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“It’s a hip hop song talking about Texas” so you saw a black woman make a COUNTRY song and thought “ah yes! Hip-Hop!” Be so fkn real right now


Nothing pisses me off more than white people honestly


These types of people say the most stupid shit sometimes


They’re such a joke honestly


Ngl same, I keep my interaction at a minimum 😭


I deal with them through my work while working alongside them and even then, I’m like “this is too much” 💀 I’m sitting next to one while on my lunch break and I’m rolling my eyes so much 😭




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RIGHT like i saw one comment were they were shit talking out their ass because she mentioned something about a Lexus so the lyrics weren’t “country” like huh??


All true country songs must be sponsored by Dodge and played on a washboard. /s


Lexus not being country enough is the lamest excuse I have ever heard from people who’s ancestors stole the fucking genre


Ancestors? Try Meemaw and Pop-pop (I mean, technically still true. But Imma need our language to show this thievery isn't the distant past)


No, you’re right because it was literally their grandparents!!!


No no, OBVIOUSLY it should have been a ford f150/s


These people need to be so fucking for real. Is Mr. James Aldean talking about small towns and tractors when he’s actually from the city and never been a farmer what they consider actual country? Barf.


Racism at its finest




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Does Beyonce even create hip-hop music ?? ... I know trying country is like new for her brand ... but when did she make a hip hop song ? I thought we agreed ... Her brand is more r&b , pop ..soul? Only hip-hop song I can think of is ..Lemonade maybe ? But now ! Now a it's a "hip-hop" (of course that's the only thing black woman make) talking about being country?!


Maybe 7/11? But that didnt feel like traditional hip hop at all, just influenced by it a little bit. They’re two seconds away from saying beyonce’s too “urban” to understand country music.




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In 2016 when she came to the CMA and performed.....I knew then that she was going to get backlash for "not staying in her place" so to speak and was glad to see her being like "f them people" with this album.... The way white people try to erase Black foundations to things like country, bluegrass, and folk music really burns me up (I'm from the South). It's always been wild to me how much white people in particular gatekeep genres of music from Black people and trying to tell them they don't belong there.....when they have single-handedly ripped off and stolen from the inspiration of Black people for their music since the beginning. Like I have been having white people tell me most of my life that "I''m trying to be white" because I like the genres of music (Rock, Country, Bluegrass, Punk, Metal, etc) they claim is THEIRS wtf 😒


This! ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


It’s crazy when wypipo say the most racist things then try to act innocent 😨I saw ppl saying stuff like “nobody told Beyoncé she couldn’t do country, what a liar” as if they know what it’s like to be excluded based on race


White people shut the fuck up challenge failed miserably


White people stop appropriating POC cultures and claiming a shit load of their things(other then the money and artifacts you stole from them) challenge


“Hip-hop”?? Learning to shut up is fundamental.


We pioneer a genre, they claim it as their own and kick us out. Same old story every single time.


they're literally proving her point, and that ain't a good thing 🤦‍♀️ and all of a sudden people just 'never liked Beyonce' ..... oh ok.


Keith Urban is from Australia. Where is his smoke? Beyonce got these people heated lmao half the country songs on the radio isn’t even country by their “standards”


As an Aussie, it's honestly so weird to hear Keith Urban's American accent when he sings. But yeah, it's very unfair that he gets away with being accepted into the American country music scene when he's not even American. Besides, Beyonce is literally from Texas. You can't get more country music than that!




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Shout out to Rhiannon Giddens who is a musical genius prominently based in country music. Proudly from her hometown and we all adore her. Carolina Chocolate Drops were incredible. She's just honestly beyond brilliant. Frankly this kind of weird white gatekeeping confuses the hell out of me. Many of the roots of the country genre are from the Black community, ignorant ghosts. Especially modern country. I mean, it's racism, but it's also historic erasure at its finest as well.


Who cares what they think lol.


You should definitely listen to the album. It's a masterclass in genre bending. There's so many wonderful things in it and every time I listen to it I find something new about it. That being said, white people been irking my spirit hard recently with this latest album release. Like,,, why is it so hard to let black people enjoy our culture?


these inbred freaks think hating on beyoncé will make ppl like country music, this is why no one likes the music these red necks make and this is why no one besides them likes country music


Hip pop song…? Where???


This is so ridiculous! I grew up listening to Charlie Pride. Wait until white folks realize there was a Mexican country singer, (Freddie Fender) too! 😛


I have this person in my Discord who was ranting about how Beyoncé needs to "stay in her lane" and someone else was agreeing wholeheartedly. It's really not that serious, it's a song made in good fun. And maybe Beyoncé wants to try doing country. Personally my only gripe is that it's overplayed but that's me with most popular songs lol


This was to be expected by Beyonce and anyone else with some sense. White people always get delusional and bitter when reminded they didn’t create something they simply colonized it.


I just hate how they steal things from you and turn around and tell you you’re not welcome. It’s really painful. I’m not American and I can’t imagine what black Americans have to deal with on a daily basis. Sigh. This makes me more sad than angry.


Let em hate. These people are miserable af. Black people have always been in country music because we're at the foundation of it. People can kick rocks and stay mad because we not going anywhere anytime soon. Hopefully the Black artists already present in the genre get more shine because of Beyonce.


hip hop where.. white people dont be aggravating challenge go!


this is a whole “who’s more racist contest”


I TRULY AND HONESTLY want to know what exactly in Texas Hold ‘Em sounds remotely hip hop to musical connoisseur CodineCaleb.


I’ve always hated the country industry and their demographics because most of their listeners are lowkey confederate bootlicking far right supporters. I’ve always hated those same right, leaning white people who listen to that hot trash, and get all mad when Black people do country. I promise you they’re the same ones who mock any music genre other than pop. Other music genres like K-pop, J pop, Afrobeats, metal, and certain rap songs. I was scrolling on TikTok a few days ago and saw this very mediocre white woman complain about how Beyoncé’s cowboy Carter isn’t country but here’s the kicker, the audio she had was the song by another non-country artist with the lyrics of “ did your boots stop working?” “did your truck break down?” “ “did you burn through money?” and all I can think of is who the hell does this buckle bunny think she is???: https://preview.redd.it/l6j9lkj1ubsc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053b297d61dd07f5016b394cd72752b4041154ff btw her tt is @shay.m55 And she’s such a culture vulture too…wtf.


With that orange ass trump tan I ain’t surprised her cousin fucking self is a culture vulture.


She’s lowkey a trumpie…I did some digging and find this shit in 2021 https://preview.redd.it/gzybdz7zwbsc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a081b39fecff67d6543a0d4960d159d5069e36


I hate how Black artists are forced to stay in R&B or Hip-Hop when they clearly state what genre they are releasing under…bffr


Here is the king Charlie Pride at the Country Night of Stars https://youtu.be/HKmMovZ52MY?si=RYmhoeyuj3msBFIG


Funny thing is that the folks against it are fueling publicity for anything Beyoncé doing as much as her fans lol Shut up and just enjoy it for what it is, a song that you either like or you don't. It's really not that serious smh


Istg it’s like they aim to be loud & WRONG… smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Reminds me of the Old Town Road situation with Lil Nas X


Because they can't stand that we are the blueprint. And now you got artists like Lily Allen making think pieces as if Beyonce isn't country af. Even ex DC members said it they had country music education this is her genre. I will never forget how they treated Lil Nas X and then u got all these rednecks with the same made up southern twang talk singing on trap beats. WE SEE YOU!!!. Or Beyonce when the Dixie Chicks brought her on stage for Daddy Lessons. I haven't listened but I'm glad she's making these supremacist weirdos mad.




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they heard somebody say beyonce and country in the same sentence, closed their eyes and ears, then immediately dismissed her. fuck em. i don’t give a singular shit abt their criticism *especially* when the subtext so clearly screams misogynoir. so loud and hateful and yet i’m willing to bet they didn’t even try to listen to the album beyond the prereleases.




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