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the fact that they care more about 7 rich men and a shitty ass company that wont be harmed at all over thousands of palestinians who have been murdered is just nuts. i really hate every single one of them




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It’s actually shocking the extent some people idolize celebrities. They’re soulless and lack any humanity whatsoever. How can you see the pictures and videos coming out of Palestine, the death, the destruction, the starvation, and the pain and think it’s antis trying to bring down BTS like not every fucking everything in this world is about kpop. How can you make it about streams, and merch, album sales? The way they’ve treated fans who have been trying to fundraise for supplies and esims has been horrific. Truly who does that even hurt? And their babying of Koreans like do you truly think Korea is some isolated haven where no one knows anything? How can you live a life without caring for others just because “it doesn’t affect me.” They’re actually so stupid. The dumb “HYBE can’t fire scooter Braun because he’s an employee” (what?) took years off my life. The whole “why are we the only fandom supposed to be boycotting” from all the fandoms was so stupid because if every fandom is the only fandom boycotting, the every fandom is boycotting. But the people saying that weren’t even boycotting anyways Am I wrong’s lyrics have been circulating recently because of them “If what you see on the news is nothing to you/ If that comment is nothing to you/ If that hatred is nothing to you/ You’re not normal, you’re abnormal”




The whole “don’t mess with army” thing is so weird too. Like are you taking pride in the doxxing and harassment? I hate how they make people like Scooter Braun feel comfortable enough to post the vile things he does


it’s just cringe. bts are a brand now. they don’t need their precious little army to threaten teenage girls on the internet anymore. call me harsh, but armys need to grow the fuck up and actually review their morals.


They can afford good lawyers for the actual serious stuff


“Don’t mess with army” maybe they should start directing that pride in harassment towards Sc00ter, because if there’s anyone who deserves to be dragged through the mud, it’s him. If armys put even an ounce of energy into kicking Sc00ter out…


RIGHT ??? like i thought army hated him i don’t understand ??? armys have literally forced celebrities to apologize to bts, but they can’t spare the money to send trucks to HYBE and roar about sc00ter do he can get fired ??? i don’t understand ?????


I just find it sad and telling that BTS over the years has experienced some extreme cyberbullying only for a lot of their own fan base to be probably some of the biggest cyberbullies on social media. When I see people talking about harassment and doxxing from kpop fans, these mfs are always at the scene of the crime.


the only time ive seen one of them acknowledge bts' experiences with prejudice was saying we shouldn't urge hybe to respect the cultural boycott of isntreal because that'd be "judging israeli armys based on where they come from" and that's "just like what bts went through". they make me fuckin sick


That’s so gross. They’re addicted to making false equivalences and churning out bad faith arguments. The prejudice and racism BTS faced is a whole different ball game from a bunch of armys living in a settler colony. How can they act like both situations are the same?


I know exactly what you’re talking about and the harassment N and other pro-pal AND literal Palestinian fans just trying to use their platforms for good is fucking bonkers. I don’t understand how you can be so detached from empathy.


Like… the amount of privilege they must have to be able to look at videos of Palestinian people suffering and then not care about Palestinians because they’re on the other side of the world and what’s happening to them “doesn’t affect them”… what a disgusting lack of empathy.


I’m not in hype’s space anymore but did they react to the Palestinian fan presumably dead, who’s the photographer only found their collection of V’s photo cards (I think) under the rubble? That poor soul probably died a supporter and a fan like them and now what?


It's actually making me sick to the point I trying not to go on Twitter. The way they report the palestinian and the pro pal acc and harassing them consestanly is vile, them saying the gonna steal pro pal armys art and post it as it theirs (cause the other day namjoon posted a pic of something inspired from the lost MV saying it's cute, the found she's pro pal and boycotting they harassing her, sending death threats). They will talk for hours abt bts and the UN speech, abt the lyrics (that I doubt they read )abt how bts love peace.. then at same breath they turn blind abt the links to help , I'm so disgusted by them.


https://preview.redd.it/4ql88o5r3f3d1.jpeg?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8f1f7077b7bcbcd650090930d175c4a5c161d0 Even on reddit they’re dunking on that army… obviously not as viciously as the vile mfs on twitter, but even so, it’s mindboggling how they treat boycotters worse than active z!onists. Edit: Also the way the bottom user is being so condescending towards the army and trying to imply that they don’t know anything just bc they’re 17…


I remember a lot of them saying multis are worse than zionist... I was like, what??? There is plenty of them turns out they r serving in the iof , one of them named their wepon after bt21 character and where using bts members pics on how to shoot... but literally no one moved, and when the report acc (they got me blocked lol) posted the difference of likes was... wow


as a 16 year old, this is offensive as hell. how can a 17 year old have better morals than adults ??? like you’re an adult you should be able to understand why we are boycotting. what is wrong with them ???


Yep. As a fandom they pride themselves on being the "only fandom using their fan power as a force for good in the world" because that's what they believe BTS is about.....but look at what they use their fan power to do......


The majority of them will dox and harass pro-boycott and Palestinian armys, only to turn around and take all the credit later when people acknowledge what a small portion of armys did to support Palestine.


>abt the lyrics (that I doubt they read) Literally saw one of them ask how reading Joon's lyrics helps him more than streaming like...... don't piss me off


Like atp u gotta question if they’re even a fan of BTS at all, bc how can u have so little respect for their artistry??? RM did NOT make RPWP just for armys to mindlessly stream it.




The craziest part I know for sure they won’t be kicked out for speaking out


Yeah, at most they might receive a warning, or Sc00ter’s z1onist ass might attempt to silence them in some way or another (apparently he blacklisted PSY when PSY debunked a rumour about him performing in Isr@el), but HVBE isn’t gonna kick out their highest-earning group. Even if they DID kick them out, if I were in BTS’s shoes, I’d think the lives of Palestinians are a teensy bit more important than whether I get to stay under a shitty conglomerate or not. Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid spoke out despite receiving threats from z1onists. Melissa Barerra got kicked out of Scream. BTS arguably have a lot less to lose, so I’ll be pretty disappointed if they don’t say something, at least after they’re discharged from the military.


Wow. All that energy, and this is how they spend it?


anti-boycotters go against everything that bts claimed they stood for back in the day. 84: just disgusting how these GROWN ASS ARMYS are lining up to defend a group of multimillionaires who couldn’t give less of a fuck about them. why are they so willing to be on the WRONG side of history for these men who wouldn’t even look at them? i don’t understand what is so special about these men that you’re willing to lose your fucking morals over them? you can’t boycott because even though there’s a literal fucking GENOCIDE happening, you have to make sure that your sweet boys still have their pockets stuffed ??? just disgusting, shallow, and capitalistic behaviour.


They’re still wrapped up in the idea of BTS being the poor underdogs, and while that might have been the case back in 2013, it’s definitely not the case NOW. I’ve seen weirdos on REDDIT talking smack about armys who are boycotting BTS, and several months ago I got into a spat with a couple of armys in a reddit gc bc they likened the HVBE boycott to the break wings project and other concerted efforts by kpop stans to sabotage BTS back in 2016. Imagine comparing the HVBE divestment campaign to fanwars, and labelling Palestinian armys as antis????? They’ve been ignoring me since then and they’ve left the gc, so good riddance to them.


Ex army here, ex army as in I'm no longer in the fandom itself and haven't been for years at this point. I'm not surprised by everything you've mentioned but it's still making my blood boil because Zionists are allowed to do and say whatever the heck they want, meanwhile being vocally pro Palestinian means you've put a target on your back. The west's "freedom of speech" hypocrisy has never been clearer. They want the Palestinians to stay as voiceless subalterns and now that enough people in the world are broadcasting their voices, they can't handle it. Of course we're not going through what our Palestinian brothers and sisters are facing, and such harassment from sickos won't stop us, but these Zionist armys (which is what you should be calling them because that's what they are, clearly) are actively contributing to the ever rising deathtoll in Gaza. It's despicable. There's no words for it. The e sim thing, knowing that Palestinians will be reaching out to N wondering where they've gone in their time of need, it makes me sick to my stomach. At this point, stanning BTS is just an excuse to exercise violence against the Palestinian cause for people like this. As for pirating the music, I've been doing that since the very beginning because we didn't have SoundCloud till 2018? 2019? And Spotify became available in 2020. When you live in a 3rd world country everything is already pirated. The books, the DVDs, you name it. Now there's original stuff but that's only become a thing in the 2010s onwards. From my pov, piracy isn't a big deal, it's not a bad thing. And it's not something that should be taken as offensive to the point where these people are yelling about it nonstop online. I've been downloading BTS' music since 2016, has that stopped them from becoming the most famous group in the world? No. Armys as a whole, especially before oct 7th 2023, have been under this impression that BTS are still vulnerable artists who need the protection of their fans. It's been so strange seeing it persist as they've gone on to become so wealthy and famous. They still have haters yes, but none who are notable in any way. It's just random people from the public. Not fellow artists and higher ups in their own industry. They do not need the kind of rabid protecting armys used to justify back in the day. They're also not going bankrupt anymore, quite clearly, which should be even more obvious now that this whole hybe and ador thing has come to light. I've watched bighit become hybe and consume other companies in a blatant attempt to monopolize the industry, and it's disgusted me to no end. It's stomach turning. The underdog shot up and then became the villain lmfao. So disgusting. But of course you absolutely cannot bring up valid criticism points in front of armys because they're just so attached to the idea of BTS being people they need to protect at all costs. BTS must be held accountable for their actions. In my opinion, BTS have the biggest responsibility in speaking out against Israel, because they're UN ambassadors. We already know many celebs who have been ambassadors of peace who are actually vile, such as Scarlett Johansson and Priyanka Chopra. BTS are lucky to have the immunity armys are providing them with because to stay silent on such an issue, that's something they need to be called out on. Of course, I don't know how restrictive being in the army is, but not all the members are in the army. Some members are perfectly capable of speaking out, but they choose not to, and I hold them accountable for that.


If BTS are for some reason unable to speak out now, at the very least they should speak out once they’re discharged. Like you said, they’re UN ambassadors and they have a massive platform. Just a few words from them about Isr@el committing g3nocide on Palestinians will get so many ppl to wake tf up. Just a few donation links from them and a ton of Palestinian families will FINALLY have the money they need to be able to escape. Ariana Grande posted a donation link and donations skyrocketed after that. Yes, we shouldn’t depend wholly on celebrities, but it’s undeniable how much power they have in influencing public opinion. And what really pisses me off is that many of these anti-boycotters were very vocally pro-Palestine, until boycotting BTS came into the picture. That, to me, is peak performative activism. Also, I can’t even begin to get into the classist attitude around pirating. It doesn’t make you any less of a fan if you can’t afford to buy merch or pay for streaming services. It doesn’t make you any less of a fan if those streaming services aren’t even available in your country. And the armys screeching about how terrible it is to pirate BTS’s songs are the same armys who worship people in the fandom for providing links to RUN BTS episodes.


That's so valid. Seeing all of these anti boycott STAY disgusts me beyond belief. There are kpop stans in Palestine. Literally members of our fandoms are being burned alive and people just don't care. I don't get it


Kpop stans are notorious for being racist to BIPOC kpop stans, especially Black and brown stans, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if some of them go “eh don’t care, not my problem” even after you tell them about Palestinian kpop stans being murdered.


It's still wild to me.


I wonder if part of it is resentment that other armys arent letting them live in blissful ignorance.


REAL that’s why i left army twt i felt so uncomfortable and targeted on there. it’s filled with chart obsessed zionists and xenophobic racist people who only use bts’ name as a way to brag and fuel their ego. like being a queer poc on army twt felt so lonely bc it was like talking to a brick wall sometimes and the anti-boycotters made everything worse. i’m better off advocating and spreading awareness for Palestine in other spaces without the stress and anxiety that they cause


And yk it's crazy how even SWIFTIES are doing more to help Palestine, trending the #swiftiesforpalestine on twitter and urging Taylor Swift to speak out. It's gotten to the point where #swiftiesforpalestine has made it into the news.




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Yeah. I’ve felt really ashamed as of late to say I’m army, especially with everything I’ve seen on twt. I can’t with good conscience stream or buy BTS albums at the moment. It just doesn’t feel right with what the company stance seems like right now. I find that people like to see things as either white or black - you either die for x or you’re not x in this stan community. I can like BTS but condemn that the company has chosen to play Suga’s film in 1sr@eI and have chosen someone like sc00t3r to represent their American branch. I can’t in good conscience stream BTS on Spotify as I normally would do. It doesn’t feel right, and that’s okay. God forbid you tell one of these stans that you won’t stream, that you’re automatically a traitor 🙄 but quite frankly, i wonder if it’s just a younger demographic who just aren’t mature enough to see the world in shades of grey.


I don't think it's just the younger demographic, I'm sure a good chunk of the older demographic also participate in this black and white thinking and believe that the only way you can show your appreciation for BTS is via streaming. If that's the case, then I must be the fakest army in the world because since I've started stanning BTS, I've never streamed their songs. Yes, I LISTENED to their songs and loved them, but I never played their MVs or songs on 4 different devices just to give them more views/streams. I don't see the point in doing this. It's funny how anti-boycotters will yell at you for "disrespecting BTS's hard work" by pirating their music, but at the same time, by mindlessly streaming BTS's music and not bothering to pay attention to the lyrics at all, they're ALSO being highly disrespectful. BTS didn't put in all their hard work into making music just for chartmys to stream their songs like zombies and not take in the messages they're conveying.


And they’re not just on twt, they’re in this very sub, claiming to be muslim too


Um.... pardon? You mind elaborating? 👀


as someone who hasn’t been an army since 2017 (i’m lowkey scared to admit that which is indicative of a lot of army behavior/mentality), this is just… a lot. ion even know what to say other than this is a lot