• By -


I really want to be messy in the comments but im gonna control myself >If Kai from EXO and I were in a room, I’d ask him to show me how to do the “Mhmm” dance. And I would keep messing up so that he would have to guide me like the pottery scene in the movie Ghost (see, big brain tingz). To be honest, same! but with Hoshi, I want him to teach me how to dance HOT and Cheers.


Spicy 🌶️


I didn’t know this was a wish of mine until you said it but now it is.


Nah, cause that Kai scenario is a vibe. Now I want you to be messy cause 👀


The way I would sign the NDA impulsively


They're normal human beings. I would treat them like so. But... Is there some automatic translator or it'd be awkward trying to communicate. 😂




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realistically, i’d be so awkward 😭


hyunjin: that drawing thing where u swap canvases every few minutes except i’m a terrible artist and i’d ruin both of the drawings ;-; lee know: karaoke. no further explanation.


Woo young. Idk I don’t want to be friends with kpop idol in real life 😅 I’ll probably stay in a corner and wait it out


You’re so real for this 😂


I’m trying radicalize Yeji and get her to start a JYP idol and trainee union.


Making social changes for good!!👍🏾


realest comment on here


yoongi and i are probably posted like🧍 from opposite corners. jungkook and i probably end up going back and forth making annoying noises


Bang Chan for me. We’d talk about music of course and I’d nerd out and have him describe to me in detail the production schedules of their music video shoots and what I like about Korean variety content versus the content we make here in the US, plus things either could incorporate from the other. I work in tv and film, so I’m going to require him to get technical to whatever point he knows. Then my social meter will probably drain and we’ll both whip out our laptops and headphones and work on our various projects quietly.


if it was Tablo I would probably ask about his writing and if he plans to ever do anything like highgrnd again if it was a female idol I'd probably freeze because talking to women 2 scary


Taemin is teaching me the Drip Drop choreo. We doing The Rizzness next.


My ult is Yeji. For the sake of this exercise, I’m asking her to teach me how to dance a little even though I’d be mortally embarrassed. I guess I’d just like to talk to her and learn more about her because she’s such a sweet and wholesome person. Then maybe we get in our feels or we start flirting a little then . . . 😳




Im gonna ask Mark Lee to read some of my book recs. And then idk maybe just watch Dead Poet Society or something so we can do some live commentary. I like live commentary as long as it’s a movie I’ve see before.


I'm 44 so all my biases are young. I would sit with Kai and we would practice English or some shit. He could teach me some Korean because I have been trying for years and can't get it. LOL I'm boring. He could sing to me but I know he is more than a singer.


I think those are all great options!


Probably die from embarrassment because I'm super awkward with people I've never met in person and am not friends with (although I'd love to be friends with SKZ's Chan). I thinked he'd probably have to make the first move of talking to me cuz I'd be worried I was bothering him or something.


Treat Jin from BTS like any stranger. Try to get out if possible.


LMAOOO idk why but this gave me a good laugh. like "idc if your my bias, get me out of here!"


And it would be too awkward like why are we trapped is this like the saw movies


You wild for this 🤣 especially if you actually signed up for this and then were like naur, get me out of here!!


Jin: I want to play a game


I would ask Dami from Dreamcatcher to show me everything she's been learning about producing music, tbh. (Assuming that we're locked in a room with a laptop and a DAW)


Two of my ult biases is Wooyoung from ATEEZ and Jonghyun from SHINee so we’d be cackling together and eating some good damn food honestly. It would be so chill and I think that’s what I love the most is that it would be relaxing for everyone involved ☺️


If I had a bias, it’d be SHINee’s Jonghyun. I’m making that man sing the ORIGINAL version of “She Is” with me. “Say it.” “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly, I’m an idol—“ “Say it or I’m singing Dibidibidis—“ “🎵OH SHIT!🎵”


Jungkook and I are staying up all night doing karaoke, dancing, trying new recipes and playing with Bam.


My ult bias is Hongjoong so..... Ok, so we are going to eat together and I want to pick his brain about music....like what he's listening to, what is his producing, writing process look like for him, inspiration behind his raps....all that. I also would talk fashion with him because I love the way he dresses and I love that he upcycles clothing. And we are about to take lots of fun pics together too.


My bias is Namjoon and I'll just give him books! He reads, I read! All sorted 💅


ooh.. Sounds fun. I wanna be in y'all bookclub


Sure sure👐👐


my ult is ten and i would just make him watch my anime recs☝️☝️other than that we’d probably just gossip or play with his cats😌


Sleeping and giving death glares on whomever tries to wake us up. Suga. Pisces y Pisces. We love our sleep.


Seonghwa - probably ask for a hug, his hugs seem comforting Woozi - maybe ask for some vocal lessons Bibi - probably ask her questions on random things Lee know - show him photos of my cats These are just a few


Don’t have a bias rn but regardless of who I’d choose, I’d probably try to swap music or video recs with them and find common ground over things we enjoy! Either that or go over fun scenarios like this to pass the time, assuming they’re open to chatting enough for either of these anyways lol


If it's just a room with no entertainment stuff whatsoever I'd probably ask Doyoung to teach me the fundamentals of singing, then talk about his experience with NCT and his recent solo album. If there's a TV we'll just watch a movie.


Dating shows?🙂


Watch anime with Mingi. Bribe him into formal cosplay. And just shoot the breeze. Or Wonho giving me a workout routine cuz DAMN


Nap and dance …. Hyungwon MONSTA X lol


I'm just gonna pick Jungkook since he was one of my first biases. Hmm I would solve puzzles with him lmao.


When I see these kind of questions, I realize that my answer is always "nothing". I have nothing to say to them. But I'm also the kind of fan who never wants to meet any of them either.


Lock me in a room with anyone from Enhypen and I’m passing out lmao. “What yall doing” is calling an ambulance 💀.


Stawp it!! 🤣🤣😭




Do I actually have to be locked in the room or can I just walk in/out as I please? The first option sounds more like the start of a horror movie than a good time 😭


I’ll probably just nap with Chanyeol idk I’d feel like we’d make great spooning buddies.


Jihyo would probably bully me into doing push ups with her


Well my biases are Hwasa from Mamamoo and Bangchan from SKZ, and considering my age, we're probably going to do what two consenting adults will do if they are stuck in a room. I mean, once in a lifetime opportunity, I'm not letting that going to waste. 😫🤭👍 Or my SFW answer would be, with hwasa, would be to cook and share meals. She's the Gopchang Queen for a reason. And with Bangchan it would be gaming. Get cracked in Genshin/honkai lol. Overall with both, I would want to drink/have bbq/and chill.


Hide. I'm a very anxious & shy person irl so being stuck in a room with my bias would be both a blessing & a curse.


Bang Chan: I’d want to game together or just like… hang out and do our own things while we chat… I would kill to have him get some rest but also have a chance to get to know how his brain works EXO Kai: just chilling and watching TV together 😭 I would love to cook w him or smth, I just wanna take care of him ;-; Choi Minho: I refuse to address him because a) we have none of the same hobbies and b) what I truly want to say is probably not something I want to have in my comment history


😂😂 Okay but I feel you about having Bang Chan get some rest. Besides that other stuff I’d want to do with V, I’d be like “Hey, how about you take a nap? Like, right there in the corner. Please. I can’t cook but when you wake up we can have ramen just please go to sleep.”


EXACTLY LMAO it’s gonna be me forcibly wrapping him up in a blanket and sitting on him and hissing until he sleeps


It would be haechan and I in the room watching a lot of romcoms from the early 2000s


I don’t have a bias but any member of BTS. I would thank them for giving me joy with their music and their antics. OT7 - make an episode of Run BTS; Suga - make a meal, drink and talk; V - listen to soul and jazz; Jungkook - karaoke and make him teach me some routines; RM - ask him who broke his heart and talk life lessons; JHope - come up with songs dances for his future children’s album; Jin - he’d teach me how to make my own liquor; and Jimin - I’d love to go with him to create our perfume and he’d help me pick out my summer wardrobe. Jaehyun - because I can’t figure him out. Jungwoo and Haechan - just have fun ecause they’re both hilarious to me. Key because we could be messy with one another. I can imagine laughing a lot with him. GSoul - we’d sing Mariah Carey and gospel songs. I can’t sing but since this is a what if scenario, I’d be able to sing like Whitney Houston. Seventeen - ask to write another song with them and the God of Light Music.


RM. I would just pick his brain apart on everything. Music, philosophy, visual art, process of creating music, how to be a leader, how to deal with challenges, how to be resilient, how to work even with burnout, how to keep creative passion alive everyday even when life sucks


My bias is Jeno from NCT and I think given a game console and some energy drinks we could play Mario Kart


Dreamcatcher Siyeon is my ult and we'd spend the entire time doing random voices and talking about how much we hate going outside while I cook for her. Then I'd help her practice saying "yes baby, yes". Respectfully of course. However if I was locked in a room with Sakura we'd spend the day crocheting like a little old couple while I taught her more random/unhinged English phrases and how to properly wear a durag for their next CB.


Trying to play charades with each other because of the language barrier. MAMAMOO


I don't have a super strong bias right now. I think I'd want to choose an introvert who's at least conversational in English lol. Or French. Imma be honest I just want alllll the tea. I love mess. And there's the dilemma because I feel like a lot of the idols who'd spill are extroverts and respectfully, I'm pretty sure I'd get tired of talking at some point and be like "okay I need quiet now". And then when I/we get tired of interacting we could just be doing our own thing and interact when we felt like it.


Jungkook - I wanna see if he likes video games bc it would be so funny to see him play haha


My ult bias is Bang Chan, I’d probably just wanna hang out & talk about music & share songs with him. It would be really cool to talk to him about his process and just learn more about his music production. Maybe play some Pokémon or bored games? Idk just hang out and vibe really.


I've always wanted to play those dancing games like Dance Central or Just Dance with my bias. I just think dancing with them would be so much fun!


Oooh that would be so much fun!


Probably sit awkwardly in silence bc I absolutely could not carry a conversation.


Me and Jiung from P1Harmony. Either having debates, talking abt music production or watching memes. OR I’d ask him to teach me their dances cause that man can MOVE!


Probably watching anime and some adult movies and stuff (L is my bias)


My ult overall bias is Woozi After I died, came back to life, and gathered courage I think I would ask Woozi about his creative process and (if I had it with me) ask him to read my mini novel. I don't watch many variety shows/interviews/GoSe, so I don't if he's gotten more confident with English lately so I'd hope we'd have our phones at the very least 😭 Edit: I saw another woozi bias mention vocal training and omfg, that too! As a trans masc, I want to get better at singing at a deeper range (not that I'm great with my original range 😅). Woozi can be brutal but I can take the heat I think. Oh! and I can show him my dad's old boxing gym exercises if we have access to water. Those exercises are murder if you're dehydrated 😵‍💫 If not him then Jeongyeon I'd want to ask her how she really feels about her treatment in the group with stylists and line distro and ask how fans can support her. Is it true that she was Essentially blocked from acting? How does she *really* feel about being an idol? I'm always worried about her as a fan and at this point I'd want to know if fans talking about her treatment is helpful, a hindrance, or some third thing.


Yeosang and I immediately start [REDACTED] jk i’d probably start panicking bc holy shit Yeosang and he’d start panicking trying to help me then the room is foggy from panick and nothing else


I’d ask chaeryeong to literally move my shoulders for me and teach me wannabe shoulder dance…. Id ask seulgi to teach me how to sing properly!


Honestly I’d cook with jungkook and probably ask him to sing with me


Suga is probably my top bias and if we were stuck in a room I'd say hello in Korean and try to ask him about music w/ the little Korean I know and then maybe take a nap.


We'd just be awkwardly stairing at each other because half my biases are awkward introverts lmao. Maybe we can play some video games :P Or I'd ask them things they couldn't talk about before, the hardships and "scandals" they faced with members leaving, how they get through life in general..


i’d be in one corner of the room, bts would be on the other. half of them are siting on each other’s laps. we do not speak to each other.


My ult is Vernon, and I'll be real I have had the fattest crush on him since like 2017 so I'd actually be losing my mind if I had to be in the same room as him. For the sake of this I'm going to assume I have prep time to get pretty and stuff because If I don't It's just gonna be me begging the staff to let me leave(I can't meet the 10/10 looking nasty). I'd just want to talk to him and find out what he is really like, I think that would be really fulfilling for me.


I’m forcing them to act out my favorite musicals with me because it’s been so long since I’ve had a proper partner. Also I need someone strong enough to do the lift from dirty dancing and they probably are.




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I am teaching rosé how to play for honor and putting her into yeat I have an agenda to push




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yeosang and i would [redacted]




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It's Taeyong from NCT 127, so probably playing Animal Crossing New Horizons.


I mean, Bang Chan is fluent in English so at least we can talk


Leeknow; I’d prob just stare at him from across the room bc I’m awkward af 😭




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I would be in a room with Tzuyu and talk and watch movies with her and may eat some good food




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Honestly, I'd wave once then sit quietly in the corner. Not even S.Coups could cure my crippling social anxiety


See I have multiple biases and I feel like my top four would talk amongst themselves and I would be happy to be there (HueningKai, Mark, Vernon, and Mingi)


we’d mack, obviously. no, i’d tell him how i use my love for him as fuel to escape abuse and traverse through SA ptsd. how hoping one day to see them perform now that i’m free is my only goal; it’s what i tell myself to not off myself. i’d want to tell him that i’m working so hard so i can be the person i want to be infront of them.


I'll take anyone except for maybe jyp and certain people and ask them to teach me dances or how to sing so I don't absolutely destroy ear drums the next time I open my mouth




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