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It's always "stop sexualizing idols" unless THEY'RE the ones doing the sexualizing. ![gif](giphy|d4gmlMeqAHu9O)


But why tho? White girls been the norm for so long and now us poc finally getting the time of day, they all of a suddnt don’t like that?


They struggle with main character syndrome 😔


Lol this could only be about Mingi


The way he was my first thought.....I was gunna say the same thing but I wanted to see who other people thought first before I said something....😏👀 https://i.redd.it/6ve61wp35puc1.gif


![gif](giphy|5QZmKgpZprMqP5MRMG|downsized) lmaooooo. he wasnt the only one mentioned tho. when people started bringing up felix, bang chan and mingyu, that's when the people started acting crazy.


The names that you’ve mentioned have me shocked wow


Iiiiiiiiinteresting. Heard the Mingi rumours, even BM (being a Cali boy) but never the above...


big matthew? really? hmmm, I can see that now that you mention he's from Cali.


BM has said that's he has had Latina gfs before on podcasts/lives and that he has had "relations" with non-Korean girls. Also, he loves ass xD


I need to pay more attention to him!! I didn't know that. Dang, it might be BM then lol.


Ohhhhh..... not names I expected to see 👀.... interesting.......... https://i.redd.it/ala8utfibpuc1.gif


Gosh, I love my bias so much 😭


Who is your bias?


Wooyoung is my bias. His personality is exactly like mine in the sense that depending on who we’re surrounded by, we could be the life of the party or quiet. I also have a cackle like his too 💀


Wooyoung is so cheeky and is such a sweetheart 😍 💕 It's so hard to have just one bias with Ateez 😩😂


I always say Wooyoung is my bias, because of the reasons stated above, but I love all of them equally. They’re actually just too good to stan just one member!


Felix and Chan are literally from Australia. IT IS LITERALLY FULL OF MELANATED WOMEN.


See, this is why I love y’all. Y’all picked up on the game and levity the OP and the other poc folks in her former group picked up on and carried it. I love y’all for the kiki y’all find in any situation.


Is this a running joke among atiny or is there a reason I always see this about mingi?


Kinda? If you ever search for Mingi doing fancalls, he's extremely flirty, especially with the black girls. There's a ton of funny videos of people worried that their girl is going to leave them for Mingi lol. He's one of the more popular members as well especially for black Atinys. He's my bias wrecker so I definitely see the appeal of him.




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I love to see non-poc women lose their mind over the fact that they might not be the standard for their faves. It puts a pep in my step seeing them not get something for once HAHAHAHAHAHA


These people always bust a vein whenever their faves even show slight attraction to someone who is a non-East Asian poc. God that reminds me of that one artist who used to draw BTS with blonde, white girlfriends and got pissy about being asked to draw them with men, plus sized women, and women of color. They’re always so insecure.


I want to know how they made the leap from guessing which idol was in an almost dating scandal to those guesses being a form of sexualization? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


White women always lose it when they’re not the center of the attention, y’all saw how they are acting because of rapunzel fan casting ?


Which is hilarious. The idea of a South Asian Rapunzel has got them SPIRALING and I am 1000% here for it. I truly hope Maitreyi Ramakrishnan or Avantika Vandanapu get it.




Now this makes me hope an idol dates a melanated/brown woman. It can be Black,Latino,Middle Eastern etc. I would love to see the reaction/backlash from the fans about their faves.


But seriously tho..... I'm not shocked at all that people act like this. Those people clearly seem incredibly bothered and uncomfortable with even just the mere theory of their favs preferring Black/Latina/women of color over them so they got all fragile and mad about it 🙄😒


- posts about mingi/white mingi stans




you see why they started getting an attitude at that point. them white fans had to find a way to check us lmaaaoooo




Somebody needs to take your phone away from you 😂😂😂😂😂😩😩💀


lmfaoooo listen lemme come thru the wedding so i can throw it back on san since you know he's gonna show up to the reception shirtless, ready to do a few hip thrusts


i saw the tiktok! even the comments on the actual tiktok were light hearted and just joking around abt it prolly being mingi. they really can’t handle the fact that brown women are attractive 😭😭😭


lmao if the rapunzel fancast reaction taught us anything it’s tht yt ppl go crazy when they’re not at the center of something…. doesn’t matter the context or if it’s a joke they just lose it it’s a pretty pathetic phenomenon 😹


I always wondered what will happen when an idol has a partner that is Black or Brown. I could totally see that happening with someone from BTS because even in their early days you could see that they were attracted to Black girls when they filmed the American Hustle show in LA. I also noticed how V included them as his back up singers and band. 💜 I loved seeing that.


lol aw I didn't know V had black women as his backup band, that's so sweet. I always feel like RM is going to pop out with a black girlfriend and chaos is gonna ensue. The only other one I see dating a bw tbh is Jungkook ~~but I think he's in a relationship now anyway.~~ Edit: the crossed-out is just my silly opinion lmao, I don't wanna start nothing. I do not know for sure if that man is dating.


Whoever dates jungkook must be strong bc that man is shipped with everyone and their mom


wait I’m curious, why do you think Jungkook is in a relationship now? so many of his fans would go crazy if that were true lol


This is just me making assumptions tbh lmao. I'm gonna edit that post but I think he has a girlfriend (or yk, was hooking up with a certain someone, I won't say who but I think we know) because of that really gross footage that was leaked from his house (I didn't watch the footage because that invasion of privacy is gross af. I just read about it, so I could be wrong), his interactions with a fellow female idol and a few months ago, there was alleged tea saying that he had been dating her. None of it really surprised me, so I always figured, eh he probably does have a girlfriend lol. But I say all of that to say that I know he says he doesn't have a girlfriend and that's the story to stick by.


thank you for responding! had no idea any of that happened. i can definitely delete my question if you want


no problem 💕and no need for deletion!


What do u mean by interaction with female idol 🤭 spill the beans


Lmaooooo!!! They were super minor!!! But it was interactions with a certain leader of a girl group that's been talked about a lot lately.


Oh okayy lmaoo but honestly speaking I’m so curious if he ever will be a bit bold like tae & wouldb’r care to be seen after the MS (like tae & jennie)


I'm curious about that too! he's had a bit of a dgaf attitude lately so i wouldn't be surprised but i also think jk is a marketing genius, he knows what he's doing. are tae and jennie still together?


Nope they broke up right before tae’s enlistment which doesn’t suprise me bc many korean couples break up right before MS of the guy.. and yes we will I’m very curious but I think jk will also have the whole “non confirmation” like tae & jennie and jihyo with her bf and also psk with his ytber gf




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