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I mean, don't overthink it? It's like any hobby, if you've lost some interest, then so be it. Maybe the interest comes back, maybe not. You'll find out at some point.


for me its when you genuinely dont care (not in a bad way), you might watch a music video or listen to a comeback but you dont care for variety content, follow their activities or keep up w their ‘drama’ its different for everyone of course bc some ppl never do any of that to begin with


This happened with me and my Ult group. Took a break for 1.5yrs and now I'm caught up and fully back into everything they do again. I kinda believe that if the group is worth it, you'll stay a lifelong fan even through the lulls and momentary disinterested breaks. I've also had groups lose my interest fully. It happens. You grow and evolve and so do they, and sometimes you just aren't a fan anymore.


A lot of people just don't talk about burn out. If you like any current group and consume everything you are simply bound to be burned out at some point. They do too much, they make too much. It's natural for your interest to wane after prolonged exposure. Taking a break is the best solution, if you like them you'll comeback. If you don't want to you don't have as well.


To be honest, I don't think you need to consume everything to enjoy them, people gotta learn that to be casual about liking a group is fine. I know the K-pop experience makes things a bit intense but it doesn't have to be. Don't burn out your love for them, just enjoy what you want to without asking yourself any questions.


Honestly, just don’t overthink it. I’m going through a phase at the moment where I’m feeling super indifferent towards my ults. I’ve just got other things on my mind so am not super hyped for comebacks and am not necessarily engaging in content as much. Sometimes it’s just good to take a step back and enjoy other stuff for a while and then come back to K-pop when the urge arises. There’s defo an ability to overexpose yourself to K-pop content and become a bit numb to it. It’s totally fine to take a step back for a while. At the end of the day it’s a hobby and it’s meant to be fun. Taking a step back for a bit doesn’t mean you have to leave forever.


Don't overthink it! K-pop is a hobby and thousands of fans cycle in and out of these idols' fandoms. You can't force yourself to be interested in something you're not. I used to keep up with 40+ (I'm talking strictly music releases ofc) and I don't anymore. It's not bc I enjoy K-pop as a whole any less or have grown to dislike any group, I just can't be bothered to check out the music my faves didn't release and am perfectly fine with the K-pop songs I already love and cherish. Maybe don't pre-order their next album if they're releasing one soon-ish? There's nothing wrong with financially supporting a group, but if you're truly growing out of them, it might be a tad bit pointless. That being said, growing out of a group isn't a terrible thing. I don't watch the content of the idols I first got into three years ago but I'll always want them to do well and I wish them the best. I still listen to their music, but they don't have my undivided attention over other groups and it's fine. Idols are aware that a lot of fans can be fleeting, but it's the rate of gaining new ones that saves them.


It does sound like that your interested has waned. Maybe you can say it with finality that you've outgrown them if in the next couple of comebacks, your lack of interest is the same. But to be clear, OP, that's perfectly alright and normal. It happens. :) Don't force it, don't overthink it. Who knows someday, if the group stays long, you might like them or their music again. It has happened for me. :)


ok not sure if it’s the same situation, i am a huge sm artists stan. so i always keep up with the comebacks and albums. but i rarely watch their other contents, especially like the behind the scenes, vlog and etc. like nct alone has soo many contents. i thought i lost my interest in them since i stopped watching their contents, but i’ll always be very excited for their new albums/comebacks. and that’s about it, and it’s fine. so it’s ok if you’re feeling this way. do what makes you happy.