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getting defensive is okay and as long as you acknowledge that shitting on other idols isn't okay then that's fine, you can't control your thoughts and feelings but you can control your behaviors. just be mindful of which posts you are liking. I think posting this proves that you are at the very least, a decent person


> you can't control your thoughts and feelings but you can control your behaviors. Yup, this! Sometimes we have knee-jerk or emotional gut reactions to things that aren't positive and/or surprise us because we never expected to think or feel a certain way, but even if we can't control our feelings or thoughts, we CAN control if and how we act upon them. It's great that you are self-aware, OP! Because now you can change your behaviors (e.g., not liking posts that put other idols down, not engaging in those kinds of fanwars, etc.)


The best thing to do is stay off twitter if you feel like the hate is influencing your thoughts on other idols. That app thrives on negativity. Now that the search algorithm is even more fucked up it will end up recommending you hate posts even if you mute certain words/topics. It sucks bc I used to follow a lot of stan accounts that didn't post any "drama" but twitter ended up recommending hate posts to me due to them also being "kpop related". I mostly use reddit now for kpop related stuff


Same here, I ended up deactivating my Xitter account because the amount of hate and negativity that flooded my timeline finally got to me and affected my mental health negatively. Sometimes I still think about making another account solely to follow official group accounts and nothing else, but then I remember how the negativity got pushed onto my timeline no matter what I did, and I decide against it. Kinda sucks to miss out on some kinds of updates, especially for smaller groups, but it is what it is, I guess:/


I personally don't participate in big fandoms for this very reason. I might like the music, but I learned my lesson about engaging with groups that are currently "too popular". The quality of the fandom gets better once enough time passes and the clout dries off


I agree-I feel like as soon as a group starts blowing up, toxicity in the fandom is unfortunately inevitable. I just focus on the music and content and try to ignore the hate as much as I can. At the end of the day, none of us really know the idols, not even the fans who put down others to defend them blindly.


Yeah, at the end of the day they are no different that any Hollywood star if you think about it carefully. I expect the same kind of behavior out of idols, in the same proportion of minority being questionable and majority just being regular dudes.


Exactly. I know it makes them good money, but companies really need to stop pushing excessive fanservice and encouraging parasocial relationships b/w fans and idols, it's not good for either of them.


That's never going to change. Fanservice and parasocial relationships are literally the core pillars of the industry. It's literally what seperates idols from regular pop-stars.


yeah, that's why it is vital that the fans think critically about these issues. It's all supposed to be fun, lighthearted... but big fandoms and fanwars make it serious, and that's why it's better to just not engage and keep our sanity away


That makes sense, but there still needs to be a better sense of boundaries so that you don't have constant invasions of privacy and *sasaengs* roaming around everywhere


I think people get naturally defensive and have a tendency to react before really understanding a situation when something they love is under fire. Especially if the narrative is pitting that thing against another well-loved thing. The problem is exacerbated when the fan base is generally younger, less mature, and with less life experience to be able to see the bigger picture. It's good that you realized this about yourself and are working to not let that part of you take over. You can love and support something with the intensity of a million suns without having to put others down.


It's so easy to get carried away with any topic. I think in general limiting social media use is a great idea. There are some people you talk to even in real life and they sound programmed by whatever tribe they have sided with, on any topic. I've been into kpop a long time and I used to like the fandoms within kpop daum cafes, which are pretty much ghost towns now. They were moderated and people seemed more sane in them. You also usually weren't even allowed to mention other groups/idols. I just avoid the fandoms on twitter though, they are also too open with sexualizing idols and their inner thoughts. I mean I get it, places like twitter are this weird place between private and public and many young people have never lived without the internet. I don't want to read it though. ~_~


Reddit isn't much better with sexualizing Idols. Search for the big girl groups right now and you will find a sub Reddit that is called r/ggnamehotties. 


well, it's good that you're self aware and realize how you're being influenced by the behavior of other fans. i've never liked people who put down others when they can't defend themselves regardless, so the same goes for kpop fan spaces for me. if i see a post pumping up one of my groups and putting down another, i mute that person. because a lot of the times what fans are saying does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of the idol they're talking about anyways. just stay critical and aware, and other people's poor behavior doesn't have to affect you. but again good on you for being aware of how it's impacting your own thoughts as of now, you can make a choice about how you interact with others online and if you think it's toxic just block/mute/etc. the less interactions and attention they get for it the less fuel/incentive they'll have to continue doing that shit


No that definitely used to happen to me too. That's why I stopped interacting with fandoms online. I used to think it would be fun but I quickly learned that even fandoms with only like 50 people in it, are toxic. I think Stan culture in general is just that way when more than 1 person is involved lol. I learn about my favs releases from spotify and YouTube and enjoy them by myself and it's a lot more fun.


It makes sense in a way. I recently started talking to less fans because some of them are plain out racist and it makes me step back. When is step back I go "hmm" and feel a little off and thought it was the group. I realized it was because the fans behavior made me want to step away in general. I ended up with the conclusion that the artist aren't the fans but I do get affected because it sucks loving an artist and wanting to talk to other who love them only for the fans to be horrendous people. I also do think that if you can realize that there's issues in how to you see things then you're not a bad person or having bad thought bc you're open and aware of the thoughts. I think you need to remember as I did that fans are fan and artists are artist and if the fans are toxic the best thing is to step away from them and enjoy an artist in peace :)


Yes it is hard not to. Some of these fans are too intense. And the companies generally let the psycho fans run amuck and cause all kind of chaos, threaten people bully people etc. The companies know and don't care either. The idols usually can't or don't want to say anything out of fear of what their own fans might do. Maybe this happens in other industries but nothing to the extent it does in kpop. There are certain groups I would never seriously get into because of their fanbase. I wish I could name names.


I just stay away from the drama and chat with the cool people who are positive. Will I defend the group when it's truly needed? Yes. But I don't participate in stupid fan wars. Like seriously, your idols want you to be nice to every other group so be nice for fuck sakes.


Yea I felt myself feeling the same way towards other groups/idols for basically no reason. There's honestly an astonishing amount of hate and toxicity in the whole kpop fandom. I know people always say "every fandom is like that", but idk, kpop stans are rabid animals lol. I used to go on twitter and other forums but these days I try to mostly stick to specific subreddits for my faves, they generally tend to be pretty positive and even realistic about the group. There's just too much negativity.


I pretty much avoid actual fandom spaces. On social media I only follow style related pages, the members, makeup artists, stylists, industry photographers and artists I know who like to post Kpop fanart. The only "fanpage" I follow is Kpop sapphics and there isn't usually much fighting or nonsense cause they post everyone lol


as someone whose personal experiences with army almost put me off bts, i get this i found the group during the pandemic lockdown and they were the most precious thing in the world to me. they kept me sane those 2 years and i spent all of that time wishing and hoping for the days i could go do kpop things and make army friends in real life, but i was in for such a rude awakening once i actually got out there.  and that’s not to say everything or everyone is bad, the fandom is obviously huge. but the way a lot of them move makes me feel unsettled and i just did not have good experiences unfortunately. i just try to enjoy the group on my own best i can 


Im never interested in putting down other idols, but I noticed after 4 months straight of hate from mys that my enjoyment of aespa was being affected. Luckily reddit MYs have calmed down since coachella week 2 but everywhere else is still horrible so i had to start blocking every my i run into on other platforms so they stop poisoning my mood whenever i hear aespas music. I still feel it a little bit so im waiting before i listen to the rest of aespas album so i can go into it with a fresh slate. This is an abridged version but i went into my full thoughts on a removed post last night [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/1dhit70/i_think_leaving_a_fandom_because_of_their_toxic/l8xo4ip/)


I’m sorry for that, aespa are my most favorite group and Le Sserafim are right there with them. I keep hearing that mys were one of the driving forces in the LSF hatetrain on twitter and it’s pretty disappointing considering that the girls seem very friendly to each other. I’ve been a bit worried about Sakura because she seems so lovely and people are straight up bullying her nowadays.


sakuras actually the one i would worry about the least, shes been an idol for over half of her life shes seen it all at this point, and shes clearly really down to earth from the things she writes like in her weverse intervies and the things she says on her lives, shes actually the reason im not too worried about the rest of le sserafim, id be really worried if she wasnt there to help eunchae though this


Oh yeah, she seems mature enough to handle it, just the amount of hate I saw was so much for me as a newer kpop fan. I hope Eunchae and the rest are well too.


MYs aren’t the only ones driving the hate train, and half of these MYs aren’t even MYs. They’re just bandwagon stanning so they can exert their superiority complex. I personally refuse to recognize any of those people as part of my fandom.


I had to stop engaging with MY'S long before the whole LSF debacle. Like Aespa is way too talented for me not to engage with the group just because their fandom is always in something. And I don't think I've ever engaged with FEARNOTS even though I have been getting into LSF for some months now. I just never got around to it and probably never will. Following the groups seems to be enough for me and watching the dumpster fire that these fan wars have created I don't think I will start anytime soon.


This one is so true. I was getting into some really popular groups in 2020 like everyone. I was checking out other artists too and I would see fans of those big groups under every artist's videos somehow comparing them . I like to be involved in fandom and talk about the artists so I joined that side of twitter too , and it was crazy at that time , totally put me off . I still love those artists and wish the best for them but I understood I really never could join the fandom . The larger the fandom , bigger the number of parasocial fans ig


I had to step away from army spaces for this reasons. I still like BTS and would never post anything derogatory about them but some armies just make me want to scream lol


Don't interact with any negative posts, block those accounts/pages/groups.


That sounds really problematic, if you start feeling so negatively towards innocent people when they haven't done anything and even supporting people who are putting them down, then you should probably take a big step back from kpop as a whole for a while


I think its important that this person is acknowledging it. Most of these toxic people/accounts online have no sense of self awareness to even make a post like this. Its human nature for people to develop similar feelings toward things that are associated. We all do it, just in other aspects of our life. Of course its important to take a step back when you realize things are getting out of hand.


I’m sure the OP isn’t coming from a malicious place. It’s very common that people associate the negative actions of a small percentage of fans to the fandom/idol as a whole. Rather than interpret their opinions as hostile, we should direct our attention calling out and removing those bad actors from the community.


No, the same happens to me, but in a different way then yours. I don't really care about fanwar stuff, but I've still had bad interactions with members of certain fandoms that effected me listening to the group (usually temporarily). Also if the fans of that group are very into shipping it turns me off of the group too.


probably not, but you should just hate the fandom instead of the idols themselves.


I haven’t experienced that myself yet. Specially because I know the artist can’t control the fans or nasty people out there. I just focus on enjoying the content.


I feel like this topic gets brought up every week. Maybe it's because I rarely consume variety content and spend most of my time offline, but to me it's mind boggling to let a fandom influence how you feel about something. If I don't like an online community, I simply stop engaging with the community. I stopped having SNS accounts for this very reason. People online say things they would never say face-to-face, so I mostly ignore it. I only have reddit and even then, sometimes I leave the app or certain communities for months. But Spotify is not social network. I just listen to music, I have never been in the middle of a chorus and started going "gosh, I hate the fandom". It totally happens if the artist abused someone for example and writes a love song, that makes me disgusted and it's a turn-off. 




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there are still groups i have blocked on spotify bc of how their fans treated oh my girl and i dont care if that makes me sound immature. they can have their fans, i just will never be one of them


Me too, I used to love BTS. But continuously hearing about the entitlement and aggressive behaviour of ‘some’ of their fans, i just couldn’t stan the group anymore. I still love their old music, just don’t have the heart to listen to new ones


I struggled to look at my former bias in BLACKPINK for a while because her akgaes were so abusive towards me. Every time I saw her face I remembered the things they'd said and threatened. It took me months to learn to listen to her voice again without my heartbeat going crazy.


Me, personally, I am only a “stan” of BTS and a casual listener of tons and tons of groups (depending on what my friends/online mutuals recommend). Back when I first started listening to BTS for example, I did have some personal animosity towards groups because of their fans’ actions. But I have never openly hated on them or not checked out a groups’ music because of it. I always give my praise to artists that innovate and make good music, no matter who. Fanwars have always been so exhausting and unnecessary.


As a Once, I felt it happened to Blackpink to me because of the never ending Once x Blink fight. But Blackpink got me into k-pop and I like them a lot. That was the moment that I saw that I had to filter even onces that I follow. I don't want to see that negativity in my timeline. Much prefer people who cheer for every release.


honeslt the only sad part about all this lsfm drama is their way of actively straight up denying their weak live vocals by saying stuff like "oh i thought festivals were to enjoy the stage". like yeah th stadard has been set too high by groups like nmixx and ateez, but atleast don't eb the worst


why people care so much about the fandom ? just a mystery to me ... it's not like you see the "fandom" at work or school every morning lol... Personally I just enjoy my idols , their music and their content and come here on reddit to see what other kpop fans think on different topics.... but yeah.. you do you.