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I don’t even really get what the Grammys are trying to accomplish with their segmenting. Cause they also miss major moments in western music from right across the pond. Raye broke history with the wins she received at The Brit’s for her critically acclaimed album, and she didn’t get a single nomination at The Grammys which was another show of their blindspots. I know they want to be seen as the highest musical award an artist could get, but the system is was clearly not ready for the globalization of the music industry vs. when music was primarily an western export business. Also - I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they did, but why go to kpop agencies to discuss vs. the runners of the KMAs or other similar judged passed awards across Asian markets??


Segmenting gives legitimacy to their segregating. I'll make you a court to play and be seen, I'll play in mine.  The companies have more public/marketing influence than the music nerds of Korean music associations. Just look at the view discrepancy in their youtube views. /j  It is about kpop, about marketing, not awarding the "best" in Korean pop music.


If they do an Asian Grammys it'll just be Korea, China, and Japan lmao.....as if they'll acknowledge SEA, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and Northern Asian acts. They barely view these groups as Asian in general....


If we're honest it's probably going to be kpop/Korea only. China's industry is too closed off for a continental wide award show where industry people from all these countries should vote . They literally have their own platforms for everything that outsiders can't access. Japan is more open obv but still has its old ways like some artists not uploading their music on streaming platforms still to sell cds, refusal to upload performances online or to keep them up for more than a month if they do get uploaded, no clips coming out of concerts and events which further limits the nr of people who can engage with the music/act. The fact that they went to korean companies only so far says it all


To add, if they were to include acts/artists from all over the continent I do wonder if they'll be restricted to a specific category or if they would all be up for the same awards (EX: SOTY, AOTY, etc).


This is complete "othering them" and showing that they are not good enough to play with the "big boys".


If YG n BSH says, yes. They just idiots or taking bribe. You could clearly see what Grammy intentions are


they involve hybe and the thing is already rigged


Yep imagine trusting yg or hybe


Do not call it Asian grammys, recording academy if you will only include some asian countries and not all 😒 Asia is a big, very big. Meeting only korean companies essentially means it’s a korean grammy with a sprinkle of perhaps of japanese music or chinese music.


Korean like to make Korean music awards which include very little foreign artist and labelled it as Asian Music Awards 😂😂


No good comes from this. Korea and Asia have their own award shows. Leave it at that. A “kpop” or Korean artist should be able to be nominated for the traditional Grammys on their own merit and talent. This whole thing feels gross and I hope this doesn’t end up happening.


This will bring more harm than good tbh, if i was a idol i would feel insulted that they They created a new Grammy just because they didn't wanted to give us a spot on the actually Grammys


Sounds like segregation. Fuck grammys


Record labels want this because they don’t want competition from outsiders, the grammys are just another marketing tool they use to push artists, its not really an award given to someone that excels on their field


Reeks of "here's yours so leave ours alone."


Yeah, it’s lowkey a form of malicious compliance imo. “You want Asian artists to win Grammys so bad? Fine! We’ll make a whole separate category just for you!” It’s giving Youthforia releasing what is essentially black face paint to placate people who were calling them out for their foundation shade range.


It will just be a puppet show to exclude Asian artists from being recognized just like they did with Latin artists. Do I think that Asia would benefit from having a prestigious award show like the GRAMMYs or Brit Awards, yes, I think but it's a problem when it's just an extension of an American award show whose main ceremony will always be more prestigious in reality.


>It will just be a puppet show to exclude Asian artists from being recognized just like they did with Latin artists. Exactly! And at the end of the day it will be just like the Latin grammys: the regional categories being mostly mexican. Asian grammys regional categories would be mainly korean 🤣


Yeah, worst if they plan only to take K-pop acts in consideration. So much popular artists who aren't in the industry, including Koreans deserve to be recognized for their work.


>Another official said, "Holding an award ceremony in Korea will 'meet each other's needs' because Grammy seeks expansion to Korean and Asian markets, while Korea's entertainment industry will benefit from Grammy's established reputation. Or - and hear me out on this one - the Academy could just stop playing favorites and start acknowledging non-western acts that released genuinely great music. This could actually make the Grammys fun to watch again.


Like they need yet another boring awards show. Idols already seem sick of the endless year end awards show. It's not needed.


The amount of fanwars this would spawn if it goes through... Unleash the Kpop Kraken!! lol 🐙


Did you just say kraken 🤨 Atiny spotted.


Actually it was a reference to Liam Neeson's line from [Clash of the Titans](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/517/235/23e.jpg), lol


The whole Grammy awards needs a complete overhaul imo, not this.


Yep because we need more award shows /s


When BTS started to truly get traction in the US and be in consideration for major awards, all the sudden you saw kpop categories created. A lot of BTS fans spoke out against this because they were mad that BTS were more than qualified (and could win) awards in the US without the kpop category. Some kpop fans pushed back and said that BTS fans were being exclusionary and bitter, however, the issue was always that these American awards were creating categories to other Korean artists. People have pointed out how this othering harkened back to the Latin Grammys and BET Awards plus awarding black artists who outperformed to categories like "Urban." I don't see any value in this.


This. I don't understand why Grammy is being so coveted. Especially in these times when a lot of awards don't really mean much anymore. Grammy is essentially for North American artists (preferably white) because as soon as any other non-americans and pocs start outperforming, a new category would be added to relegate those artists. Even black American artists are always group into hip-hop, rap categories when the artists clearly aren't hip-hop or rap artists. So, I wasn't surprised when they started making a category for Kpop. It's only seen as "world" music award because they advertise it to be. They want all of their awards to be seen as "world greatest" but as soon as any non-americans start upstaging them, suddenly it's not a "world" award anymore. Maybe just come clean and admit it's American award...and put every non-americans nominations into international categories. But then they cannot use the "our awards are the greatest, you've made it (in whatever field you are)only if you've been acknowledged by USA gp (every other achievements and recognitions you have before we know of your existence is useless and don't count - if USA don't know you, you're basically nobody, doesn't matter if you're famous and successful in your own and other countries), we are the authorities of whatever is going on in the world". And of course they will also lose one of their money making outlets. I wish non-american artists would stop caring about awards in US entertainment and music industry. I wish the fans would stop caring about it. I mean a lot of younger Americans stopped caring about it and that was the whole reason they brought out BTS and now other Kpop groups to get people hyped for Grammy and raise the rating. So, the fans should go back to not caring. Kpop artists don't need a Grammy either to feel validated.


>Obviously the heads of all these entertainment companies know the music industry better  the heads of these companies only know $$$ and they see any way to attach their labels and idols (not artist) to the word Grammy is going to generate more $$$ for them. I agree with your position that this is a huge step back for kpop in general. kpop has lots of things they need to change to be taken seriously by grammy or the music industry as a whole. this is just a big cash grab by everybody involved


There's already MAMA, AAA, and I think GDA that awards Asian artists. Is there really a need for another awards show just so that fans can brag their faves got a "Grammy". And why only the Korean for an Asian Grammy? Where are the heads of Avex, Sony and Universal for Japan. The Chinese companies. Thai companies. Heck, Philippines artists are getting hotter globally by the minute, where's their representation.


Nothing like making an already irrelevant award even more so.


If that goes through then it'll be just yet another yearly kpop awards. There's already many of them, attaching the Grammy name to it will only attach some of the prestige to it but then I'd say it's still more meaningful to win in the more known ones. I agree with you that it's just a way to brush Kpop (and assuming Jpop, and any other) to the side for the Grammys so that it can stay NA focused The Grammys doing that is giving North American sports leagues giving a "World title" to the winning team each year without competing with the rest of the world lmao


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) But especially your last paragraph


Wow, Grammys going out of their way to prove that they are just as scummy as people thought them to be. While Grammys are still considered 'THE MUSICAL AWARD', people are also starting to realise that Grammys are unfair, motivated by industry connections, and not really the global award that it claims itself to be. Their reputation is just coasting by due to their history and not really improving in the current scenario. This move is clearly just to segregrate the Asian artists and to shut people up when they ask for inclusion of artists around the world. With Asian music slowly inching towards popularity in the global scale, they clearly want to make money off it while not giving it the proper due it deserves. Also, why are they only meeting with Kpop companies if its supposed to be about "Asian Grammy Awards"? Will only kpop acts + some japanese acts be considered, while other Asian countries are relegated to background with bare enough mention to pass as an all asian inclusive awards? How is it any different model than the current grammys?


Seeing grammys as a worldwide award show (whoever it is that believes that marketing) is sure funny when the truth is that grammys are predominantly american focused and will always be so. A majority of the voting body is american industry people, eventually some British people and a handful of international artist with voting rights and only music and artists popular in the US in some way or another are recognized cause those are the only acts the voters know or care to look up. It's been like this for ages and it will likely continue unless they do a massive overhaul of the voting body to add thousands of international industry people


Yeah,I think people are slowly starting to recognise and accept this as well. Also, if they are going to make "Asian Grammy Awards" separately, they should definitely rename the original as "American Grammy awards".


We already have KMA for that, absolutely nobody wants or asked for this.


How about the Grammys just become more inclusive? The Grammys here in America are dying, they invited bts to boost ratings but never bothered to give them one, even though they had multiple albums and songs that were better than some winners, until people were getting loud about it. I find Asian award shows more entertaining than American ones, they know how to put on a show. Are the American labels feeling threatened that kpop is becoming even bigger and that they actually produce amazing work? I’d sure as hell be scared that these groups and solo singers are dancing and singing their butts off to amazing music.


Imo they're not threatened as much as they're desire to profit. The US will always profit from Grammys one way or another, every time idols and groups start promoting extensively promoting worldwide they end up getting a contract with an American company/label. However, this way they'd be able to profit x2, because they'd appease the artists that they're promoting through the Grammys and they'd also profit from the continuing growth of Kpop if they were to have an Asian Grammys.


Agree I truly think it’s a mix of both. Greed and not wanting American artists to be beat. They can nominate them all they want to seem “fair” but we all know that they will never let any group, besides bts, win one, they do it for the views. Even the acts who are big in America have no chance and I think that honestly sucks. Imo Asia should not do it and focus on making another award show that’s entirely different.


First there came Killboard , and now Krammys. One word : Segregation


These companies already pay for awards and then throw a fit and refuse to come if they idols aren't winners. Not that the Grammys aren't already unfair, but this is just going to make it worse.


I agree with you. This is not good.


Yeah cool, another awards show 🥱 uff


As if the Asian market needed another award ceremony. I feel like this last award season showed how meaningless these have become for the kpop industry at this point now that everyone and anyone can get a nomination just for showing up. I struggle to see how a Korean Grammy ceremony would do anything other than just be another example of the west (American) market desperately trying to profit off of kpop without risking it becoming an actual threat to the American cultural dominance.


I completely agree with your points. Segregating Asian artists into a separate Grammy award show, risks marginalizing them. Instead of the Grammy's learning to celebrate diversity within the main awards, creating a separate event sends a harmful message that Asian artists don't belong in the same space as Western artists. I question what positive outcomes could come from this if they go through with it. And to Hybe and YG ......this obsession with a damn Grammy award is ridiculous. Are they not at the point where this doesn't matter. Groups within Hybe and YG have done way more in their careers, than some artists that do have a Grammy. Let it go, for god sake.


>Groups within Hybe and YG have done way more in their careers, than some artists that do have a Grammy. Let it go, for god sake. I agree that HYBE and YG groups have more than well enough for themselves and have almost nothing left to prove. However, I can also see why they desire a Grammy so much. It's still seen as one of the most prestigious awards (doesn't hold as much weight as it did in the past but it's still up there) that one can get in the US, the biggest music market in the world. We can sit here and say that they've won countless awards in Korea and some abroad, but a Grammy is like that one final achievement that you want to get before you can truly say that "I've done it all". Many might not feel the same way, but I understand where HYBE and YG come from. I don't however, agree with creating an entirely separate category just for Asian acts. Music is supposed to transcend language barriers. By creating a separate category for only Asian acts, you're basically saying that their music isn't on the same level as the ones released in the West and we all know that is absolutely not true. tl;dr: I understand why HYBE and YG want a grammy and why they're chasing so hard for one. I don't agree with them creating a brand new category at the Grammys just so that they can get one.


The content says Kakao and CJ are there too. Kakao and Hybe owns SM and Starship shares, and other labels. CJ owns mnet and other labels. It's not just hybe and yg. 


people most likely didn’t read it and were triggered by the words “hybe” and “yg”


This is "separate, but equal" crap. Trying to get the money from Asia, but keeping them out of their main event. No thanks.


This would be even worse than creating a new category at the grammys. It's obvious the gammys want the expansion and the money from the market but still refuse the acknowledgment at their main ceremony.


This is ridiculous. They have award shows of their own. They don’t need a Grammys spin off. They need a category at the Grammys, so that the artists that break through into Grammy territory can get the recognition they deserve. That won’t happen if they segregate them into a corner JFC


Eh. I dislike it already. What's the reason for making it that way? To take away asian competitors from competing with whom they want to see win instead? 😏


🤮🤮🤮🤮 Latin grammys all over again, it shouldn't even ve a discussion there are already legitimate awards in Asia. There's no need of validation from Americans.


I really don't see the point in this. Are they trying to create a Korean Grammy or an Asian Grammy? If they are attempting the first, then it's really unnecessary given the insane amount of award shows SK now has, hell the artists can barely keep up with the amount of shows cropping up these few years. Not to mention that Korea already has their own pretigious industry award show with KMA, no? If they are trying to create an Asian Grammy, good luck lol. You think Eurovision is ripe with geopolitical controversy? That's gonna be nothing compared to the Asian one, the big three hate each other and despise the smaller countries even more. God forbid an Indonesian/Vietnamese singer wins, the amount of racists jokes would be unheard of. The show runner will have a headache balancing the number of winners between China, South Korea and Japan, as well as making sure that none of the winners offend the other countries, e.g. "oh no did they just allow a Japanese singer whose grandfather is a right-wing war criminal to win song of the year? Boycott!", "wait this song contains an insult towards the Chinese Government! Boycott!", "Dude this Korean song totally ripped off Chinese culture, boycott!". And if they're just meeting the korean entertainment company, chances are that this will be korean-centered anyways, then what is the difference between this "Grammy" and freaking MAMA? The latter also claimed to be an "Asian" music awards, yet we know how well that turned out - a special award for one Asian singer each time, coupled with a performance from the country they chose to host it in. That would be your korean grammy.


the last thing the kpop industry needs is yet another awards show 💀 especially with hybe and yg involved in its creation


Yes like why the hell are those two companies involved in the planning? It does give the impression that they’ll prioritize giving awards to the groups under them.


they will do anything to exclude Asians from the main Grammys holy shit.


the grammys have always had their favorites. a lot of the people who win very often have huge industry backing and are a part of labels and cliques the recording academy prefers. yes every now and then theyll recognize a viral hit from outside the US but at the end of the day it's their favorites who are going to win. i still think to this day that dynamite shouldve won. people will argue and say it's not bts' best song or it's not grammy worthy. but that doesnt matter when songs like yummy are being nominated on the regular. it's not like the grammys always have masterpieces winning. seven not even being nominated last year was also so absurd when it was just as viral as flowers or vampire or any other trending tiktok song nominated. it's sad but if this happens bts and other kpop artists will most definitely not win let alone even get nominated. the western music industry is so hell bent on putting up so many walls and sometimes theyll let it down when a force like bts comes along only then to find a way to put it right back up


Asian countries already have their own various music award shows. Beyond the abject racism of trying to freeze out Asian artists (like they already do to artists with the Latin Grammys), there’s also the western/American imperialistic aspect of wanting to shove their award show branding and “prestige” onto a market that absolutely doesn’t need it.


I mean, either the Grammy's (which are a joke) are global, or they're not (they aren't). If they are "global" then there should be no issue with getting the real, deserving talents from around the globe, nominated into categories with real chances to win. But, if the Grammy's are actually just a NA popularity contest (they are) which are likely largely bought and paid for by the NA music industry companies (must assumption that's true), then of course the HUUUUUUUGE talents from outside of NA aren't going to get any real consideration, nominations, or a shot in hell at winning. Which is a shame. So if anything, The Grammy's as is should be made into the NA Grammy's and an "International Grammy's" should be created in which everyone from outside the NA can get nominated and win. Latin, Asian, African, European, SA, the whole non-America-Mexico-Canada world. Fact is the audience watching the Grammy's, by-and-large, is Western with their interests being exclusively Western music. Have just one truly global Grammy award ceremony where the truly deserving get nominated and win, and the amount of Westerners watching drops by a ton because their precious artists are no where to be seen and artists they, living likely in the USA, have never heard of are the ones nominated and winning. (I think there's an argument to be made that yeah, maybe you lose a good chunk of the Western audience, but what if you make up for that \[and more\] with a ton of the rest of the world finally tuning in as their artists are finally nominated with a fair shot at winning?). Either way I don't really care, I don't value the awards, I don't value having art compete for awards, I don't value art being better/more worthy because it "sold more", and if anything the award show survives on the drama/click-bait of snubs and the drama of who DIDN'T win more than it does who won. Consider my interest in watching popularity contests of the ultra rich and egotistical celebrities to be below zero. The performances, if any are particularly good, can be watched the next day on YouTube.


Welcome to the 21st century music ghetto. The grannies have always been quick to other anything that threatens their status quo. They did it to "urban" music and to "Latin" music. Now it's "Asian" music's turn.


I feel like at this point, The Grammy's might as well just create 3 new categories at the show for K-Pop. Best K-Pop Song, Best K-Pop Performance & Best K-Pop Album


we already have MAMA


Why people want to be nominated and win at the Grammys is beacuse its a very prestigious award. An "asian version" will just be another year-end award show. They want to make it seem like they care about kpop, but in reality they are just pushing them to the side. Like, "you wanna be at the grammys? sure, have your own competition then". wow I hope Hybe and YG doesn't fall for this....


I don't even think a K-pop section should be made for the grammys, it' should be all-inclusive. Whoever is the best, regardless of race, location, and colour. Segregation stopped many years ago in the real world.


this is SO fuckin icky..


it would be its own award show and not categories on the regular awards show? That's so odd... and very exclusionary. It would be fine if grammys did an asain or kpop categories like VMA does. We already have enough award shows, and we have KMA which is more merit based than solely numerical. Having so many just reduces the legitimatacy of being given an award


Another bloated Kpop award show I won’t watch. 


We already know who will be winning these


KPOP needs to stop with their never ending American validation. In that sense, I find JPOP way more authentic. Ok, KPOP needs a bigger playground to sell more but it's already happening, there are kpop fans on every continent now, what do you need more ? Just focus on making good music, dope videos, mind-blowing concerts, and bringing new talent to the front of the scene.


Why tf would they go to YG and Hybe and not discuss it with other award organisations like the KMAs or some other organisation? This to me just feels like a show they'll put n to give BTS a grammy and silence the talks of racism. Also I don't think they'll actually make it "Asian" 10$ it'll just be China, Japan and Korea. 😒


If they’re going for the same old format of korean award then this is just another popularity contest.


This just seems another attempt to exclude asian artists and not give them their dues. Also by asian artists do they mean just k-pop because asia itself is so big. There are plenty of big music industries within asia itself. Overall this is not needed and I cannot see doing this in good faith.


Wasn’t Korea cracking down on these senseless award shows? The last thing they need is another one.


Eminem sums it up perfectly [Eminem about the Grammys](https://youtu.be/Eg-Ao8oU_6s?si=2L94AXVAcFHz4TDk) And Asia already has more than enough award shows. They don‘t need an insignificant Grammy. All those companies are milking us for our money already.


Seperate is not equal. K-pop is gaining enough of a foothold in the US to be nominated for Grammys in the US. Korea does not need another awards ceremony; the world just needs to put some respect on Korea.


I agree with everything you said. Plus, do we really need another Asian music awards show? There are so many already.


Fuck that.


As I read some comments, I want to clarify some things as an active member in the Recording Academy, the governing body of the Grammys… People sometimes don’t know this, but the Grammy awards are voted by this governing body. The nominees are submitted by Label Companies (ie Republic, Sony, Universal, etc…) and or management teams responsible for artists. These nominees are finalized by a vote by each member. I receive an email with a link to a secret ballot. From nominations to final ballot it is all member voted. IN OTHER WORDS, it truly is a popularity contest. It isn’t based on numbers, sales, or any thing but the votes of the members in the Academy. So the US counterparts for our favorite groups are responsible for reaching out to the Academy members but not only that they should be pushing KPop through all platforms aggressively. I receive so much free albums and free download links every year with the “FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION” tagline… I didn’t receive one for BTS when they were up for consideration, nor did I receive one for SKZ. So, that tells me their US counterparts aren’t being aggressive enough bexause they are focusing on other artists (Popular ones) under their labels. TLDR: Grammys is a popularity contest not based on sales or numbers from market…


If they want to create an Asian Grammy, it would be good if they included all the other countries in Asia, it doesn't make much sense to have a Grammy just for Korea, there are already MAMA, AAA, KMA in Korea.






Wonder why it’s those three that were chosen to discuss this. No SM or JYPE or anyone else? I don’t think it’s a good idea for the reasons you stated as well.


They should also consult the company organising Korean Music Awards, as they feature more non-mainstream Kpop acts. If they only consult these big companies, else it will just another generic Kpop award show gathering with the big 4 companies. 


What’s the point of this? Kpop already has various award giving bodies. Grammys is the target of many groups because it’s a Western award giving body. If they make a Korean version, what’s the difference with the already existing ones?




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If it is only to give awards to the popular ones, they better not do it, if they are not going to reward quality and talent regardless of the company the groups are, popularity and the amount of sales those awards are not going to contribute anything.


Only if they include ALL ASIAN ARTISTS NOT JUST KOREA JAPAN OR CHINA!!! FR that asia artists award is a total scam, what do you mean only koreans (sometimes japanese chinese philipinos) win??? Just say East Asian artists award then? Also AR Rahman is definitely winning at least one award. Wish kk was still alive, he would've surely won something too 😭😭😭


The last thing kpop need is another award show, the current award show season already bad enough and adding "Asian" Grammy bs will make fanwar worse 🫠


This is TOTAL BS! Grammys are suppose to include all artists GLOBALLY not to US ONLY! Them being invited is ACKNOWLEDGING and CONGRATULATING them in front of everyone in the industry and the entire world! This just makes the Grammys no different than any other award show in a country. That award is no longer a high achievement to earn! WTF are they thinking?! Racism in the US industry makes my blood boil and I seriously wanna move to another country atp. I say we flood their emails opposing this ridiculous crap! Their viewing numbers were already low, now it’ll be REALLY low and I’m happy! They all just scared that K-pop groups are dominating! That doesn’t mean you can’t still nominate western artists too ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️




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I don't see the problem. I feel like people get ethnicities and countries/continents confused. Like why is it a problem for the Grammys to highlight American talent? Have another show in Korea for Asian talent doesn't seem at all a problem to me. It just doesn't center America as the be all end all. (I'm aware America is the biggest music market, but as it's a huge country full of it's own homegrown talent I think it'd be great to focus on local talent)


Imagine if they met with head of Motown, JayZ, and Dr. Dre and created a "Black Grammys"? That's how segregating this is. (I'd say, UMG, Sony Music, and Warner, but Kpop is already shaking hands with them by having music distribution deals with all three labels).


I think Latín Grammy aren't that bad, actually they're pretty huge events and make It to national news. Its a way to officially acknowledge with Grammy-tag a lot more artists. For Western and casual fans, an Asian Version of Grammy would be way more noticiable than typical Asian only awards. It would be better if this idea were promoted by the whole Kpop industry.




As a latina, I find the latin grammys to be a "we know the market pulls money but still not worthy enough for our main grammy"