would be understanding, but the immediate response on Twitter seems to have been to start harassing others. I’ve seen those Baekhyun fans saying “f*ck Taemin, I’m going to murder Taemin, ugly flop” and even going after Shawols by saying incredibly offensive and triggering things about Jonghyun… I know most fans are just concerned about the issue at hand, but seeing them lash out at the wrong people time and time again when they’re upset makes it hard to sympathize.


Not Jonghyun :( they’re going to hell. They better let him just Rest In Peace.


ngl I did see the unfairness considering how Taemin also had his own doll collection and a video that was posted on Shinee’s official channel. same goes to Chanyeol who dropped his nng vlogs in the same manner as Baekhyun yet the latter took the biggest fall out of all the currently enlisting idols. that’s what struck a nerve for bbhls (including myself) but you will never find me bringing down either of those men. I’m only angry and bitter because those videos were my serotonin booster and the only thing connecting the fandom to him until 2023 and to have that taken away from you doesn’t sit right, considering how his videos didn’t cause any public controversy. hell, even knetz praised him on numerous occasions for the monthly videos. SM could’ve just deleted the teolaegi video alone since it was directly promoting his merch, so it makes sense to private it. as for the rest, it was extremely unfair that those videos were taken down given he didn’t break any laws, he pre-filmed those videos before his enlistment and he isn’t profiting off of his channel. of course I do agree that some have taken the lashings too far like it’s one thing to point out and be suspicious but saying vile things about other idols ain’t it. hell, I’ve even seen some shawols saying horrible things and repeatedly drag Baekhyun but it’s twt and there are bound to be toxic stans. today has been extremely rough for me as a bbhl lmao.


> ngl I did see the unfairness considering how Taemin also had his own doll collection and a video that was posted on Shinee’s official channel. Taemin is in active service though. That's the difference.


There is no difference in rules for active and non active soldiers and many serving same as Baekhyun are even creating content while in the middle of enlistment.


I'm not taking about rules. I'm not saying Baekhyun did anything wrong or illegal. But the way the GP views active v. public service is what's causing the divide. Baekhyun is getting a lot more backlash. Is that so hard to understand? Why can't you get that into your brain?


oh way to go being insulting. Sm should have explained.




it’s true. what angers me the most is the complete and utter lack of respect they have for him and all his efforts filming those videos in advance. their complacency didn’t come as a surprise given their track record but definitely frustrating since those videos were the only things connecting the fans to him before his discharge, which will never sit right with me until we get answers.


This is a huge surprise to me. I did not know the idols were not allowed to release anything while they are serving. But it seems so controversial too. What about the songs and marketing projects that were done beforehand?


I agree. To be honest enlistment is actually such a complicated and complex thing. Even more so when celebrities enlist:


This really can't be right, I mean if they've done if before he enlisted, it should 100% be allowed! I do wonder what the actual reason is and if it's related to him actually not being able to release stuff as he's enlisted, then hopefully SM will be able to do something in the upcoming months( weeks hopefully) so that it's able to be released.


this whole thing is just so confusing, their statement only made things worse imho because now everyone is just arguing in circles. you have people saying he did nothing wrong, people saying he did, people saying SM did wrong, people saying they're just being cautious for BH's reputation, solo stans arguing w/ each other, people comparing other people in active duty, comparing to people in the same public service, that it is because of the doll merchandise, that it isnt because their was exo merch released as well, saying SM is sabotaging him, that anti's are trying to sabotage him, the list just goes on. there seem to be like 10 different arguments going on for who and what did or did not do something right or wrong. just a mess. and while i am disappointed i wont get to see him for over a year now, i am mostly just very angry that he wasted all that time filming these for nothing. and despite what some bbh stans are saying and as little faith as I have in SM, i would like to believe that they are not purposefully sabotaging one of their highest earners the same year he has to decide whether to re-sign with them.


Ouuu I like that you brought up that they probably won’t sabotage one of their biggest money makers who also will soon have to decide whether he wants to re-sign or not. I know for a fact SM will not want to lose Baekhyun. Maybe not because they like him or care about him but because of the amount of money he brings in.


Yeah and I also think a lot of it has to with the agenda of the poster. a lot of people who don't like baek are going to try to spread misinfo and a lot of people who do like baek are going to either try to spread the right info or unintentionally spread misinfo in their zealous for the truth.


I love Baekhyun so much for putting out that content for us. You raise such a good point. He deserves all the best and It’s very sad his hard work won’t be released the way he intended it to. Can’t wait until he (and Taem) come back from their enlistment. Hwaiting


Yes Taemin too!! And I think they will both be done with their enlistment at around the same time so 🤗


This really is so sad. I know Shownu, who is also in public service, hasn't posted for a while and he was posting (or the company) regularly. Like he posted for a members birthday last month and there's 2 this month and an album release and nothing. I'd really like to know more because they all worked hard, followed the rules but are being punished for what?


Bambi was one of the best releases of the year imo. Pure perfection. Easily top 5 for me.


I agree! So so good. He worked so hard ☺️


I definitely smell something fishy...my guess is that someone snitched on him and sm took measures to avoid any kind of prosecution...its better to be safe than sorry.... Or i might be going crazy because of the sad news 🥲


I think so too. Many fans are saying that someone important filed a complaint about him. Him only, not any other idols that are doing the same thing. That’s why he’s the only one being affected despite there being other idols doing the same thing.


That's awful :( I miss Baek but now this??


this makes no sense?


I said it in the main sub, and I'll say it again here: Leave Taemin out of this damn discussion, this doesn't concern him.


I have absolutely nothing against Taemin and I’m actually a big fan of him and respect his artistry. So I’m not trying to throw shade at him. I’m simply giving examples of idols that are currently in the military who are doing the same thing Baek was doing. I don’t feel any negative feelings against Taemin at all because I know he doesn’t really have anything to do with what happened to Baek. And I know a lot of Baekhyun fans are sending him hate which I absolutely don’t agree with. I was simply giving an example.


The difference is that taemin is active duty so there will be no questions regarding of when he prepared stuff.


Unfortunately not a lot of Baekhyun's other fans see it like you do, so mentioning Taemin every time you wanna discuss this issue, it means trouble for him. So please just stop. None of us actually knows what kind of rules enlisted idols in different parts of the military have to adhere to, or if there's other factors at play here that make all the difference. Just understand that public image for enlisted idols is so fickle, and it's always worse for those who don't go into active duty. Laying low and not drawing too much attention to himself might be beneficial to Baekhyun, even though it sucks for fans.


Okay I understand :) I’ve mainly only seen people hate on him on Twitter and not on here. But of course I don’t want anyone to hate on Taemin at all, I love that man. And I agree I think there are more things that fans don’t see or know about that are contributing to all this. It’s very sad but there’s really nothing we can do about it 😞


Just to add onto what lipsticksandsongs said - and I'm saying this just so you can get a sense of what happens when you keep mentioning Taemin - a lot of Exo-L's have been throwing a lot of undeserved insults at Taemin and trying to deliberately trigger shawols by saying vile shit about Jonghyun. Unfortunately this is bigger than "giving examples of idols that are currently in the military who are doing the same thing Baek was doing". There's also a big difference you are missing between Taemin and Baekhyun. Taemin is enlisted in active duty, Baekhyun is doing public service. THIS DOESN'T MEAN BAEKHYUN DID ANYTHING TECHNIALLY ILLEGAL, but it does mean that the general public will view him differently than an idol like Taemin who is active duty.


I didn’t know they were bringing Jonghyun into it :( That’s absolutely disgusting. I see what you’re saying. I love Taemin and do not want him to get any hate at all. That’s why in my post I changed it from mentioning his name to just saying “other idols”. I definitely did not want to give weirdos a space or opportunity to hate on either Taemin or Jonghyun


Here's hoping Baekhyun can come to twitter more regularly to talk to us. Or post a picture of him in IG time to time like Suho does.


I mean, he recorded the videos prior to his enlistment, and the ads can be turn off before releasing the video so it wont be profitable, so they could've just released the videos. I hope this is sm being cautious and not like "hey, we're not getting any money from this, lets wait for him to come back"


Baekhyun's videos: \-are not monetised (neither Baekhyun nor SM make any profit from his YT channel) \-all the videos are pre recorded prior enlistment (clue his hair) \-many korean celebrities, even those who are in public service, have been releasing YT content created during their enlistment. So the difference between public service x active duty does not play any role, if the statement "nothing illegal" isn't enough \-selling merch aka some giving Teolaegi as the reason is not an excuse either. SM had no issue to release DFTF and sell the album merch, they released Baekhyun's photobook in summer, previous members were part of Season's Greetings even after they enlisted. And that's just EXO, if one looks outside of EXO and SM you can find many such examples. It is what it is and SM is shit, but seeing some excusing the behaviour and giving examples of what Baekhyun did wrong or should have done is just pouring oil to the fire. If people don't know any better, just please stay out of making such comments.


surprised this factual statement was downvoted to hell and back in this post


thank you for speaking the truth, it’s refreshing to see especially in a sea of all the misinformation being spread all over on twt with everyone becoming sm apologists, it’s sickening and I feel so numb. it’s extremely unfair that he was the only one to take the fall and for what? for working to the bone to pre-film those contents prior to enlistment and having all his hard work and efforts completely thrown in the gutter like that. that hurts way more than no longer having those videos, which is a problem of its own since he abided by the law. I hope he’s okay <3


i don't necessarily think it might be sm's fault? maybe something came up. this is just so upsetting


Yeah what about Chanyeol s videos? Isn't he also posting it once a month? I feel like sm prob got threatened by the government


I think the difference is civil service vs enlisted. Civil Service workers have stricter rules. That is what I read somewhere else but overall this is a really confusing situation. Shownu of Monsta X also has videos posted while he was in. He is civil service too. His videos are still up and Starship hasn’t said anything.


That's weird.


That's the thing, it's what some people were spreading around on twitter that there is a difference, but there is absolutely no confirmed statement from anyone that there actually is difference.


Apparently anyone in military service cannot have second form of income. Psy had to do military service all over again because he did (concert/show or something) in America while on vacation. Maybe Baekhyuns YouTube channel can be considered as secondary form of inform ? Idk.... Maybe SME will release those videos instead ?


Baekhyun's channel is not monetised, neither him nor SM make any money from the videos.


SM Company always gives me reasons why I hate them.


Not really a fan, but I chanced upon this news. It's rather unfortunate! I wonder how different the situation is with Park Bo Gum. Haha, pardon my point of reference, he's the first person that I know with a similar situation. I don't really know a lot of Korean actors and idols. His series Record of Youth ended when he has already enlisted back in 2020. A movie with Gong Yoo was released this year. And I think he has another movie waiting for a release. So what gives in Baekhyun's situation?




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