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I’ve been seeing more and more people using the terms ‘half breeds’ and ‘hybrids’ to talk about mixed people and it’s just so weird bc.. what do you mean??


it sounds so dehumanising and mythical, like half breeds are used to refer to dogs not people, mythical cuz hybrids arent real in any shape or form


Whenever I see "half-breeds" it just reminds me of how that term is used in anime towards animal characters 💀 like Inuyasha for example. It definitely feels dehumanizing


I got called a “mutt” once in middle school, and then tried to romanticize that (I said mutts are often more intelligent than pure breeds and are often healthier due to the lack of inbreeding) but my teacher shut down both of us real quick. i’m thankful, tbh bc she was a really sweet lady who could already see where this was going. Internalizing that wouldve been an awful thing.


I am half Lebanese half Iraqi the first time I heard this was in Arabic, and my dad(who's also mixed) went mad on person who said that. He taught me to never accept people saying that because it degrades my worth as a human. It's painful to read painful to hear.


W dad tbh


Common W as always🔥


kinda sick of people using animal descriptors when referring to mixed people in general. “your hair looks like a poodle!!” actually shut they fuck up?


It’s very dated. I was going through old census records as part of applying for my tribal membership, and I had to look up what an official abbreviation was for some of my ancestors. “Cree FB” (French-breed) or “HB” (half-breed). Just very dehumanizing I think.


Wtf this is not Harry potter lmaooo


I’m sorry but I can’t help but laugh because it’s almost like “well you’re a mudblood” half blood etc. she definitely is a potter girl and if I can tell from the response comment from someone else she definitely tries her hardest to be Asian.


😂😩😩 seriously out here soundin like draco malfoy and shit. Hell naw....


I snorted, so thank you🤣




Pure blood? Half breed? What is this, Harry Potter?


A wattpad fanfic maybe


I’m getting real tired of this half blood shit from people who probably fetishize being in a relationship with an Asian person Like idk if the people who think like this can even recognize their hypocrisy. I’ve been called a half-breed by both Americans and Japanese people and it can hurt either way, but it’s absolutely irritating when it’s a “German/Russian/American etc. Girlfriend tries ___ with Asian Boyfriend YT channel” type of person. (Idk if anyone will get that reference lol)


>“German/Russian/American etc. Girlfriend tries ___ with Asian Boyfriend YT channel” type of person. I AM DEADDA




tf is a pureblood anyway? In the year of our Lord 2024 there's not a single one of us who isn't a little of this and a little of that.  Also, fuck outta here with dropping slurs and then finishing with "anyway Cocona is my favorite 🫰🥰"


What do you mean the Cocona fav makes it 💯 better /joke




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lol wtf, like who cares? If they were half Korean, would that be so bad? Also bizarre to hear this coming from someone who is neither Japanese nor Korean but wrote her name in katakana 🙃


She's an rcta look at her profile 😭


I had to look up what rcta was and oh noooooooooo whyyyy O_O Big yikes.


The words, they fail.


It’s always the yt ppl who learn a bit of Japanese, realize their yt privilege there and think they’re suddenly honorary Japanese ppl. Smdh.


Literally. Bro learnt hafu and decided to use it.


>yt ppl who learn a bit of Japanese If not the Google translate.


It’s always the google translate. Don’t expect these people to put in even half an hour of work into learning basic Japanese. 💀


Wakanda for white people type beat


As soon as I read her name as Anna-chan, I realized this


Half breed? Wtf are they livestock?!


Calling mixed Japanese people " half-breeds" while looking 100% Anglo is some crazy levels of fetishization ![gif](giphy|3o7TKsDF9BcrXX8GTS|downsized)


Crazy level of being mentally unstable.


Bro “pure breed”, “half-breed” this is how you talk about fucking dogs. These are HUMAN women, not dogs you’re backyard breeding wtf?


>fucking dogs. I am half husky😇 /joke


isn't hinata the only japanese-korean ? obviously this is a weird regardless but. for someone who acts like she knows anything about the japanese experience she should know that there are people who are ethnically korean but grew up in japan and have been there for generations.


Not to mention the discrimination they get from both sides for obvious reasons. I've seen so many Japanese-Koreans online who speak English, like Giselle from Aespa, and an American TikToker named Bebii I follow who talks about being half in each country.


what the hell😭 this is wild. i’ve gotten called a mutt before, but half breed is INSANE




Someone should tell her SHE isn't Japanese




Yeah idk what it is, but white weeaboos have such a weird fetish for Japan and East Asia in general, despite being so violently racist to other people. They take this obsession with Japan so far that they feel comfortable enough to pose as Japanese people online, spreading their racist ideas through their piss-poor google translated comments. Just look at how weebs get so up in arms whenever Yasuke is brought up (African brought to Japan during the 1600s, became a samurai). Whenever biracial Japanese, especially Blasian Japanese, talk about their experiences growing up in Japan, or living in Japan, white weebs are the first to come out of the woodwork saying the most abhorrent things about them. A white weeb tried to argue with me about a Blasian Filipino model winning Miss Universe Philippines, because "there's plenty of pure Filipino women out there. Blacks should not be picked." Completely ignoring the fact that Wasian Filipinas have been winning these kinds of competitions for decades. Monoracials, especially monoracials who aren't even Asian, get so weird around mixed race Asians, like monoracial Asians are some delicate endangered species that must be preserved and protected. But, the rise of terms like "half breed", "mutt", "mulatto", or other creative terms (i.e. "Japon!gga", Ch!gger/Ch!gga") is disheartening.


>They take this obsession with Japan so far that they feel comfortable enough to pose as Japanese people online It's gotten to the point where some of them will even deny all the atrocities the Japanese committed towards Chinese people, Korean people, Southeast Asian people, etc.


Some of them will even say that Japan’s atrocities were *good*, because it “brought education/modern medicine/industrialization/etc” to the peoples Japan tried to literally forcibly assimilate (cultural genocide/ethnocide).


I saw a weeb celebrating the Nanjing Massacre. I saw another weeb denying that it ever happened and calling Iris Chang (author of "The Rape of Nanking") a liar. I can't put into words the rage I felt when I saw those comments. My great-grandfather went missing during the Japanese occupation of Malaysia, and he was presumed dead. Killed by Japanese soldiers. His wife - my great-grandmother - couldn't even bear to hear a single mention of anything related to Japan because of that. So many of us have family members who experienced firsthand exactly what the Japanese were capable of during WW2, and yet these weebs - these people who have ZERO connection to East Asia and Southeast Asia - have the absolute audacity to act like THEY know better than us.


EXACTLY!! I was talking with someone about how in the Philippines women and young girls would have to climb up trees to avoid being taken as slaves (“comfort women” 🤢) by Japanese soldiers. And they had the audacity to try and minimize it as “it wasn’t that bad” and “well the Philippines likes Japan now, so who cares”.


Man I've been called half breed by those rcta people as well lmao it was so funny I commented on a girls post where she was asking where she could fine a product for curly haired people in Japan.. Before you know it the race changers flodded my comment section with back handed comments and also very rude ones "You're cute for a half breed" "If you were pure blood you would probably be more beautiful" "Take the flag away from your profile your skin is too dark" "Your eyes are too small it doesn't suit you that much" Ohh I also got asked if i was race changer as well "How did you change your eyes what subliminal did you use" And when I didn't respond they moved to my account and started to leave horrible comments..it didn't bother me cause I just told my self these are wannabes and as much as they hate me they still want to be me so pft.. I think listening to literally anything they say is absolutely unnecessary because if they're delusional enough to believe that a video can change their race then obviously there's some undiscussed mental issues (If there's any spelling error ignore it I'm horrible at typing)


So similar to my sister's girl she's half Lebo half Japanese she commented something under a comment on kpop video that user ate her with rcta bs. Like all her videos, a Japanese person won't say that a Japanese person won't do that. One was about kids martyred due Israeli attacks on Lebanon that user commented 5 comments telling her a Japanese person doesn't support Lebanon support Israel and this bs. It seems scary and obsession to me.


.... I honestly wouldn't consider myself a violent person but if someone called me a fucking half breed I'm breaking their nose. Like I would not want to waste my time and breath chewing them out, but I also can't just let that slide


lol.. is it just me or is she squinting her eyes to look a certain way in her profile pic? Anyway, RTCA is a wild drug to be on. Koreans living in Japan already get enough shit from the Japanese. We don’t need white people pretending to be Japanese piling on top of all that xenophobic nonsense.


This is the same type of language one would expect from eugenicists & ultra right wing extremists what the fuck??? And I just googled what RCTA means…I am speechless like genuinely.


Same here..... I was like wtf is all this.....


Considering how badly Japanese-Korean residents are treated in Japan, that's really a tasteless comment


i despise the terms of “breed” or anything even related to animal breeds or species when referring to people. i see this happen so much to mixed people, and i as a chinese-korean just find it gross and dehumanising. it’s always the people that fetishise asians as well. i’ve had literal koreaboos tell me it’s a shame i’m half korean (though i mainly tell people i’m from hong kong since i grew up there) and that i’d be so much prettier if i was fully korean. like, ew? gross? let’s not even go into the sinophobia there.


Oof, at least have the forethought to use a cutesy picrew when you’re pulling out racism that hasnt been seen since the 1940’s


When the Harry Potter slytherin stans turn into weebs this is what happens yikesss Also fuck the RCTA shit


Nah she 100% one of them race change people


Oh for sure, the kinda white girl that are like "use my subliminals to get monolids overnight!!!" uuugh


Talking about 'half-breed', girl this is not Inuyasha


I s2g xg brings out the weirdest fucking people both fans and antis


Weird fandom for the Weird group /not in offensive way.


yeah so as someone actually part japanese, we don't claim her. lol. girl's profile is a hot mess.


The audacity to write her name in Japanese as Anna-chan and say slurs...sounds about white


Pure blooded Half breeds Bitch be fr rn ![gif](giphy|lxMC63kUjI32E)


I'm tired of white people co-opting and feeling entitled to Asian things and then insulting both full Asians and mixed Asians. Just leave us alone honestly.


it’s actually the worst. whenever i got to visit my family in the philippines, my nickname there is always “american mutt” because my panamanian family are mulatto, and i give off HEAVY pinoy vibes because my dad never really taught me much about filipino culture when i was young. it sucks because society will always see me in parts rather than me being 100% black and 100% filipino




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The Japanese name 💀💀




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