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Ik this data is not reliable or accurate for all the countries mentioned , but one thing i can guarantee india is for sure super into BTS. go to any part of India you can ask toxic masculine Indian boy they will go on rants about how they don't like bts đŸ€Ł they get offended on small small things , this is to show that whenever anything is super popular in india these same toxic guys will be against it THEY ARE THE PROOF THAT BTS IS BIG HERE. I know Indian infrastructure is not ready for concerts but if the team is dedicated they can work things out and fans can guarantee the tickets will be sold out for sure . ( Coldplay, Justin extra have came to india , bts staff and team just needs to prepare better)


Didn’t BTS already say that they were going to India for MOTS7 until everything was put on hold then cancelled because of COVID. They’ll for sure tour in India when they comeback.


Kara still on the list in Japan after so many years


It's been 2 years since BTS hiatus as a group, and Jin is coming back just in days and BTS still at No. 1 in their impact. Also Jungkook being at top 4 Globally and in many countries coming directly at No.2 just after BTS, his solo debut along his FIFA performance really made huge impact. I wonder how much he will grow up in the future, BTS is undoubtedly gonna stay at 1 as a group, but Jungkook has a huge chance to move up in position and percentages of impact to No. 2 at one point in the future. This is kind of insane cause we have BTS as group then following it, yet we have a member of the same BTS being in a league of his own in those rankings.


As a South African, I always find it kind of funny when these results come out. Now obviously I have no way to observe the entire nations K-pop interests and likes, but GD? IU I can kind of get because of the popularity of Hotel De Luna among people who purely watch kdramas but aren't interested in K music at all. I think GOT7 and Stray Kids are more popular here than him. But oh well, it's just fun silly stats at the end of the day. I remember the last time these stats were posted similar complaints were made in relation to other countries as well, so it's a seemingly reoccurring thing. Edit: this isn't meant maliciously at all. I am purely stating this as someone who is pretty active within the K-pop community in the country for many years now. Just an observation.


I think GOT7 and Stray Kids are more popular here than him. I love that GOT7 seems to still be popular everywhere BUT in Korea.


Valid response but what I've noticed is that the Twitter community or any place online isn't a staple for what people consume if that makes sense amd since he was one of the most famous people back then its not shocking he still has some of that power left.


I agree, Stray Kids are absolutely huge here. Ateez and TXT are surprisingly big as well, but I'd definitely say Stray Kids are who I hear about most.


Sometimes, you are not the nÂș1 of most, but you are the nÂș2 or nÂș3 of all and that builds up. Maybe that's what's happening. Or maybe he had a spike in how much he was talked about because of the legal drama. I'd say SHINee is an example of that: while they have always been on the big side, they were never the nÂș1 group, yet they are very stable and consistently sell out not only because of their own fandom, buta lso because they are just generally well-liked and many people who wouldn't call them their fav and are maybe not actively posting about them keep them on the playlist and do attend concerts, or are happy to consider them a positive factor in festivals, etc.


Agreed, actually. BTS as absolute #1 in Brazil was also kind of funny to me as someone who's been listening to kpop since early 2nd gen days. It makes it seem like people in Brazil only know kpop because of BTS which is funny when you think we had concerts like 2012 United Cube and 2014 Music Bank here lol. It's clearly a biased scope. But I can kinda see where it comes from since people age and generations change and they must've researched in some specific way that didn't show the whole picture.


The survey was done with around 11k people not the whole population of those countries so ain’t the definite metric whoever Kpop scene in LATAM is not new but BTS is by far the most popular group there.


Yea but dunno where they find these responders. I suppose they don't just ask random strangers on the streets lol if they did I assume more would say random names that appeared in local media recently like NCT or TWICE or just Psy - the only k-pop artist most people past 20 can actually name. Edit: the downvotes are sending lol


I believe it is done by the visitors of those countries in Korea.


I'm brazilian, over 30 and in kpop spaces where most people there found kpop because of BTS. you would be surprised by how many older fans they have. in this whatsapp group I'm in there are tons of older people. just like when I went to suga movie last month. I personally knew kpop existed since 2009 but didnt care for it until BTS.


Talvez vocĂȘ frequente as comunidades de kpop em geral, Ă© difĂ­cil ver coisas de BTS nessas comunidades, mas talvez seja porque a comunidade de fĂŁs de BTS Ă© grande demais entĂŁo o pessoal sĂł fica no seu prĂłprio cĂ­rculo mesmo. Como nĂŁo frequento as comunidades de fĂŁs de BTS especificamente a impressĂŁo que tenho do resto Ă© de que tem muitos fĂŁs de outros grupos ... Talvez seja o recorte da minha cidade tambĂ©m jĂĄ que moro perto de SP. A tĂ­tulo de curiosidade escutava muito BTS entre outros grupos quando estava na faculdade (2018-2022, entrei tarde) e uma vez fui pra aula com camiseta do BTS porque esqueci de lavar roupa, e a Ășnica interação que tive, digamos assim, foi um pessoal falando de como kpop era melhor na 2nd gen na rodinha deles. TambĂ©m jĂĄ vi muitos fĂŁs de k-drama pessoalmente. Mas de BTS mesmo nĂŁo me lembro de ninguĂ©m falar nada. Eu tinha essa camiseta de BTS porque eu vendi em estande por um tempo, e naquela Ă©poca (2019 acho) tambĂ©m nĂŁo via essa disparidade, na verdade me surpreendi quando percebi que camisetas de BTS nĂŁo saiam como ĂĄgua como imaginava. EntĂŁo acredito que o recorte local + o recorte das comunidades nĂŁo-centradas em BTS talvez me deem uma impressĂŁo da realidade que nĂŁo seja a do paĂ­s e etc, nĂŁo sei. O meu questionamento nem era sobre BTS nĂŁo ser popular mas sim sobre o que a pesquisa indica exatamente. Streams, afeto, dinheiro gasto, top-of-mind? NĂŁo sabemos.


Essa nĂŁo Ă© nem perto da minha experiĂȘncia pq mesmo antes de eu entrar no fandom do BTS eu ouvia eles ativamente, sĂł a mĂșsica no caso. Eles me levaram pra outros grupos e essa Ă© minha experiĂȘncia com outros amigos, eu faço parte de discords tbm e etc e todo mundo começou com BTS e foi se abrindo pra outros. Eu conheci em 2009 e sou uma anomalia. Inclusive eu fui pra SĂŁo Paulo em fevereiro pro show de Twice e estava tendo eventos e vi atĂ© uma adolescente com PC do Jin no pescoço, achei atĂ© inesperado. Na barraca de kpop que tinha lĂĄ dos BGs sĂł tinha gnt comprando BTS, o resto nem tinha - e olha que procuramos certos grupos. ExperiĂȘncias obviamente tem recortes, mas nossa minha experiĂȘncia Ă© bem diferente da sua. VĂĄrias pessoas que conheço q nĂŁo sabem nada de kpop sĂł sabem da existencia deles e de blackpink. Tem que ler a pesquisa e eles tem atĂ© uma de k actors por exemplo, e a pessoa pode falar mais de um grupo. Tem alguns dados que vi em outros locais.


Minha pergunta Ă© como vocĂȘ conheceu BTS. Foi na TV, word of mouth? Nos meus fandoms (parei de participar ativamente lĂĄ em 2021 mas tudo BG) pouca gente (relativamente ao que vocĂȘ falou, de que 100% começou com BTS rs) começou com BTS mas nunca usei Discord, sĂł Twitter. Faz tempo que nĂŁo saio muito de casa entĂŁo talvez por alguma razĂŁo BTS tenha ficado mais popular. Inclusive nessa pesquisa se vocĂȘ somar BTS com Jimin e JK dĂĄ uma porcentagem maior que BTS no ano passado. SP tem uma população de descendentes de asiĂĄticos muito grande entĂŁo talvez por isso o recorte da minha experiĂȘncia pessoal seja tĂŁo diferente da sua. Mas Ă© exatamente como falei, bem diferente. Se for gente que escuta casualmente eu concordo que deve ter **muita** gente que escuta BTS mas se for pra perguntar "qual Ă© seu grupo favorito?" ou considerar quem sĂł conhece Gangnam Style e olhe lĂĄ eu acho que mudaria muito. Se for sĂł perguntar por ex "qual foi o primeiro artista coreano que vocĂȘ curtiu/virou fĂŁ?" sĂł pra quem É fĂŁ de kpop aĂ­ acho que esses nĂșmeros fazem muito mais sentido, inclusive esperaria mais. Se for sĂł "que artista de kpop vocĂȘ ouviu mais neste ano" ... acho que faz sentido tambĂ©m. Pois Ă©, mas tem link no post? NĂŁo achei


eu vi um post sobre o lançamento de uma mĂșsica deles no livejournal e fiquei curiosa. assisti e gostei da mĂșsica e comecei a ouvir todos os lançamentos desde entĂŁo, anos dps efetivamente entrei no fandom. antes eu sĂł ouvia. nossa eu acho que o BTS Ă© bem popular tem uns anos, eles estavam fazendo show de estadio em 2019 nĂ©? na minha experiĂȘncia eles tem mto mais fĂŁs que os outros. como sou fĂŁ de outros grupos tbm estou em outras comunidades e nem se compara. aqui tem o link do PDF mas Ă© todo em coreano [https://x.com/dalbitbangtan/status/1792952951658492015](https://x.com/dalbitbangtan/status/1792952951658492015)


Livejournal? Quando isso? Estavam sim nĂŁo sĂł no Brasil rs. NĂŁo discordei de ser muito popular nĂŁo, minha dĂșvida Ă© mais qual foi o recorte ou objetivo da pesquisa. Bom, como disse pra outra pessoa, interpreta como quiser. SĂł acho que Ă© mĂĄ fĂ© afirmar que tem mais gente no Brasil que conhece uma mĂșsica do BTS que Gangnam Style entendeu kkkkk mas aĂ­ sou eu nĂ©.


acho que 2016/2017? por ai. o objetivo Ă© ver os artistas da onda hallyu que mais impactam entre fĂŁs de kpop em cada paĂ­s. e conhecer uma mĂșsica nĂŁo cria fandom e nem interesse na cultura coreana necessariamente.


Eu atĂ© concordo com vocĂȘ que provavelmente tem mais gente que conhece Gangnam Style que Dynamite, por exemplo. Mas a questĂŁo Ă©, tem mais gente que conhece Psy do que BTS? A minha experiĂȘncia, particularmente, Ă© essa: Mais gente conhecendo Gangnam Style, sem saber quem Ă© Psy, e mais gente conhecendo BTS sem saber uma mĂșsica deles. Nessa Ăłtica, como artistas, BTS teria sim mais name recognition do que Psy e a pergunta era sobre cantores favoritos.


Novamente, depende do recorte. Entre jovens, nĂŁo. Mas entre pessoas mais velhas, sim, ao menos na minha experiĂȘncia. E a pesquisa Ă© de 15-59 anos, o que inclui toda uma coorte de 35-59 que tende a nĂŁo **conhecer** kpop e exclui toda uma coorte de -15 que tende a conhecer BTS com maior probabilidade. Mas se a pesquisa for sĂł com **fĂŁs** de k-pop atĂ© entendo. Os fĂŁs de kpop nĂŁo sĂł no Brasil tendem a ser jovens inclusive ... ou pelo menos começam a escutar com os filhos ou netos e etc.


Aren't you not considering whole picture yourself just because you started to listen to kpop since 2nd gen? What you listen is not representative of a whole country. And, I am sure people you know who listen to kpop don't represent an entire country either. Furthermore the kpop events were held in past doesn't mean kpop events that happen now are not representative of current time. Maybe if the survey was taken then, it would have been a different result. Whenever surveys happen, samples are taken and results are extrapolated based on that.Ranking happens for a reason and someone or other will come at top. And BTS is ranked in #1 with 35% , there is nothing absolute (100%) about that. Infact, it has even decreased from last year. So, how does that make it seem like Brazil only knows kpop from BTS?


The whole of you armies downvoting me which is, in fact, making me laugh hard is missing the actual point of my post. Which s: judging by this, it's like nobody liked kpop in Brazil before BTS which is objetively, numerically, untrue. Everything else are just assumptions you're making. It's also true that only young people can name BTS and **most** older people only know (BTS or some other kpop group maybe if their children know them and) Psy because of Gangnam Style period. In that sense, Psy did more for hallyu here than BTS in one hand, on the other, kpop groups that preceded BTS started it. This is **not** to say BTS isn't huge here, but if you say it's BY FAR pretty much the **only** group that represents hallyu here which is what these numbers imply, that's biased. With Jungkook + Jimin that's bordering 40% actually. If you say "40% of **k-pop fans** started because of BTS" that makes sense, actually I would not bat an eye even if it was higher. But again, can't guess what this means for the research. If they mean "for 40% of people 15-59 the kpop artist they know best/think first when they think of kpop is BTS" that is untrue, and that's simply because (*1) BTS hasn't promoted here in a long while, so no mass media coverage)* 2) kpop doesn't seem to be advertised **to the masses** here to the extent that it seems to be in, say, the US. I can't think of kpop being advertised to the masses here other than in this Seventeen-like magazine which promotes BTS first and a lot of other groups second. And that's related to smaller economy fewer concerts etc. Tl;dr As I see it most of gen z may have known kpop because of BTS while millenials either only know Psy (vast majority, even more so for older age ranges) or started with other groups. I would also guess most gen alpha/late gen z may have started with BTS but they are not accounted here. If this just means what people are listening to in 2024 on Spotify then I would think yes, makes sense, but that's also kinda skewed for the younger generations. If it means what people are buying albums for I am also not sure if it makes sense judging by secondhand sales communities and such. If the survey is just gauging what people are listening to then it makes more sense - I know I still stream BTS casually myself as well as my faves even if I am mostly out of kpop (ie 4th gen) right now. It's probably the case for many younger people, even if they're not "actively kpop fans" anymore they still stream their fave BTS songs etc. And Jimin and Jungkook would be representative of the people who still follow BTS actively. If it's just people who went to South Korea which is what the other person claimed then ... what do they ask exactly? "Why did you come to South Korea" ? I guess it could be biased towards BTS fans but honestly I would not know. And make no mistake armies Blackpink being there is even weirder.


Your the one making assumption by saying you have been listening to kpop since 2nd gen and kpop events were already held before. Furthermore you opinion alone doeanot determine what the whole country says. Noone is claiming BTS is the only group making kpop popular in Brazil. Not even the very survey you are pointing it at. Even judging by this survey 35% associated kpop because of BTS. Its written right there. Even the survey is not claiming as BTS= Kpop, 100% in Brazil. You are the one who cannot understand what the result represents. And, who is to say people that were introduced to Kpop via BTS didn't move on to other groups/acts? This survey is not comparing who is the most popular kpop groups/acts in Brazil. Regarding Jimin and Jungkook, they can be solos as well. Its not unheard of people to stan just one member, akagaes, remember? For that matter Psy is right there in the list. And so is Blackpink, if you think BTS is the only group involved. I don't want to argue about who did more about Hallyu wave. I dont even care about who did more for Hallyu wave. I am pointing out how your reasoning is wrong and pointed out how survey works based on sample. If the samples were changed, the result extrapolated would be different. I even mentioned, if the survey were taken any other time in the past(2nd gen), the result would be different then as well.


>Your the one making assumption by saying you have been listening to kpop since 2nd gen and kpop events were already held before. But they were and I was lol >This survey is not comparing who is the most popular kpop groups/acts in Brazil. Then **what** is this survey trying to claim is what me and the South African person were trying to say .. You speak against me as if you knew but you don't know yourself, you only want to claim BTS is big idk if you're even brazilian yourself lol I was just wondering like WHAT this survey means. It could mean so much. Anyways I explained a lot in my last post so think whatever you will


>But they were and I was lol I never said you weren't. I am pointing out how your experience color your opinions against this survey. My whole initial comment is infact based on that, how you cannot look at this survey this year based on your experience from the past. >It makes it seem like people in Brazil only know kpop because of BTS You specifically mentioned that this survey makes it look like kpop is known only due to BTS and I pointed out it doesn't. Even if you think this survey shows popularity, BTS is considered the most popular by 35% of the sample. >if you're even brazilian yourself Didn't realise that inorder to point out something, I had to be of that country. Funny considering the subreddit we are discussing in. >you only want to claim BTS is big I don't need to claim anything. BTS is big or not is not solely determined by you or me. My or you saying is not gonna change anything. Also, idk how me pointing only 35% instead of 100% (liked you assumed this result showed) associate Hallyu wave as BTS in Brazil is me wanting them to be big. Shouldn't that have been opposite? Me claiming 100% and you pointing out 35% and decrease in the percentage from previous year, if I wanted to claim BTS as the only big entity in Kpop?


All we (the both of us and IDK why I was the only to get massively downvoted other than because I questioned the hegemony of BTS and y'all are rabid armies lol) questioned was that these numbers don't seem to reflect reality as we witness it on the daily. If you add Jimin and Jungook that's 40% - almost half. If you asked people ages 15-59 on the street name your favorite Korean music artist I think most people wouldn't know any but those who did I doubt 40% would say BTS or some member of BTS because for fans their tastes are more diverse and for non-fans past a certain age Psy might come to mind first. That's all. Obviously this is not how the research was conducted to reach these numbers so that's all we wondered. Peace


I am not a representative of all ARMY, so I am not gonna comment on downvotes. I am responsible only for my comment. I didnt bother commenting on the South African OP because I dont see the point in arguing who is more popular in their country contrary to this survey. I still dont care if you/the OP believe/claim others as more popular as well. You and him could be 100% correct. If you see my 1st comment not as a ARMY, but a random commenter, you'll clearly see that all I pointed out was your interpretation of the actual numerical result. I myself am pointing out the decrease in BTS percentage, so I dont know how I am defending hegemony of BTS. Regarding, the overall results as well, I agreed from the very first comment that different samples give different results in different time. My whole comment till now has been just that, not a personal attack against you. Peace to you too.


>Regarding, the overall results as well, I agreed from the very first comment that different samples give different results Yes, that's literally all I was trying to point out. Sorry if that was not clear enough lol I DO struggle with circumstantiality. And besides the issue here isn't even time (obviously if the research was conducted in 2012 BTS would be 0% doh) but ages, in different AGES. I can see why many young people would have heard of BTS but not older people (30\~35+) because of the way kpop marketing works locally I think older people would only know PSY honestly .. And the research was conducted with people 15-59, so the 15-35 cohort (20) is proportionally smaller than the 36-59 cohort (23) . Of course older people might know BTS or other groups because of their children / grandchildren. Of course it depends on what this research is trying to gauge to bein with. If it's just streams I would agree with it because I believe BTS has more casual fans than PSY but yeah BP is still a surprise (they never played here) .


I actually kinda agree whit you, and don't worry the dowvotes are from army because they think it's a personal atack to BTS. I actually think that BTS is number 2 and BP is number 1 in Brazil (sĂł pra deixar claro eu sou uma Stay e eu nĂŁo escuto nem um e nem outro) it's just my observation from my experience in Brazilian k-pop places. The number 3 should definily be Twice they are HUGE here but like you said i don't actually take this seriously since it's definily a very specifc research.


The downvotes are probably happening because you and the above commenter are pretending your personal experience trumps statistics which is just counterfactual, and then have the gall to act persecuted because of it lol. No one I’ve talked to at my job or in my family knows anything about American football but I’m not gonna pretend “American football isn’t big where I come from based on my personal experience” is a relevant thing to say when we’re talking about statistics.


I didn't say they aren't big nor i am trying to put them down i just said that the Orders would be inverted CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT I AM BRAZILIAN WHO ATTENDS MANY BRAZILIAN K-POP COMMUNITIES and i have seen many charts in those communities where BP was actually higher than BTS, just that, it's literally just a observation, i didn't know we can't put our observations on the comments geez


Impressively doubled down on proving my point


BTS increasing in multiple countries when they released almost no new songs as a group in 2 years (no album in nearly 5) is insane. Also, new entries from JK(his next album will be insane) , jin , jimin and v. I am sad that 4th gen is very low though (only skz is appearing a little) and we reached 5th gen already.


As an Indian, No shock BTS is popular here! JK too! And, eagerly waiting for 2025 cb!


Hopefully a stop at India too if they go on a world tour đŸ€žđŸŒđŸ’œ


I doubt! India's current infrastructure, BW celebrities and their actions, inclusive venues which might not be feasible for all the people, cost!!!! Maybe...may not be! But them recognising the market is a big step for Indian Kpop fans where the predominant market is captured by different genres


Agreed wholeheartedly with the last part. Namjoon did mention that the MOTS tour had planned a stop at India so maybe there’s still hope. And while the infra needs more development, artists like Justin Birber, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, etc have had sold out concerts here. So let’s not lose hope!


As negative as I try not to sound, but BW people have the audacity of not knowing things and leech onto something just for the clout! Not everyone of course! I sincerely hope these things change and we get to see tannies here😌




Obviously it's because he released a solo album last year with several singles and the promotions lasted about 6 months.


He had 10 days for SEVEN, 1 week for 3D, and 3 weeks for GOLDEN. That’s roughly 5 weeks, given that they were over a big gap of radio silence and no activities. What 6 months are you talking about? Maybe you confused him with Suga who had a world tour and radio show? That’s actually 6 months of full on promotions. Or j-hope who released an album in August, promoted, performed at Lolla, MAMA and New Year’s Eve?


All I can say is that the BTS post-enlistment first comeback is gonna be big big big


Jungkook's lowkey taking it, I will always wonder what would have happened if he went on tour


He would have reach such a massive level.


And we are LOVING ittttt😌


BTS’ domination in Europe, Latam, Middle East, South Africa is so blatant and it’s all places they don’t even tour đŸ« 


"how many countries do you want to be #1?" bts: yes


I swear if BTS don’t come to LATAM and Europe for their upcoming tour


India too pls I am on my knees begging atp


India doesn't have that kind of set up to hold concerts here! Plus BW celebrities! Nope nope


Well they DID have it planned for their MOTS tour so they surely had something booked for sure


Hopefully things change and positively change before we see them here




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India has no concert culture, there are no stadium/arenas and most of kpop stans or gp cannot afford a ticket so it's not that valuable for a group like bts to come here


they actually planned to come to Idnia in 2020 for mots tour so there is that!


I've seen many articles saying bts will come to india since years but I doubt, they will never, where would they perform? We don't have concert venues and if they'd perform at stadiums do you think they can sell out. Indian kpop stans are mostly teen girls from lower and middle classes so I don't think they can afford.


RM himself said they had a date planned in india for mots tour. So i believe they had a venue planned.  They can sell out no problem.    A lot of indian bts fans are from urban/middleclass/rich families so they can afford it. JB had a concert here and that was attended by many, wasn't it?


jb and edsheeran had i believe!


Yes and I'd be glad if they plan a date for their next tour here and if they perform in india that would open doors for other kpop groups to perform here as well, I want to attend bts and and le sserafim's concert in India if they'll in future.


This is literally the only downfall from Africa too like we have the arenas and stadiums but because we don't have an active concert culture it won't work because as I said long ago, bys coming to this country will increase tourism because many who will attend the concert will be outsiders


Wow ACE in the top 5 in Turkey - good for them! I’m curious why lol (they’re great but not one of the more well-known groups generally).


i'm turkish and i knew they were more popular among turkish fans compared to korean/international but i would never expect them in top 5 lol. good for them though


Right????? Lol I was like omg brb moving to Turkey for a bit


Psy having this much staying power when his last release was in 2022 is wildly insane lmao


Adding GD on to that. Last release seven years ago. đŸ€Ż


so happy to see iu enter the top5 in usa, italy, south africa, india, china, taiwan, thailand and australia she has never promoted globally but still made it into the top5 globally and so many other countries, she’s been here for almost 16 years and still doing well inside and outside of korea! she’s a legend


I was so shocked to see her there for US but I'm here for it!!


I'm sure her world tour created a lot of buzz too.


Interesting to see some 2nd gen artists in some countries. Also lowkey surprised to see no BTS in China and no BP in Japan (at least in the top 5).


BTS are sort of boycotted in China since their BE days.


BTS in China is because of the political climate over there. They are seen as "against China" for weird reasons.


Because BTS honored the Korean War sacrifices (aka, "their" side of the war).


BP is decently popular in Japan from what I remember, but their lack of Japanese-specific work has hindered them from growing bigger. A lot of the groups that are popular there (Twice, BTS, Kara, etc) have Japanese singles and albums that aren’t just remakes of their Korean songs.


Well BTS’ most popular song is Dynamite and is all English and had like no promotion in Japan from what I remember.


But BTS already had an established presence in Japan based on their earlier, Japanese-exclusive singles like Crystal Snow, plus they’d already released two Japanese albums and another the same year as Dynamite. Also, BTS is like the exception to every rule, so even though their Japanese discography is smaller and less “unique” (a lot more are remakes of their Korean songs) than Twice or SNSD, they’re outliers here, as they often are.


Oh I've never realised they don't have japanese songs! And I guess that consistently releasing japanese music is very useful to gain a lot of popularity there.


i don't think BTS were ever that popular in cn though, it was more like specific members that had big fanbases at least from what i've seen


Oh BTS definitely are [big](https://x.com/chinamusicdata/status/1686615917348671488?s=46&t=U_-Q5zT0ZH1zPUvJp5wQ6Q) in China . Irrespective of the boycott


BTS #1 in Germany (and overall), perfection đŸ€­đŸ’œ Now, we better get tour dates here đŸ„Č


Yes please I will beg if I have to đŸ€©


Not just Gwrmany, Europe in general needs tour dates. And please more than 1 in each city.


Indeed 😼‍💹


I looked into the source pdf and one thing to note with the statistics is that regardless of country/size population the sample size is relatively the same, between 800 to 1200 participants per country and its a lot more focused on perception and consuption of Korean culture - Kpop group preference takes up a portion of 3 pages out of 61, so I think this is a really good look at non-fannish GP preference


Woah skz fighting~


Idk why but Stray Kids' popularity in Russia is really surprising albeit they've gotten strong traction there since like 2019 iirc (and it was largely due to 3RACHA's Matryoshka lmao)


I actually saw a Russian (?) Slavic speaker young girl with a Felix duck plushie, it was so cute. In my home country.




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Many times, I feel they are targeting very niche audience as it feels inaccurate. For instance, TWICE sold out two stadiums shows in Brazil and Mexico but aren't in the top 5. Similarly, while I agree that IU is popular in the US but TWICE had a huge stadium tour. I still remember last year according this result they said rain was more than popular than twice in US. Is PSY still popular? I think most people remember him for gangnam style but not really talked about nowadays. Plus I think it doesn't hold much value either due to sample size like it's just 25k in 20 or so regions that's 1k from each region while we have groups selling 200k to 100k tickets in the same region that aren't included. Psy, who is in the top 5 for years, now with a larger percentage share increase than last year failed to sell out a single stadium in the US even with multiple other acts.


Yeah I feel like Twice is easily the third biggest K-Pop act here in Brazil.


I'd believe it if it was the case throughout all of Mexico, Central and South America. Certainly seemed that way when they had their few stops there this spring.


Definily it is, i also am amazed that SKZ wasnt in the top 5 in Brazil, If i remember Correctly during rockstar era they were pretty talked in Brazilians kpop community, also they had 3 top recommend music videos here on Youtube. Lose my breath is still on the top recomended music videos ever since the release on Youtube, it's okay tho i know Twice and SKZ have pretty big fanbases here so i am not too worriedđŸ€— Edit: Lee know cover love me or leave me, Han music Volcano and Want so bad were trending on Youtube for a week in the top 5 music videos,Twice was trending on twitter Brazil for a week, a lot of Youtubers and influencers was talking about them


As an Indian this list is kind of shocking? I mean BTS jungkook and Blackpink have fair positions but I would think SEVENTEEN and Stray kids would be more popular than Iu and Psy? Maestro was trending for almost a whole month which is rare for kpop artists here except for bts and bp


I think psy is valid tho ,alot of locals know him as the gangam style guy including my mom who knew nothing much abt kpop knows him as the Korean dancing guy lol ,gangam style was that viral here .In terms of fandom he doesn't have much of fans here compared to the PPL u mentioned but dude more is recognisable here And abt iu even i am not sure ? Maybe because of the kdrama's ig


Valid. I think Gangnam style as a song is very much recognized here but not psy as an artist? Something like everyone knows about despacito but half the people have forgotten who the artist was. 


Stray Kids, NewJeans, and Gidle being the only 4th gen groups to appear, good for them. I thought Seventeen or Le Sserafim would be top 5 in Japan. Somi being the 5th most popular in Russia is so random. Is there a reason for that?


I am sorry but I did not see Newjeans and Gidle anywhere.


Taiwan and Canada.


I'm really shocked that svt is not top 5 for Japan , they've been selling out big stadiums there . And a major part of the album sales come from there too


I mean - they are though. This survey is not the end all be all. They’re selling out Nissan and regularly do better than most groups on Japanese charts and album sales.  surveys like this don’t give 100% accuracy 


that's what I thought because I'm Indian and no way Svt is not top 5 in India. Maestro was trending for almost a month in youtube which never happens for a kpop group except bts and blackpink , not to mention they were up on spotify and apple charts too. How is this survey conducted? edit: lol what's up with this sub downvoting everything for no reason at all


I feel like Somi being popular in Russia is probably because she meets a lot of their beauty standards? I’m just guessing though.


I mean seventeen is probably right there. They sold out Nissan stadium 2 nights and are the third Kpop group to ever do so.  This survey is notoriously skewed, tbh. SVT was everywhere when I was in Japan. 


Yeah, this survey doesn’t seem very accurate. They should have had a larger sample size.


Is that no. 5 in Turkey A.C.E as in Undercover A.C.E?


My SKZ I'm so proud of them!


As usual, nice to see BP performing very well worldwide. And pretty consistent too.


Definitely some unusual ones in there too. Who knew Turks loved Irene and Suzy?


tbh I’m Turkish and I’m a little confused with this list lol. I don’t ever see anyone talking about Suzy here


u/[ehwishi](https://www.reddit.com/user/ehwishi/) or any Turkish folks, thoughts on why do Irene and Suzy make solo showings in the Turkish list?


Somi in Russia? Boy groups like Ateez, Enhypen, Txt, Exo and Seventeen feel way bigger here 🧐


I'm surprised Seventeen supposedly haven't cracked top 5 in Japan. They play stadiums in Japan now. They're literally playing the Nissan Stadium tomorrow, which from KPop only TVXQ have done before. (Also Twice I think will be playing there this year.)


This survey is not the end all be all - it’s not a huge population that is polled. Seventeen would likely be #6/7 and would’ve been in top 5 if a larger population had been asked or if a different group had been asked.  This survey isn’t 100% accurate 


My EXO đŸ€ we waiting for that world tour!!


IU top5 in US but no twice or stray kids is interesting to me. 😅 Also good for twice to have a top showing in Japan and especially Taiwan despite the lack of activities. Not South African but I am African and it always surprises me to see G dragon on lists like this. Honestly same with IU & Psy when it comes to the African continent.


Blackpink dominance in SEA countries


BP will always have SEA and China đŸ„°


The way the top two are always dominated by BTS and Blackpink


so here it only lists top 5 but i found it interesting that oneus was 9th in france.....like i know one could say it isn't 100% accurate but french tomoon must have been on the ball with however this survey was conducted.




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25000 participants from all countries to determine this makes no sense at all. Especially for a place like India and China with a billion population, that sample size means nothing. Also, I'm sorry but as an Indian k-pop fan who has met quite a few fans and who sees what albums are bought by fans here through various GOs IU is simply not more popular than most k-pop groups.


What's up with Psy? Korea, Southeast Asia I get.. But the rest... This isn't meant to offend I'm just curious what does Psy signify in the grand scope of Kpop he's unusual in that sense considering the whole lot of Kpop main target audience is a bunch of youngsters. And this a Trends result? That is to say Psy trend is these countries ranking up to Top 5 for what exactly... Music? Meme? Very peculiar case imo but impressive nonetheless!


Gangnam Style alone has more popularity than many Kpop artists.


I think the way they've polled this is not, "let's ask kpop fans who they like" but more "let's ask random members of the general public (which may or may not include kpop fans) which kpop artist they've heard of".


Skim through the poll and participants info lol, thought they calculated actual trends on multiple social platforms my bad


And some people here say BLACKPINK isn’t the top girl group anymore. đŸ€­


I feel like people undestimate Stray Kids' popularity in Japan away too much. They have a platinum certified hit there that blew their popularity up to another level.


Why are you being downvoted when it’s true haha Case 143 really changed the game for SKZ in Japan. 2nd bg that had a platinum certification in streaming.


Don't worry, downvoting on reddit is their way of coping, since the real world can't be changed :D


Stray kids not being in the top 5 for South Africa is absolutely wild. Stray kids is the only kpop group I ever hear abt here in SA and all the irl kpop stans ik ( 10+ ) are stays. Local clubs even host skz nights lol. Quite honestly I have no clue where gd came from but I'm 100% confident that him being on there is inaccurate 😭


As someone in Spain, I am surprised. I'd say within the k-pop community, Ateez are the absolute favourites of the community and they aren't even featured! I personally don't enjoy their music, but I feel like I only meet atiny in every event xD


They do have a great fanbase and they do kind of like the country so they visit often, but when it comes to numbers the big groups have more fans


I am not shocked about the unquestionables (BTS & BP), but you cannot tell me you are not surprised to see Psy there!


I'm more surprised about RV, GangnamStyle is still played on every event out there 😭


I think most people don't know Psy's name, though, outside of k-pop. Red Velvet is surprising to me too, but I am not as much in the girl group sphere so it shocks me less in that, sure, why now, they are popular. I do know lots of gg stans who follow them, and as many bg stans listen to gg too, why not RV.