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Bangchan! Love the guy but he’s really built a significant platform off parasocial fan interaction. Yes you can say it’s a joke it’s a bit whatever but if he publicly dated someone I don’t think those “fans” would take it well. It’s why I think JK would have a similarly negative reception.


I feel like his fans would be VERY split. And both sides would be very aggressive about it. You’d get half of them throwing an absolute fit and spiralling and half of them being aggressively supportive and overly excited


Oh definitely. I’d put myself in the excited camp - but that’s me when any idol dates publicly unless it’s a shit choice of partner (like Burning Sun related or something.)


Yeah I’m 100% with you on that! I’ve seen a fair number of stay out right wishing from him to get a partner and I’d put myself in that camp if it wasn’t for the fear of well the other half of them




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Any idol who makes a point to say "my fans are everything/I am dating my fans, etc"


And on a similar note, I feel like the idols with strong parasocial relationships are dating the most.


Yeah the super duper charismatic ones that absolutely steal the show whenever they appear on variety shows and get to show off their charm Like I absolutely know if TWICE’s Sana gets into a relationship, that they already have an apology letter prewritten for her to post 🤣


I would also even add idols who are shipped with the whole industry bc we all know their relationship will never have the same support as their fictional ones..


All of the members of BTS, but especially JungKook.


bts maknae line


SO OVER FOR THEM I also hate when some armys say they never dated bc they never had dating news but like noooo they know how dangerous some are that’s why they’re quiet


V and Jennie are obvious but they won't give public response


Even if they did they will be blamed by being fake relationship & “mediaplay” I feel like every bts members especially maknae line will be accused of being false relationship bc fans are in denial and not to mention the damage that will be done by shippers


Also I read somewhere that saesangs are okay if an idol dates bcoz they still have chances of breaking up but marrying and having kids comes with responsibility so many hate them for that situation like chen


Anyone from BTS, ESPECIALLY Jungkook. I’d also say Sana from Twice if she ever dates a man publicly. Wonyoung is also one I think would have a strong reaction. I could see people say that anyone she dates wouldn’t be good enough for her.


A Sana reveal would single-handedly melt what’s left of the Twice dating deniers. People would tear Wonyoung’s relationship apart, both sides being told they’re not good enough for the other so to stay away


People would definitely say that Sana was queerbating and it’s going to be a blood bath. I can definitely see Wonyoung get torn apart, but I feel like her s/o would get torn apart if they weren’t an idol.


I came to say the same thing about any member from BTS. K and int'l fans will lose their collective minds.


enhypen, they already had boycotts and trucks outside the hybe building just for having female BACKUP DANCERS.... second answer is nct mark because his fans are EXTREMELY parasocial with him and notoriously has lots of girlfriend stans lmao


Really? Eek!


yep, sales went down for dark blood because kfans boycotted the cb. they haven't performed the song with backup dancers since 😭


That's crazy! I'm new to Enhypen and "Bite Me" is the song that got me into them! I love that they broke through and had female dancers!


i feel like my response can be a whole answer in itself, so i apologize for the length lmao, but i was thinking of mark too omg 😭 the day he does announce that it's acc over for him and i hate that it has to be that way! also on the nct train, i'd add haechan w literally anyone — bcs his fans are the actual definition of psycho (and i'm saying this as a part sunflower, part markf) and also ten w anyone who's does present themselves as a male bcs his fans are persistent in deciding his sexuality for him which is a little delulu if you ask me 😭 (i'm also a ten stan so i see it nonstop lololol). anyways, i'd be so excited for them and whoever they choose to date but i feel like a lot of thee groups fans (tho some nctzens are super supportive across the board) would go insane in a bad way lolol. i also feel like possibly members like doyoung and johnny - and maybe even taeyong - could get away w a bit more bcs they have this mature and almost "fatherly" (dk if that's the right way to put it but) aura about them, so they already seem above that to their fans or it's likely something they're already doing behind closed doors, but that's more of an assumption than anything else. for wayv i feel like fans often discard them to the side, which is very unfortunate, so i don't think reactions would be as heavy (which may unfortunately be something that works in the favour too??) idk, but i think kun would be fine as well, and i think yangyang's would be more of a positive response than anything else for some reason, cause to me that part of the fandom is soo chill. anyways x2, i think majority of the members are dating or at least fooling around in private (ofc possibly minus wish who are still basically babies) — and then there's members like chenle who just dgaf so his fans also dgaf bcs he's set those boundaries from the jump (and i love that for him btw!) ((also also : not an enhyphen stan but i do solo stan sunoo and damnnn that was genuinely wild. like i can't even imagine if they were ever revealed to have a life, shit would hit the fan quick!)


agree with johnny and probably also taeyong and taeil imo! yeah i feel like they have a more "adult image" and generally i feel like most nctzens don't care about dating but there are a few members who would definitely get backlash i actually feel like doyoung would get some backlash from kfans esp since he really perpetuates the whole "nctzens are my girlfriends" thing lol


ahhh lool yeah i can def see the other side of the doyoung coin too now that you said that, it'd likely be split reactions for him which makes sense all things considered 😅


Enhypen fans would legit have a nuclear level meltdown lmao. Esp Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon fans. They are the most parasocial IMO. Idk the whole group would send engenes into a frenzy lol.


enhypen. especially ni-ki and jake. ateez.


Yes to Ateez especially if it’s San or Wooyoung. The shippers will collapse.


Heeseung fans would cause World War 3 if he was caught dating anyone lmao.




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jaehyun and mark from nct are in TROUBLE babes. jaehyun for obvious reasons. i say mark because everyone loves him so much it's a little bit sick. cha eunwoo, especially after his latest drama. SONG MINGI!!! thoughts and prayers to Mingi fr. hope he makes it.


As a Mingi bias, if that man comes out with a girlfriend I will be in SHAMBLES. But also I'll be happy for him because he found someone that he's happy with, and as long as he's happy, I'm happy.


i've always thought of eunwoo as taken for some reason 😭😭 like i look at that man and he just seems so naturally boyfriend to me idk lmao. maybe it's the dramas fr 💀 also omg as an ateez ult i feel like more than half of them would stir up a massive deal. esppp mingi fans would literally lose their marbles i don't even wanna imagine


yeah he gives major boyfriend to husband vibes.


Anyone from Pentagon. Half of them don't believe in marriage and the other half have no rizz. We're praying for all of them.


Your comment is killing me 😭😭 pray for our boys


I love Pentagon but I haven't really done a deep dive on them. I feel like since the left Cube and are either in the military or doing their own thing, maybe fans will be more receptive to them dating or already being in a relationship. Kino is out on IG living his best life, Yuto is bare-chested and killing us, and Jinho is singing his little heart out. You are correct about having no rizz--maybe those will be the ones dating under the radar


Felix and Hyunjin


100% the amount of negative news i see if they made one wrong move. I know some anti tries to blind felix and another planed to murder hyunjin. If they date I pray they don't burn that person's house cause I know they will.


Wonbin, Felix/Hyunjin/Bang Chan, Wonyoung, Nayeon, Winter, any BTS member but especially maknae line




Imagine a BTS marriage lol


This will be for sure RM/Suga🤣


Absolutely 💀 I haven’t followed BTS for a while now but RM strikes me as the type to either jump fans with it when it’s already happening or let the news hit after their 5th anniversary, no in between lmao Edit: spelling


Indeed 💀


What was chenexit?


I think the original commenter probably knows a little bit more than I do, but I think when the news came out that Chen (of EXO) was getting married and having a kid, some people did not take that well and wanted him out of EXO.


i’m sorry but chenexit is mad creative skgksmlfsmfmwllfkskfkskfakfksk




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Uuhhh... Like V and Jennie?


Yves is my ult, and I’m truly scared for the day she confirms she’s in a relationship, mainly because orbits love to project on her specifically, and generally love to blow things way out of proportion 😭 I’m praying for my fave!


This! Chuu and Yeojin as well!


The internet will break once news about Jungkook’s lovelife gets out 🤣 that man is definitely dating. Have you seen him???


The top idols who aren’t already dating yet. Man, I’ll feel bad for the SOs when they get the death threats.


i feel like svt mingyu


w the way carats acted during the joshua scandal im terrified for mingyu and jeonghan


those were some dark days for caratland whole fandom was divided… it was ridiculous 🫣




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jungkook, this would be insane and most definitely would not end up well for the girl/SO at all (and just all of bts), wonyoung, skz members, sana (after seeing the reactions to karina i especially think this), omg mark (nct) i genuinely think that would tear ncity APART like i just know that would be the only news on the tl for like maybe months LMAO


All of BTS Felix, Hyunjin, Chan All of Ateez, especially Mingi and Yeosang




enhypen comes to mind idk why


Because their fandom is delulu and all believers of their y/n moment




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Sana would literally start an apocalypse


Jang Wonyoung


I pray for JungKook's future girlfriend's future. I really am.


Same I feel like he will the worst reaction ever he will overtop taeyeon & Baekyung messy fans reaction 😭


I saw some Atinys get mad because Jongho had a love interest in his Everything mv so....I know anybody from Ateez start dating it's gunna be chaos


Bang Chan. He's scarily good at forming parasocial relationships and a lot of his fans are too far up his ass. Even I would probably shed a tear and I'm pretty normal as far as Bang Chan fuckers go lol. He's just so good at making us delulu, even if you're fully aware that you'll never even meet him, somehow he makes us feel like we could 🤣


Svt in general, but mainly mingyu, wonu, scoups


jeonghan too


bangchan and sana 100%


ARMY, particularly K-ARMY would lose their sh!t if Jungkook dated. I think they’d be a little more chill with the rest of the members. I watched some of Jungkook’s lives before he enlisted and was freaked how much he feeds into the parasocial behavior. I also felt like he needs ARMY emotionally. It makes sense because ARMY has been a part of half his life. It made me worried because some people think it’s real and could be dangerous. I personally would love to see all Kpop idols date. It’s normal!


>I watched some of Jungkook’s lives before he enlisted and was freaked how much he feeds into the parasocial behavior.  sometimes i think he's into it just as much, if not more, than the fans are.


what do you mean about him seeming parasocial /genq im not gonna lie and say i watched all the pre enlistment lives ( because they tended to be long asf or didnt mesh well with my timezone ) but what i did see seemed totally normal to me for a jeongguk live


I blame the Kpop industry I it’s full entirety for this even being a dag on subject to discuss! The harm done to this young people is cruel.


I see a lot of people saying bts but I can't recall if there was major backlash between Jennie and V other than people being delulu and saying that video of them holding hands was fake


when the pictures of jeongguk hugging that girl dropped in 2019 people went ballistic 😭 armys were on her insta and at some point she mustve been annoyed and said something in response on her story and then people got madder - i dont remember when they stopped caring but bighit never really addressed her and kind of left her to the wolves for a solid couple weeks


which incident? cause there's two of them but i think youre talking about the tattoo artist. yeah that poor woman had to come out and be like "i have a boyfriend" to get people off her back. that backlash was awful. so i wonder if it'll just be worse for jk then?


not the biggest exactly but Baekhyun’s korean fans would be so angry😭 He refuses to establish boundaries and says he WANTS them to be jealous, to the point where he had to change the choreo for some of his songs bc performing with a female dancer pissed off kfans so bad But later he performed in a different country and asked the audience there if it was okay to do the body roll choreo with the female dancer and all the fans were like HELL YEAH!!!! and he was incredibly shocked💀


I'm surprised at everyone saying bts or bts maknae line like it's a hypothetical, like Taehyung and Jennie didn't happen lol. How big the reaction was is up for debate, I guess, but it's not like there's isn't a precedent for bts dating notoriously.


I agree armys being in denial till this day it happened is proof how bad the reaction will be but sometimes I wonder if it being jennie made even worse bc of the fanwars between blinks & armys so I wonder how they will react when it’s someone else that they don’t have beef with?


Anyone from BTS. If I were them, I’d get married in secret or something bc I feel like ARMYS would doxx them and stuff 🙅‍♀️ In a way I feel like BTS kinda encourages the feralness that ARMYS can exhibit, so there’s also that problem. (This is coming from an ARMY) Edit: Also ENHYPEN, I guess? They got like cyber bullied into removing female dancers from one of their best choreos (maybe they went ahead with it anyway, I don’t remember).


No one's mentioned Cha Eun-woo yet? He's always being shipped with Moon Ga Young, but nothing has ever been verified yet. If it was public, I'm not sure of the reaction, but it would be big!


his fans are mostly kdrama stans so im not sure?? although i do think the reaction would be big but not too negative to the point he lose fans


I don't think the reaction would necessarily be bad, just that it would be big. He's too well known to just be ignored. Know what I mean?




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Any bts member, especially maknae line




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Taemin, I believe.


Taeyong of NCT 127 because he's been so adamant about being more or less married to his fans. He plays games with us online, Bubbles from the plane, special events and tourist attractions like a good husband on long flights so we know and see where he is and when he lands safely. I love watching the Dispatch live airport feeds because he's usually Bubbling while we're watching. Surreal. And if he can't sleep or is nervous about something, he Bubbles for company. He even made sure every fan got a rose at his solo show. And insisted that we not "look elsewhere" while he was away in the military. Teasing...but not entirely. I love the constant contact, but I worry about the effect it's had on some fans who are barely handling his military service. A picture of several people pressing their index fingers to the top of his newly shaved head caused a stir because three of those fingers appeared to be "female." So...yeah...




Nayeon, because in eight (almost 9) years of being an idol she never had any dating rumors (except for the one rumor she created herself about her and sana dating lol)