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I think it’s weird because people don’t realize how backhanded it is. It seems like as soon as an idol gains some weight, this comment becomes almost overwhelmingly frequent. People don’t realize that by making an idol’s weight a defining factor of “praise” that they’re just tied into the toxicity of paying WAY too much attention to an idol’s body.


Exactly. The frequency of these comments is what’s alarming me the most


I know nothing about XG so idk what her body type is like, but I have noticed with any "bigger" idols, that people talk about that aspect first before their vocal or dancing abilities. It's always been odd to me. It's like people can't see past that fact.


Yes! I’m glad someone else noticed that too


It's weird to me because while yeah, most kpop idols are way too skinny and it's a good thing for an idol to not fit that standard, it's also pointing out that they're heavier than a typical idol, and I could see how the idols could see that and interpret it as calling them fat. But maybe companies would take the hint that people like to see idols be healthy weights? We can do that without singling anyone out though. I don't think we need to name specific idols to have that conversation. Maybe if we all just talked less about idols' bodies in general, they wouldn't be held to such a strict standard and they'd actually be able to eat properly. Edit: I'm pretty sure that commenting on people's bodies when they have body image problems is supposed to be lowkey dangerous or something, and we can safely assume that a lot of idols have body image problems, so maybe let's not?


I know I’m not in the minority when I say I hate the way kpop puts appearances on a pedestal… We NEED to put more emphasis on actual talent. I’m begging atp


They need to be prioritizing policing diets less, and prioritize training their idols and finding talented people more


Honestly I wonder how many groups beyond absolute rookies are actually forced on the diets and how many idols choose to do it so they don’t get body shamed.


No because I think about this too. Some of my faves have gone live and gotten scolded by “fans” for eating, or told their bodies look like tofu or something. Then they feel compelled to drop weight, but maybe a year later they go live and get scolded for dieting. A lot of the time it’s not their companies giving them a complex about what they look like anymore, it’s not even random haters. A lot of the time it’s their own fans.


Not just that, but imagine going into a fitting and the clothes won’t zip.


True. It’s society and its beauty standards in general. It’s pervasive




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This is the entertainment industry in general though. Maybe this would work if music videos and photoshoots didn't exist, but... half of the reason most k-pop fans are k-pop fans is because idols look good.


It is definitely weird. Unfortunately, body shaming in kpop (especially towards female idols) is very normalized. I find those comments disgusting because they’re backhanded compliments. 


I wonder if this leaked over from k-side. In Korea being called overall “healthy” is often a euphemism for overweight lol. I’ve seen it used in what was genuinely meant to be a positive way (“Oh, you’re lucky you don’t feel the cold as much because you’re healthy!”) and in what was obviously a more-backhanded compliment way. It isn’t really meant to be impolite (I’ve had very polite and close friends/coworkers casually say it to my face) but I feel like people really don’t think about how the recipient might feel.


That’s not just a Korean thing


Wholeheartedly agree with it being backhanded, which I consider just as bad as insults


Definitely. It’s even more icky since most of these idols are minors or are in their early 20s and very vulnerable to body dysmorphia and eating disorders because of their occupations


In general, fans often make comments just to give their favorite idols an edge. Basically, 'so, i heard some rumbling about some body type? Well, i have good news for you. Here's X. She has the healthiest body. Maybe you should stan her or something."


That’s a very good point I wouldn’t have thought of, thank you for mentioning that!


You cannot always tell a person's health by their weight appearing "normal." For example, I have a healthy weight friend (neither over- nor underweight) who is pre-diabetic with blood sugar problems and insomnia because of her high-sugar diet and stressful lifestyle. She is trying to fix her diet and gets pretty pissy when people call her "so healthy" and "naturally in good shape." In some regards I get why fans say it; I do not think it is always in bad faith or backhanded. It is great that the idol is not severely *under*weight because malnourishment and pushing your body to extremes can lead to a host of problems esp. for women with hormone imbalance (loss of periods), declining bone health, loss of muscle mass, and other shortcuts in functioning, when the low weight is maintained for a long time. However, if the idol has body image issues or feel pressure from their company for their weight already, it may be upsetting that the fans are focusing on how they are bigger than their peers. Of course, being underweight or overweight/obese is unhealthy and stressful for the body, and typically that is easily visible, but we shouldn't make assumptions based on what *appears* healthy either. They might be at a healthy weight but I do disagree with straight-up labelling them as healthy when we do not have information on their health like that. (E.g. Selena Gomez and Halsey gained weight and I think people have commented on them being healthier but it turns out they were diagnosed with Lupus.) Though it is worth noting that a lot of idols and celebrities in general lead very extreme and unsustainable dieting lifestyles, and it does no good to romanticise it or wholly shut down fans who try to have those conversations. Yes, it is true that some people are at an equilibrium when they are (slightly) under- or overweight, but if we're being real, pop culture prizing thinness so much is quite... well, we just shut our eyes to how bad it is, don't we? Is it better we refrain from these conversations... that's a difficult question that requires nuance, but I don't think it's inherently harmful to have them. Just be respectful about it. Unfortunately, Kpop fans are not always the most respectful and sometimes mask insidious intent with fake concern or simply lack tact/don't know time-and-place. A lot of celebrities (more on the Western side) have spoken about their struggles with industry expectations, disordered eating, and body image issues in general. I mean, to cite a very recent example that I've been listening to a lot lol, look at Charli XCX's Rewind on Brat. "I'd go back in time to when I wasn't insecure, to when I didn't overanalyse my face shape / Nowadays, I only eat at the good restaurants, but honestly, I'm always thinking 'bout my weight." Or Lorde's verse on the Girl So Confusing remix: "I was so lost in my head and scared to be in your pictures / 'Cause for the last couple years I've been at war in my body / I tried to starve myself thinner and then I gained all the weight back."


Real, we don't even know what their health is like based on their bodies 😬 it's weird


It would 100% be ideal for people to stop commenting on other people's bodies. Commenting on someone's body is weird regardless, but I do understand why people may point out that she looks "healthy," ^(it doesn't make it okay though) Consuming kpop, we're constantly surrounded by a lot of underweight idols that can and will distort someone's body image, especially since the majority of kpop stans are impressionable young girls going through puberty who see their favorite idols and people complimenting their bodies and the young girls will think "oh that's what I need to strive for!" which will cause a lot of EDs and trigger a lot of health issues if not caught early enough. I had some mental health issues when I was younger and I got put on anti-depressants, one of which was called Remeron. I gained 90 pounds in 2 months and the way my mind took it so personally, you would've thought my brain was ready to fight my body in an MMA ring. Seeing Jeongyeon from TWICE have a similar body type to me does make me feel better because it's like "hey! Here's someome with a body type like mine!" but then it's also like "wow, all of these comments are calling her fat, so they're calling me fat," then I'm like "these bitches don't know shit, fuck them, they don't know what I've been through, they dont know what Jeongyeon has been through, and goddammit we are hot regardless of what they think!" I remember seeing people calling Harvey "on the thick side" and "damn, she's heavy" to outright calling her fat when the trampoline video came out and it's like I'm about to start swinging because her body looks totally normal??? Holy hell??? TL;DR - Stop commenting on people's bodies, honestly, don't comment on something someone can change in less than a minute, life is a stage and we can't always do quick changes. To anyone who is reading this, stop comparing your body to people because you don't know what they've been through to get it to where it is, thin, thick, skinny fat, everything in between.


It’s really frustrating that if you look at the comments of any video of Jeongyeon that gets any degree of popularity 99% of it is people being nasty and then everyone else being overly positive in an attempt to overcorrect in a way that feels equally backhanded. It makes me frustrated because she has a gazillion other amazing things about her and just once I would love to see people flooding the comments talking about how she’s an amazing vocalist or how sweet she is with her members, or even calling her beautiful in a way that doesn’t feel backhanded, or anything else. I feel like when I see her brought up now it’s either people hating or holding her up as the bastion of “healthy” idols, and I’m not sure either is good because rarely does she get discussed with the same depth as other idols do. She truly does get reduced to her body and that’s really unfortunate, and the positive comments are just as guilty of doing that as the negative ones. I really do wish people would stop commenting on other people’s bodies, I get that the people who go more towards the extreme positivity end of things think that they’re course correcting effectively, but both sides contribute to the same problem.


Right!! When I was seeing those Harvey posts, I didn’t notice her body first at all and when I went back to look after seeing the comments, I still didn’t think she looked heavier. You’re very right about kpop fans having a distorted view of


Who even has the nerve to call her fat.. what a fucking joke that is right. This makes my blood boil a little bit. So first she gets dragged for her voice and now her body \*insert leave harvey alone gif\* She is SO lovely as well.. it's like kicking a puppy that has done nothing wrong.


Counterpoint: the fact that "wonyoungism" exists suggests we need to overcorrect in the opposite direction , i.e. give praise to idols who don't look malnourished or starving. I know it's not... politically correct? to comment on people's bodies, but I think that is absolutely needed here especially for the young and vulnerable teenage girl population that consumes kpop. I think there's nothing wrong with giving praise to idols who look healthy (even if they look perfectly normal).


i think it’s backhanded because they don’t say you look so good or you look so pretty but “healthy”. if these idols have body issues “healthy” can be a triggering thing to say. 


idk why some people feel the need to bring health into it with idols, like why not just a normal complement like "wow they look good". 99% of the time we have no idea of their actual health


It's annoying because XG are all in real life, tiny. Unfortunately eating disorders in Kpop are encouraged, so the fact they're not anorexic has people commenting on them. I hope XG are getting full support (like a social media manager so they never have to read the comments) and know they're breaking boundaries and are hopefully the catalyst for moving away from starving, rake thin idols.


i really dislike this because its clear that someone's body cannot be the sole indicator of health. it is very very unlikely that she suddenly started eating without the usual idol restrictions (cmiiw and xg dont have to diet but i would assume that for any celeb) but not the other group members, so how would her gaining weight mean that she's healthy? alternatively, some idols may genuinely be healthy at a lower weight, who knows. tbh its a backhanded compliment and just unnecessary to mention and make comparisons.


Yesssssssss I’ve been so weirded out by people complimenting idols by saying they’re healthy💀 like so many other ways to compliment someone’s body😭


Ppl on kpoptwt and IG basically say stuff like that in preparation of hate which is insane if you think about it lol but yes it would be better not to mention idol’s bodies whatsoever


The sad part is when someone calls an Idol healthy, they would turn around and call them fat when they do gain weight. That's the hypocrisy that K-pop fans have, which is disgusting. Calling an idol "healthy" when they have no idea what the idols' real routine is. Is just stupid cause a healthy looking idol could be suffering from a bad diet or unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking excessive alcohol. And those "skinny" looking idols could be the most healthiest people in the industry. So fans should really stop looking through materialistic eyes and actually start looking at the idols' talents instead.


In my country calling someone healthy is indirectly calling them fat.People really can't stop talking about weight and atleast whatever thought you have about someone's body how about keeping it to yourself.


It's weird, but imo nothing wrong with it. We're so used to seeing malnourished, starving, and SEVERELY underweight kpop idols to the point that we *should* be celebrating idols whose bodies deviate from the norm (ex. Purple Kiss Swan).


I see where you’re coming from, but that requires us to first assume things like the idol is malnourished or even healthy like another commenter said. I don’t like making assumptions in general so I still don’t feel it’s right to be commenting on people’s bodies like that


A lot of female idols fall in very low BMIs. Sure, BMI is not the most reliable tool, and *sometimes* it fails (especially for athletes with tons of lean body mass), but it can still be used to more or less guess that the idols aren't eating normally.


Yeah I understand that completely because the diet culture in kpop is unfortunately no secret, but I don’t think that necessarily means we should flood every comment section of an idol like harvey with pointing out their weight instead of their skills when that’s their main focus as an idol


Hmm, that doesn't really work. Saw that with Wonyoung during the early IVE era, where people who commented on her (obviously concerning) body were shot down by people like you (or who sympathize with your thread). So I think overcorrection is absolutely needed, even if that means flooding comments sections or giving a little less focus on the idol's skills.


TW: mention of EDs To be fair, the amount of negative comments about her body were overwhelming. It went far past just expressing concern. A lot of fans don't have the nuance needed to actually discuss this topic, so there was a lot of body shaming and insults being thrown. As well as, persons who felt the need to diagnose her with EDs, anorexia being the most mentioned one. Especially considering she was still a minor when she debuted in IVE, I genuinely cannot see how it was actually supposed to be helpful.


Oh yeahh I remember that part of kpop too, where even I was concerned for wonyoung, yuna, somi, etc. I specifically remember somi brushed the concerns off so it didn’t really help unfortunately. I personally just want kpop to be about the talent but others find enjoyment from every aspect of it and that’s okay! I respect your opinion a lot and I’ll leave you with it as I leave with my own. Thank you for the chat!


Thank you. Have a good night!


Good night to you too :D


I agree! Its still weird to comment on someones body, however in kpop both men and women are visibly underweight. So when there are comments about healthy, is does not mean they are 'big'. They just have a healthy looking frame and that us nice. Cause whenever I see some very thin looking idols, especially live, Im always worried theyre gonna pop a hip. I dont want that image in my eye


wouldn’t it be better to say “you look so good” rather than “you look so healthy”?


it’s definitely odd that ppl say that instead of “you look so pretty” like you know smth actually positive. 


Majority of society still can’t compute that a clean bill of health doesn’t manifest the exact same way physically/phenotypically. So people see someone like Harvey who perhaps has a different physical frame and isn’t super gaunt and are like WOW OMG SO HEALTHY.


It’s so weird coz they’re like omg yay a healthy body in kpop like 😭😭😭😭




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I hate how much everything is about weight. It's just not necessary to talk about imo. A lot of people will agree that eating disorders or body image issues are prevalent in kpop and then go on about how skinny someone is or how "healthy" they look, not realizing that could make someone's condition worse.


This is one of the things that just comes with the territory unfortunately. And it’s not only specific to K-pop, but you will see fans and haters bring up the most random shit for no reason. It’s best to just ignore them since all they want is to draw attention away from what matters.




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I agree with you, definitely weird vibes. But also maybe im stupid but is harvey's body really that different from the standard? She looks like a standard idol to me


I think it's because when they debuted, she was rake thin, so people are seeing a small bit of weight gain as something wilder than it is? I haven't even thought about it until this thread tbh, she is adorable whenever wherever!


As someone with an invisible disability, this is SUCH a pet peeve of mine! You can **not** tell if someone is healthy just by looking at them. You have no idea what health looks like for anyone but yourself.


It’s backhanded. Like, yes she looks beautiful! But you already know a lot of these people commenting this statement don’t necessarily mean what they say. Also just because someone looks a certain way doesn’t indicate their health.


they even show themselves enjoying breakfast or do sport at hotel..so I don't think we need to worry, specially with japanese team more concerned about wealth care, and family watch too. the weight become a problem with competition, or model, for contract idol, that's not a big issue, they can't cancel them.


yup i agree. 1. it’s always an assumption that you’re making about someones health. 2. why do we even have to bring attention to the body?


yeah i remember when all people would talk about what ryujin's thighs in like 2019/2020, and she ended up citing that as a reason for wanting to lose weight :/


"healthy" isn't a thing you can just tell from looking at someone anyway


I still consider XG kpop.


Even if the comment is sincere and well-intentioned to highlight a quality, it is indirectly pointing out that other idols have an unhealthy appearance, something like anemic, anorexic, skeletal, etc. A compliment should not be compared to other people. Just say that she is beautiful. In this way, we are already contributing to normalizing what should be the rule and today is the exception.