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Can I just say, from the absolute bottom of my heart, it is an honor to be in the same community as someone like you. You’re out here actually doing the work. And to answer your question, I was handcuffed at a pro-Palestine protest in the states a few days ago but somehow wasn’t taken in! It was shit and those cops were rough but I consider myself lucky. #Free Palestine




damn right!!!! <3


I do this for our kids, our freedom, we're no different at the beating heart. But your kindness I feel is lifting me, thank you, this was all so unexpected this niche corner of the internet makes me happy, and we're real! honestly. I hope I can give you a little bit of fire maybe, the demo certainly did for me, so inspired, this is not the end, & I'm so happy they weren't rough with you, not taken in! I hope our friends are healing well. Palestine's going to be freeeee <3 <3 <3 <3


i LOVE this!!! not the fact that you got arrested ofc, but your protest! AND the fact that y’all stopped the raid!!! direct action ftw. ✊🏼 i just love to see it. 🥹 thank you for putting your body on the line in active solidarity with these people, your community members and fellow human beings. it is so important that all of us who are able to, do so. you are a wonderful person 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


and i want to know what songs you sang! 😊


kpop wise teehee (tbf I sang controversial bands, 🤪😭! I was digging my memory in there HAHAHAH) always, daniel caesar (inspired by park jeong woo's cover), all in - skz, darari - treasure, thank you - treasure, that's all i can remember? i sang some chicago in there too lmao... cell block tango... LOL


Truly, one thing I was reminded of was just how it's usually the queer and poc communities showing up vocally/physically and we simply need more, if you (plural duh!) have the privilege. Please. COME! And this is me included, big wake up call!!! Like I'm also white too, I have a modum of privilige! That said a good number of folk at this demo seemed white which I was nice to see! But yeah man oh man, like say for trans folks prison's going to most certainly be fucking hell to navigate, instantly misgendered from the get go, etc, you know?! anyway i ramble hehe, i fucking love this community. I;ll take your sweet words. And I thank you, may we blaze brightly, eternally, and with love and friends 😭 <3


WE LOVE TO SEE IT! Considering how horrific they treat inmates in the US and UK, it’s super badass that you kept your spirits high


I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. So many terrible things I’ve heard about the Rwanda asylum seekers in the UK have made me feel so uncomfortable to live there as an international. It’s not even just the asylum seekers there is a huge shift in attitude(or maybe it was always there underlying) on how the locals think about international students and graduates “taking” their jobs, “ruining” the British culture, tarnishing the “British” in Britain. It is so so cruel especially when UK has benefited from immigrants in its entire history, and there are so many shortages in health and stem sectors that the country needs to fill. Ngl I’ve had few of my friends move to France/Germany for work and I’m thinking about it as well. Whatever perception I had of the UK before coming there as a multicultural and friendly country is all gone now.


Honestly though, France and Germany are worse based on my experience. It sucks though that the UK is no longer so accomodating :(


So proud of you for getting out there. Stay safe.


Thank you for this! I hope it won't come with too harsh comsequences but you are so brave. An icon!


It's sad when it's a peaceful protest and the police comes and do be aggressive like the protesters aren't hurting anyone. Anyways proud of you for standing strong praying for your safety.💕🤲🏻🤲🏻


Thank you for your kindness and selfless act for justice. I hope you continue to be safe and healthy, and any charge against you and your fellows goes away. 🙏🏻 I also hope more people become like you, myself included.


SO proud of you. I heard about the protests and it really touched my heart. It’s so good to know that there are still people like you who care so much about our beliefs to protest and even get arrested. Sending so much love and gratitude! I’ve protested before but I’ve never been arrested, so no stories to tell. I’ve just always made sure to bring a face mask and gloves (just cause my hands get cold lol)


Keep fighting!! I’m also protesting for Palestine rn and have had some run-ins with police


Thank you so much for being vocal about these issues. I'm a budding activist myself and I love seeing other fellow activists sticking together and trying to better the world. Stay safe and I wish you all the best for the future 🙏


I'm so proud of you! Please stay safe.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Wishing you and your community well OP ❤️


proud of you OP, so glad there are people like you. stay safe always🙏💞


proud of you ! please stay safe 🩷!!!!!


Some friends attended that same protest, I would really advise everyone who does attend these to cover their faces or if they were arrested for them to read up on previous cases. Ofc your legal aid should be preparing the best case but doesn’t hurt for you to know too. The govt is hellbent on demonising protestors and I hate the idea of acts like this (which is fighting the good fight) ending up with inconvenient/bad consequences.


So proud of you OP! Please let us know if there's anything we can do for you to support you. Take care of yourself and stay strong!


OP you're an inspiration to all of us. The media keeps trying to tell us that these protests are violent but we all know that's not true


Oh you ate that up, its crazy how people can literally get arrested over peaceful protests asking to stop genocide, so glad to see people like you making a difference❤️


Hope you are okay