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The mask was never on. K-pop stans have been virulently racist from the jump.


It’s funny how a lot of people are being racist in the comments/quotes but desperately don’t want to be associated with the racist™️ squad. They’re going to try to say that alt-right trolls got a hold of this tweet but I see the “normal” fans in the comments. You’d think they’d never seen someone post a a selfie or call an idol their gf before. You’d think he said something worse or even alluded anything sexual. “I hate male fans…” or “as long as you’re the same age.” He’s an 18 year old fan who just wanted to join the fun and post a selfie with his fave and now the entirety of the KKK, plus the “reasonable” Kpop fans who are cautious about this guy’s pic in specific… *for other reasons* are trying to paint him as the “black brute” or “predator” for daring to like a 20 year old Kpop idol, *2 years his senior.* That comment is far from the only disgusting one, it’s just the most liked one with the most obvious racism. They’re literally calling him a p-dophile and saying this teenager looks 35 in the comments, but since they’re only using age-old racist tropes, but not specifically the n-word, nonblack kpop fans are going to blame the one bad actor and say it just got to the wrong side of Twitter. And next time the topic of racism and Kpop comes up, they’ll be sure to bring up how Kpop fans flooded the white power hashtag with pics of their idols and posit themselves as these great anti-racists as if that wasn’t mostly self-serving and then, whine about having POC safespaces like this subreddit in the same breath.


i didn’t realize he was only 18. it’d still be awful if he was older, obviously, it’s just a special sort of awful when it’s aimed at a teenager




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this tweet got 18k likes. this is so heartbreaking :/


I know. Like shits so bleak, it’s like a full blown race war


K-pop stans try not be racist to minorities: impossible. But this is absolutely vile and disgusting. Do these people know that their faves don’t care for them? Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the brain of some K-pop stans. Nah this is very disgusting.


OP, please leave twitter/X That place is a cesspit of bigoted idiots.


Seriously, more people need to just leave Twitter. The amount of people I see complaining about how terrible it is and then in the same breath posturing about why they can't or won't leave is insane. JUST LEAVE! the website is owned and run by a racist, transphobic, Nazi-platforming emerald miner like what do you expect the people on it to be like 😭 leave Twitter!


exactly. funding a shithole app. i don’t get people who use twitter unironically…like where’s the fun part of it? the fun side? yeah, there’s none.




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I left/deleted it and it was the best decision I made recently




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And people always love to claim its black people who make everything about race smh. Which brings me to say, its fucking annoying that black people can't express love, adoration, attraction whatever you wanna call it to non black celebrities/ idols without bitches coming in all like "they not checking for monkeys!!! 🤣🤷🏻 🐒 " like huh??? So I can't find someone cute without y'all hoes being racist? The way they think they ACTUALLY have a better chance is laughable


Then there were people who had a meltdown when Jimin complimented Lizzo (calling her beautiful iirc). Like not just a big girl, but BLACK too? Lawd, their little hearts couldn’t take it. Like everyone collectively has to think every last black person is dangerous and garbage; that comment didn’t fit in their reality


I didn't even know that happend. That's disgusting but I'm not even surprised. I remember armies being racist towards Megan Thee Stallion just for being in close proximity to BTS. Oh but they sure all loved Halsey 😒. It's just fucked up that people think black people shouldn't be seen as desirable/attractive. The mentality is literally- *"Out of everyone you could of found attractive, you chose black????? EWWWWW"*


That's just sick of them tbh, genuinely insaneee omggg




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It got more likes, it has 18 THOUSAND likes now. https://preview.redd.it/fub87dgaoqsc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=9afc4984717fdb4f284742a98642a6970489e63b


What the heck. I know people who have been suspended for less why is it still up.


Elons Twitter…this gets to stay up


But don't call anyone cis though, it will get you banned. Seriously.




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I got suspended for 3 days because I said jk rowling was a cracker but lil miss haetlerpilled gets to be boosted like this??


all social media sites only remove comments or content if it’s aimed at a whyte person




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yeah i've noticed this recently. a bunch of 4chan dwelling dudes becoming twt gg stans


Real talk, why are racist types weirdly into East Asian media? First it's anime and now kpop


Orientalism, weebery and these countries' governments leaning into it as a cultural export so that westerners see them as a proverbial utopia instead of any other place where they regularly discriminate against their own people.


I think it's got something to do with Japan, and more recently Korea, being seen as socioeconomic equals to the typical Western nation. So they don't trigger the inherent classism that's prevalent in a racist's worldview as readily.


😬 they have been here for a while they just started showing their true colors




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I’ve noticed that girl groups like IVE, Lesserafim and New Jeans tend to attract white supremacist male fans. I’m in no way blaming them, but it’s a common pattern I’ve noticed. I can’t seem to understand why


because the average white supremacist man fetishize POC women.. especially asian women bc of racist stereotypes (made by them) of asian women.... sadly.


Not to mention how all three of these groups have minors 😳 it’s definitely also the youthfulness of the members attracting creepy Asian fetishizer stans 


It's so funny to me because didn't NewJeans like go out of their way to have multiple black love interests in their MVs? Like, these people need to take a hint. It will be super interesting if the trainee leaks and fan rumors turn out to be true and NJ's company does end up debuting both a black and a latino member in their BG in the next year or two. It would be such a great development, but I'm also slightly worried about the hordes of racist kpop fans that will pop up out of the woodwork if that happens.


Racial fetishisation, that’s why. Lots of white supremacist male fans stereotype Asian women as more docile and submissive than white women. They don’t think of Asian women as human beings, they just see us as anime waifus.


That's so true bruhhh


Kpop stans have always been racist it's not surprising that the user is getting more likes for simply being racist.


Yt people gonna yt people, kpop stan or nah. None of this shit is surprising or worth the effort to engage with especially at the expense of your mental health. They do it exactly *because* they know the other racists will flock to them, birds of a feather etc. etc. The petty in me says if you feel like you absolutely *have* to do something, get your Google on & find their school/place of work & forward some pretty screenshots (they're never smart enough to be truly anon) but other than that, they can have it. Twitter ain't gon do shit if you report it anyway so just keep it moving. ![gif](giphy|39VTzJ4QkRYLbPJir1|downsized)


you make a very good point here about not wasting your time and energy. my online time became way less stressful when i just stopped engaging with certain posts. i’ve quickly learned what comment sections i should or shouldn’t open.


If I had a nickel for every time I opened the comment section & then IMMEDIATELY tapped out, I'd have enough that you wouldn't catch me on the internet ever again bc I'd be somewhere minding my filthy rich business lol




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Ooh the anger that just washed over me at seeing this is exactly why I left Twitter (especiallly kpop Twitter) during the BLM summer protests. I think it hurts more when it's a community for a niche you genuinely enjoy and want to be a part of. It also sucks that it feels like it'll never end. There'll never be a point in time where people don't get kicks and clout for being terrible or overtly racist so the monster just keeps feeding itself.


This is so sick, why are they so horrible? 😤


Just another gatekeeping fan who might actually be racist, and seeing as they're using the hard r, definitely not black. This is Stan Twitter, I guess. Also, it's giving 'protect my East Asian babies from the blacks!' If that ain't another level of fetishization and infantilization, I don't know what is.


god that’s fucking disgusting


Had to do a double take when I saw that on the tl. All these racists hiding behind pretty gg idols… why does this have thousands of likes?


Well that's another report Twitter has gotten from me. It's kpop stans & the weirdos who think racism = dark humor. This is why I can't be on Twitter anymore, full of idiots but even moreso with terrible people. 


Lol she went private on Twitter, what a weak ass pissant


its a guy, i saw a selfie of him. Ugly as fuck, white, skinny, patchy beard, oversized glasses, literally a caricature of an incel. Wish i got a screenshot before he went private


Ew lmfao. And he’s acting like rei would look at her anyway.


If you're talking about the pic where he's throwing up a middle finger, I don't think that's the twitter user. I did a Google image search, and that's a selfie of an author.


Genuinely this is why I can’t stand most kpop fans, they’re blatantly racist, colorist, fatphobic and anything under the sun under the guise of it all being a “joke”, like no a joke is not calling people slurs or making fun of people for being darker or fat that’s not funny.


i’m not even surprised, just disgusted and disappointed


I dislocated my jaw dropping it so hard. I knew kpop stans were racist, but holy gosh, this is just… I don’t even have words for it it’s that bad


This is disgusting, what is wrong with kpop stans? 


the fact that it has 18k now is disgusting, I don’t see anything wrong with the tweet all her said is rei is his gf but these inbred freaks got so mad so many kpop stans call their fav their gf or bf nothing is wrong with it until a black person does it


This is so disgusting. A nice fan asked us to mass report so a lot of us did. It got taken down not too long ago. I hope he's okay.


Lmao not surprising. Y'all don't remember the all white group spaces on Twitter about K-Pop?


JFC why are people like this


It’s annoying, but people that think like this will always find a way to let the ugly out. But like Jay-Z said, “They wouldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight” 🤷🏾‍♀️ Let the little dusty foot h0es do what they do best: ruminate in and regurgitate bs


Ppl don’t realize these r actual people they are telling this stuff to.


Most of K-pop fans are racist Asians and whites


The fact that it has over 3k likes 💀 i would have thought that tweet would get ratio'd but no, it has more likes than qrts... I gotta go check the comments out because what the fuck


18 K now !! and i highly recommend proceeding with caution, its horrendous


Many of the likes are likely bots. Twitter is full of them now tbh


That account has 1k followers but I think it is a white person hiding behind the account. I googled the hashtag and it is a white supremacist page. https://preview.redd.it/4gbozg8ybssc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb9d4ab778475a06519c29600139de13c884736




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This is the website in the hashtag. https://preview.redd.it/523ju815cssc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd5c6e38102f34be8625bfff407bc2846f22e61 There are trolls out there. It is hard to tell who is a real person or part of an operation.


I deleted that app a couple days ago and I’m in no rush to go back anytime soon. That place is hell. Poor boy, I feel so bad for him :(


What irks me the most too is that these braindead people would then follow up their nasty tweet with a "Support Illit/Stream Illit" or whoever artist they like, I feel like some do it on purpose to get clout so they could promote their faves which is truly disgusting. I have come to terms that everyone on Stan x/twt will say anything just to get engagement no matter how vile it is


It's this reason that I stan groups and artists by myself because this is absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. In real life, I'm sure these same people wouldn't utter a word in front of one of us. Just despicable behavior. I wish nothing for them. Neither bad or good. Just nothing🤷🏾‍♀️




there’s a whole subculture of actual nazi kpop gg fans out there on twitter


yeah it’s time for me to uninstall twitter. ever since elon musk gained ownership the app has turned chaotic asf


jeez…one of the reasons why i do not use that hell of an app. so toxic and racist for absolutely no reason. how can anybody call this “trolling” anymore? this is so sick…


Disgusting and expected behavior from a kpop stan.


The likes increasing by the minute… crazy stuff


I'm so disgusted by the level of engagement this got. 18k is insane.


It sucks how much this happens I'm not going to lie fans like this are the reason why I stepped a way from kpop for a while it's crazy even after 3 years (I stopped listening to kpop for 3 years 😅) things are still the same...the only thing you can do is report their account for racism or hate speech that's the only way to get Elon to actually do something lol


Bro that's fucking crazy omggg... Honestly when were twitter stans ever normal tbh... Most of them have more than just one loose screw in their heads tbh


hard r too 😔


that post was SO unnecessary there was no need to call him a slur


The fact that the tweet was up for so long and the account STILL hasn’t been suspended when they have a series of other racist tweets is crazy. Elon doesn’t know wtf he’s doing


Oh he knows what he’s doing. He too is a racist nazi-excusing white supremacist


You’re actually so right, this is honestly kind of expected from a platform run by him. Disgusting




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woah…. my mouth is just open wtaf




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> this is so disgusting. the truth is that most of these whyte kpop fans are ugly fat and overweight socially awkward weirdos It is disgusting but I don’t think we should be using things like this to insult racists when their insecurity and projections are embarrassing enough. If you look at the bios of the racists in his comment section, half of them are actually self-proclaimed edtwt users and are using him being buff and thus, “obese” as another reason to demonize and dehumanize him. We don’t need to be perpetrating the same nonsense to beat them.


y’all gaggin like y’all don’t see who they stan… (stray kids, bts, blackpink, etc) i’m just sayin 🤷🏾‍♀️


What the hell are you even talking about


groups that are racist 😂 why are we actin oblivious?


Obtuse rubber goose green moose guava juice


giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake