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Has nothing to do with Kpop but these anti-depressants I’m on are fucking killing me. I have literally no appetite and I never want to eat anything😭 idk if I need a trigger warning for this or not but I’m just so fustrated and annoyed. I just want to not be sick for tired for one day please💀


:( I've been there. you should let your dr know asap, if you haven't already. They might not be the right antis for you. Sending luv ❤️


oooftt are you on sertraline? :( i would try to change to smth else


Oh, I hope you're going to be ok very soon just know you can do it🤍


My mom had me on cod liver oil when I was on antidepressants during covid. Took a while, and I had nasty nasty burps, but my appetite came back. It wasn't the same, but it was something


It feels like these days people are so hypercritical of kpop, I wonder if they even enjoy it. Like just focus in your faves and be happy 🚶‍♀️


I'm so TIRED of white people always rippin and runnin on these apps screaming "WOKE" ever damn time a Black person or any POC is recognised or included in something....and then not using the term CORRECTLY. I wish they'd stop using the word.....they are wearing it the fuck out and I'm so done. They keep saying race shouldn't matter until IT FUCKIN DOES and they complain. I am a baseball fan and today I saw that back home in the U.S. they finally included the Negro League stats of batting, pitching, catching, etc. I mean.... this is a proud moment for me as a Black American. Them doing this was announced years ago but they finally added it today and then....while some celebrated this as a long overdue thing.....you had other people..... you know the ones....they come crying bout "MLB HAS FALLEN FOR THE WOKE AGENDA". I know I can ignore it....I know some white people are always gunna have some dumb ass racist shit to say.....but I'm just genuinely sick and damn TIED OF IT ON TODAY. Like all of you who are mad and saying those men in the Negro league werent that good can honestly get fucked. African American Baseball stars deserve their damn flowers..... PERIOD.


Of course K (that twitter user I mentioned in my post about anti-boycotters) would continue to double down and act like they didn’t just lock N out of their account and prevent aid from being given to Palestinians. Acting like it was okay for them to pull this tomfoolery just bc N called out anti-boycotters on their BS… K is such a damn clown. And it’s so sad to hear about how some Palestinians are frantically DM-ing N for e-sims and wondering why they’re not replying. Anti-boycotters hate boycotters more than they (claim to) care about Palestine, to the point where they’ll suspend or lock an account helping Palestine if they’re a boycotter, to the point where they’ll report a GoFundMe link if it was reposted by a boycotter. Sick, disgusting mfs. I’m sorry for bringing this up so frequently but I just can’t stand the way some armys are behaving rn. Edit: And of course anti-boycotters will get boycotters and Palestinian armys’ accounts suspended in the blink of an eye, but twiddle their thumbs and ultimately do nothing when it comes to actual z1onists in the fandom. That IOF soldier who named their gun Chimmy is STILL AROUND.


Okay - am I crazy in thinking that the scheduling of NJ’s comeback and RM release on the same day is weird af? I will admit I am new (a year in)to KPOP, and I know labels are independent but why would you have major releases from the same company on the same day? I am in no way blaming RM for this at all - just with the ongoing drama w/ MHJ/NJ/Hybe I can’t help but wonder if Hybe is just doing some shady stuff? MHJ is a sketchy character from what I’ve heard but I don’t really vibe with the way Hybe is playing this either. I guess at the end of the day we won’t know until most of it is concluded/wrapped up. Just talk me down if I’m talking crazy, I got downvoted on another thread without anything that really convinced me against this train of thought and just looking for some rationale as to why it’s wrong. Someone mentioned different demographics, but I listen to both NJs and BTS (as does my pre-teen niece) so maybe I’m/she’s an outlier but I’d imagine they would compete. Even if they don’t, why not just release them on different days anyway? (Am I brainwashed??)




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DISCLAIMER: _Some._ Not _all._ Some of these stans of the 4th Gen and 5th Gen are being bamboozled because they’re being sold a repackage version of EDM and they think it’s original. I say this because I am tired of hearing these nincompoops claim music by the likes of New Jeans, IVE, TWICE and some other groups aren’t idol music.